

Monthly Roundup #13: December 2023

I have not actually forgotten that the rest of the world exists. As usual, this is everything that wasn’t worth an entire post and is not being saved for any of the roundup post categories.

(Roundup post categories are currently AI, Medical and Health, Housing and Traffic, Dating, Childhood and Education, Fertility, Startups, and potentially NEPA and Clean Energy.)

Rebels from Yemen were firing on ships in the Red Sea, a problem dating back thousands of years. Here’s where we were on December 17, with the US government finally dropping the hammer.

Hidden fees exist, even when everyone knows they’re there, because they work. StubHub experimented, the hiding meant people spent 21% more money. Companies simply can’t pass that up. Government intervention could be justified. However, I also notice that Ticketmaster is now using ‘all-in’ pricing for many shows with zero hidden fees, despite this problem.

Pollution is a huge deal (paper, video from MRU).

Alec Stapp: Cars spew pollution while waiting at toll booths. Paper uses E-ZPass replacement of toll booths to identify impact of vehicle emissions on public health. Key result: E-ZPass reduced prematurity and low birth weight among mothers within 2km of a toll plaza by 10.8% and 11.8%.

GPT-4 estimated this could have cut vehicle emissions by 10%-30%, so the implied relationship is ludicrously large, even though my quick investigation into the paper said that the estimates above are somewhat overstated.

Optimal chat size can be anywhere from 2 to 8 people who ever actually talk. Ten is already too many.

Emmett Shear: The group chat with 100 incredibly impressive and interesting members is far less valuable than the one with 10.

Ideal in-person chat sizes are more like 2 to at most 5.

The good news in both cases is that if you only lurk, in many ways you do not count.

Simple language is indeed better.

Samo Burja: I’ve come to appreciate simple language more and more. Careful and consistent use of common words and simple sentences can be just as technically precise.

Ben Landau-Taylor: I’m reading two papers by the same author, one at the start of his career and one after he’d been in the field for two decades. It’s remarkable how academic experience makes his prose *worse*. At first his language is clear and straightforward, later it’s needlessly complex.

IRS changed Section 174, under the ‘Tax Cuts and Jobs Act,’ such that R&D expenses can only be expensed over 5 years, or overseas over 15 years. All software development counts as R&D for this. If you are big and profitable, you do less R&D but you survive. If you are VC-backed and losing tons of money, you don’t owe anything anyway and do not care. If you are a bootstrapping tech company, or otherwise trying to get by, this is death, at a minimum you have to lay off a bunch of staff whose cost you can no longer meaningfully expense.

This is complete insanity. It is obviously bad policy to discourage R&D in this way but I did not fully realize the magnitude of the error. If we do not fix it quickly, it will do massive damage. I don’t care whether it makes sense in theory in terms of value, in practice companies are getting tax bills exceeding 100% of their income.

IRS did also notch a recent win. They’re cutting college aid application process from over 100 questions down to 18 with auto populated IRS information.

Ashley Schapitl: Thank the IRS for the new 10-minute college aid application process! “The new FAFSA pulls from information the government already has through the IRS to automatically input family income details.”

Yes, Matt Bruenig is coming out in favor of all paychecks going directly to the government, which then gives you your cut after. Just think of the efficiency gains. This does not seem like a good idea to me.

Department of amazing news but you’re only telling me this now?

Alec Stapp: Good news of the day: DOE is proposing a new rule to give solar, energy storage, and transmission line upgrades a categorical exclusion from environmental review. Simple administrative fix that will speed up permitting for clean energy.

This is only a proposed rule. There is still time for us to continue not building anything and boiling the planet. But yes. It turns out we had the ability to do this the entire time. This will, if implemented, dramatically advance our ability to do such projects.

The weirdest part is this is still only partial. It does not include non-battery energy storage, carbon capture, direct air capture, wind, geothermal or hydrogen. Once you realize you can do this, why stop at solar, transmission and batteries?

If we can give all clean energy projects this massive advantage, then we have a real shot at getting the grid off fossil fuels.

Did you know that if you are doing work for the federal government, you are expressly forbidden from doing user research unless you go through a 6 month approval process first? This is of course exactly the opposite of how anyone capable of building anything ever builds anything. Everything government does ends up like this. Massive disruption and let-people-do-things energy is needed, instead everyone is mostly forced to focus on meeting a long list of technical requirements.

We should continuously be thankful that Americans enjoy basic rights like ‘freedom of speech’ and ‘if the courts say something is illegal the government has to stop doing it.’ Because places like the UK do not grant their citizens such rights. Prim Minister Sunak is trying to deport anyone who arrives illegally on a boat and leave them in Rwanda. The courts have said this is illegal, you have to put them somewhere they are safe, and his response is:

UK Prime Minister: We are a reasonable country, but our patience has now run out. Our Parliament is sovereign, and it should be able to make decisions that cannot be undone in our courts.

This is both a cautionary tale, in that it is rare and precious that we enjoy such protections, and also a non-cautionary tale, in that the UK would still be a fine place to live, at least if they built houses in which one could live there.

Matt Yglesias theorizes that work from home is a dysfunctional equilibrium that makes people miserable, but an empty office is worse so you can get stuck. There will be cases where this is true, but also ‘you need to be in the office for signaling and office politics’ or flat out ‘they wouldn’t let you work from home’ meant a lot of people were miserable the other way.

He illustrates one way that Choices are Bad:

Matthew Yglesias: When I was in college, for one class we were assigned a case study of a company that shifted to a flexible work schedule that gave everyone way more opportunity to take time off when needed to participate in kids’ events, family responsibilities, etc.

Everybody hated it because the flexibility meant in practice that a huge share of your non-work time was taken up by family responsibilities.

They’d lose the freedom of there just randomly sometimes being neither work nor any family shit and you could just do whatever.

But they were stuck in a virtue signaling trap. Nobody could actually *saythat they preferred going back to a more rigid schedule that forced them to miss some school plays and kid softball games and family dinners.

That seems like a different situation. Also I don’t really buy it? I can see the problem but seems so hard for that to dominate.

Study finds most college students would actively prefer a world without Instagram and TikTok, but don’t feel they can stay away if everyone else is using them.

Jonathan Haidt: New study shows that TikTok and Insta trap young people, who feel they MUST use the platforms because… everyone else does. But if offered the chance to PAY to have everyone in their college delete the apps, most on TikTok, and half on Insta, would pay.

Also: most students say they’d PREFER to live in a world with no TikTok or Insta. Even most active users of Insta say that. Social media is not a normal consumer product. The negative spillover effects are enormous, not just on non-users, but on active users as well, the authors conclude. The business models of Meta and TikTok require trapping young users in this way. The presence of major external costs imposed on others–especially children–is the textbook example of why societies impose regulations, and why class action lawsuits exist.

See the summary, and the full working paper, here.

Andrew Critch: This survey shows how platforms are like arms dealers: turning us against each other and selling us weapons to attack each other in self-defense. They literally manufacture a Prisoner’s Dilemma. Now imagine all the ways superintelligent AI could turn us against each other.

From paper:

  • Users would need to be paid $59 to deactivate TikTok and $47 to deactivate Instagram if others in their network were to continue using their accounts.

  • Users would be willing to pay $28 and $10 to have others, including themselves, deactivate TikTok and Instagram, respectively. Accounting for consumption spillovers to non-users reveals that 64% of active TikTok users and 48% of active Instagram users experience negative welfare from the products’ existence. Participants who do not have accounts would be willing to pay $67 and $39 to have others deactivate their TikTok and Instagram accounts, respectively.

  • Taken together, these results imply the existence of a “social media trap” for a large share of consumers, whose utility from the platforms is negative but would have been even more negative if they didn’t use social media.

Our price cheap. New cause area. Only $106 per college student to get them all off of TikTok and Instagram at the margin, flipping to a negative amount if enough others took the bribe? The average college student pays $104,108 over four years to attend college. I’d much rather charge them an even $104k and have them agree not to use TikTok and Instagram. Everybody wins.

Nikki Haley called for mandatory identify verification on social media, saying the alterative is a ‘national security threat.’ She was rightfully roasted for this and was forced to walk it back. I will note that I was never especially worried she would be able to implement this, even if there was a legal way to do it. We have not even been able to ban TikTok, and oh boy is TikTok doing its best to explain why we need to ban it.

Also note that the bottom graphic says she first discussed this during a segment on antisemitism. If you think that either forcing people to identify themselves to talk, or otherwise censoring ideas, is a good way to fight antisemitism, you do not understand how any of this works, least of all antisemitism.

Claim that X Premium+ gives a rather large boost to Twitter engagement. I have not noticed an obvious difference between Premium+ and regular Premium, other than access to Grok.

It is highly understandable, given how unreasonable many attacks upon EA have recently been, for its advocates to get a little carried away in its defense. It is vital to not do that, and instead use this opportunity to get the house in order. This includes things like better respect for stakeholders and norms, it means not using supposed fungibility of lives and money to justify almost anything. And it especially means proper condemnation of lying and fraud.

Either lives and money are centrally fungible or they are not. Either you are on board with not committing fraud no matter what on a pretty basic level, or you’re doing math. Consider this from Scott Alexander, the necessity and precision of which boggles in various ways:

Scott Alexander: In my defense of EA, I said of its failures (primarily SBF) that “I’m not sure they cancel out the effect of saving one life, let alone 200,000.” A friend convinced me that this was an unfair exaggeration. There are purported exchange rates between money and lives, destroying billions in value is pretty bad by all of them, and there are knock-on effects on social trust from fraud that suggest its negative effects should be valued even higher. I regret this sentence, no longer stand by it, and have added it to my Mistakes page.

I feel like the important mistake here has not been properly recognized yet?

The link goes to the EPA statistics on mortality, where a life is valued at $10 million. Meanwhile, Scott Alexander is using estimates of EA lives saved based on dollars spent on interventions times EA’s own estimated cost per life saved for the intervention. Which is, to say the least, quite a lot lower.

