

Runway’s latest AI video generator brings giant cotton candy monsters to life

Screen capture of a Runway Gen-3 Alpha video generated with the prompt

Enlarge / Screen capture of a Runway Gen-3 Alpha video generated with the prompt “A giant humanoid, made of fluffy blue cotton candy, stomping on the ground, and roaring to the sky, clear blue sky behind them.”

On Sunday, Runway announced a new AI video synthesis model called Gen-3 Alpha that’s still under development, but it appears to create video of similar quality to OpenAI’s Sora, which debuted earlier this year (and has also not yet been released). It can generate novel, high-definition video from text prompts that range from realistic humans to surrealistic monsters stomping the countryside.

Unlike Runway’s previous best model from June 2023, which could only create two-second-long clips, Gen-3 Alpha can reportedly create 10-second-long video segments of people, places, and things that have a consistency and coherency that easily surpasses Gen-2. If 10 seconds sounds short compared to Sora’s full minute of video, consider that the company is working with a shoestring budget of compute compared to more lavishly funded OpenAI—and actually has a history of shipping video generation capability to commercial users.

Gen-3 Alpha does not generate audio to accompany the video clips, and it’s highly likely that temporally coherent generations (those that keep a character consistent over time) are dependent on similar high-quality training material. But Runway’s improvement in visual fidelity over the past year is difficult to ignore.

AI video heats up

It’s been a busy couple of weeks for AI video synthesis in the AI research community, including the launch of the Chinese model Kling, created by Beijing-based Kuaishou Technology (sometimes called “Kwai”). Kling can generate two minutes of 1080p HD video at 30 frames per second with a level of detail and coherency that reportedly matches Sora.

Gen-3 Alpha prompt: “Subtle reflections of a woman on the window of a train moving at hyper-speed in a Japanese city.”

Not long after Kling debuted, people on social media began creating surreal AI videos using Luma AI’s Luma Dream Machine. These videos were novel and weird but generally lacked coherency; we tested out Dream Machine and were not impressed by anything we saw.

Meanwhile, one of the original text-to-video pioneers, New York City-based Runway—founded in 2018—recently found itself the butt of memes that showed its Gen-2 tech falling out of favor compared to newer video synthesis models. That may have spurred the announcement of Gen-3 Alpha.

Gen-3 Alpha prompt: “An astronaut running through an alley in Rio de Janeiro.”

Generating realistic humans has always been tricky for video synthesis models, so Runway specifically shows off Gen-3 Alpha’s ability to create what its developers call “expressive” human characters with a range of actions, gestures, and emotions. However, the company’s provided examples weren’t particularly expressive—mostly people just slowly staring and blinking—but they do look realistic.

Provided human examples include generated videos of a woman on a train, an astronaut running through a street, a man with his face lit by the glow of a TV set, a woman driving a car, and a woman running, among others.

Gen-3 Alpha prompt: “A close-up shot of a young woman driving a car, looking thoughtful, blurred green forest visible through the rainy car window.”

The generated demo videos also include more surreal video synthesis examples, including a giant creature walking in a rundown city, a man made of rocks walking in a forest, and the giant cotton candy monster seen below, which is probably the best video on the entire page.

Gen-3 Alpha prompt: “A giant humanoid, made of fluffy blue cotton candy, stomping on the ground, and roaring to the sky, clear blue sky behind them.”

Gen-3 will power various Runway AI editing tools (one of the company’s most notable claims to fame), including Multi Motion Brush, Advanced Camera Controls, and Director Mode. It can create videos from text or image prompts.

Runway says that Gen-3 Alpha is the first in a series of models trained on a new infrastructure designed for large-scale multimodal training, taking a step toward the development of what it calls “General World Models,” which are hypothetical AI systems that build internal representations of environments and use them to simulate future events within those environments.

Runway’s latest AI video generator brings giant cotton candy monsters to life Read More »


Tyler Perry puts $800 million studio expansion on hold because of OpenAI’s Sora

The Synthetic Screen —

Perry: Mind-blowing AI video-generation tools “will touch every corner of our industry.”

Tyler Perry in 2022.

Enlarge / Tyler Perry in 2022.

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter published Thursday, filmmaker Tyler Perry spoke about his concerns related to the impact of AI video synthesis on entertainment industry jobs. In particular, he revealed that he has suspended a planned $800 million expansion of his production studio after seeing what OpenAI’s recently announced AI video generator Sora can do.

“I have been watching AI very closely,” Perry said in the interview. “I was in the middle of, and have been planning for the last four years… an $800 million expansion at the studio, which would’ve increased the backlot a tremendous size—we were adding 12 more soundstages. All of that is currently and indefinitely on hold because of Sora and what I’m seeing. I had gotten word over the last year or so that this was coming, but I had no idea until I saw recently the demonstrations of what it’s able to do. It’s shocking to me.”

OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, revealed a preview of Sora’s capabilities last week. Sora is a text-to-video synthesis model, and it uses a neural network—previously trained on video examples—that can take written descriptions of a scene and turn them into high-definition video clips up to 60 seconds long. Sora caused shock in the tech world because it appeared to surpass other AI video generators in capability dramatically. It seems that a similar shock also rippled into adjacent professional fields. “Being told that it can do all of these things is one thing, but actually seeing the capabilities, it was mind-blowing,” Perry said in the interview.

Tyler Perry Studios, which the actor and producer acquired in 2015, is a 330-acre lot located in Atlanta and is one of the largest film production facilities in the United States. Perry, who is perhaps best known for his series of Madea films, says that technology like Sora worries him because it could make the need for building sets or traveling to locations obsolete. He cites examples of virtual shooting in the snow of Colorado or on the Moon just by using a text prompt. “This AI can generate it like nothing.” The technology may represent a radical reduction in costs necessary to create a film, and that will likely put entertainment industry jobs in jeopardy.

“It makes me worry so much about all of the people in the business,” he told The Hollywood Reporter. “Because as I was looking at it, I immediately started thinking of everyone in the industry who would be affected by this, including actors and grip and electric and transportation and sound and editors, and looking at this, I’m thinking this will touch every corner of our industry.”

You can read the full interview at The Hollywood Reporter, which did an excellent job of covering Perry’s thoughts on a technology that may end up fundamentally disrupting Hollywood. To his mind, AI tech poses an existential risk to the entertainment industry that it can’t ignore: “There’s got to be some sort of regulations in order to protect us. If not, I just don’t see how we survive.”

Perry also looks beyond Hollywood and says that it’s not just filmmaking that needs to be on alert, and he calls for government action to help retain human employment in the age of AI. “If you look at it across the world, how it’s changing so quickly, I’m hoping that there’s a whole government approach to help everyone be able to sustain.”

Tyler Perry puts $800 million studio expansion on hold because of OpenAI’s Sora Read More »


Will Smith parodies viral AI-generated video by actually eating spaghetti

Mangia, mangia —

Actor pokes fun at 2023 AI video by eating spaghetti messily and claiming it’s AI-generated.

The real Will Smith eating spaghetti, parodying an AI-generated video from 2023.

Enlarge / The real Will Smith eating spaghetti, parodying an AI-generated video from 2023.

On Monday, Will Smith posted a video on his official Instagram feed that parodied an AI-generated video of the actor eating spaghetti that went viral last year. With the recent announcement of OpenAI’s Sora video synthesis model, many people have noted the dramatic jump in AI-video quality over the past year compared to the infamous spaghetti video. Smith’s new video plays on that comparison by showing the actual actor eating spaghetti in a comical fashion and claiming that it is AI-generated.

Captioned “This is getting out of hand!”, the Instagram video uses a split screen layout to show the original AI-generated spaghetti video created by a Reddit user named “chaindrop” in March 2023 on the top, labeled with the subtitle “AI Video 1 year ago.” Below that, in a box titled “AI Video Now,” the real Smith shows 11 video segments of himself actually eating spaghetti by slurping it up while shaking his head, pouring it into his mouth with his fingers, and even nibbling on a friend’s hair. 2006’s Snap Yo Fingers by Lil Jon plays in the background.

In the Instagram comments section, some people expressed confusion about the new (non-AI) video, saying, “I’m still in doubt if second video was also made by AI or not.” In a reply, someone else wrote, “Boomers are gonna loose [sic] this one. Second one is clearly him making a joke but I wouldn’t doubt it in a couple months time it will get like that.”

We have not yet seen a model with the capability of Sora attempt to create a new Will-Smith-eating-spaghetti AI video, but the result would likely be far better than what we saw last year, even if it contained obvious glitches. Given how things are progressing, we wouldn’t be surprised if by 2025, video synthesis AI models can replicate the parody video created by Smith himself.

It’s worth noting for history’s sake that despite the comparison, the video of Will Smith eating spaghetti did not represent the state of the art in text-to-video synthesis at the time of its creation in March 2023 (that title would likely apply to Runway’s Gen-2, which was then in closed testing). However, the spaghetti video was reasonably advanced for open weights models at the time, having used the ModelScope AI model. More capable video synthesis models had already been released at that time, but due to the humorous cultural reference, it’s arguably more fun to compare today’s AI video synthesis to Will Smith grotesquely eating spaghetti than to teddy bears washing dishes.

Will Smith parodies viral AI-generated video by actually eating spaghetti Read More »


OpenAI collapses media reality with Sora, a photorealistic AI video generator

Pics and it didn’t happen —

Hello, cultural singularity—soon, every video you see online could be completely fake.

Snapshots from three videos generated using OpenAI's Sora.

Enlarge / Snapshots from three videos generated using OpenAI’s Sora.

On Thursday, OpenAI announced Sora, a text-to-video AI model that can generate 60-second-long photorealistic HD video from written descriptions. While it’s only a research preview that we have not tested, it reportedly creates synthetic video (but not audio yet) at a fidelity and consistency greater than any text-to-video model available at the moment. It’s also freaking people out.

