

The Most Important Upcoming AR/VR Events This Year

After the COVID-19 pandemic made most event organizers cancel their live AR/VR events or host them virtually, in the past year more and more live events are making a comeback. Even the immersive industry needs a real-life environment to discover gadgets and try AR/VR content.

And we will tell you exactly where you should go if you want to try the most exciting discoveries and devices. Also, we know that if you work in this industry, you should not miss these AR/VR events, either. You have the great opportunity to network with peers or even discover new business or employment opportunities.

The Most Relevant AR/VR Events in 2023 You Should Not Miss

Here are some of the most important AR/VR events that are taking place until the end of this year.

1. AWE USA 2023

When: May 31 – June 2

Where: Santa Clara, CA, US; and virtual

AWE USA 2023

Late spring/early summer is a great time to be in California. This year, it is made even better by one of the top AR/VR events: AWE USA. This is one of the most comprehensive fairs for professionals, stakeholders, and tech enthusiasts focused on immersive technologies.

They will be able to test various gadgets, discover content trends, and attend insightful keynote presentations. Attendees will be able to hear from a vast number of XR professionals, such as Peggy Johnson (the CEO of Magic Leap), Hugo Swat  (Vice-President and General Manager of XR at Qualcomm), Chi Xu (CEO of Nreal), Elizabeth Hyman (CEO of XR Association), John Riccitiello (CEO of Unity), Kavya Pearlman (Founder & CEO of XR Safety Initiative), and many more.

For those who can’t attend in person, there’s also the option to access some parts of the event online through the platform.

As AWE USA 2023 media partner, ARPost offers its readers a 20% discount code. Use the code 23ARPOSTD during registration.

2. XR Expo 2023

When: June 15-16

Where: Stuttgart, Germany

XR Expo 2023

If you happen to be in Germany this summer for business, you can also put aside two days to attend XR Expo 2023. This B2B event will bring together industry users, technology providers, content service providers, and XR researchers, and will focus on professional applications of extended reality technologies in health, industry, architecture, and trade and craft.

Right now, registration for XR Expo 2023 is open, but the event’s program is still under development.

3. Enterprise Metaverse Summit

When: June 28-29

Where: London, UK; and virtual

Enterprise Metaverse Summit 2023

Another AR/VR event taking place in Europe, Enterprise Metaverse Summit is hosted by the British weekly newspaper The Economist. The event audience includes senior executives focused on XR, automation, IoT, 5G, the future of work, AI, machine learning, and edge computing.

This year’s event will cover a vast number of topics, from how the metaverse is expected to replace or improve human experiences at work, and how VR is making surgeries safer, to how the metaverse can help businesses become more sustainable and reduce their carbon footprint, and the benefits of VR as an engine to catalyze diversity and inclusion initiatives.

Attendees will be able to hear from speakers such as Meta Reality Labs’ VP Christine Trodella, Wallart’s Head of 3D Creative Technology Cynthia Maller, MetaVRse co-founder Alan Smithson, and EndeavorXR founder and CEO Amy Peck.

For all those who cannot attend, the event organizers offer a free virtual pass for full access to all virtual sessions on the first day of the event.

4. XR:WA

When: July 20-23

Where: Perth, Western Australia

XR:WA 2023

Australian winter is mild compared to the summer heat in many parts of the US, so it’s a great moment to attend one of the best AR/VR events of the year. XR:WA is for everyone, from those curious to try immersive experiences for the first time to seasoned professionals.

The event aims to discuss the impact and opportunities for XR across a number of industries including architecture, design, medicine, education, training, science, art, and entertainment.

Back for its fifth edition, the event activities include talks, panels, various AR and VR experiences, workshops, a trade floor, and exhibition.

5. Industrial IMMERSIVE Week

When: August 28-30

Where: Houston, TX

Industrial Immersive Week 2023 event

Industrial IMMERSIVE Week is one of the AR/VR events for professionals interested in XR, spatial computing, digital twins, AI, IIoT, 5G, 3D models and simulations, and connected workforce solutions.

Touted as the event “where industry goes for real-world use cases, best practices and emerging tech for your enterprise to launch, pilot and deploy metaverse programs,” Industrial IMMERSIVE Week is intended for professionals from diverse industries, including manufacturing, construction, oil and gas, engineering, mining, automotive, aerospace, and logistics.

From C-suite leaders, to department leaders and professionals, Industrial IMMERSIVE Week brings together seasoned specialists and decision-makers. Some of the most important Fortune 500 companies will be represented at the event, including Boeing, Canon, Shell, Amazon, and Hewlett Packard Enterprise.

6. Augmented Enterprise Summit

When: October 24-26

Where: Houston, TX; virtual

Augmented Enterprise Summit 2023

As its name suggests, this AR/VR event is aimed at enterprises. Augmented Enterprise Summit is dedicated to the business and industrial applications of XR and other metaverse-related emerging technologies.

This year, the event boasts an impressive line-up of speakers including NASA’s Simulation and Graphics Capabilities Manager Angelica Garcia, CocaCola’s Director of Technical Training and Development Michael Whatley, Airbus Head of Augmented Worker Product Andreas Oeder, and Amazon Web Services Principal Spatial Computing Solutions Architect Kurt Scheuringer.

Among the sponsors and exhibitors, you can find a number of XR companies such as Mytaverse, RealWear, Strivr, and Vuzix.

Aside from more than a thousand expected attendees, the 10th Augmented Enterprise Summit will also feature over 50 exhibitors and sponsors, and more than 50 educational sessions.

The event also offers a virtual pass, with access to a virtual event app, digital exhibitor zone, exclusive post-event resources, and all sessions and on-demand recordings. As Augmented Enterprise Summit media partner, we can offer our readers 15% off for event tickets with the code arpost15.

The Most Important Upcoming AR/VR Events This Year Read More »


Announcing TNW Conference 2023: Reclaim the future

Announcing TNW Conference 2023: Reclaim the future

Zach Butler

Story by

Zach Butler

Events Director at TNW. Events Director at TNW.

When TNW Conference first took place in 2006, the digital disruption was still in its early stages. The conference served as a platform for forward thinkers to explore what a tech-enabled future could, and eventually would, look like.

Today, technology has transformed everything. Yet somehow, the future used to feel more promising than it does now. There’s no need to elaborate on the emotions that come to mind when thinking about the future in a time of such uncertainty and anxiety.

As one of the premier tech events and media brands in Europe, we are acutely aware of the power and responsibility that comes with being able to reach millions of people and promote impactful messages. And I believe that this period in TNW Conference’s 17-year history is perhaps more important than ever before.

In the past few turbulent years, we chose not to have an evolving annual theme for the event. Instead, we focused on showcasing our beloved conference as the place where “the next in tech” is discovered, right now. That fundamental aspect will never change, but in 2023, it’s time for us to be bold again.

So, if TNW is the heart of tech, then we need to be the place where the passionate individuals creating, investing in, or utilising technology for a better future can come together. And even better, in a space that is inclusive, engaging, and enjoyable.

We’ve been doing this for 17 years without explicitly saying it, but TNW Conference is the place where you can reclaim the future. This year, we’re making it the main theme of the event.

This summer, let’s go back to when the future excited us. When technology meant hope, innovation, endless possibilities. Not with the all-encompassing techno-optimism of the 2000s, but with a responsible, balanced approach of the 2020s that still leaves us the mental space to be inspired, curious, and empowered.

Join us in Amsterdam on June 15–16, 2023 to rediscover the excitement and promise that technology holds, and let’s shape a brighter tomorrow together. See you in the future.

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VR Takes Center Stage at Dubai’s DEAL 2023 Expo: Highlights and Takeaways

So, in the past few weeks we have seen big tech, including Meta and Microsoft, announce massive layoffs, mostly to their XR division and at the same time, pivoting towards artificial intelligence and generative content.

Despite the news, this year’s DEAL expo was as busy as ever. Teeming with an array of VR devices, games, contraptions, and a myriad of other VR-related gizmos that filled the halls, it, quite frankly, surpassed expectations.

It’s clear that there’s an appetite for virtual reality and that the VR industry as a whole has no intention of slowing down. Here’s a short rundown of the most interesting things that caught my eye.