Effectiveness for me but not for thee. You almost need to justify why you wouldn’t commit fraud, here using secondary knock-on effects but they are unquantified and thus easy to largely disregard if you follow such a philosophy too closely.

This is then combined with an implied denial of action-inaction distinction. Which is good utilitarian logic and we very much go overboard the other way as a civilization, but this type of scenario is exactly why that distinction is often necessary in practice rather than confused or stupid.

More to the point, you can’t both make the case that everyone agrees you definitely shouldn’t ever commit fraud, and also make arguments like this that the fraud basically wasn’t inherently that big a deal. It was a big deal.

Even if and while you are determined to only look at specific quantifiable knock-on effects, advocates of EA must appreciate how stupendously bad SBF was for exactly what they most care about. The whole OpenAI incident had many causes, but an important one was a desire by Altman and others in management to distance from EA, caused largely by the direct aftermath of SBF and FTX. They are far from the only ones looking to create such distance.

In other EA criticism: Long thread from Eli Tyre critiquing EA as too focused on quantifying first order effects, in a way that works on the margin but does not scale. Can you improve the world a lot without deeply understanding it? On the margin, yes, relative to your efforts, there are various tricks to free ride on the information of others. Or you can deeply understand the local situation, and help locally. Or find unique opportunities that are overdetermined, where you don’t need deep understanding to know the right play. Helping at scale without deeply understanding what you are doing? No. Won’t work.

McKenzie Scott gives away $2.1 billion to 360 different charities. Focus is clearly to help Americans with things like health, poverty, hunger, community centers, child aid, legal aid and so on. Very conventional portfolio ‘this is a charity that helps the less fortunate by providing stuff,’ with broad diversification.

I love that she is so low key about all this, not making it all about her. Mad respect.

Matthew Yglesias: If you tell people you are trying to do the most good, inevitably people will end up disagreeing with some of your choices and getting mad.

If you do what Scott does and just throw money around semi-randomly with no particular reason given then people love it.

This is a ubiquitous issue. Taking default actions and avoiding agency and meaningful decisions means you are not blamed for things, rather than getting you blamed for not even trying to maximize. Trying to maximize gets you the opposite. This is a problem.

I am sad that she is missing the opportunity to do better. But that is supererogatory. What she is doing is still great. The origin of the mistake is, in large part, where people are mad at and blaming people for attempted maximization. And also where others are not laying the necessary groundwork for efficient passive investment.

In a world in which other people were doing the work of finding good charities and donating primarily to them, and responded to her actions by stepping up their work on that, Scott’s behavior as essentially a passive investor would work out well. Not everyone needs to be on the research team. Not everyone needs to be an active investor for market prices to work out.

The problem is that if the dumb money is outvoting the smart money in the nonprofit sector. If the grifters and emotional manipulators and storytellers and those with prestige and connections and reputations end up with the money. If the market is fundamentally failing, then putting in more passive money is going to encourage further bad behaviors and distortions. And that is indeed my model.

This compounds over time, if Scott’s decisions predictably reward funds raised. That will amplifies returns to raising funds. Doing this kind of passive investment once and only once is basically fine even in a pretty bad situation. Do it every year at this size, where people can plan for it, could become a real problem.

I love how it has proven essentially impossible to, even with essentially unlimited power, rig a vote in a non-obvious way. I am not saying it never happens deniably, and you may not like it, but this is what peaked rigged election somehow always seems to actually look like.

Kenny: This is the funniest way to start a war. Have a “should we invade?” Referendum and then rig the vote for yes. 10/10 no notes

That’s right. Exactly 95/5, exactly 10.5 million yes votes, exactly the same vote totals on both questions. It is a power move, rather than laziness or a mistake, making it clear to everyone what you did rather than having people ‘accuse you’ of anything. Which makes sense.

Police in San Francisco can get paid over $400k total compensation via overtime.

I have no problem with paying the market clearing price for talent. San Francisco’s tech community certainly understands this lesson. If no one wants to be a police officer, especially one who works lots of overtime, then the price should be high. Very few of you would take the job even at $500k. I certainly wouldn’t.

What we actually have here is different. We have a failure of marketing.

If you are going to pay this much, that’s fine, do what you have to do, but then structure it to induce supply and then you shout it from the rooftops.

Instead we get:

Give me one minute television adds during 49ers games that explain the full compensation package. You’ll get your new recruits.

Even better, structure it so base is stronger but system is harder to game and overtime pays less, I am confident there is a way to make everyone but a few extreme examples better off.

Police in San Francisco seem increasingly to have zero ability to enforce the law. This could have something to do with their recruiting problems.

Garry Tan (CEO Y-Combinator): I just got forwarded the craziest email from SF Parking Enforcement

A vehicle used in narcotics trafficking with over $2600 worth of tickets has been parked for weeks across from the Marina Safeway.

A citizen asked to get it removed and this was the response. 🤯

Parking tickets are more of a suggestion, then. As are the laws against narcotics trafficking. I continue to be impressed at how slowly things are escalating.

Then again, they might reasonably wonder why they would bother.

Kane: Judges released ~90% [284 of 316] of the most egregious suspects in San Francisco, and basically none of them re-appeared for their court date. Incredible.

Kron 4 News: There are 535 suspected San Francisco drug dealers with open bench warrants who failed to show up in court to face narcotics sales charges, the DA’s Office said. Judges had granted their freedom from custody pending trial.

And then there’s this. Quite the headline from the San Francisco Standard.

San Francisco Homeless Man Camped Outside a School With ‘Free Fentanyl’ Sign Is Convicted Pedophile

The story backs this up, hard.

Joseph Adam Moore, 46, is camped opposite the Stella Maris Academy K-8 Catholic school on Geary Boulevard at Ninth Avenue. Convictions in Santa Cruz in the mid-’90s that are listed on the state’s registry of sex offenders say he was found guilty of forcible unlawful sex in 1997 and committed lewd acts with a child under 14 in 1996.

“We don’t want anything of that nature anywhere near our schools, but we want to be able to work with law enforcement to establish the guidelines,” he said. “The school works with law enforcement and city officials to manage unhoused individuals who are perhaps too close to the students. It’s a frequent thing.”

Marlow said the school would be looking into Moore’s claims that he is selling drugs near the school. He said that police had come to the location multiple times. 

San Francisco Superior Court documents show Moore has been arrested five times in the city since 2007 for allegedly failing to re-register his address as a sex offender every 30 days. 

I would think that picture would be sufficient to have the police deal with the situation, even if this wasn’t across from the school, a convicted sex offender and recurring over months. I would however be wrong about that, at least in San Francisco.

We need bold new ideas. Instead, we are told to beware the hot dogs, or anyone that might dare try and do business?

London Breed (Mayor of San Francisco): We want food vendors to be permitted so we can ensure the food being sold on our streets is safe and healthy. @SF_DPH will continue to enforce our food safety laws. They’ll also continue educating unpermitted vendors on how to get into compliance with the support from the City.

Paul Graham: Could you maybe start classing fentanyl as food, so that you’ll also be able to crack down on unlicensed street vendors of that?

near: cant believe this website is only $8.

Whatever it takes.

Other drugs sold in San Francisco (and presumably many other places) are increasingly laced with Fentanyl. As Garry Tan point out, this is very much on purpose, and officials are complacent. What to do about it? On a practical level, it is worth paying a premium to carefully source your recreational drugs, and get them from sources that are reliable and have no incentive to contaminate. I’m mostly in the ‘drugs (and alcohol) are bad’ camp even without this concern, but if you go a different way definitely get the good stuff.

Or are they finally turning the corner, completely unrelated to Xi’s visit?

Brooke Jenkins (District Attorney of San Francisco): We have now turned the corner on the culture in San Francisco with respect to retail theft. I have made it clear that we will prosecute those who commit theft in our City. No longer can we view retail theft as a low level crime. No longer can we view it as less serious.

She talks tough, even brags about getting a guilty verdict in a theft case. Let us see if she can keep it up.

Meanwhile, the whole city cleaned up its act just in time for Xi’s arrival, As is suggested in the video, how about we do it this way all year round?

Newsome shows refreshing honesty and says yes, we are only cleaning up the city because the fancy leaders are coming into town (0: 17 video).

Or perhaps it is all very Potemkin village, and they are only cleaning up their act in exactly the ways and places that impact the summit?

Misha Guervich: People keep saying this but it’s just not even close to true that they “managed to clean up the city” Just walk around downtown and you’ll see at best a tiny fraction is kind of cleaned up.

It seems like the courts can tell prisons how they have to treat prisoners, the prisoner can literally bring a copy of the court’s decision with him, and then the prison workers can choose to ignore that and then are immune to being sued ? Which means, effectively, you have no rights, and courts have no power over prisons.

Raffi Melkonian: A devoted Rastafarian wanted to keep his locks while imprisoned, and TOOK a copy of the Fifth Circuit’s opinion saying he could with him to intake. The guards threw it away and forcibly shaved him. However, he loses his case for damages under circuit precedent.

Here is the opinion, which explains in greater detail why under CA5 precedent the inmate loses.

Wayne Burkett has a Twitter thread pointing out that we very much send those who break the rules the message that as long as they don’t want to be respectable they can get away with ignoring the rules. Right up until they can’t. You can misbehave in school quite a lot without much happening to you. Authority figures will look right at you while you steal on camera and mostly do nothing. You might get arrested 20 times with no major ill effects, again so long as you give zero anythings. And then, suddenly, wham, without any clear differential from your own perspective, years in prison.

As Wayne notes, everyone says that certainty and consistency of punishment is what keeps would-be criminals and rulebreakers in line. If you want to rehabilitate or deter, you need consistent proportional punishments, not improbable oversized ones. We do the opposite, in part out of compassion, mostly because it is cheaper and easier. There is no cheap or easy way to do the proportional punishment thing. It is expensive to catch those involved. We lack the knobs to punish them afterwards, once they don’t care much about things like credit ratings or not spending a night in jail. We essentially can’t fine them, we don’t want to take away economic opportunities or deny them benefits, we don’t want to beat them, we don’t know how to meaningfully shame them, we don’t want to jail them long enough to matter. What are our options? I can think of a number of additional ones that might work, but most people are going to like them even less, usually due to something about ‘ethics.’

