facial recognition


Cop busted for unauthorized use of Clearview AI facial recognition resigns

Secret face scans —

Indiana cop easily hid frequent personal use of Clearview AI face scans.

Cop busted for unauthorized use of Clearview AI facial recognition resigns

An Indiana cop has resigned after it was revealed that he frequently used Clearview AI facial recognition technology to track down social media users not linked to any crimes.

According to a press release from the Evansville Police Department, this was a clear “misuse” of Clearview AI’s controversial face scan tech, which some US cities have banned over concerns that it gives law enforcement unlimited power to track people in their daily lives.

To help identify suspects, police can scan what Clearview AI describes on its website as “the world’s largest facial recognition network.” The database pools more than 40 billion images collected from news media, mugshot websites, public social media, and other open sources.

But these scans must always be linked to an investigation, and Evansville police chief Philip Smith said that instead, the disgraced cop repeatedly disguised his personal searches by deceptively “utilizing an actual case number associated with an actual incident” to evade detection.

Smith’s department discovered the officer’s unauthorized use after performing an audit before renewing their Clearview AI subscription in March. That audit showed “an anomaly of very high usage of the software by an officer whose work output was not indicative of the number of inquiry searches that they had.”

Another clue to the officer’s abuse of the tool was that most face scans conducted during investigations are “usually live or CCTV images”—shots taken in the wild—Smith said. However, the officer who resigned was mainly searching social media images, which was a red flag.

An investigation quickly “made clear that this officer was using Clearview AI” for “personal purposes,” Smith said, declining to name the officer or verify if targets of these searchers were notified.

As a result, Smith recommended that the department terminate the officer. However, the officer resigned “before the Police Merit Commission could make a final determination on the matter,” Smith said.

Easily dodging Clearview AI’s built-in compliance features

Clearview AI touts the face image network as a public safety resource, promising to help law enforcement make arrests sooner while committing to “ethical and responsible” use of the tech.

On its website, the company says that it understands that “law enforcement agencies need built-in compliance features for increased oversight, accountability, and transparency within their jurisdictions, such as advanced admin tools, as well as user-friendly dashboards, reporting, and metrics tools.”

To “help deter and detect improper searches,” its website says that a case number and crime type is required, and “every agency is required to have an assigned administrator that can see an in-depth overview of their organization’s search history.”

It seems that neither of those safeguards stopped the Indiana cop from repeatedly scanning social media images for undisclosed personal reasons, seemingly rubber-stamping the case number and crime type requirement and going unnoticed by his agency’s administrator. This incident could have broader implications in the US, where its technology has been widely used by police to conduct nearly 1 million searches, Clearview AI CEO Hoan Ton-That told the BBC last year.

In 2022, Ars reported when Clearview AI told investors it had ambitions to collect more than 100 billion face images, ensuring that “almost everyone in the world will be identifiable.” As privacy concerns about the controversial tech mounted, it became hotly debated. Facebook moved to stop the company from scraping faces on its platform, and the ACLU won a settlement that banned Clearview AI from contracting with most businesses. But the US government retained access to the tech, including “hundreds of police forces across the US,” Ton-That told the BBC.

Most law enforcement agencies are hesitant to discuss their Clearview AI tactics in detail, the BBC reported, so it’s often unclear who has access and why. But the Miami Police confirmed that “it uses this software for every type of crime,” the BBC reported.

Now, at least one Indiana police department has confirmed that an officer can sneakily abuse the tech and conduct unapproved face scans with apparent ease.

According to Kashmir Hill—the journalist who exposed Clearview AI’s tech—the disgraced cop was following in the footsteps of “billionaires, Silicon Valley investors, and a few high-wattage celebrities” who got early access to Clearview AI tech in 2020 and considered it a “superpower on their phone, allowing them to put a name to a face and dig up online photos of someone that the person might not even realize were online.”

Advocates have warned that stronger privacy laws are needed to stop law enforcement from abusing Clearview AI’s network, which Hill described as “a Shazam for people.”

Smith said the officer disregarded department guidelines by conducting the improper face scans.

“To ensure that the software is used for its intended purposes, we have put in place internal operational guidelines and adhere to the Clearview AI terms of service,” Smith said. “Both have language that clearly states that this is a tool for official use and is not to be used for personal reasons.

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New compact facial-recognition system passes test on Michelangelo’s David

A face for the ages —

Flatter, simpler prototype system uses 5-10 times less power than smartphone tech.

A new lens-free and compact system for facial recognition scans a bust of Michelangelo’s David and reconstructs the image using less power than existing 3D surface imaging systems.

Enlarge / A new lens-free and compact system for facial recognition scans a bust of Michelangelo’s David and reconstructs the image using less power than existing 3D-surface imaging systems.

W-C Hsu et al., Nano Letters, 2024

Facial recognition is a common feature for unlocking smartphones and gaming systems, among other uses. But the technology currently relies upon bulky projectors and lenses, hindering its broader application. Scientists have now developed a new facial recognition system that employs flatter, simpler optics that also requires less energy, according to a recent paper published in the journal Nano Letters. The team tested their prototype system with a 3D replica of Michelangelo’s famous David sculpture, and found it recognized the face as well as existing smartphone facial recognition.

The current commercial 3D imaging systems in smartphones (like Apple’s iPhone) extract depth information via structured light. A dot projector uses a laser to project a pseudorandom beam pattern onto the face of the person looking at a locked screen. It does so thanks to several other built-in components: a collimator, light guide, and special lenses (known as diffractive optical elements, or DOEs) that break the laser beam apart into an array of some 32,000 infrared dots. The camera can then interpret that projected beam pattern to confirm the person’s identity.

Packing in all those optical components like lasers makes commercial dot projectors rather bulky, so it can be harder to integrate for some applications such as robotics and augmented reality, as well as the next generation of facial recognition technology. They also consume significant power. So Wen-Chen Hsu, of National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University and the Hon Hai Research Institute in Taiwan, and colleagues turned to ultrathin optical components known as metasurfaces for a potential solution. These metasurfaces can replace bulkier components for modulating light and have proven popular for depth sensors, endoscopes, tomography. and augmented reality systems, among other emerging applications.

Schematic of a new facial recognition system using a camera and meta surface-enhanced dot projector.

Enlarge / Schematic of a new facial recognition system using a camera and meta surface-enhanced dot projector.

W-C Hsu et al., Nanoletters, 2024

Hsu et al. built their own depth-sensing facial recognition system incorporating a metasurface hologram in place of the diffractive optical element. They replaced the standard vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) with a photonic crystal surface-emitting laser (PCSEL). (The structure of photonic crystals is the mechanism behind the bright iridescent colors in butterfly wings or beetle shells.) The PCSEL can generate its own highly collimated light beam, so there was no need for the bulky light guide or collimation lenses needed in VCSEL-based dot projector systems.

The team tested their new system on a replica bust of David, and it worked as well as existing smartphone facial recognition, based on comparing the infrared dot patterns to online photos of the statue. They found that their system generated nearly one and a half times more infrared dots (some 45,700) than the standard commercial technology from a device that is 233 times smaller in terms of surface area than the standard dot projector. “It is a compact and cost-effective system, that can be integrated into a single chip using the flip-chip process of PCSEL,” the authors wrote. Additionally, “The metasurface enables the generation of customizable and versatile light patterns, expanding the system’s applicability.” It’s more energy-efficient to boot.

Nano Letters, 2024. DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c05002  (About DOIs).

Listing image by W-C Hsu et al., Nano Letters, 2024

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