Meta4 Interactive

Meta4 Interactive were on the floor showcasing their arena player vs. player battler based on the well-known Transformers IP. I had the chance to battle it out with the CBDO of Meta4, Sylvain Croteau, as well as other members of the team.

They were all great at the game, which might seem obvious since it’s their product after all, but you would be surprised how often management is actually disconnected from their games or brands. It was nice to see that in this case the team is not only up to speed with their products, but also plays Transformers: VR Battle Arena for fun.

The hardware consisted of blue HTC Vive Pros connected to the gaming PCs above. This kept the headsets tethered without me actually feeling the tether as the cables were suspended from above. Also, the game is stationary, as you teleport from platform to platform (not unlike Tower Tag). I dodged bullets and turned in all directions without any issues.

Meta4 Interactive booth
Meta4 Interactive booth

Transformers VR: Battle Arena was originally developed in 2019 but I only had a chance to try it out recently. On their website, Meta4 claims their games run at a 90hz refresh rate, but it felt like less. Perhaps more like 60fps or 45fps with reprojection to 90hz?

The HTC Vive Pros were tethered, so there was no latency but the game did have a peculiar dense, dreamlike aspect to it, which often stems from lower refresh rates. I would gladly play a slightly stripped-down version of the game if it meant running it at 120hz native.

PvP arenas are very engaging thanks to their competitive aspect but it also means they work best for groups of friends, gamers, and people who want to compete and see who’s the best. All in all, I had fun and can’t wait to see what Meta4 has in store next.

VEX Solutions

VEX Solutions showcased two turnkey solutions side by side. The first one, “VEX Adventure,” offered a more comprehensive LBE-type experience with a motorized floor, wind and heat, onboarding, and full cooperative plot-driven gameplay. The other one, “VEX Arena,” is a lighter, less premium version, aimed at higher throughput.

VEX Arena and VEX Adventure
VEX Arena (front) and VEX Adventure (back)

Both setups used haptic vests but otherwise, the hardware differed significantly. VR Arena used a Vive Focus 3, while the more premium VR Adventure opted for some kind of hybrid setup. It looked like Pico Neo 3, combined with SteamVR tracking, hand tracking, and Pico 3 controllers that were mounted into the guns. A true patchwork of all the different technologies.

VEX Adventure
Pico Neo 3 together with Vive trackers, hand tracking, and Pico 3 controllers 

The VEX representative declined to discuss hardware aspects, which I can understand. When it works, it works. However, having a multitude of varying components increases the number of potential failure points, which is not desirable. To that end, their other less premium offering, VR Arena, seemed a bit more manageable, but again I didn’t have the chance to ask about any specifics.


For those looking to get into VR arenas on the cheap, WARPOINT had their own super basic solution. All it requires is 10 Meta Quest 2 headsets and a tablet. This must be the most affordable turnkey solution I saw at DEAL 2023. You could even forgo buying brand-new headsets and instead opt for second-hand ones to lower the costs even further.

WARPOINT: Meta Quest 2s equipped with power banks are waiting their turn 

All the Meta Quests operate in standalone mode using software developed by WARPOINT themselves. All the modes and maps are designed for PvP combat and marketed as a form of e-sport.

WARPOINT booth in action


Moving on, I encountered Moviemex3D. It’s a company that specializes in VR movies and VR simulators, but they also offer an arena experience called VR Labyrinth. It’s a popup box that features redirected walking, gaming elements, and even some motorized rumble effects.

Yours truly, stepping onto a VR elevator (with rumble effects) 

If you ever tried TraVRsal or Tea For God, you will know what the deal is. Even if the pop-up box looks small, the VR game area is much larger thanks to redirected walking, elevators, and so on. Expect traps, action, and shooting. Overall it’s a fun single-player experience.

From a hardware perspective, Moviemex3D used a Pico Neo 3 headset streaming from a PCVR computer. It’s not a bad solution but again, just like with the Transformers VR, I felt like the game wasn’t running at high enough refresh rates, making the entire experience feel heavy and dreamlike.


FuninVR had this pretty, eye-catching centerpiece.

UFO-shaped VR simulator (FuninVR)

It’s a massive UFO-shaped VR simulator. Not exactly a VR arena, but I had to try it out. The team was running a variety of experiences. People before me tried some kind of moon landing. In my case, it was a fantasy-themed rollercoaster.

Unfortunately, the VR simulator was out of sync with the roller coaster animation. Sometimes the track would turn left but the UFO didn’t – forcing me to either turn my head 90 degrees or face the walls. This left many participants nauseous.

There were also other questionable elements, like sudden impacts that made the roller coaster stop in place — basically, it’s like the developers deliberately broke every established rule on what not to do. I have strong VR legs, but still felt queasy.

Each participant had buttons on each side of the seat, which we used to shoot enemies, dragons, and other baddies. Aiming was done with head-tracking and it was a fun interactive element that I enjoyed, even if the shooting was only done for theatrical purposes — we were all running separate instances of the roller-coaster animation and there was no way to stop the simulator from progressing further.

Perhaps it would be better if I had tried the moon landing demo because, unfortunately, the roller-coaster had too many sync and motion issues to be enjoyable.

Hero Zone VR

One last turnkey VR solution worth mentioning is Hero Zone VR. It’s another fully standalone arena experience, this time running on a Vive Focus 3. This allowed the developers to take advantage of the headset’s larger resolution and higher-clocked XR2+ chipset.

Hero Zone VR
Participants getting ready to try out Hero Zone VR

There was a queue of people waiting to try out Hero Zone VR, so I didn’t get the chance to try it myself, but it looked like there was a selection of both cooperative and PvP games. I spoke briefly to one of the team members and he seemed to be quite proud of what they managed to achieve by going full standalone.

No Beat Saber?

There were also a lot of usual suspects: VR cabinets, VR kiosks, and VR arcades. Notably, Beat Saber was nowhere to be found. I wonder if it became too expensive to license or perhaps it has lost a bit of its novelty value. Instead, Synth Riders came in to fill the void, along with other fast-paced games like Zombieland VR.

Synth Riders Kiosk
Synth Riders. By all accounts a great rhythm game. 

One arcade cabinet I really enjoyed was VR Shotgun by VR 360 Action. You step into a minigun cart and it’s basically laser shooting reinvented. Spooks and baddies come from left and right and you just have to blast away.

VR Shotgun
VR Shotgun by VR 360 Action

The minigun prop felt heavy and it had some nice haptic feedback to it. I was also happy with the decision to use the HP Reverb G2  headset, which still presents a very high bar when it comes to clarity and resolution. The game was running buttery smooth. Of course, the gameplay was pretty unsophisticated and there was no locomotion (it would be nice to have some kind of on-rails movement to break the mold), but VR Shotgun did make me wish all the arena and LBE software would have this level of visual comfort and fluidity.

Summary and Takeaways

So, what are my main takeaways from this year’s DEAL?

» Even if the early days are behind us, we’re still in the days of rapid innovation and prototyping. This makes it hard for VR arcades and arenas to keep up. I saw almost every kind of headset this year, from the oldest Oculus Rift CV1s, through Vive Pro, Windows Mixed Reality, Quest 2, Pico 4, and Vive Focus 3, running standalone, streaming, and wired.

» Meta presence in the amusement and entertainment sector could be stronger. Despite spending egregious amounts, most of the money went towards metaverse and mixed reality — both of which do not gel very well with the arcade environment. The Quest Pro was nowhere to be seen but maybe because it’s such a fresh headset.

» Virtual reality is becoming more and more normalized. At least 30-40% of the booths were virtual reality oriented. With everyone around wearing and trying headsets, people have stopped feeling insecure about how they look with a headset on and instead enjoy their experiences, treating VR like any other tech.

Have fun and keep on rocking in the virtual world!

About the Guest Author(s)

Mat Pawluczuk

Mat Pawluczuk

Mat Pawluczuk is an XR / VR writer and content creator.

VR Takes Center Stage at Dubai’s DEAL 2023 Expo: Highlights and Takeaways Read More »


NVIDIA CloudXR 4.0 Enables Developers to Customize the SDK and Scale XR Deployment

In January, NVIDIA announced new products and innovations at CES 2023. At this year’s NVIDIA GTC, “the developer conference for the era of AI and the metaverse,” NVIDIA announced the latest release of CloudXR. Businesses can definitely look forward to boosting their AR and VR capabilities with the new NVIDIA CloudXR developments, enhanced to bring more flexibility and scalability for XR deployments.