Armed gangs are stealing huge quantities of high value goods from shipping containers when they pass through New Mexico. The theft of transport cargo seems to be getting worse, and the plot is thickening.

Bill Schieder (VP of Global Physical Security, Flexport): In mid-2021 a ‘red zone’ was established around the ports of Los Angeles/Long Beach. Encompassing a vast swath of the Inland Empire, cargo trucks are no longer permitted to stop (not including drayage trucks) within this zone, which also includes heightened security measures around cargo facilities. It didn’t take long for the criminals to learn of this and set up shop around the edges of that zone, which for trains means along the tracks of southeastern Arizona and into New Mexico.

Our team has investigated roughly 100 cases globally thus far in 2023. These are not all rail theft, mind you, however, we would estimate that ~30% are. In those 100 cases, we’ve been able to help retrieve close to $1 million worth of stolen goods for our customers.

Those shipping cargo are advised on how to improve their physical security. This would be a bigger problem if America wasn’t so woefully short on trains.

Shrinkage, or theft from stores, is 1.5% of inventory for stores with ‘traditional’ checkout. It jumps to nearly 4% for self-checkout. So from the store’s perspective, it saves 2.5% by having a human check you out.

The math is clear. If the clerk is indeed continuously serving customers, the direct shrinkage costs saved exceed, on their own, the cost of the employee. Then you have to add the costs of self-checkout, including employee assistance, cost of the new setup and also the damage to the customer experience and customer preferences. It seems like a no brainer to mostly not use self-checkout. So why is it so popular? Is this simply a miscalculation?

Among the somehow standard Very Online response that no one should ever take action against those who break the law in various petty ways and make our lives miserable, there are two things to consider. Here’s one of them.

Misha Gurevich: I think something that leads to a lot of flawed reasoning about crime is nice people imagining what it would take to get them to commit that crime, which, because they’re nice, is desperation or emergencies.

Nice upper middle class people do not instinctually consider shoplifting bulk baby food to resell it on the street for personal profit. If you try to make things better for desperate poor moms by not punishing shoplifting you actually make it worse because the professional shoplifters can move in.

You need a way to not punish (too harshly or reliably) the shoplifting mom in need, without enabling roving gangs. If someone is engaged in organized behavior, is doing crime as a job or as a means of making a living, and lesser punishment didn’t work and we don’t want to consider the alternatives we don’t want to consider, we should all be able to agree that they need to go to jail.

The other issue is simple impact. If the conduct is too damaging, causing too much reduced quality of life or too much damage, then it has to stop. Again, if warnings and lesser punishments don’t work, then we have little choice. Or again, things escalate.

The International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) has filed for bankruptcy. Despite having a monopoly on West Coast shipping they have used to earn what Alex Tabarrok links to as an average of $200k in salary and $100k in benefits, it seems they tried to coerce a port operator into bullying the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers into transferring two of their jobs to the dockworkers union, the port operator didn’t do it, the union shut down the entire port, and the port operator sued and got $19 million. All over a dispute over who would have union jurisdiction over two jobs. And they still signed a new contract that includes an agreement not to automate the ports for six years.

I do not much begrudge the workers their pay or their jobs. Highly affordable. It is the lost capacity that matters. Failing to automate our ports is an ongoing catastrophe for America. And mkt42 claims things are so bad from various slowdowns that Portland is effectively no longer a port. There’s so much profit to be made, you would think a deal could be struck to divide it.

Ouch: Washington DC only tests 7% of DNA samples from crime scenes and the labs involved have to apply for re-accreditation?

Washington D.C. gives residents tracking tags for their soon-to-be stolen vehicles?

DC Mayor Muriel Bowser: Today, we announced a pilot program to provide DC residents with free digital tracking tags for their vehicles. We’ll continue to use all the tools we have, and add new tools, to keep our city safe.

It is odd that someone could say ‘if you would shoot someone who tried to steal your dog, then you value your dog’s life more than a human’s life.’ It is important to note the general case of this fallacy – if you are unwilling to inflict more harm, or endure a higher cost, in response to hostile action, then yeah, it being ‘your’ anything is pretty much a suggestion. Consider that this generalizes kind of a lot.

One of SBF’s lawyers says he may be the worst witness he’s ever seen. That part is unsurprising. The strange part is the lawyer actually thinks Sam is innocent, that he never formed the requisite intent. But he couldn’t convince Sam to use that defense.

Trump promises to pay off the entire $35 trillion debt within his second term. Glad we are finally going to take care of that. What do you mean, completely impossible?

George Mack on how to spot high agency people.

  1. Weird teenage hobbies.

  2. Leaves you energized.

  3. You’d call them to get you out of a foreign prison.

  4. Can never guess their opinions.

  5. Immigrant mentality.

  6. Send you niche content.

  7. Mean to your face but nice behind your back.

Paul Graham approves, asks to what extent it could be used as a recipe.

A thread of handy graphics to have on hand for explanations. I have a Google Doc that I save such things to when I remember to do so, for easy reference later.

How did people become more hard working? The top answer was, essentially, to stop listening to advice that does not work for you. Ask what actually works on your brain, not what would work for others. In this case, avoid anything suggesting work is aversive or requires incentives, and be as comfortable as possible. He realized for him taking breaks was actively harmful. In your case, perhaps something very different. Work from home gives the opportunity to try very different setups.

David Friedberg announces CEO role at Ohalo, a company dedicated to reimagining agriculture via gene editing. One should of course not trust the big hype talk here, but you still love to see it.

CEO of Cruise resigns. Seems appropriate in wake of everything. I worry that the honorable people resign in such spots, and the dishonorable scum don’t.

Meaning is important. Seek where someone has to, and no one else will?

Peter Thiel: Meaning is found in doing things that are important, that otherwise wouldn’t get done. Aim to work on things which without you, wouldn’t / couldn’t get done by anyone else. [Link has 30 second video]

Paul Graham: This is an important point. A lot of the most successful people, not just in startups but in many fields, do what they do because there’s something they want to exist, or some mystery they want solved, and no one else is working on it.

There’s a triple reason this is such a powerful filter. These people are highly motivated because they want the thing themselves, they understand both the problem and (when applicable) the market better than outsiders, and the problem is usually a good match for their abilities.

And the fact that there’s no one else working on the problem means that they’ll have few competitors. Which means they’ll have more time to work on their solution, and whatever they come up with will be all the more valuable for being unique.

There is wisdom here. Is there also a claim that those not doing startups or other ambitious projects lack meaning?

No. Or, at least, there should not be. The thing that you find important, that no one else would do, need not be world changing. It can be an artistic vision. It can be providing for your family or helping out your friends or community. Even if you spend your day as a cog in the machine that does not itself have meaning, what you do with the proceeds can still be your great work.

And while knowing no one else would step up without you certainly helps on this front, I think that ‘someone else would have likely done this instead’ need take the meaning away. Someone else doing it does not mean it would have been done properly, with the necessary care, the way it needs to be done.

Scott Alexander attempts book review of Girard’s I Saw Satan Fall Like Lightning.

About 80% of people don’t much care if you recline your airline seat, but 20% care quite a lot.

Not quite the graphs I would have expected (source)? As always, do not confuse causation with correlation.

I disagree strongly with many of the claims in this post where Benjamin Hoffman explains why he is no longer anti-Trump. I would describe Hoffman’s stance as continuing to expect Trump to intend great harm, but no longer being able to meaningfully differentiate Trump from the salient alternatives and standard practices in this regard. Reading the post was insightful, even though Hoffman’s reasoning is idiosyncratic in key places, as he is honestly reporting what his stance feels like from the inside. Understanding what such stances feel like and where they come from and what they imply is important. You can and should imagine what the more common version of this sounds and feels like. Then, if you desire to convince, ask what arguments would be potentially convincing. Note that the arguments most frequently made will reliably fall flat or backfire.

Some interesting facts in this thread and paper about academic scientific research, but difficult to find anything actionable.

Proposal to use ‘highest median’ to determine winner on a multi-way ballot, as evidenced by an IRV of 2024 encouraging Democrats to falsify their preferences to get rid of Biden in an early round, to get a better final matchup against Trump. Which is also, of course, centrally what what our current primary system does, a smart primary voter is strategic.

Highest median however has its own problems, potentially far worse ones. The party that unites around its top choice has a huge advantage over those that do not. Irrelevant additional alternatives can be hugely important. There are even some cases where deception and bluffing becomes important, although at the Presidential level such strategies obviously would not work.

I continue to see essentially no actually good solutions, only least bad options.

Why is this true in practice? I think the ‘there is a primary and there is a general election’ or ‘who I want versus who would win’ problem has no good solutions. We think there should be a way to not have voters trade off between candidate electability and candidate preference, that they should instead be able to rank their true preferences and an algorithm gets you the right answer. But as Arrow tells us there is no ‘right answer.’

Thus ranked choice voting, with an early round to cut the field to manageable size, continues to me to seem like the clear least bad option. There are weird cases where it gets an answer we would consider wrong or it rewards strategic behavior, but from what I can tell every alternative is far worse. RCV can be tricky to resolve in practice, although I have no idea why, in the age of computers, this need take non-trivial time. It still maintains a clear legitimacy, in a way that further complexity would threaten.

Movies in Bold are recommended. Movies in Italics are anti-recommended. Movies in neither are in the middle.

Another echo of the standard ‘superhero movies and adaptations and streaming killed Hollywood and now movies suck’ argument went around recently. I am not as high as Tyler Cowen on 2023’s movies, and do not see as many as I would like, but it was clearly a good year for the movies and I generally think things are fine.

We have more lousy stuff than before, and our sorting mechanisms are moving towards streaming service algorithms and away from critics and other measures of value, so it is easy to end up watching worse movies. Where you would previously rent what you wanted, now you watch whatever is prominent on Netflix and company. But if you wanted to watch the best, you could.