“It was nice knowing you all. Please tell your grandchildren about my videos and the lengths we went to to actually record them,” wrote Wall Street Journal tech reporter Joanna Stern on X.

“This could be the ‘holy shit’ moment of AI,” wrote Tom Warren of The Verge.

“Every single one of these videos is AI-generated, and if this doesn’t concern you at least a little bit, nothing will,” tweeted YouTube tech journalist Marques Brownlee.

For future reference—since this type of panic will some day appear ridiculous—there’s a generation of people who grew up believing that photorealistic video must be created by cameras. When video was faked (say, for Hollywood films), it took a lot of time, money, and effort to do so, and the results weren’t perfect. That gave people a baseline level of comfort that what they were seeing remotely was likely to be true, or at least representative of some kind of underlying truth. Even when the kid jumped over the lava, there was at least a kid and a room.

The prompt that generated the video above: “A movie trailer featuring the adventures of the 30 year old space man wearing a red wool knitted motorcycle helmet, blue sky, salt desert, cinematic style, shot on 35mm film, vivid colors.

Technology like Sora pulls the rug out from under that kind of media frame of reference. Very soon, every photorealistic video you see online could be 100 percent false in every way. Moreover, every historical video you see could also be false. How we confront that as a society and work around it while maintaining trust in remote communications is far beyond the scope of this article, but I tried my hand at offering some solutions back in 2020, when all of the tech we’re seeing now seemed like a distant fantasy to most people.

In that piece, I called the moment that truth and fiction in media become indistinguishable the “cultural singularity.” It appears that OpenAI is on track to bring that prediction to pass a bit sooner than we expected.

Prompt: Reflections in the window of a train traveling through the Tokyo suburbs.

OpenAI has found that, like other AI models that use the transformer architecture, Sora scales with available compute. Given far more powerful computers behind the scenes, AI video fidelity could improve considerably over time. In other words, this is the “worst” AI-generated video is ever going to look. There’s no synchronized sound yet, but that might be solved in future models.

How (we think) they pulled it off

AI video synthesis has progressed by leaps and bounds over the past two years. We first covered text-to-video models in September 2022 with Meta’s Make-A-Video. A month later, Google showed off Imagen Video. And just 11 months ago, an AI-generated version of Will Smith eating spaghetti went viral. In May of last year, what was previously considered to be the front-runner in the text-to-video space, Runway Gen-2, helped craft a fake beer commercial full of twisted monstrosities, generated in two-second increments. In earlier video-generation models, people pop in and out of reality with ease, limbs flow together like pasta, and physics doesn’t seem to matter.

Sora (which means “sky” in Japanese) appears to be something altogether different. It’s high-resolution (1920×1080), can generate video with temporal consistency (maintaining the same subject over time) that lasts up to 60 seconds, and appears to follow text prompts with a great deal of fidelity. So, how did OpenAI pull it off?

OpenAI doesn’t usually share insider technical details with the press, so we’re left to speculate based on theories from experts and information given to the public.

OpenAI says that Sora is a diffusion model, much like DALL-E 3 and Stable Diffusion. It generates a video by starting off with noise and “gradually transforms it by removing the noise over many steps,” the company explains. It “recognizes” objects and concepts listed in the written prompt and pulls them out of the noise, so to speak, until a coherent series of video frames emerge.

Sora is capable of generating videos all at once from a text prompt, extending existing videos, or generating videos from still images. It achieves temporal consistency by giving the model “foresight” of many frames at once, as OpenAI calls it, solving the problem of ensuring a generated subject remains the same even if it falls out of view temporarily.

OpenAI represents video as collections of smaller groups of data called “patches,” which the company says are similar to tokens (fragments of a word) in GPT-4. “By unifying how we represent data, we can train diffusion transformers on a wider range of visual data than was possible before, spanning different durations, resolutions, and aspect ratios,” the company writes.

An important tool in OpenAI’s bag of tricks is that its use of AI models is compounding. Earlier models are helping to create more complex ones. Sora follows prompts well because, like DALL-E 3, it utilizes synthetic captions that describe scenes in the training data generated by another AI model like GPT-4V. And the company is not stopping here. “Sora serves as a foundation for models that can understand and simulate the real world,” OpenAI writes, “a capability we believe will be an important milestone for achieving AGI.”

One question on many people’s minds is what data OpenAI used to train Sora. OpenAI has not revealed its dataset, but based on what people are seeing in the results, it’s possible OpenAI is using synthetic video data generated in a video game engine in addition to sources of real video (say, scraped from YouTube or licensed from stock video libraries). Nvidia’s Dr. Jim Fan, who is a specialist in training AI with synthetic data, wrote on X, “I won’t be surprised if Sora is trained on lots of synthetic data using Unreal Engine 5. It has to be!” Until confirmed by OpenAI, however, that’s just speculation.

OpenAI collapses media reality with Sora, a photorealistic AI video generator Read More »