The latest release augurs well for developers looking to improve the customer experience while using their apps whether on the cloud, through 5G Mobile Edge Computing, or corporate networks.

In CloudXR 4.0, new APIs allow flexibility in the development of client apps as well as in using various distribution points to deliver XR experiences. Scalability in multi-platform use is another plus as broader options for CloudXR interface are likewise made available. The new NVIDIA CloudXR also makes it possible for developers to create custom user interfaces through the use of Unity plug-in architecture.

Among the benefits that developers can enjoy with the new NVIDIA CloudXR 4.0 are:

  • No Need for OpenVR or OpenXR Runtime – CloudXR Server API lets developers build CloudXR directly into their applications, although OpenVR API via the SteamVR runtime continues to be fully supported by the new version.
  • More Deployment Options With the Use of the Unity Plug-in – Developers can build on the Unity engine and create a full-featured CloudXR Client using Unity APIs.

NVIDIA CloudXR 4.0 - Unity Plug-in

  • Reduced Lag and Delay Problems Through the l4s Technology – Lags on interactive cloud-based video streaming are reduced as the new NVIDIA CloudXR release makes use of a convenient “togglable” feature in the implementation of the advanced 5G packet delivery optimization.

More Immersive Experiences With the New NVIDIA CloudXR Developments

The new NVIDIA CloudXR developments now make it possible to provide more immersive high-fidelity XR experiences to the users. Developers and businesses can offer high-performance XR streaming to their customers through the most accessible platforms and devices. They can now customize their applications to give the kind of XR experiences their customers are looking for.

“At VMware we’re using NVIDIA CloudXR to enable our customers to stream high-fidelity XR experiences from platforms, like VMware Horizon, to standalone VR devices running VMware Workspace ONE XR Hub,” said VMware Director of Product Management, Matt Coppinger, in a press release shared with ARPost. “This gives our customers the power of a graphics workstation along with the mobility of a standalone VR device.” 

With CloudXR 4.0, developers are able to improve integrations and consequently the overall performance of their apps and solutions.

NVIDIA also revealed strategic partnerships with tech companies like Ericsson and Deutsche Telekom to ensure that integrations, specifically of the L4S, into the new NVIDIA CloudXR developments, are implemented seamlessly.

The availability of high bandwidth, low latency networks for optimal streaming performance are also assured through these alliances. Head of Deutsche Telecom’s Edge Computing, Dominik Schnieders, reiterates how they believe that the CloudXR and L4S optimization is a critical component of streaming XR for both enterprises and consumers in the public 5G network.

Most Requested Features on the New NVIDIA CloudXR Developments

The new version of the CloudXR puts together more “in-demand” features. Among these are: generic controller support, call back-based logging, and flexible stream creation. This demonstrates great responsiveness to the needs of the XR developer community and is perceived as a significant improvement in the distribution of enterprise XR software.

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Coach Partners With ZERO10 on AR Try-On Tech for Metaverse Fashion Week

The second edition of Metaverse Fashion Week (MVFW) is set to take place at the end of this month in Decentraland’s Luxury District, where global brands will feature their digital wearables. MVFW is a four-day-long event that combines fashion and AR try-on technology to offer a unique, immersive experience to attendees.

Metaverse Fashion Week 2023 -Arena

Metaverse Fashion Week, which will run from March 28–31 this year, will see the participation of luxury brand Coach for the first time, showcasing its products in the virtual show. The event brings together top designers and brands, making it an exciting opportunity for Coach to showcase its signature leather-made products in the metaverse.

ZERO10’s AR Try-On Tech Highlights Coach’s Iconic Tabby Bag

In collaboration with ZERO10, Coach will introduce its iconic Tabby bag with a unique AR enhancement as part of its upcoming activation during MVWF. The feature will be accessible via the ZERO10 app, allowing users in Decentraland to try on the product virtually, providing a new and engaging way to experience the brand.

COACH - Tabby bag
Source: Coach

The AR enhancement effect, which makes use of cutting-edge technology, adds a unique touch to the virtual fashion event and provides visitors with a dynamic way to interact with Coach’s products. Using AR try-on, shoppers may virtually try on clothes, accessories, and even cosmetics before making a purchase. Buyers interested in a product can virtually see how they might look in it.

As a global digital fashion platform, ZERO10 offers AR try-on technology to brands and independent creators. Through its iOS app, users can try on digital clothing in real time using their phone camera, collect items in a virtual wardrobe, and create shareable content for social media.

The digital collections are collaborations with both emerging and established fashion brands, designers, musicians, and artists and are released in limited drops within the app. The app’s cloth simulation technology simulates fabric flow, while the body tracking technology lets users try on virtual outfits for unique social media photos and videos.

Blending Tradition and Innovation

This year’s Metaverse Fashion Week theme, “Future Heritage,” encourages both traditional and emerging fashion designers to engage and work together. As part of the upcoming event, brands will conduct interactive virtual experiences both on and off the runway.

Dolce & Gabbana plans to exhibit pieces from its Future Reward digital design competition. Tommy Hilfiger intends to launch new wearables on a daily basis, along with products powered by artificial intelligence. DKNY will have a pop-up art gallery and restaurant called DKNY.3. Adidas, like Coach, will make its MVFW debut this year. For owners of its “Into the Metaverse” non-fungible token (NFT) collection, the sports brand will debut its first set of digital wearables.

Metaverse Fashion Week 2023 brands

Coach will also participate in Brand New Vision (BNV), a Web3 fashion ecosystem that enables attendees to try on wearables from various global brands seamlessly and instantly. BNV has created specifically designed stations to showcase the digital clothing collections created in partnership with top brands such as Tommy Hilfiger, Carolina Herrera, Michael Kors, and Vivienne Tam. Moreover, a newly built “Fashion Plaza” will also exhibit emerging digital fashion possibilities.

MVFW Open Metaverses and Web3 Interoperability

Dr. Giovanna Graziosi Casimiro, Decentraland’s head of MVFW, remarked that they are honored to carry on the Metaverse Fashion Week tradition this year. “We are seeing the return of many luxury fashion houses, and also the emergence and elevation of digitally native fashion. We are excited to see the world’s greatest fashion minds engaging in digital fashion and exploring what it can mean for their brands, and for their communities,” she said.

This year’s MVFW will highlight the force of interoperability across open metaverses while expanding the boundaries of what digital fashion can be. MVFW23, organized by Decentraland and UNXD, is an immersive art and culture event, in association with the Spatial and OVER metaverses, that welcomes fashionistas from all over the globe to gather, mingle, and witness the most recent breakthroughs in digital fashion.

Fashion brands trying on various virtual technologies like AR try-on is a testament to their commitment to staying at the forefront of the latest technology trends and providing their customers with unique and immersive experiences.

Coach Partners With ZERO10 on AR Try-On Tech for Metaverse Fashion Week Read More »


SXSW 2023: Highlights and XR Experiences That Push the Boundaries of Storytelling, Music, and Technology

The South by Southwest® (SXSW®) Conference and Festivals has once again taken the world by storm, delivering a jam-packed 10-day event featuring a variety of activities for audiences to explore. Hosted in Austin, TX, SXSW 2023 ran from March 10–19, 2023.

Attendees from around the globe also got the chance to immerse themselves for a couple of days in the fantastical world of the SXSW XR Experience. SXSW 2023 boasted a brand new look and feel this year, complete with Congress Avenue and Red River Cultural District creatively merged together and set afloat in space. The amazing visuals and virtual elements were designed in collaboration with VRROOM, a social XR platform for live shows in the metaverse, and world-renowned artists.

SXSW 2023 was especially exciting for those interested in virtual and augmented reality. XR programming and events this year included the XR Experience Competition, XR Experience Spotlight, XR and Metaverse Conference Track, and many other XR-related sessions. While SXSW 2023 was primarily in-person, attendees were also engaged with the XR Experience World through VRChat and other online immersive events.