I need to improve my algorithm for seeing movies. I saw 16 in total that were released this year, which should have been more like 30-50, and several of my selections were clear mistakes at the time. Tyler’s list of favorites contains many movies (at least 4) I clearly should have made time to see, yet that I have not yet seen.

It also has two movies I thought were actively bad and that made my life worse, although neither inclusion on the list shocks me. The Creator is truly atrocious and anvilicious anti-human reversed-morality Vietnam War parallel of which the less said the better.

The other, Dream Scenario, is a more complicated case. Actors including Nicolas Cage are excellent throughout. It is clearly original and trying to explore ideas. But it was deeply unpleasant and sad to watch, and I felt it did not deliver on its premise. Ultimately I do not have anything to take away from it, and instead of a refreshing break I came out sadder. I can sort of see what it was trying to say? But also no?

I affirm: Across the Spiderverse (Clear #1), John Wick 4 and Bottoms are excellent.

Interestingly missing from Tyler’s list are both Oppenheimer and Barbie, and also Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning despite its impact on Biden making it potentially the best movie of all time (and even without that, it was fun).

Here is everything else I ended up seeing that I can recall:

  1. Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumaina was not as bad as people said but aside from Jonathan Majors it was pretty bad and I haven’t seen a Marvel movie since.

  2. The Super Mario Bros. Movie’s 46 on Metacritic isn’t objectively wrong, exactly, but the movie does its job, my kids love it and I’m glad I saw it once.

  3. No Hard Feelings exactly meets your expectations.

  4. Cocaine Bear lives its best life. As Tyler said about Napoleon, it isn’t exactly a ‘good’ movie, but I was never bored or tempted to walk out.

  5. Ghosted was a great example of how laziness gets us to watch movies we know are not worth watching, it’s lousy, but not a 34-level bomb. Too bad.

  6. Heart of Stone was not only disappointing as an action movie, it did not even pass my only real plot goal of ‘not being about AI.’ Whoops.

  7. Hypnotic was neither good nor fun and I really should have known better.

  8. Dumb Money was not good exactly but it was fun as hell.

Public perception of inflation more reflects past inflation rather than present and expected future inflation (source).

The other problem is that most Americans continue to say prices are increasing a lot, likely because they are measuring over a longer time scale than economists would like.

Presumably that means that people will feel ‘inflation is high’ until a substantial period where inflation is low in the lived experience of people, not only low on charts.

Meanwhile, people do not think their personal household income is doing so well.

This is noteworthy because mostly people say ‘the economy sucks but my family is doing all right.’ Here people think their family is making no progress.

Inflation really sucks for people, and people hate it even more than it sucks.

Also, real earnings might be back on trend, but they are still down since Biden took office, and between mortgage rates and other fluctuations they do not feel back on track.

How are both these numbers so low?

Michael Yeh: “One toxic employee wipes out the gains for more than two superstars. In fact, a superstar, defined as the top 1% of workers in terms of productivity, adds about $5,000 per year to the company’s profit, while a toxic worker costs about $12,000 per year.”

The recommendation to check for civility is fine, that does seem important, but a top 1% worker is only $5k better when the average salary is $60k plus benefits? They are less than 10% better than average? You would rather have 11 average workers than 10 top 1% workers? No way in hell. I realize not everything is programming where the top employee is going to be 10x or 100x, but this seems so absurd.

Certainly my experiences as an employer scream this is all quite nuts. A superstar top-1% employee, even in a seemingly low-leverage job, is a big deal. A truly toxic worker is also a big deal. Your talent is worth so much more than this.

Tyler Cowen argues that even the pre-tax income share of the top 1% has only risen 2.6% since the 1960s, and after-tax there has been essentially no change.

Tyler Cowen: Auten and Splinter have a methodological explanation for why their results differ. The share of true income missing in tax data has increased over time, and they attempt to adjust for that discrepancy, as well as for how income is sheltered in corporations has changed. Auten and Splinter also include cash and in-kind transfers for the lower income groups, to better measure their true incomes.

Splinter has explored this theme of underreported income in detail in previous work, directly comparing his results to those of Piketty, Saez and Zucman. It appears that Auten and Splinter really do have more complete numbers.

It seems everyone involved in such debates is highly motivated. They all want it to be one way, or the want it to be the other way. This is because such statistics are being used by one side to justify interventions and vibes, so the other side feels compelled to fight back, even though ultimately they do not care. My guess from what evidence I have seen is that Cowen, Auten and Splinter are mostly right here on the facts, that the measures showing rising inequality are mostly a function of failing to properly account for various taxes and transfers.

I would also add that such unequal shares matter less as we get richer, or at least that they should. If you have enough, that is what matters, not whether someone else has more. A lot more people have more than they used to. The real problem is why this is not translating into people’s felt and lived experience, and affordances to have children.

The Bond Villain compliance strategy. About Binance by Patrick McKenzie.

Monthly Roundup #13: December 2023 Read More »


Monthly Roundup #12: November 2023

Things on the AI front have been rather hectic. That does not mean other things stopped happening. Quite the opposite. So here we are again.

PSA: Crumbl Cookies, while delicious, have rather a lot of calories, 720 in the basic cookie. Yes, they display this as 180, by deciding serving size is a quarter of a cookie. This display strategy is pretty outrageous and should not be legal, we need to do something about unrealistic serving sizes – at minimum, require that the serving size be displayed in same size font as the calorie count.

It really is weird that we don’t think about Russia, and especially the USSR, more in terms of the universal alcoholism.

Reminder that there really is an architecture conspiracy to make life worse. Peter Eisnman straight out says: “Anxiety and alienation is the modern condition. The point of architecture is to constantly remind you of it. I feel anxious. I want buildings to make you anxious!” There is also, in response to being asked if perhaps it would be better for there to be less anxiety not more: “And so the role of art or architecture might be just to remind people that everything wasn’t all right. And I’m not convinced, by the way, that it is all right.”

My wife is exploring anime recently. It has its charms, but the rate of ‘this thing multiple friends recommended is actually pretty boring’ is remarkably high. New generations have other concerns.

Avary: growing up is realizing a lot of the anime you watched and loved as a kid is actually problematic af so you’re stuck between exposing yourself with defending it or hating on it with everyone else…

Tom Kitten: Zoomers basically exist in a technological panopticon of continual anxiety about conforming to the latest updates in moral standards & moral panics, but they’re told the alternative is Nazism so many just try to adopt a “haha isn’t it weird” attitude about it.

Can I suggest a third way? You don’t have to say anything. If you love an anime and others are calling it problematic, you don’t have to defend it and you don’t have to condemn it. You can enjoy your anime in peace. I get that there’s a lot more of the ‘silence is violence’ and compelled speech thing going on, but I will need a lot more evidence of real consequences of silence before I stop pushing it as a strategy in such spots.

As a bioethicist, I support requiring students to take ethics.’ Ethics professors continue to show why they are no more ethical than the general population. We badly need ethics, but almost nothing labeled with the term ‘ethics’ contains ethics. Recent events have made this far clearer.

Republicans continue to prioritize not letting the IRS build a free digital tax filing system. I have other priorities, but important to note pure unadulterated evil. Even an ethicists get this one right.

Tipping indeed completely out of control, potential AI edition?

Flo Crivello: TK tried to warn us but you wouldn’t listen.

Molson: I was just asked to tip a hotel booking website.

Lighthaven, a campus in Berkeley, California, is now available for bookings for team retreats, conferences, parties and lodgings. Parties are $25-$75 per person, other uses are $100-$250 per day per person. I have been to two events here, and the space worked exceptionally well as a highly human-friendly, relaxing and beautiful place, with solid catering, good snacks and other resources, and lots of breakout areas. Future events being held here definitely raises my chance of attending, versus other locations in The Bay.

All is once again right with the world, Patrick McKenzie now gets his insurance from Warren Buffet. Because of course he does. Fun thread.

Magnolia Bakery to make weed edibles, but for now only for dispensaries in other states: Illinois, Nevada and Massachusetts.

iCarly revival is cancelled on a cliffhanger, and we will never find out about her mom. Seems somehow highly appropriate? Not that I’ve ever watched. Some cliffhangers are good endings.

Vitalik Buterin reports success in the creation of Zuzalu, a two-month-long intentional community of 200 people formed out of a resort during its off season. Give people a gorgeous and affordable setting, with likeminded people excited by a core group of projects, with people who want to be there and have no other commitments, and it can go great. I encourage more such experiments to happen with more ambition, but no I do not see this as heralding a Network State or other such nonsense.

You don’t have to worry about trying not to offend philosopher Agnes Callard. Oh, you’ll offend her, but not in the usual ways, so there is no avoiding it, and she doesn’t mind. So don’t worry about it. Also, I am guessing that she would get offended by you holding back to try and not offend her, rather than speaking or seeking truth.

Electric car growth is not slowing.

The tragedy is our continued focus on the symbolically superior pure electrics over the what could instead be a much larger number of hybrid vehicles.

It’s true, figuring out how to fund good science is complicated. Choose your fighter.

Stuart Buck: It is a testament to how little we know about metascience that two of the most prominent suggestions are:

1) Fund the person without regard for what the project is;

2) Fund the project without regard for who the person is (that is, anonymize grant applications).

Daniel Eth: Also we see both:

• complaints that scientists perform the actual work before applying for the grant and then use the grant money for their next project

• suggestions that we move from grants to prizes

I agree that we would get better results funding the person and letting them choose the project. I have zero faith in our process to choose valuable projects, instead predicting that the process will choose reliable projects over valuable ones. I also don’t love our ability to choose the best scientists, but I think we are capable of making at least some good decisions there, and if we offer those scientists freedom then many of them would choose valuable projects.

A hybrid approach might be good as well. If you make your mark we let you do what you want, if you don’t then you need to make a great proposal, but you can’t use your reputation for that at all and there are not many slots available, so it needs to be ambitious and awesome, you can’t play it safe. Or at least, that would be the idea.

