

Crooks plant backdoor in software used by courtrooms around the world


It’s unclear how the malicious version of JAVS Viewer came to be.

Crooks plant backdoor in software used by courtrooms around the world


A software maker serving more than 10,000 courtrooms throughout the world hosted an application update containing a hidden backdoor that maintained persistent communication with a malicious website, researchers reported Thursday, in the latest episode of a supply-chain attack.

The software, known as the JAVS Viewer 8, is a component of the JAVS Suite 8, an application package courtrooms use to record, play back, and manage audio and video from proceedings. Its maker, Louisville, Kentucky-based Justice AV Solutions, says its products are used in more than 10,000 courtrooms throughout the US and 11 other countries. The company has been in business for 35 years.

JAVS Viewer users at high risk

Researchers from security firm Rapid7 reported that a version of the JAVS Viewer 8 available for download on contained a backdoor that gave an unknown threat actor persistent access to infected devices. The malicious download, planted inside an executable file that installs the JAVS Viewer version 8.3.7, was available no later than April 1, when a post on X (formerly Twitter) reported it. It’s unclear when the backdoored version was removed from the company’s download page. JAVS representatives didn’t immediately respond to questions sent by email.

“Users who have version 8.3.7 of the JAVS Viewer executable installed are at high risk and should take immediate action,” Rapid7 researchers Ipek Solak, Thomas Elkins, Evan McCann, Matthew Smith, Jake McMahon, Tyler McGraw, Ryan Emmons, Stephen Fewer, and John Fenninger wrote. “This version contains a backdoored installer that allows attackers to gain full control of affected systems.”

The installer file was titled JAVS Viewer Setup When executed, it copied the binary file fffmpeg.exe to the file path C:Program Files (x86)JAVSViewer 8. To bypass security warnings, the installer was digitally signed, but with a signature issued to an entity called “Vanguard Tech Limited” rather than to “Justice AV Solutions Inc.,” the signing entity used to authenticate legitimate JAVS software.

fffmpeg.exe, in turn, used Windows Sockets and WinHTTP to establish communications with a command-and-control server. Once successfully connected, fffmpeg.exe sent the server passwords harvested from browsers and data about the compromised host, including hostname, operating system details, processor architecture, program working directory, and the user name.

The researchers said fffmpeg.exe also downloaded the file chrome_installer.exe from the IP address chrome_installer.exe went on to execute a binary and several Python scripts that were responsible for stealing the passwords saved in browsers. fffmpeg.exe is associated with a known malware family called GateDoor/Rustdoor. The exe file was already flagged by 30 endpoint protection engines.

A screenshot from VirusTotal showing detections from 30 endpoint protection engines.

Enlarge / A screenshot from VirusTotal showing detections from 30 endpoint protection engines.


The number of detections had grown to 38 at the time this post went live.

The researchers warned that the process of disinfecting infected devices will require care. They wrote:

To remediate this issue, affected users should:

  • Reimage any endpoints where JAVS Viewer 8.3.7 was installed. Simply uninstalling the software is insufficient, as attackers may have implanted additional backdoors or malware. Re-imaging provides a clean slate.
  • Reset credentials for any accounts that were logged into affected endpoints. This includes local accounts on the endpoint itself as well as any remote accounts accessed during the period when JAVS Viewer 8.3.7 was installed. Attackers may have stolen credentials from compromised systems.
  • Reset credentials used in web browsers on affected endpoints. Browser sessions may have been hijacked to steal cookies, stored passwords, or other sensitive information.
  • Install the latest version of JAVS Viewer (8.3.8 or higher) after re-imaging affected systems. The new version does not contain the backdoor present in 8.3.7.

Completely re-imaging affected endpoints and resetting associated credentials is critical to ensure attackers have not persisted through backdoors or stolen credentials. All organizations running JAVS Viewer 8.3.7 should take these steps immediately to address the compromise.

The Rapid7 post included a statement from JAVS that confirmed that the installer for version 8.3.7 of the JAVS viewer was malicious.

“We pulled all versions of Viewer 8.3.7 from the JAVS website, reset all passwords, and conducted a full internal audit of all JAVS systems,” the statement read. “We confirmed all currently available files on the website are genuine and malware-free. We further verified that no JAVS Source code, certificates, systems, or other software releases were compromised in this incident.”

The statement didn’t explain how the installer became available for download on its site. It also didn’t say if the company retained an outside firm to investigate.

The incident is the latest example of a supply-chain attack, a technique that tampers with a legitimate service or piece of software with the aim of infecting all downstream users. These sorts of attacks are usually carried out by first hacking the provider of the service or software. There’s no sure way to prevent falling victim to supply-chain attacks, but one potentially useful measure is to vet a file using VirusTotal before executing it. That advice would have served JAVS users well.

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OpenAI opens the door for military uses but maintains AI weapons ban

Skynet deferred —

Despite new Pentagon collab, OpenAI won’t allow customers to “develop or use weapons” with its tools.

The OpenAI logo over a camoflage background.

On Tuesday, ChatGPT developer OpenAI revealed that it is collaborating with the United States Defense Department on cybersecurity projects and exploring ways to prevent veteran suicide, reports Bloomberg. OpenAI revealed the collaboration during an interview with the news outlet at the World Economic Forum in Davos. The AI company recently modified its policies, allowing for certain military applications of its technology, while maintaining prohibitions against using it to develop weapons.

According to Anna Makanju, OpenAI’s vice president of global affairs, “many people thought that [a previous blanket prohibition on military applications] would prohibit many of these use cases, which people think are very much aligned with what we want to see in the world.” OpenAI removed terms from its service agreement that previously blocked AI use in “military and warfare” situations, but the company still upholds a ban on its technology being used to develop weapons or to cause harm or property damage.

Under the “Universal Policies” section of OpenAI’s Usage Policies document, section 2 says, “Don’t use our service to harm yourself or others.” The prohibition includes using its AI products to “develop or use weapons.” Changes to the terms that removed the “military and warfare” prohibitions appear to have been made by OpenAI on January 10.

The shift in policy appears to align OpenAI more closely with the needs of various governmental departments, including the possibility of preventing veteran suicides. “We’ve been doing work with the Department of Defense on cybersecurity tools for open-source software that secures critical infrastructure,” Makanju said in the interview. “We’ve been exploring whether it can assist with (prevention of) veteran suicide.”

The efforts mark a significant change from OpenAI’s original stance on military partnerships, Bloomberg says. Meanwhile, Microsoft Corp., a large investor in OpenAI, already has an established relationship with the US military through various software contracts.

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Business Case for Improving Open Source Software Supply Chain Security and Resilience

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