SXSW 2023: A Quick Peek at Event Highlights

The SXSW 2023 event was packed with exciting and immersive experiences for attendees to enjoy, including several standout highlights. Among the highlights was the “Neo-Wulin: The Era of Black Ark” virtual performance series, the first of its kind in China. Created by the OXYZ3 team, this concert experience featured musicians in their own unique musical world that combined performance, exhibition, and social interaction. Even more exciting, the virtual world could be constantly extended.

Neo-Wulin - The Era of Black Ark - SXSW 2023

Attendees were also treated to other immersive and engaging virtual music experiences. Web7, Le Juiice, and Maxence performed at the VRROOM Alpha Party, a live immersive concert in VR, in partnership with Deezer and Pico. Each of these emerging French artists performed in different virtual worlds.

Then, there was also the Metaverse Music Concert, presented by YOOM and Active Theory. The interactive, volumetric music concert took concertgoers into a special metaverse space inspired by the famous 6th Street in Austin, Texas.

SXSW 2023 also offered a range of compelling conference sessions across 15 tracks, including interactive tracks exploring science, technology, culture, government, and more; film tracks covering both the creative and business elements of film and TV production; and music tracks featuring content on the making, marketing, impact, and future of music.

Moreover, SXSW 2023 included several competitions, such as the SXSW Innovation Awards, SXSW Pitch, and SXSW EDU, as well as the SXSW Film & TV Festival and the SXSW Music Festival, both of which offered a wide range of content and experiences for attendees to enjoy.

A Marvel of Innovation – Multi-sensory Augmented Reality Gaming

Every year, the SXSW Innovation Award honors the most innovative and forward-thinking technology, design, and creative work in various industries, including music, film, and interactive media. This year’s SXSW 2023 awards featured over 50 digital projects from around the world, classified into 14 different categories such as Artificial Intelligence, Health and MedTech, and Sustainability.

Time Investigators AR game at SXSW 2023One of the finalists in the Convergent Gaming category was Time Investigators, a multi-sensory augmented reality game by Picture This Productions and Mary Rose Museum. The AR game players become Time Detectives, investigating the sinking of Henry VIII’s favorite ship, the Mary Rose, which claimed the lives of almost all the 500 soldiers and sailors on board.

Project Director Charlotte Mikkelborg consulted with Dr. Alex Hildred, Mary Rose’s Head of Research, to make the experience as realistic and as true to history as possible. Time Investigators, which also took the Award for Convergent Gaming home, immerses players in the sights, sounds, and even smells of life on board the ship almost 500 years ago.

Reflecting the true diversity of our world then and now, the game brings players on a roller-coaster journey through history. Players choose a character and receive a mission from the king. Using their smartphones as spyglass, they unravel secrets from the past. Then they follow a trail to solve the mystery and complete their mission. The app is available for both Android and iOS devices.

Cutting-Edge XR Experiences That Push the Boundaries of Storytelling and Technology

The SXSW XR Experience showcases the latest in immersive technology and XR. For many years now, it has provided creators and developers with a platform to showcase their innovative projects. It has also allowed attendees to immerse themselves in cutting-edge XR experiences that push the boundaries of storytelling and technology.

The SXSW 2023 XR Experience gave us the latest and most innovative immersive experiences, from VR concerts to interactive installations. Three standout experiences include the aespa VR Concert, Once A Glacier, and Symbiosis.

Aespa at KWANGYA

Aespa, a South Korean girl group formed by SM Entertainment, presented the world premiere of their VR concert at KWANGYA at the SXSW 2023 XR Experience. In the virtual world of KWANGYA, created by SM Culture Universe, the four-member K-pop group performed their debut song “Black Mamba” and “Illusion” to a global audience.

aespa vr concert at kwangya - SXSW 2023

The concert was captured using AmazeVR’s proprietary technology, which delivers high-definition stereoscopic live-action footage. Unreal Engine-based VFX tools, AI modules, and other state-of-the-art production software were used to deliver the next stage of music.

To offer more fans the opportunity to meet face-to-face with the members of aespa and see their performance up-close in 9K+ resolution, the aespa concert at KWANGYA will soon be launched on major VR headset platforms.

“Once a Glacier” – A One-of-a-Kind Story Experience

A 10-minute VR film Once A Glacier, which had its world premiere at SXSW 2023, merges the interactive world of glaciers and 360 storytelling. The experience was created by Director and Writer Jiabao Li, and Executive/Creative Producer Jenny Qinya Guo, who guided the narrative filmmaking within VR technology.

One a Glacier VR film - SXSW 2023

Utilizing real-world audio collected by Jiabao Li from glaciers in Alaska, the experience offers a multi-sensory journey into the heart of glacier culture with the smells of the glacier, swamp, freezer, and museum being released as the story progresses. The team used satellite data of Matanuska glaciers to model the disappearing glaciers in the experience. The contrast of scale within the experience is remarkable. It clearly showed the contrast between an enormous glacier during the first expedition and the tiny ice that was left of it in the latter part of the story.

The experience merges technology with storytelling to offer a better understanding of climate change and its effects on our world. Through the use of VR technology, the audience can participate in helping save the last glacier ice with a young girl. It also incorporates the Himalayan process of marrying a male glacier and a female glacier to grow a “glacier” over time for irrigation, showing where agriculture and ancient wisdom converge.

The final scene where the girl’s chunk of the glacier is auctioned to a group of cosmopolitan elites reflects the irony that despite being the largest climate change contributors, the elites are still the ones who can preserve the last remnants of the natural world for themselves. The use of VR technology allowed the audience to participate in the action of helping save that last glacier ice while also addressing the commodification of nature by elites.

“Symbiosis” – Merging Humans, Technology, and Nature

Symbiosis is a multi-sensory XR experience created by Dutch interdisciplinary artist collective Polymorf, in collaboration with Studio Biarritz. Polymorf brought Symbiosis to the US for the first time in November 2022, and it got its Texas premiere at SXSW 2023.

The experience takes place in a fictional world set 200 years into the future. In this world, humans have merged with technology and nature to become a symbiont—a human-animal and human-machine hybrid. The biotope now teems with genetically altered life forms, enhanced biochemical life, robots, autonomous intelligent systems, and other artificial or enhanced forms. In this world, all share resources and cohabitate in symbiosis.

When participants enter the virtual world, they become both a spectator and a performer. They choose a symbiotic role and interact with their surroundings. Through individualized haptic suits, soft robotics, taste and smell-based story elements, and VR headsets with olfactory fixtures, they experience a fully immersive, multi-sensory world that engages all five senses. The experience culminates in a collective eating ritual where participants share virtual and real foods.

An Exciting Year Ahead for the XR Industry

The pace of technological innovation is only going to accelerate as we continue to push the boundaries of what is possible. As we look ahead, it is important to keep in mind that these new technologies will bring not only new opportunities but also new challenges. It will be critical to approach these innovations with a keen awareness of their potential impact on society and the environment, and to work together to ensure that we harness their power for the greater good.

Still, the future of the XR industry is full of promise, and the possibilities are endless. By embracing the spirit of innovation and collaboration, we can build a brighter tomorrow for ourselves and for generations to come.

SXSW 2023: Highlights and XR Experiences That Push the Boundaries of Storytelling, Music, and Technology Read More »


The 2023 Polys WebXR Awards Recap

The third Annual Polys WebXR Awards took place this weekend. The show was bigger than ever thanks to the first-ever in-person awards and a special event saying farewell to AltspaceVR. However, despite some new categories, the overall category list was shorter this year as a number of previous awards were combined.

A Very Special Polys

The Polys launched during the height of the pandemic. Fortunately, not being in person has a way of not greatly hindering an event that’s already dedicated to WebXR.

The event took place in a bespoke AltspaceVR world, with watch parties on YouTube as well as other remote platforms. However, this time, people were able to get together in person but they did it in a very “metaverse” way.

The Polys 2023 WebXR Awards

In-person hosts, producers, presenters, and an audience gathered at ZeroSpace, an XR stage and motion capture studio in Brooklyn. Their actions on the stage were volumetrically captured and displayed in The Polys’ AltspaceVR environment, similar to the launch of Microsoft Mesh. Polys Director Ginna Lambert said that this was the first award show to use the technology.