Wait, non-creative types don’t use every moment as an opportunity to learn and train and figure things out (includes 2 minute clip)? Not all work looks like work, and it is not only the comedian that is (as Seinfeld explains elsewhere) mining actual everything that happens to them for material.

It is the torture that many of the rest of us embrace as well. Why wouldn’t I scan a new restaurant menu for font designs or think about the sound acoustics, isn’t that cool? That does not mean one cannot relax. Relaxing is imperative. But when people’s relaxing involves getting zero useful training data, it confuses me. I love me a relaxing bath, but I’m usually going to be listening to a podcast.

For the true value of working, most of you are slacking off, big time.

I cannot condone anything Meta does but yes, this is a good point:

Arc: I want the Zuck smart camera glasses to succeed mainly because the aesthetic of a bunch of people holding their phones up at events, especially concerts, is horrible, just looks like no one is there for the thing itself (though they may be, they’re distracted!)

Meta also seems to have had people who wanted to take various steps to protect mental health and make their products less addictive, including disabling some filters, and Mark Zuckerberg ultimately said no, citing lack of causal data on the harm, whereas the demand was clear as day. Reports involve noting things like the products providing dopamine hits and satisfying novelty seeking.

This all sounds quite bad, with talk of ‘worse than tobacco.’ But let us remember, also, the story of the man who read smoking was bad for him. So he quit reading.

I fear that if we punish Meta for having reports on harm and considering harm reduction interventions, the main effect will be that they and others censor and render illegible all discussions of harm and harm reduction.

Meta has much to answer for, but let us beware of hitting them on their internal processes until we know what incentives that would create.

Government actually working! IRS makes 83(b) election electronic signatures permanently valid, hopefully avoiding future time bombs exploding on founders when their stock vests. Still insane that the law works this way, but in practice should claim a lot fewer victims.

Even better, IRS launches free online tax filing service for 2024 season. For the pilot program, you need to be in one of 13 states (Arizona, California, Massachusetts, New York or the ones without a state income tax, so either obnoxious-tax city or no-tax city) and have a relatively simple tax return. Let’s fing go.

No10 is listening to my conversations, and I am here for it.

BBC: Smoking age in England should rise by one year, every year, so that eventually no-one can buy them, Rishi Sunak says.

The idea was put forward by a government-commissioned review in 2022.

Makes sense to me. If you are already addicted, and you can’t buy legally, you’ll have to buy illegally. Whereas if you choose to start knowing you will never be able to legally buy, that is a choice. Alternatively, we keep cigarettes legal, and the barrier to sell anything else is you show it is safer and less addictive than a cigarette.

Imagine this as well.

Joe Biden: Today, I’m proud to announce that we are taking our most comprehensive action ever to eliminate junk fees.

The Federal Trade Commission is proposing a new rule that would ban hidden fees across the economy and require companies to show consumers the all-in pricing upfront. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is also banning banks and credit unions from charging fees for basic services like checking your account balance.

These actions are going to save Americans tens of billions of dollars.

Danielle Fong: Do this for medicine and the consumer surplus will be in the trillions.

In a world where consumers increasingly see product offerings sorted by headline price, and with related human biases and adjustments of expectations, there is continuous pressure to utilize hidden ‘junk’ fees. Everyone is better off if all the prices are displayed in full up front.

As Danielle notes, the real value is in places like medicine. The junk fees there are even more outrageous, the true prices more hidden and out of our control.

How much should we worry that business will pass on costs to consumers in other ways here? That depends on execution details but my prior is not much. Yes, most of the costs get passed on in the base price, but that is the point. That is good. A lot of the surplus here is reduced cognitive load on the customer, a lot is in better customer choices. We are not actually trying to lower effective prices as such, although I expect a little of that on net.

Give SSI beneficiaries $3,200 stimulus checks, notice they have a bank balance over $2,000, attempt to claw back years of benefits that this balance proves they shouldn’t have gotten, stop the checks while the victims appeal? Yep.

FAA offers us new MOSAIC rulemaking for light-sport aircraft. Eli Dourado reports that the new rules are actually pretty great, giving much greater experimental flexibility on numerous fronts and plausibly hitting the safety sweet spot. You’ll get more passenger seats, higher speeds, more takeoff weight and more.

Eli says this could be transformative, allowing us to to maybe even get our flying cars some day.

Buy American rules are far worse than they look. Not only do you need to source everything from American suppliers (who are in turn sourcing from American suppliers and so on) but also everyone involved needs complex chain of custody systems in order to prove the Americanness of all the objects involved. Often entire projects incur massive delays. If one is determined to shoot oneself in the foot, one can do a lot less damage by using a mix of tariffs and subsidies.

The saga of SpaceX continues.

DabIsBad: >FWS was worried about a rocket hitting a shark No way. Absolutely zero fucking way. Are you kidding me?

>FWS was worried about the infinitesimally low chance of the rocket hitting a shark

>FWS asks SpaceX to calculate the risk of a shark hitting it

>SpaceX asks for data to calculate this

>FWS refuses to give data because it might somehow spread to shark fin hunters

>SpaceX asks if they could get another department of the FWS to do the calculation since they have the data

>FWS says they don’t trust the other department of the FWS

>Took them a bunch of time to resolve this shit

>Another agency asked about chance of rocket hitting a whale

This we have a tight lid on. Training AI models that could kill everyone, not so much. Can we please concentrate our anti-regulatory fire where it is so richly deserved?

Ro Khanna (team blue) says to Matt Gaetz (officially team red, mostly team schmuck), let’s have the house vote on the things like term limits and bans on member stock trading that the public 80% supports but that members for obvious reasons do not want, speculates that an actual vote might shame some into voting for it. Certainly it creates a prisoner’s (legistlato’s?) dilemma, where no one wants to vote against but also no one wants it to pass. Except most of the American people, but who cares about them? Forget it Matt, this is Congress.

Even better would be to go back to letting individual members introduce bills and then the House votes on them. We have computers, this need not disrupt regular business, perhaps if something passes that way you then do a traditional vote for real.

Scott Sumner’s film ratings for Q3. He is always exactly correct in his ratings, on the dimensions he is evaluating. If you want to see the highest Quality films, the objectively best films, he is here to tell you what they are.

Yes, Barbie is a 3.3 on his scale, and MI: Dead Reckoning is a 3.0 (out of 4) – I’d have said 2.8 or 2.9 for MI before learning it impacted Biden, and 3.4 or 3.5 for Barbie, but then I remember Scott is never wrong.

However, as always, one must remember that the dimension Scott is measuring is merely one dimension, which is also composed of its own subdivisions. There are many other dimensions to measure as well, that mostly are of no concern to Scott, but which I care about quite a bit. Is this something I actually want to watch, and would enjoy? Which is highly correlated with Scott’s ratings… once you control for certain factors. And which much more favors relatively recent films.

It is on my project list to do my own film rankings some day. They would look very different. Also at some point when things are quieter, to watch at least all of Scott’s 4.0s and 3.9s.

Note that this search cleanly brings up all his reviews.

I also completely endorse Scott’s horror at the ‘4DX’ theater, and would continue to happily pay a lot to never be in one again.

Dumb Money review: Kind of dumb. Also money. Would invest again. If Scott Sumner saw it he would probably give it at most a 2.5, but again, not why I saw it. Enjoy life.

Saw old movie The Adjustment Bureau, which was okay. Most unrealistic thing was that New York Senate elections were treated as competitive. Was enough about AI to not stand up to scrutiny in any way. Predicted Scott review that would be fair in its own way: Uninventive, seen it all before, philosophically incoherent, 2.2.

Wanted a short-ass dumb action movie one night and watched Avarice on Paramount+, which has no plot, no characters, no acting, no action and no movie. The gimmick is ‘she is an archer and has a bow’ I guess but if you replace it with ‘she carries a gun’ actual nothing changes. Actual 0.0.

Mostly I need to find time to watch more movies, and to always check reviews first and choose my targets more deliberately.

Warner Brothers attempts to bury a third movie, Coyote vs. Acme, as a tax write-off, despite a great concept, a finished product and good audience testing. This was not a ‘this is so bad we must pretend this never happened’ situation, whereas they said Batgirl was unreleasable and my imagination can suffice for a project entitled Scoob! Holiday Haunt. After creatives cancelled a lot of meetings with Warner Brothers, understandably concerned this might happen to their projects as well, WB agreed to let Coyote vs. Acme be shopped around instead. It sounds like fun.

Twitter’s algorithm is severely punishing external links, and on top of that they’ve stopped displaying the headline text of the links. As Nate Silver points out, this might sound like a good short term idea, but it’s a terrible long term plan, and no this is not a purely Elon Musk style of mistake.

Philippe Lemoine: It’s clear at this point that Twitter’s algorithm is now severely penalizing external links, which as Nate explains kind of makes sense in a short-sighted way from their point of view, but as a pretty niche writer relying on Twitter to disseminate his work it massively sucks.

Nate Silver: Yeah and I do think it’s short-sighted. It’s basically replicating the mistakes of Facebook’s News Feed. I’ve always liked Twitter >> Facebook because it isn’t a walled garden and contains my well-curated list of links/sources. (Or even For You, which actually works OK for me.)

It’s sort of a Tyranny of Algorithms thing because it’s easy to know what maxes out time on site in the short term (i.e. forcing you to stay there) but very hard to know in the long term.

Daniel Eth predicted sites will start putting the headline into the graphic. Paul Graham predicts it will be obnoxious.

Meanwhile Simon Willison offers a practical solution to auto-generate social media display cards.

Paul Graham: If Twitter doesn’t revert to the old way of displaying links, sites will start putting text onto the images. And they won’t just put a little text at the bottom, the way it used to be. Your feed will resemble a series of billboards.

The sites will optimize for clicks, so whatever is the most linkbaitish way to put text on images, that’s what we’ll get.

Up until now, I have found Twitter has retained most of its prior usefulness, so long as you use a chronological feed and lists.

I have found the lack of titles on links only mildly annoying. The severe punishment of links does not directly impact my feed. But together they mean less people are posting links, which has been a non-trivial downgrade.

