windows on arm


iFixit says new Arm Surface hardware “puts repair front and center”

how things have changed —

Both devices make it relatively easy to get at the battery and SSD.

Microsoft's 11th-edition Surface Pro, as exploded by iFixit. Despite adhesive holding in the screen and the fact that you need to remove the heatsink to get at the battery, it's still much more repairable than past Surfaces or competing tablets.

Enlarge / Microsoft’s 11th-edition Surface Pro, as exploded by iFixit. Despite adhesive holding in the screen and the fact that you need to remove the heatsink to get at the battery, it’s still much more repairable than past Surfaces or competing tablets.

For a long time, Microsoft’s Surface hardware was difficult-to-impossible to open and repair, and devices as recent as 2019’s Surface Pro 7 still managed a repairability score of just 1 out of 10 on iFixit’s scale. 2017’s original Surface Laptop needed to be physically sliced apart to access its internals, making it essentially impossible to try to fix the machine without destroying it.

But in recent years, partly due to pressure from shareholders and others, Microsoft has made an earnest effort to improve the repairability of its devices. The company has published detailed repair manuals and videos and has made changes to its hardware designs over the years to make it easier to open them without breaking them and easier to replace parts once you’re inside. Microsoft also sells some first-party parts for repairs, though not every part from every Surface is available, and Microsoft and iFixit have partnered to offer other parts as well.

Now, iFixit has torn apart the most recent Snapdragon X-powered Surface Pro and Surface Laptop devices and has mostly high praise for both devices in its preliminary teardown video. Both devices earn an 8 out of 10 on iFixit’s repairability scale, thanks to Microsoft’s first-party service manuals, the relative ease with which both devices can be opened, and clearly labeled internal components.

Beneath the Surface

To open the Surface Laptop, iFixit says you only need to undo four screws, hidden beneath the laptop’s rubber feet; at that point, the bottom of the machine is only attached by magnets, rather than breakable retention clips. Opening the bottom of the laptop provides easy access to the battery and an M.2 2232 SSD. Labels inside the device indicate which screws need to be removed to replace which parts, and what kind of screwdriver you’ll need to do the job; scannable barcodes also make it easier to find repair manuals and parts on Microsoft’s site. Most other parts are easy to remove and replace once the bottom of the laptop is off.

The Surface Pro’s best repairability feature remains its easily accessible M.2 2232 SSD, present under a pop-off cover on the back of the tablet. From there, things get more difficult—accessing the battery and other components requires removing the screen, which is still held in place with adhesive rather than screws or magnets. This adhesive needs to be removed—iFixit cut it away with a thin plastic tool, and closing the tablet back up securely would likely require new adhesive to be applied. Once inside, the parts and screws are still labeled clearly, but you do need to remove the entire heatsink before you can replace the battery.

iFixit uses slightly different criteria for evaluating the repairability of laptops and tablets since tablets are more tightly integrated devices. So despite the identical repairability scores, the Surface Pro remains slightly more difficult to open and fix than the laptop; iFixit is just comparing it to devices like the iPad Air and Pro rather than other PC laptops, and the Surface Pro still looks better than other tablets by comparison despite the use of adhesive.

The teardown video didn’t detail exactly why iFixit knocked points off of each device’s repairability score, though iFixit took note of the soldered-down non-upgradeable RAM and Wi-Fi/Bluetooth modules. Both devices also use way more screws and clips than something like the Framework Laptop, which could also be a factor.

We’ve been using the new Snapdragon-powered Surface devices for a few days now, and we’ll have more thoughts to share about the hardware and its performance in the coming days.

iFixit says new Arm Surface hardware “puts repair front and center” Read More »


The year of Windows on Arm? Google launches official Chrome builds.

Armed and ready —

Chrome for Windows-on-Arm should hit stable in time for Qualcomm’s big launch.

The Chrome nightly download page with an important section highlighted.

Enlarge / The Chrome nightly download page with an important section highlighted.

Ron Amadeo

Chrome is landing on a new platform: Windows on Arm. We don’t have an official announcement yet, but X user Pedro Justo was the first to spot that the Chrome Canary page now quietly hosts binaries for “Windows 11 Arm.”

Chrome has run on Windows for a long time, but that’s the x86 version. It also supports various Arm OSes, like Android, Chrome OS, and Mac OS. There’s also Chromium, the open source codebase on Chrome, which has run on Windows Arm for a while now, thanks mostly to Microsoft’s Edge browser being a Chromium derivative. The official “Google Chrome” has never been supported on Windows on Arm until now, though.

Windows may be a huge platform, but “Windows on Arm” is not. Apple’s switch to the Arm architecture has been a battery life revelation for laptops, and in the wake of that, interest in Windows on Arm has picked up. A big inflection point will be the release of laptops with the Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite SoC in mid-2024. Assuming Qualcomm’s pre-launch hype pans out, this will be the first Arm on Windows chip to be in the same class as Apple Silicon. Previously, Windows on Arm could only run Chrome as an x86 app via a slow translation layer, so getting the world’s most popular browser to a native quality level in time for launch will be a big deal for Qualcomm.

The “Canary” channel is Chrome’s nightly builds channel, so fresh Arm builds should be arriving at a rapid pace. Usually, Canary features take about two months to hit the stable channels, which would be plenty of time for the new Snapdragon chip. It’s hard to know if Google will stick to that timeline, as this is a whole new architecture/OS combo. But again, most of the work has been ongoing for years now. The next steps would be rolling out Windows Arm dev and beta channels soon.

Listing image by Photo illustration by Aurich Lawson

The year of Windows on Arm? Google launches official Chrome builds. Read More »