Further, while winners and honorees had previously received their Polys Awards as NFTs, the team worked with Looking Glass Factory so that this year’s Polys can be presented in a physical frame. This is as physical as The Polys can get, seeing as Linda Ricci designed the award to defy physics.

A Funeral for AltspaceVR

In lieu of a half-time show, Big Rock Creative CEO, co-founder, and producer Athena Demos held a eulogy for AltspaceVR. Virtual attendees lined the aisle to a pulpit adorned with flowers and candles in a ceremony that was heartfelt and a little macabre. Following mourners down the aisle was a coffin containing one of the iconic robot avatars that AltspaceVR used at launch.

“AltspaceVR will always hold a special place in our hearts,” said Demos. “While we say goodbye to the platform that brought us together, we will always remember the connections that we made here.”

AltspaceVR funeral - The 2023 Polys WebXR Awards

While the WebXR team has used AltspaceVR to host The Polys Awards and numerous other town hall events and summits over the last three years, Demos and her team have been using it to bring Burning Man into virtual spaces. There is also a farewell party scheduled by Big Rock Creative to last until the moment that AltspaceVR servers shut down later this week.

The Polys Awards

Where last year’s Polys saw 15 awards categories (not counting personal honors of Lifetime Achievement, Ombudsperson of the Year, and the Community Award), this year’s show had eight categories. That includes some new categories reflecting the advancement of immersive technology even over the last few months.

“We in this community are ahead of a massive shift that we call the fourth industrial revolution,” said host Julie Smithson. “We’re here to celebrate the progress made in WebXR in the year of 2022.”

Julie Smithson at The Polys WebXR Awards

Entertainment Experience of the Year

When popular culture looks at “the metaverse” they typically equate it with irresponsible escapism – something that people use to avoid the challenges of life. XR producer and director Kiira Benzing pointed out that positive escapism – using XR to take a break from life rather than to neglect it – is one of the medium’s greatest strengths.

“With the immersive medium, you get the opportunity to step into an experience,” Benzing said in presenting the award for Entertainment Experience of the year.

The award went to Project Flowerbed, an immersive gardening experience by the Meta WebXR team. The same project was nominated for Experience of the Year.

Innovator of the Year

Futurewei Technologies Senior Director for VR, Metaverse, Mobile, Apps, and Services Daniel Ljunggren presented the award for Innovator of the Year – previously “Innovation of the Year.” The award went to Sean Mann, CEO and co-founder of RP1, a “persistent, seamless, real-time platform with limitless scalability.”

“To be amongst this many pioneers and innovators in one space is amazing. I think we’re all winners,” said Mann. “I’m super excited to be a part of this.”

Developer of the Year

“Being on the frontier of the immersive web is a pioneering effort,” Yinch Yeap said in presenting this award. “It still feels like the Wild West.”

And, like in the Wild West, many of the biggest names are pseudonyms. This is certainly the case for this year’s winner, known only as “Jin.” Jin appeared as a similarly anonymized avatar to accept the award.

“I am a huge believer in WebXR,” said Jin. “I stand on the shoulders of giants. I am very humbled and I owe this to everyone building the immersive web.”

Game of the Year Award

“Game of the Year” is a broad category as most WebXR experiences are arguably “games” – and that’s what makes the award so important according to presenter Rik Cabanier, a software engineer at Meta. The award went to the mini golf game Above Par-Adowski by Paradowski Creative.

Above Par-Adowski VR game

Accepting the award was Paradowski Creative Director of Emerging Technology James Kane, who called WebXR “the best expression of the metaverse there is.” Kane was also a nominee for Innovator of the Year.

“I want to thank our team,” said Kane. “And thanks to the Meta team for creating an amazing WebXR platform as well as for directly supporting us.”

AR Passthrough Experience of the Year

“Where, for the past years AR experiences were mainly relegated to phones, now passthrough devices are everywhere,” said presenter Lucas Rizzotto. This allows more passthrough experiences on devices available today, but it also allows more impactful development of experiences for future AR devices.

The award went to Spatial Fusion by PHORIA and Meta, an experience which sees players repairing a damaged spaceship. Ben Ferns, a consulting developer, was one of those accepting the award.

“Huge thanks to the entire team – it was a huge team effort,” said Ferns. “It’s just exciting to see the promise of WebXR and passthrough.”

WebXR Platform of the Year

In presenting the award for WebXR Platform of the Year, Prestidge Group founder and CEO Briar Prestidge pointed out that every WebXR platform has strengths and weaknesses – something that she learned a lot about while famously spending “48 hours in the metaverse” for a documentary.

The award went to Croquet, “the operating system of the metaverse,” which also took home the Startup Pitch Competition Auggie Award last year. The award was accepted by The Polys on behalf of the organization.

Education Experience of the Year

The “digital divide” describes accessibility differences exacerbated by the benefit of technology only being available to those who can afford the required hardware or programs. WebXR is vital to the future of education because it lowers the cost of access for immersive experiences, according to Silicon Harlem founder Clayton Banks in presenting this award.

Banks presented the award to Prehistoric Domain, an immersive tour that brings learners up close and personal with virtual representations of dinosaurs and other extinct species. Accepting the award was creator Benjamin Dupuy. Prehistoric Domain was also nominated for Experience of the Year.

“WebXR opens so many possibilities – it’s very exciting,” said Dupuy in accepting the award. “We are all pioneers of the immersive web here and I think we’re at the beginning of an era where the line between illusion and reality is very thin.”

Experience of the Year

Demos returned to the stage – this time in volumetric capture instead of in her AltspaceVR avatar – to present the award for Experience of the Year to Spatial Fusion.

This was the experience’s second win of the night. The experience was also a nominee for Entertainment Experience of the Year. Ferns returned to accept the award and pointed out that the code has been open-sourced.

“I’m really excited to see what other people do with this now that it’s freely accessible,” said Ferns. “It’s an exciting time for trying out all of these new UX opportunities.”

This Year’s Honorees

In addition to the nominated awards categories, there are three honors categories. The honoree in each category is named by the previous year’s recipient rather than by a panel of judges.

Community Honor

Last year’s community honoree Trevor Flowers named Evo Heyning for this year, specifically for her work with the XR Guild, the Open Metaverse Interoperability Group, and [email protected].

“Whether it’s exploring AR, exploring 3D objects and NERFs, exploring interoperability of avatars and [email protected] specifically, being a part of these experiences with [Sophia Moshasha], with Ben [Irwin], with Julie [Smithson], with everyone – it’s meant so much to me,” Heyning said in accepting the honor.

Ombudsperson of the Year

The Ombudsperson of the Year Honor is specifically set up to recognize people working on the social and human aspects of WebXR. Last year’s honoree, Avi Bar-Zeev said that he was “honored to hand off the title” to Brittan Heller, a lawyer who introduced the term “biometric psychography” to describe mental and emotional profiling through an XR user’s personal data.

Brittan Heller at The Polys WebXR Awards

“I’d like to thank Avi, Kent [Bye], and everyone at the XR Guild and the Virtual World Society, and everyone in the XR community,” said Heller. “I appreciate how everyone here is so involved in making the community so welcoming to everyone.”

Bye, referenced by Heller in her acceptance speech, is a leading XR ethicist, a strong speaker in the nascent field of biometric psychography, and the first-ever recipient of this award.

Lifetime Achievement Honor

Last year’s Lifetime Achievement Honoree Brandon Jones selected Patric Cozzi for this year’s honor. Cozzi is the CEO of Cesium, but he was selected for this award because of his work co-creating glTF as a contributor to the Khronos Group.

Patric Cozzi at The Polys WebXR Awards

“I’m really honored for glTF and the community,” said Cozzi. “It was a grassroots effort for years.”

Looking Forward to the Future

This was the last year that The Polys WebXR awards will be hosted in AltspaceVR, but the team is still looking forward to next year’s event. While they haven’t yet said what platform (or platforms) it will take place on, there’s a full year to figure that out. And a year is a long time in this industry. If you missed this year’s ceremony, you can find the recording here.

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AWE 2023 Is Right Around the Corner

Augmented World Expo, AWE for short, returns to Santa Clara this year from May 31 to June 2, 2023. The agenda is still coming together but there’s already a lot to be excited about. Let’s take a look.