An illustration: Referrals from Facebook and Twitter to top news sites have cratered.

Odd choice to not have the y-axis start at zero here, this decline is dramatic.

Axios blames this on lack of positive selection, that tech companies no longer try to ‘elevate quality information.’ There is doubtless some of that, there is also the factor that these news organizations keep trying to forcibly extract payments, and that links to outside are being intentionally throttled across the board, partly to avoid those payments, partly to keep social media users from leaving the website.

I would support a rule saying that major social media sites cannot throddle posts with outside links, but if they are also going to try and extract payment, not so much.

Also every ‘major news’ site is now behind a paywall. I can read links to the two were I have subscriptions, not to the others. Without a unified subscription option, most people will be unable to follow most links. If I can’t easily share WSJ or NYT links, the value of a subscription goes down a lot, which feeds the cycle. Even I chose one mainstream source to stay grounded on that (WaPo). I also find Bloomberg valuable enough to pay for. Most people don’t even go that far.

Tyler Cowen claims that it is good Elon Musk bought Twitter. Here is his reasoning:

I have disagreed with most of his design decisions, do not like the name change or rebrand, and I have been disappointed by many of his tweets and points of view, often disagreeing vehemently. That said, allowing the videos to be seen on Twitter is the right decision, and it is a very, very important decision.

So I end up glad that he bought Twitter. I also very much like the general feed and also the “Community Notes” features.

I am not sure how widely acknowledged this will be, but someone should say it, and I am happy to be the one. In general, more attention needs to be paid to “getting one big thing right.”

I strongly agree with the underlying principle of ‘getting one big thing right.’ Often this will indeed prove more important than ten or a hundred little things you get wrong, and the reverse would have been true as well.

The question is, what is the particular big thing one must get right? That is itself the big thing one must get right. I do not see the videos as so important one way or another. Freedom of speech in general is a plausible candidate for the big thing, and the past month has reminded us of its importance. Community notes is very good, it could perhaps be the big thing. Or they could together be the next big thing, with notes allowing much more free speech.

An example of a big thing one could get wrong, that might be going wrong, is to give too many interactive advantages to paid users, especially across multiple tiers. Asking for $8 a month is one thing, but I would be very careful with the new additional tiers.

On the bright side Bloomberg’s Aisha Counts says Twitter CEO Linda Yaccarino is claiming Twitter is cash flow positive excluding debt service and expects to be cash flow positive including debt service by 2024.

Nate Silver makes the case that a run by RFK Jr would more likely favor Biden than Trump. This seems right to me, with wide uncertainty bars. Kennedy does not hold positions compatible with the Democrats, and Libertarian runs typically hurt Republicans for obvious reasons.

Free speech is super important. I highly value free speech, and deeply thankful for the first amendment every time I see what happens in countries without one.

Presumably in response to some people not taking kindly to Paul Graham saying things one can totally say, he responded by posting this image, note the date on the older conversation:

Allow me to demonstrate what level we are on by saying this and noticing I do not expect any negative consequences whatsoever for saying it, because come on:

Zvi Mowshowitz hereby says: There are things in our society which are true that you cannot say.

Thus, by this scale, we are at Level 1. Which, by the definition of the scale, is the minimum level that has ever existed in any society, so it is not some huge indictment or big whoop. I do agree that the set of such things is larger now than it was in 2003, but less than in 2020, and again, I feel completely comfortable saying that, and would even if I lacked any power.

I would also not confuse level 1 here with the actual situation, which is that when there is an issue where lots of people are accusing each other of supporting genocide, saying pretty much anything is going to get one side, the other or both mad at you to some extent, that does not mean we can’t say things.

Also, my lord, reversed stupidity is not intelligence, the scale is not the territory, etc:

Rina Artstain: You’re at level -1, where you’re distorting “the truth” to look cool for level 4ers.

Paul Graham: Since higher = worse, level -1, whatever it was, would be good.

The ideal censorship level is zero, the same way the ideal Simulacra level is 1.

(Since everything is also about AI now, note the danger of an AI concluding things like ‘whatever seems like it would metaphorically be the -1 level must be good.’)

If you are surprised that new findings say the Eaterlin Paradox was bogus and money does indeed increase happiness indefinitely on a log scale, I am curious why.

Yes, obviously. No need to read the paper, yet an important paper to ensure exists.

Working Paper: We find that consumer surplus is the primary component of social impact (dwarfing profits, worker surplus, and externalities), suggesting that consumer impacts deserve more attention from impact investors. Existing ESG and social impact ratings are essentially unrelated to our economically grounded measures.

Increasing the minimum wage 10% increases low-end local rents 2.5%-4.5%.

Patrick McKenzie talked anti money laundering law back in February 2023, recommended for those interested if you haven’t seen it.

His new related piece, also recommended, is Seeing Like a Bank. The core idea is that banks could in theory solve your problems using bespoke professionals who can track information and understand the underling dynamics and use reason, but those people cost a hundred times as much the way doctors and lawyers do, and most bank issues very much do not require or justify such action and involve That Guy calling in time and again, so instead you get a three-tier calling system gating everything. But, if you know the right shibboleths, you can get the professional involved on your behalf and make things actually work. Banks also could in theory have software that worked well and kept good track of everything, but mostly they don’t and it will be a while before they do.

Historians do not know their economics, and thus do not know their history. Economists say the Great Depression was a story of aggregate demand contraction, monetary contraction, protectionism and failed Federal Reserve policy. History textbooks talk about income inequality, under-consumption and a stock market crash. Of course, the economists are also making big mistakes here, especially their failure to emphasize the gold standard and various contractionary policies implemented throughout, as always I recommend Scott Sumner’s The Midas Paradox.

No, it’s not free under $5, but if you want justifications for spending money you don’t have, ‘girl math’ and ‘boy math’ are now here for you. Why rationalize away your money all by yourself when you can have professionals help you do it, for free? Given your hourly, that means you’re making money. Which you can now spend. That’s math.

With a little software work, Mercury has routed around the requirement that every payment to a new person effectively requires a new W-9, because all the info in the W-9 is already known.

Paper claims the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 substantially increased corporate investment, those with mean tax change increased domestic investment 20%, with equilibrium long-run effect of 6% greater domestic capital and 9% greater total capital, while net tax revenue declines less than 2% of baseline corporate revenue due to feedback effects. As Tyler Cowen notes, this will not settle the matter, very few will be convinced. In my model, those who want higher corporate taxes would not change their position even if they were indeed convinced, they care about some mix of fairness and equality and perception of fairness and equality, so efficiency and positive-sum arguments will land on deaf ears.

Is it this simple?

Alec Stapp: The massive divergence between consumer sentiment and economic reality is mind-boggling.

Joe Weisenthal asks: Inflation has been coming down, and the unemployment rate is low. Yet measures of consumer sentiment are still in the tank. Curious if anyone has any thoughts or theories? Would love to hear some takes.

Joe Light: A lot of the things I buy, outside of food and transit, are things I haven’t had to shop for in years, and each time I run into them, it’s like the inflation happened right at that moment

Matt Stroller: The CPI doesn’t include interest charges, aka cars and houses.

Tren Griffin: That people will focus on the *rate of changein core inflation rather than how much they pay for real world goods and services now, is a triumph of hope over experience. What did I pay for potatoes or laundry soap five years ago? How much higher is my grocery payment now?

Threadass: My rent went up 50% in one year, my utilities are about 30% more expensive, groceries and household goods are expensive, and avg interest rates on mortgages have doubled. I know many friends and (now former) colleagues who have been laid off in the past 6 months or so.

George (other thread): The economy can be summed up by an experience I had at a recent family reunion. Everyone was complaining about how shit the economy was and how expensive everything was

I pointed out that for the first time ever, every adult present had a good paying job they liked. Three people present had just been bragging about doubling their salaries. 2 people had just gotten back from their first ever Europe trips.

The raises and the jobs were things they felt they had earned. The prices going up were the government’s fault.

Kind of yeah. Things are no longer rapidly getting more expensive. Things are still much more expensive than they used to be, and interest rates rising means rent, mortgages and car payments are way up. It’s kind of a big deal. And for whatever reason, the government is responsible for the price level, and isn’t responsible for your raise or new job.

The results of the UAW strike illustrate the real effective rise in wages and the cost of living, with the minimum raise being 25%. Yes, there was some catchup there, but also they quote someone jumping from $20/hour to $35/hour. In my experience hiring people, I have also had to pay a lot more than I did a few years ago, far more than the official inflation rate.

Relatedly, Tyler Cowen notes income stability in America has been rising for decades. Yet workers do not seem less nervous. I posit this is partly because workers are more risk averse, partly both are caused by us otherwise giving people less margin for error, giving people less affordance to survive being down on your luck and still keep your life on track. Having a volatile income is not that scary if you think you will still get a family in the end. I do agree with Tyler that if you are not too risk averse, there are great rewards at start-ups and for other forms of risk taking here.

I also would presume that people notice the specter of future changes from AI.

Danielle Fong: ambient grift fields surround pools of persuadable capital (crypto, nonprofits, esg) and to first order, work to kick out alternative legitimate investments for that capital in time this parasitic behavior starves the host; not always killing it, but limiting growth, liveness.

Andrew Rettek: Yep. At equilibrium, this grift brings those pools of capital down to the average rate of return. Some things die there or die getting there.

Danielle Fong: having witnessed this happen three times, the decay time constant varies with the smart money (eg ~1 week for lottery winners, ~months to years for crypto wealth, ~1 decade for top tier big tech, generational for legendary investors)

Andrew Rettek: This is the EMH at work, and it will win eventually. It can only be slowed by some other force at least as strong. Agency is best.

Danielle Fong: everything I have ever witnessed, you always have major nonequilibrium. it’s practically never that case that every company or technology that could exist, should — especially because the frontier of the possible, important, or labor/resource competitive is always changing.