Morning Keynotes

Many XR companies save some of their biggest announcements for the AWE stage. Even when companies aren’t dropping new products, apps, and services, they use the time to inform and inspire listeners about this rapidly developing space.

Day One

The first day of AWE always starts with an opening keynote from event founder Ori Inbar. Inbar’s addresses are always insightful and digestible with good measures of his palpable enthusiasm and humor. During his opening keynote last year, Inbar spoke about how XR can help make both big dreams and small dreams become reality.

Next up is the Qualcomm keynote from Vice President and General Manager of XR Hugo Swart. At his keynote last year, Swart presented Snapdragon Spaces and introduced the first two recipients of Qualcomm Ventures’ metaverse-funded companies.

Then, Nreal CEO Chi Xu takes the stage. Nreal hasn’t been a keynote presenter in the years that ARPost has covered AWE. But, the company is definitely going places. This year saw the commercial launch of Nreal Air (review) and we know that they have at least one more model waiting in the wings for the next big launch.

Day Two

Day two only has one proper keynote scheduled, this time with Magic Leap. Last year, the company’s Head of Product Management, Jade Meskill, took the stage to talk about the Magic Leap 2 and “augmented enterprise.” We don’t yet know what will come of this year’s keynote but it’s being given by the company’s CEO Peggy Johnson.

Following that is a “Fireside Chat” with Unity CEO John Riccitiello. That it’s a “fireside chat” and not a “keynote” arguably suggests that there won’t be any big product announcements but that doesn’t mean that this session shouldn’t be on your schedule.

Days two and three are lighter on heavy-hitting speakers to encourage attendees to check out the expo floor, which we’ll look at next. Don’t worry though, there are sessions to look forward to beyond just keynotes and we’ll look at some of those later.

The Expo Floor

It’s impossible to know exactly what will be going on on the expo floor, which is part of what makes it so exciting. A list of exhibitors (over 130 of them) and a map of the expo floor are posted on the AWE website, but what companies will be showcasing and how is a mystery until the floor opens on day two.

First off, a number of haptics pioneers will be there including Haptx, bHaptics, and SenseGlove. Any immersive technology is better when you experience it yourself instead of just seeing it on YouTube, but this is doubly true for haptics. But, unfortunately, many of these products are still hard for the average person to get their hands on. That makes the expo floor a great intro.

Mojo Vision will also be on the AWE expo floor. While this company isn’t likely to be putting their AR contact lenses onto the eyeballs of just anybody, they do have rigs that allow you to get a glimpse through what they’re building.

DigiLens, Vuzix, and Lenovo will also be on the AWE Expo floor. These companies make components and enterprise hardware that’s usually a cut above available consumer models. Trying them out can be a glimpse into the future. I got to get my hands on some of their hardware at last year’s expo and left feeling enlightened.

Also, Tilt Five will be returning. Last year, their augmented game board was the life of the expo floor drawing huge crowds – not just to interact with the product but to watch other people interact with the product.

Of course, that’s only a sliver of the total exhibitors. Personally, I’m hoping to reconnect with some of my friends from Avatour, Echo3D, FundamentalVR, Inworld AI, Leia Inc., Mytaverse, OVR Technology, VRdirect, and Zappar.

Expert Talks and Panel Discussions

Day One

On day one, right after the keynotes, many will likely stay in their seats to see Forbes columnist, author, and educator Charlie Fink talk with Magic Leap founder and former CEO Rony Abovitz about “How We Can Invigorate XR.” A few hours later on the same stage, Qualcomm Director of Product Management Steve Lukas will talk about “Building AR for Today.”

A little after that, one might head out of the Mission City Ballroom to Grand Ballroom C’s “Web3” track where EndeavorXR founder and CEO Amy Peck will be debating “Pros &Cons of Web3” with XR Guild President Avi Bar-Zeev. It’s hard to find an XR organization that Peck isn’t or hasn’t been involved with, and Bar-Zeev co-created Google Earth and HoloLens.

From there, one might head back to the Mission City Ballroom for “Intersection of AI and the Metaverse: What’s Next?” a panel discussion with leading XR ethicist Kent Bye, HTC VIVE China President Alvin Graylin, WXR Fund Managing Partner Amy LaMeyer, and Creative Artist Agency’s Chief Metaverse Officer Joanna Popper.

But wait! Happening at the same time is “How XR Technology Is Changing the Fashion Landscape” with Beyond Creative Technologist David Robustelli, Ready Player Me co-founder Kaspar Tiri, and DressX co-founder Daria Shapovalova.

Depending on which of those last two talks you see, you might have time for “What Problem Does the Metaverse Solve?” with Nokia Head of Ecosystem and Trend Scouting Leslie Shannon.

If you miss the first fashion session, you can always catch “Redefining Fashion and Beauty’s Next Decade – From Virtual Beings and Gaming to Generative AI” with LVMH VP of Digital Innovation Nelly Mensah, 5th Column founder and CEO Akbar Hamid, and Journey founder and Chief Metaverse Officer Cathy Hackl.

Day Two

On the same day that the expo opens up, on the main stage, Paramount Pictures Futurist Ted Schilowitz presents “XR Excellence: Demonstration & Discussion” – billed as a collection of “what he thinks are the best experiences in VR and MR today, and what we can learn from those experiences” followed by Q&A.

But oh no! At the same time in Ballroom D, Khronos Group President Neil Treveett, XRSI founder and CEO Kavya Pearlman, and Moor Insights & Strategy Senior Analyst Anshel Sag are talking about building open standards for the metaverse!

XR Talks with ARPost

Both of those events conflict with a “Meet the Makers” session featuring Julie Smithson and Karen Alexander of MetaVRse, Sophia Moshasha of the VR/AR Association, and Ben Erwin of The Polys Awards.

Later in the afternoon, Inworld AI’s Chief Creative Officer John Gaeta and Chief Product Officer Kylan Gibbs debut a new concept demo called “Origins” – a new kind of caper in which a human detective must navigate a world of generative AI bots.

The evening of AWE Day Two is also The Auggie Awards. We can’t tell you too much about the Auggie Awards because the finalists aren’t out. In fact, you still have until April 7 to submit nominees. Then, there’s a period of public voting until May 4. You can submit nominees and vote for your favorites here.

Day Three

On day three, in the “AI and Virtual Beings” track, producer, director, and strategist Rebecca Evans, Stanford University Graduate Research Fellow Eugy Han, Odeon Theatrical CEO Stephanie Riggs, and Dulce Dotcom advisor Dulce Baerga will discuss “Avatars, Environments & Self Expression – from Social VR to Cross-Reality Experiences.”

From there, you might head back to the Mission City Ballroom for a Fireside Chat with Tom Furness, the founder and chairman of the Virtual World Society – one of the oldest and noblest organizations in immersive tech.

AWE concludes on the afternoon of day three with Inbar’s closing statements and the Best In Show Awards on the main stage.

How to Attend AWE

Once again, all AWE recordings will become available on If you want to experience AWE in person, you still have time to get tickets. If you’re reading this before February 28, you still have time for Super Early Bird Tickets. You can also get 20% off of your ticket price by using discount code 23ARPOSTD at checkout.

And keep an eye on ARPost as AWE draws nearer. As a media partner of the event, we’ll be giving two free tickets to selected readers as part of an upcoming drawing. Watch our social media channels for details.

AWE 2023 Is Right Around the Corner Read More »


Digital Fashion Week New York: Reimagining the Future of Phygital Fashion

The 2023 Digital Fashion Week New York was a three-day event that was a hub for phygital fashion experiences. Merging the physical and digital fashion worlds, the Web3 event provided audiences with immersive phygital fashion experiences, as well as informative discussions, and networking opportunities, and acted as a digital venue for independent designers around the world to showcase their designs.

In a press release shared with ARPost, the Digital Fashion Week NY team expected to see a variety of attendees, including industry specialists, tech CEOs, fashion industry executives, investors, designers, and artists, among other guests.

Phygital Fashion Took the Center Stage

The three-day event kicked off on Thursday, February 9, with a Networking and Speaker Summit, which featured global panel discussions on the role of AI in transforming design protocols. On Friday, February 10, the event hosted the opening of the Metaverse Fashion Experience where attendees could explore virtual worlds through digital avatars. These digital avatars donned custom special drops from digital fashion week design winners.

Aside from the opening of the Metaverse Exhibition, there were also global panel discussions. Some of the members of the panel and speakers during the panel discussions included ZERO10’s Chief Product Officer Maxim Raykhrud, Exclusible’s Chief Commercial Officer Olivier Moingeon, and Sensorium’s Deputy CEO Sasha Tityanko.

During the last day of the Digital Fashion Week NY, Saturday, February 11, attendees could experience an array of immersive digital experiences, which combined physical and digital assets. These phygital fashion experiences included holograms, virtual showrooms, and animation screenings from some of the world’s leading artists and fashion designers who work within the Web3 space.

ZERO10 at the 2023 Digital Fashion Week NY

The AR fashion platform ZERO10 also showcased activations, alongside LODE. Through these phygital fashion experiences, attendees were able to learn more about how modern technology could play a role in transforming digital fashion and how this, in turn, could give them a new channel for self-expression.

Aside from activations, ZERO10 also showcased a recreation of five designs from independent phygital fashion designers, in particular, pieces from Private Policy’s Fall/Winter ‘23 collection, transforming them into augmented reality.

ZERO10 designs on Digital Fashion Week NYC 2023

Private Policy, a New York-based inclusive fashion brand, debuted its F/W ‘23 collection, entitled “We Are All Animals” and is a celebration of the interconnectedness of all the earth’s living beings. Pieces from the collection featured graphic designs of endangered and critically endangered species, such as the Amur Leopard and the Yangtze Finless Porpoise.

The collection combines utilitarian features, such as harnesses and tactile pockets, with sustainable materials. For instance, components like slanted checker pieces are made using reclaimed or unwanted denim garments, while statement outerwear designs are crafted using recycled poly faux fur.

Aside from promoting sustainability through the collection’s materials, Private Policy’s newest collection also distills the beauty and vigor of nature, combining it with elements that give it an urban edge.

Of the five designs, two had physical representations that were showcased at the show in New York City on February 11. These physical representations will also be made available for viewing in London on February 18. The Digital Fashion Week London runs from Friday, February 17 to Saturday, February 18.

ZERO10 on Digital Fashion Week 2023 NYC - The Marine Explorer #manipulator

As for the other three designs, they will remain digital and will be made available for NYFW 2023 guests to try on. Furthermore, Private Policy’s collaboration with ZERO10 will enable fans to virtually try on pieces from the collection via the ZERO10 app.

Through ZERO10’s integration, attendees and fashion enthusiasts have a new way of interacting and learning more about immersive phygital fashion through augmented reality.

Aside from ZERO10 and LODE, some of the other artists, designers, and brands that were present during the Digital Fashion Week NY included Anastasia Sladkova, Clo B, DOPE GLOBAL, Maya ES, MOS Brand, Schieva x Tokyo White, Tony Murray, and Zoha Khan. S

Digital Fashion Week - phygital fashion - Design by Maya ES
Fashion by Maya ES

Digital Fashion Week New York: Reimagining the Future of Phygital Fashion Read More »


BRCvr Presents Re-Burn-23, a Burning Man-Inspired Event, Launches “Blind Burners World”

BRCvr, the award-winning virtual version of Black Rock City, will present Re-Burn-23 this month. The global virtual Burning Man-inspired event can be accessed via Zoom and AltspaceVR. It will run from January 27 to January 29, 2023, and will include exciting additions to its lineup, such as the metaverse environment “Blind Burners World.”

What Is Re-Burn-23?

Re-Burn-23 is a three-day immersive virtual event that will bring together artists, technologists, Burners, the Burner-curious, and other creatives in a Burning Man-inspired event.

It will feature new additions, such as Blind Burners World, as well as popular immersive worlds from previous virtual burn events. “We are taking the principle of ‘Communal Effort’ to a whole new level, bringing technologies and artists together in a robust collaboration that integrates 360 video from the 2022 burn with 3D digital assets, continuing our efforts to bring a rich Burner experience to the globe,” said Athena Demos, co-founder of BRCvr, in a press release shared with ARPost.

Re-Burn-23 is organized by Big Rock Creative (BRC), an award-winning company that crafts unique XR experiences. Offered as a gift to enthusiasts, this virtual event will be free of charge for interested individuals.

The event can be accessed by a global audience via Zoom, for mobile and desktop devices, and AltspaceVR, for VR headsets, Macs, and PCs. The wide accessibility via VR and 2D is an effort to bring about radical inclusion. Re-Burn-23 will be the final virtual burn event that will be hosted on the Microsoft AltspaceVR platform, since the platform is, unfortunately, shutting down on March 10 this year.

Blind Burners World

Re-Burn-23 will feature many new additions, and one of them is Blind Burners World.

Blind Burners World is the first-ever immersive metaverse environment that will showcase works by artists with visual impairment. In partnership with Blind Burners – a community of blind, partially sighted, and sighted artists and performers – Blind Burners World is designed to be navigable by sound. It will feature a gallery showcasing art and photography by artists with blindness and low vision, a Temple of Accessibility, and a Galactic Sound Garden. Each artwork will come with an audio description made and recorded by the artist.

Preview of Blind Burners World - BRCvr - Re-Burn-23

“When Burning Man communities moved online in 2020, Athena and the team at BRCvr were the first to embrace our call for accessibility in the metaverse,” said Blind Burners founder, Chris Hainsworth. “Without accessibility, cultural claims to radical inclusion are as shallow as a teacup.”

BRCvr Immersive Documentary Experience

On Re-Burn-23, participants will have the opportunity to watch a preview of the BRCvr Immersive Documentary Experience. It will be presented in a format of mixed reality storytelling in an immersive documentary application. The preview will feature live-action content captured during the 2022 on-playa burn in Black Rock City and will allow participants to engage and share this new experience.

Preview of BRCvr Immersive Documentary Experience - BRCvr - Re-Burn-23

Re-Burn-23 will feature other events including Sovereign Light 2023, Daisy Shaw’s World Tour of Re-Burn-23, a content creator meet and greet, artist talks, and even a “Bad Movies and Pizza Party” event, where participants can enjoy watching bad movies while eating pizza.

BRCvr Presents Re-Burn-23, a Burning Man-Inspired Event, Launches “Blind Burners World” Read More »


CES 2023 Highlights Featuring News and Innovations From Canon, MICLEDI, and NVIDIA

CES is considered the world’s tech event, showcasing groundbreaking technologies and innovations from some of the world’s biggest brands, developers, manufacturers, and suppliers of consumer technology. At CES 2023, attendees saw the unveiling of the latest developments from over 3,200 exhibitors, including technology companies Canon, MICLEDI, and NVIDIA.

Canon Immersive Movie Experience and Immersive Calling Experience

Canon USA has partnered with filmmaker and director M. Night Shyamalan (The Sixth Sense, The Village, and Signs) to create an immersive movie experience for CES 2023 attendees. Featuring M. Night Shyamalan’s upcoming film Knock at the Cabin (which will be in theaters February 3), Canon unveiled Kokomo, an immersive virtual reality software that leverages VR to give users an immersive calling experience.

Canon Kokomo - CES 2023

With Kokomo, users can now connect with their friends and family as if they’re there in person by using a compatible VR headset and smartphone. In a 3D call, Kokomo will emulate a photo-real environment and mirror the physical appearance of the user. CES 2023 participants were able to witness Kokomo in action at the Canon booth, where they were able to have a one-on-one Kokomo conversation with select characters from the movie Knock at the Cabin.

Aside from Kokomo, Canon also unveiled its Free Viewpoint Video System, which creates point-cloud-based 3D models for more immersive viewing experiences in larger areas like arenas and stadiums. At CES 2023, attendees were able to experience the Free Viewpoint System, which allowed them to watch an action scene from Knock at the Cabin from multiple viewpoints.

CES 2023 attendees also had the opportunity to see Canon’s mixed reality system MREAL in action, by experiencing a scene from Knock at the Cabin as if they were a character in the movie.

Canon MREAL X1 headset

MICLEDI Demonstrates New Red µLEDs at CES 2023

MICLEDI Microdisplays, a technology company developing the microLED displays for the augmented reality market, also showcased its advancements in microLED display tech for AR glasses at CES 2023.