At equilibrium I would say that such effects do not merely bring pools of capital down to the average rate of return. It goes far lower than that, the equilibrium is that a vulnerable pool of money will be entirely extracted. Something about a fool and his money.

Banks increasingly give people the option to pay to access money from a check right away. Patrick McKenzie notes that notes that banks used to instead turn to their risk department, and also that you could ask for a waiver and someone in the bank was authorized to credit your account today.

Letting people pay to get the money now seems an odd combination of price discrimination against the poor that does not seem great, and adverse selection against the bank that seems far worse. The whole point of placing a hold on the money is to guard against cases where the check is fishy and the customer does not have the money when the check bounces. When do you think people will pay to cash it now? When they suspect the check will not clear and they intend to use the money right away. The market for this service does not seem like it should clear?

529 savings plans are technically owned by the account owner, not the beneficiary, because otherwise colleges would impose an effective tax rate of 95% by reducing aid awarded. Kids should essentially never save for college with their own money for the same reason, unless the plan is to actually pay the whole thing, because you will not make college any cheaper. It still boggles my mind that we allow colleges to demand to know your assets and then perform ~100% asset confiscation.

Thread by Chris Conlon on the FTC’s case against Amazon. The core case is that Amazon causes prices to be too high, which is perhaps the most absurd allegation I have heard in a long time. Conlon says the FTC does perhaps have a case on the part where charging a lower price elsewhere leads to a demotion in Amazon’s rankings, although as he notes what would be the remedy there? Also how exactly is the consumer harmed by that?

Ben Thompson covers the FTC complaint, says this is the key paragraph.

This case is about the illegal course of exclusionary conduct Amazon deploys to block competition, stunt rivals’ growth, and cement its dominance. The elements of this strategy are mutually reinforcing. Amazon uses a set of anti-discounting tactics to prevent rivals from growing by offering lower prices, and it uses coercive tactics involving its order fulfillment service to prevent rivals from gaining the scale they need to meaningfully compete. Amazon deploys this interconnected strategy to block off every major avenue of competition — including price, product selection, quality, and innovation — in the relevant markets for online superstores and online marketplace services.

Amazon’s coercive tactics to thwart competition lie within the Amazon website. You are totally free to offer products elsewhere. Amazon’s ‘anti-discounting’ is, as noted below, that they will price match. The rest of the complaint is found to be even less compelling, and the FTC framing every ordinary business offering such as Amazon Prime, bundling or (gasp) store-branded goods as inherently suspicious does it no favors.

Thread on the details of that FTC complaint against Amazon. What are the actual objections?

Douglas Farrar: Amazon pursues a pay-to-play scheme forcing sellers to buy ads. Worse, many of these ads are junk ads that aren’t relevant to what users search for. Jeff Bezos and co. call these Junk Ads “defects,” and sellers pay big bucks for them.

These ads do two things. First, they make the customer experience much worse, which is why you might search for “water bottles” and end up with offers to buy “buck urine”

They know this harms consumers, but they don’t care because maximizing advertising profit at all costs “has effectively become ‘law’ even if it has many flaws” according to a senior Amazon executive

The second thing all of Amazon’s ads do is raise prices for consumers. Sellers are forking over big money in a pay-to-play scheme. That cost goes directly to you according to Amazon’ own executives.

Forcing ad buys seems worse than a straightforward fee. Amazon gets the revenue either way, and it ‘pays for’ the ad buys by having the customer experience get worse. As described, this is a perverse process that Amazon has every reason to fix. Corporations make these kinds of errors all the time, no idea why it requires an FTC action other than a political hit job. There’s some strange underlying assumption that Amazon shouldn’t have control over or profit from its own website.

Amazon’s own economists even pointed out that by flooding search results with paid ads, Amazon steers shoppers towards higher-priced products and makes comparison shopping harder on the platform.

By the way, you as you can see above Amazon is still trying to keep some of the material in the complaint out of the public eye…

Amazon is really excited about how much money these ads are earning them by the way. In their Q3 report last week they said that revenue from ads grew 25%, which is faster than AWS.

Amazon being excited by this is bad news for Amazon if the ads are like this. Ads you have to buy are a zero sum game at best, again is this about disguising how much it cots to list on Amazon?

Amazon harmed price competition in other ways too. Former Amazon exec Jeff Wilke came up with the idea for an algorithm to avoid a “perfectly competitive market” where Amazon’s rivals lower their prices!

The concept is that Amazon will match any price drops by rivals, but not move to lower prices first. A price match. You’re calling out a price match. Ben Thompson notes that Amazon will also punish the seller (via lower prominence on the website) if they offer a higher price for an identical product at Amazon and a lower one elsewhere. So Amazon is demanding that prices on its website not be too high, at the cost of not featuring the related product if it isn’t listed at a competitive price, and that’s bad because it leads to high prices. Got it.

Those foolish enough to compete with Amazon by lowering prices met the full force of Amazon’s monopoly power. Take Jet dot com, which tried to compete by lowering seller fees.

Amazon also harms competition and extracts monopoly rents from sellers by requiring them to use Fulfilled By Amazon to have Prime eligibility. They once launched a program called Seller Fulfilled Prime which was a huge hit.

Amazon shut SFP down because they said deliveries weren’t on time. But new info today shows sellers using SFP met the delivery requirement set up by Amazon more than 95% of the time.

Yeah, 95% is… not actually that great, especially if the 5% is non-trivially late, and if there is not proper accountability and repair when something goes wrong. Also, your 95% on time is not my 95% on time.

Eric Boehm: Just read the line in the FTC’s own lawsuit, as helpfully screenshotted by Farrar: “Sellers enrolled in SFP met their promised ‘delivery estimate’ requirement set by Amazon more than 95% of the time in 2018.”

How many of those sellers were actually meeting the standards for Prime-level shipping? According to Amazon spokesman Tim Doyle, it was about 16 percent.

Were there also other motivations? Amazon’s rule is, as Ben Thompson points out, that if you pay Amazon for guaranteed delivery services, that it provides those services.

This freaked Amazon out. One Amazon exec said splitting Prime eligibility from FBA was an “oh crap” moment. Another one said a growing third-party logistics marketplace “keeps me up at night.”

There is plenty more I didn’t cover. And you can view all the newly unredacted material at the link below, thanks to the heroic work by the FTC attorneys working on this huge case.

None of that matters if Amazon’s shipping standards were rarely met.

The case rests, as Thompson notes, on the accusation that Amazon is a monopoly. Amazon does not seem like a monopoly to me, except that it has a monopoly on selling via Amazon. Which I would hope does not count?

Freddie DeBoer asks how the NBA can survive its current era of player empowerment. If star players keep demanding trades to the same handful of teams in attractive locations – such as Miami, New York and Los Angeles – and their teams feel forced to then do so for what amounts to pennies on the dollar, how do the teams in less fun places ever win?

Rules enforcing parity in pay and limiting hiring of superstars help mitigate the damage somewhat, but they also lock in the result. If we each get to pay the same fixed pool of money, but superstars are the best deals to begin with and can choose to take pay cuts in order to play in places they prefer and with better teams, solve for the equilibrium. Even if everyone plays it straight without loopholes, it only ends one way.

This is compounded by the NBA being highly skill-intensive with best-of-seven series that lack large sources of variance, with results being dominated by the superstars.

I see two plausible ways this goes. Option one is to embrace it, or at least accept it. The Indiana Pacers of the world will be second-division teams that occasionally threaten to break through. Perhaps that is fine. The Lakers and Heat generate more excitement anyway. Like in college football, each team can have its own baselines and goals. People come to the NBA to see star personalities playing exceptional ball, to enjoy that the players are off the hook. So release that hook.

Alternatively, we could go back to a world in which the players largely don’t control their fate or where they play. Except no, we can’t and we won’t. So option one then.

Which I really do think is fine. Then again, the NBA rarely holds my interest.

The MLB strike zone is in theory a function of player height and stance. In practice, with human umpires, any attempt to abuse this for technical loopholes would run afoul of the ‘who are you kidding’ clause, and the umpire would call strikes anyway. With robot umpires, there is no such clause. They are now testing, in the minor leagues, an automatic system that measures from knees to a baseball above the belt. For now, in the minors, that should work, because no one cares about winning and the goal is to make it to The Show, if you game the robot umpire it won’t do you any good. So the system might work fine.

However, if you move that system to The Show, the munchkins will be out in force, and you won’t like the results. Another illustration that the rule that a computer must follow to the letter often needs to be very different from the human rule. This is on top of the fact that umpires widen or narrow the strike zone based on the count to favor whoever is behind on it, and also that they favor the home team a bit and veterans and stars a bit, and sometimes the team trailing, all of which they are very much not supposed to do but very much do anyway.

I would be in favor of actively codifying all those quirky preferences, as long as they are symmetrical. Home teams winning more than half the the is good for the game if played fairly, as are the other adjustments. But the fans would not stand for it.

Remember the principle of Leaders of Men, to focus on what matters most.

Don Van Natta Jr. (ESPN): If you need two timeouts to put 12 men on the field for a FG try that hands your opponent a second chance to beat you, you should be fired.

Such incompetence is indeed a hint that perhaps some firing-worthy things are happening. On the margin it can cost you games. But we need periodic reminders that you pick your coach mostly on whether they can draft or recruit, sculpt, script and motivate a team. The things that fans rightfully yell about as dumb or incompetent? The fans are right, but ask how much they matter.

Zac Hill gives his perspective on what is wrong with Magic: The Gathering’s Standard format. He sees Standard as about board presence and doing powerful individual things players like to do, giving a ‘standard’ play experience. Variety is good, but the ‘good stuff’ midrange style strategies need to remain the heart of the format. When the dominant play patterns depart too much from this, and the best decks you see all the time are all about walls of text and detailed interactions or they fog until they take infinite turns or their curves only go up to three, the heart is gone.

I think there’s something to be said for that, although I do not take it as far as he does. I would instead place a lot more responsibility on the ‘too many words’ problem. Cards now are too complex, are too fiddly and noisy, and there are too many cards released. Players cannot keep up or keep track, driving them into evergreen formats that change more slowly or where universal awareness is not expected. Cards often not ever being in Standard at all compounds this problem.