At the event, the company demonstrated its new red microLEDs on AllnGaP starting material. This development is in line with MICLEDI’s aim to create high-performance individual color-performing microLEDs that can be combined with the company’s full-color microLED display module.

Through MICLEDI’s innovations in microLED technology, users can begin to experience clearer and more precise digital images via AR glasses that are more portable and lightweight. The red AllnGaP microLEDs, along with MICLEDI’s three-panel full-color microLED display module, are poised to raise the standards of AR glasses in the coming years.

MICLEDI - Red GaN and Red AlInGaP microLED displays - CES 2023

“There is no one-size-fits-all solution for AR glasses,” said MICLEDI CEO, Sean Lord. “This achievement, with our previously announced blue, green, and red GaN µLEDs, opens the door to a broader offering of display module performance parameters which enables MICLEDI to serve customers developing AR glasses from medium to high resolution and medium to high brightness.”

Demonstration units of both Red GaN and Red AlInGaP were shown at the company’s booth at CES 2023.

NVIDIA Announces New Products and Innovations at CES 2023

NVIDIA announced new developments and NVIDIA Omniverse capabilities at CES 2023. The tech company, which is known for designing and building GPUs, unveiled its new GeForce RTX GPUs, which come with a host of new features that can be found in NVIDIA’s new studio laptops and GeForce RTX 4070 Ti graphics cards. This new series of portable laptops gives artists, creators, and gamers access to more powerful solutions and AI tools that will help them create 2D and 3D content faster.

NVIDIA also shared new developments to its Omniverse, including AI add-ons for Blender, access to new and free USD assets, and an update on the NVIDIA Canvas, which will be available for download in the future.

Aside from these updates, the company also released a major update to its Omniverse Enterprise, which enables users to access enhancements that will let them develop and operate more accurate virtual worlds. This major update is also set to expand the Omniverse’s capabilities through features such as new connectors, Omniverse Cloud, and Omniverse DeepSearch. More new partners are planning to use NVIDIA Omniverse to streamline their workflows and operations. These include Dentsu International, Zaha Hadid Architects, and Mercedes Benz.

NVIDIA Omniverse ACE - CES 2023
NVIDIA Omniverse ACE

Moreover, this January, NVIDIA opened its early-access program for NVIDIA Omniverse Avatar Cloud Engine (ACE), allowing developers and teams to build interactive avatars and virtual assistants at scale.

Demos of VITURE One XR Glasses and Mobile Dock

Aside from these established tech companies, VITURE, a new XR startup that received accolades from CES, TIME, and the Fast Company for its flagship product, the VITURE One XR glasses, also prepared something interesting for the CES 2023 attendees.

VITURE One XR glasses and Mobile Dock
VITURE One XR glasses and Mobile Dock

The company made both their VITURE One XR glasses, compatible with Steam Deck, laptops, and PCs, and their Mobile Dock, which introduces co-op play and Nintendo Switch compatibility, available for testing.

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Metaverse Safety Week 2022

Last week saw the XR Safety Initiative’s third annual Metaverse Safety Week (formerly known as XR Safety Week). As ever, the week started on International Human Rights Day, December 10, and was followed by five days packed full of panels and talks, with each day having a different theme relating to safety in immersive environments.

We couldn’t attend all of the Metaverse Safety Week sessions live or watch the feeds fast enough to keep up with everything. But, this article presents some highlights of the event.

Kavya Pearlman’s Welcome to Metaverse Safety Week

Of course, the event started with an introduction by XRSI founder Kavya Pearlman. Pearlman addressed the audience through her AltspaceVR avatar in the virtual model of the Taj Mahal custom-made for the event by the design studio Chicken Waffle.

“On the seventy-fourth Human Rights Day, we’ve assembled world leaders, technology professionals, global regulators, policy experts, ethicists, ethics organizations, researchers, and under-represented voices,” said Pearlman. “Metaverse Safety Week is so important as a point of reflection for all of us. We’re bringing the world together to safeguard the metaverse.”

The “Pong” Version of the Metaverse

The first topic of discussion was Dr. Louis Rosenberg’s video on the metaverse for More Perfect Union. Following the video, Rosenberg appeared on stage to further address some of the key topics in metaverse safety.

“When thinking about human rights for the metaverse, I think it’s useful to just set the context a little bit into the future – think about the 2030s. I say that because the work we do today is really preparing us for the future,” said Rosenberg. “Today is really the ‘Pong’ version of the metaverse.”

A little later in the day, HTC’s China President and Global VP of Corporate Development, Alvin Wang Graylin, took the stage. Graylin’s presentation focused on lessons learned of immersive technology. According to Graylin, today’s excitement is the result of related technologies developing together – a condition which creates opportunities for good and bad.

“As an industry, we need to make sure to educate the world as well as watch out for bad actors and keep them from doing the wrong things,” said Graylin. “Instead of trying to create a closed world and take value off the table, we really need to work together to create open worlds that are interoperable.”

This same day saw the announcement of the XR 2030 Policy Fund from the Minderoo Foundation. The program “will award funding to researchers and civil society leaders who are advancing the next generation of digital media ecosystems to prioritize public interest values.”

Building a “Super World”

Day two opened with a discussion led by SuperWorld’s Hrish Lotlikar. Lotlikar told ARPost last summer that he wants the platform to be “the gateway” between the physical and the virtual worlds. At Metaverse Safety Week, he was addressing how emerging technologies can work together to make individuals feel more attached to the world around them.

“The importance of decentralization is that it allows us all to become stakeholders in the environments that we’re playing in, that we’re working in, that we’re building together,” said Lotlikar. “At SuperWorld, our vision is to enhance society and build a better world – and we can do that with these technologies.”

That morning also saw the launch of the “Metaverse for All” certificate program. Launching next year, the program will provide “An informative and enlightening course to shed light on the many ways in which the metaverse will change the world.”

How the Metaverse Will Impact the Young

Day three was all about metaverse safety for children and it kicked off with a talk by Representative Lori Trahan. Despite it being her first time in AltspaceVR, Trahan’s talk was moving.

XRSI- metaverse safety week - lori trahan

“Whenever we access the metaverse, data about ourselves can be stored, accessed, and used by people who will pay for our data to influence and manipulate us in real time. And, as we all know by now, it could even be shared with third parties and governments without our knowledge,” said Trahan. “That’s why we must pass comprehensive privacy legislation.”

Trahan pointed out that, while data is a common metaverse safety concern in the immersive technology community, it is an issue largely outside of the experiences themselves. We also need to be mindful of interactions within the immersive experiences as they occur.

“The high levels of harassment in social media and in video games have already become prevalent in the metaverse,” said Trahan. “In fact, the harms we know all too well from platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat can often be seen in the metaverse where immersion and a sense of physical presence can make these negative experiences even more visceral.”

And the Young Said…

Later that same day, a “Youth Panel” took the stage. The panel consisted of five members of the International Child Art Foundation (ICAF) between the ages of 13 and 23, and was moderated by the Foundation’s founder Ashfaq M. Ishaq. The panel presented a rare opportunity to hear young people speak for themselves on metaverse safety issues like the efficacy of age restrictions.

One speaker pointed out that, in her experience, VR motion sickness went away as she got older – so not exposing children to VR too young might help to give them a positive first impression. Another pointed out that age restrictions might be less helpful than a system of content warnings for VR experiences similar to those for films and television programs.

Perhaps the most engaging takeaway was that the metaverse might be about games or work for most people reading this but, for a growing number of young people, it’s also about socialization. That can introduce potential metaverse safety issues without immediate solutions.

“Not forming relationships through the metaverse is no longer an option. We have to rely on these new connections that we’re making to be able to reach out,” said ICAF member Alaalitya Acharya. “When you’re interacting with somebody through an avatar, what are some of the signs that you need to look out for in the same way as when you meet someone face-to-face?”

So. Much. Content.

We tried to bring you just about as much as possible from Metaverse Safety Week. And there’s so much more that would have been worth presenting. But alas, five days of sessions averaging about eight hours each doesn’t really fit into an article. If you want to explore it yourself, you can find the recordings on XRSI’s YouTube channel.

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