Having Standard rotations every three years instead of two seems if anything anti-helpful. Yes, your core concept can last longer, but you also need to keep 50% more things in your head at once, and there is less room for new concepts to breathe. As Sam Black notes, a lot of Standard is letting new cards shine. You want it small.

Sam Black goes farther, saying that Standard no longer makes sense. When Magic was designed around Standard, especially when it included mechanically unified blocks, Standard was great. Now that many cards are never in Standard, and the releases offering the best value include many non-Standard-legal cards, what are we even doing? There is no grassroots support for Standard, no reason for there to be any, and tournament support alone won’t cut it.

Sam’s suggestion is to sunset Standard without replacement, as Magic is trying to do too many different things, and Standard is no longer key to the business model. I do not think, long term, that this works. I think Standard is serving several purposes other formats don’t. It lets new cards shine, allows play at a more modest power level, offers a compact set of cards players can hope to fully learn or have access to as a gateway to being competitive. More than that, it is constantly changing.

Commander, Modern, Pioneer and all the rest are mostly static. Sure there are changes, but also there mostly are not. It is cool to visit those worlds on occasion, but Magic requires a place players can innovate, 1-on-1 with 20 life, without being up against years or decades of refinement.

That does not strictly have to be Standard. I have always loved Block Constructed, although to have that you would need to have blocks, and Wizards says people don’t like blocks. So mostly we are talking rotation speed, also known as talking price, and figuring out how to navigate the desire to aggressively power creep with some new releases, to create something sustainable.

I admit I do not know how to do that. I fear that Magic has in important ways peaked, having picked its low-hanging fruit of low-complexity cards and simple concepts, and now picking the fruit of connection with other franchises. That the future is a game built around Commander, which means a whole sort of general mish mash of stuff that people do for fun but that holds little interest for me outside of perhaps occasional limited play or something like Premodern.

Magic: The Gathering unifies its two types of boosters into new play boosters, designed for draft and also sometimes with multiple rares.

Saffron Olive: Big news on booster packs. Both draft boosters *andset boosters are going away with Murders of Karlov Manor in a few months to be replaced by play boosters (which are essentially set boosters, but made to be draftable).

Overall this seems like a good change. Makes thing simpler – having draft, set and collector boosters seems excessive – plus the idea of drafting something akin to set boosters is interesting thanks to multiple rares and wildcard slots.

The biggest drawback is that it will make limited more expensive, at least in paper, since play boosters will sell for set booster prices and there will no longer be a cheaper “draft booster” option.

Seth Burn: Obviously this will mean different things to different players. As someone who buys draft booster boxes specifically to draft, or play team sealed (remember that), this change is absolutely miserable.

Drafts are not cheap. This will make them less cheap. Or perhaps it will make them slightly more cheap? A draft will cost more money, but before draft boosters gave you worse value than set boosters, so if you get full value from the cards you could come out ahead. If all you care about is drafting, not as good.

Magic has gone from three rarities, to four rarities, to having relatively more copies of its higher rarities. Which seems like going around in a circle. The rarer cards will be less bomb-like, which seems good. All of that with some price raises along the way, but one has to keep up with inflation somehow I suppose.

I am still out. I experimented briefly with Wilds of Eldraine limited, but the online experience failed to hold my interest, the logistics of playing in person are not great for me, and the continuous investment cost of keeping up is way too high. So perhaps a draft or two right around release when reading the cards as I go is still fine, some occasional light Premodern, and that’s probably about it.

It is simultaneously amazing the ways people talk about and frame questions about the dangers of self-driving cars, and also amazing that it is all not so much worse.

In this case, I mean, wow.

SAN FRANCISCO — A pedestrian crossing a busy intersection was struck by a regular car Monday night and hurled beneath a Cruise autonomous vehicle where she was trapped for several minutes until firefighters freed her, according to emergency responders and a video of the crash viewed by The Washington Post.

Nothing in the article suggested what the driverless car could have done, even in theory, to be safer, other than not being on the road in the first place.

Except, actually there was something. It seems that after the woman flew under the car, the driverless car dragged her along a bit in a way it shouldn’t have, causing more damage. This is not itself shocking or worrying to me, because ‘another accident flies a person under the car’ is exactly the kind of not-in-the-training-set situation that you’re not going to handle so well the first time.

Except, actually there was a bigger problem, you idiots.

Cruise’s initial tweets the day after the crash didn’t mention its vehicle dragging the woman as it pulled over. Indeed, the DMV says that when it met with Cruise the day after the incident, the company only showed footage from the initial crash, leaving out the part where the victim got dragged under the vehicle as it pulled over.

That got Cruise suspended in California, and then Cruise voluntarily suspended their other operations. Intentionally misleading officials about accidents is rather not okay. This is an existential threat to Cruise. If they actually did what they are accused of doing, they brought it on themselves, and have single-handedly pushed back development of self-driving cars for years.

I say if because California has a history of pulling tricks around this issue. I would not rule out, based on what I know, that Cruise did cooperate and they are twisting this all around somehow. Otherwise, yeah, this is something a company should fry for.

Cruise also has this little other issue.

Dan Elton: On Cruise’s driverless cars: “Those vehicles were supported by a vast operations staff, with 1.5 workers per vehicle. The workers intervened to assist the company’s vehicles every 2.5 to five miles” Huh, is that true? (I don’t believe anything I read in the @NYTimes these days).

Timothy Lee: People (rodney Brooke’s on bluesky and Gary Marcus) are describing the the 2.5 to 5 mile figure as “stunning” but I am not that surprised. You encounter a lot of stuff in 5 miles of driving in San Francisco.

That doesn’t mean cruise cars would have made a mistake once every 5 miles without help. It means that once every 5 miles there was a situation where the car wasn’t 100 percent sure what to do.

I bet in most of those cases it had the right idea with 99 percent confidence. But that’s not good enough when lives are potentially on the line. We shouldn’t fault companies for being careful.

With that said these details should not be secret. Waymo and cruise should tell the public a lot more about what is going behind the scenes.

Dan Elton: Wow. Cruise’s cars are being remotely operated 2-4% of the time? Am I reading this correctly? I feel like we’ve been lied to.

Cruise CEO (on Reddit): Cruise CEO here. Some relevant context follows.

Cruise AVs are being remotely assisted (RA) 2-4% of the time on average, in complex urban environments. This is low enough already that there isn’t a huge cost benefit to optimizing much further, especially given how useful it is to have humans review things in certain situations.

The stat quoted by NYT is how frequently the AVS initiate an RA session. Of those, many are resolved by the AV itself before the human even looks at things, since we often have the AV initiate proactively and before it is certain it will need help. Many sessions are quick confirmation requests (it is ok to proceed?) that are resolved in seconds. There are some that take longer and involve guiding the AV through tricky situations. Again, in aggregate this is 2-4% of time in driverless mode.

In terms of staffing, we are intentionally over staffed given our small fleet size in order to handle localized bursts of RA demand. With a larger fleet we expect to handle bursts with a smaller ratio of RA operators to AVs. Lastly, I believe the staffing numbers quoted by NYT include several other functions involved in operating fleets of AVS beyond remote assistance (people who clean, charge, maintain, etc.) which are also something that improve significantly with scale and over time.

Gary Marcus: How I am feeling, too. Lied to.

This is how it always starts. You have to bootstrap to get data, given how crazy the public is about every little thing that goes wrong. How else would you do it?

Except, why are they still doing this? Why does the CEO think this situation is long term stable? In some sense this is 97% less human driving, but this is very much not 97% of the way there nor does it provide 97% of the value. In the beginning, This Is Fine. Given how long they were on the road? Very much not fine.

Waymo vehicles at a minimum generated fewer insurance claims and generally have a strong safety record. Seems robust, even taking into account that Waymo has no reason to ever file an insurance claim, or to not pay money before letting anyone else write one. What is happening behind the scenes at Waymo? I don’t doubt some amount of support, but I presume they are much farther along in reducing the need.

Mr Beast provided clean water for up to 500,000 Africans. Some people were (checks notes) unhappy about this. He will keep doing such things. Anyone upset about this should notice the skulls on their uniforms. Doing good that earns you back the costs is the most effective of altruisms.

But yes, such people do exist.

Annamarie Forcino: “oh poor me, I’m getting canceled because I’m so nice 🥺” when in reality any criticism comes from the fact that people shouldn’t have to rely on a rich youtuber to get access to clean water.

Sydney Humanism Group: I understand that it can be frustrating to feel misunderstood or unfairly judged. However, it’s important to remember that being nice doesn’t exempt anyone from accountability.

Chris Freiman:

I will take a bold stance that it is good to help people even if those people should not have to rely on you.

I will also note that I am confident this bold stance is very popular.

Effective altruism too is rather popular among those who have heard of it. Which it had better be, if your whole plan is to dedicate everything to helping others as much as possible given fixed resources.

I’d certainly hope that the definition would be popular, to those who don’t know about the movement. And indeed, seems to go pretty well, and better with those who are familiar with the concept?

Stefan Schubert: YouGov finds that most Americans who have heard of effective altruism approve of it. Unclear how much to infer from it, though.

22% say they’re familiar with effective altruism; fairly strongly related to education level.

Next time an EA thinks they need to hide their affiliations, notice that this about as good as approval numbers ever get.

Scott Alexander writes up the experiment with impact markets. Judges found that the projects collectively were not worth what investors paid for them. Of 18 invested projects, 17 had negative ROI until Austin and Scott decided to overpay for two more, leaving 15 with negative returns.

The remaining one project got a 25x return, but that was because it was sold for $300 total, and it was pure community building at the University of Maryland future. Which I am assured is technically a Big 10 school. But for recruitment to be valuable, there needs to be something else effective going on.

Effective Altruism’s major organizations are largely under a single legal umbrella, which is inhibiting risk taking and information sharing quite a bit. This seems quite bad and I do not see sufficient corresponding upside.

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