

GitHub Copilot moves beyond OpenAI models to support Claude 3.5, Gemini

The large language model-based coding assistant GitHub Copilot will switch from using exclusively OpenAI’s GPT models to a multi-model approach over the coming weeks, GitHub CEO Thomas Dohmke announced in a post on GitHub’s blog.

First, Anthropic’s Claude 3.5 Sonnet will roll out to Copilot Chat’s web and VS Code interfaces over the next few weeks. Google’s Gemini 1.5 Pro will come a bit later.

Additionally, GitHub will soon add support for a wider range of OpenAI models, including GPT o1-preview and o1-mini, which are intended to be stronger at advanced reasoning than GPT-4, which Copilot has used until now. Developers will be able to switch between the models (even mid-conversation) to tailor the model to fit their needs—and organizations will be able to choose which models will be usable by team members.

The new approach makes sense for users, as certain models are better at certain languages or types of tasks.

“There is no one model to rule every scenario,” wrote Dohmke. “It is clear the next phase of AI code generation will not only be defined by multi-model functionality, but by multi-model choice.”

It starts with the web-based and VS Code Copilot Chat interfaces, but it won’t stop there. “From Copilot Workspace to multi-file editing to code review, security autofix, and the CLI, we will bring multi-model choice across many of GitHub Copilot’s surface areas and functions soon,” Dohmke wrote.

There are a handful of additional changes coming to GitHub Copilot, too, including extensions, the ability to manipulate multiple files at once from a chat with VS Code, and a preview of Xcode support.

GitHub Spark promises natural language app development

In addition to the Copilot changes, GitHub announced Spark, a natural language tool for developing apps. Non-coders will be able to use a series of natural language prompts to create simple apps, while coders will be able to tweak more precisely as they go. In either use case, you’ll be able to take a conversational approach, requesting changes and iterating as you go, and comparing different iterations.

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How to port any N64 game to the PC in record time

Enlarge / “N-tel (64) Inside”

Aurich Lawson | Getty Images

In recent years, we’ve reported on multiple efforts to reverse-engineer Nintendo 64 games into fully decompiled, human-readable C code that can then become the basis for full-fledged PC ports. While the results can be impressive, the decompilation process can take years of painstaking manual effort, meaning only the most popular N64 games are likely to get the requisite attention from reverse engineers.

Now, a newly released tool promises to vastly reduce the amount of human effort needed to get basic PC ports of most (if not all) N64 games. The N64 Recompiled project uses a process known as static recompilation to automate huge swaths of the labor-intensive process of drawing C code out of N64 binaries.

While human coding work is still needed to smooth out the edges, project lead Mr-Wiseguy told Ars that his recompilation tool is “the difference between weeks of work and years of work” when it comes to making a PC version of a classic N64 title. And parallel work on a powerful N64 graphic renderer means PC-enabled upgrades like smoother frame rates, resolution upscaling, and widescreen aspect ratios can be added with little effort.

Inspiration hits

Mr-Wiseguy told Ars he got his start in the N64 coding space working on various mod projects around 2020. In 2022, he started contributing to the then-new RT64 renderer project, which grew out of work on a ray-traced Super Mario 64 port into a more generalized effort to clean up the notoriously tricky process of recreating N64 graphics accurately. While working on that project, Mr-Wiseguy said he stumbled across an existing project that automates the disassembly of NES games and another that emulates an old SGI compiler to aid in the decompilation of N64 titles.

YouTuber Nerrel lays out some of the benefits of Mr-Wiseguy’s N64 recompilation tool.

“I realized it would be really easy to hook up the RT64 renderer to a game if it could be run through a similar static recompilation process,” Mr-Wiseguy told Ars. “So I put together a proof of concept to run a really simple game and then the project grew from there until it could run some of the more complex games.”

A basic proof of concept for Mr-Wiseguy’s idea took only “a couple of weeks at most” to get up and running, he said, and was ready as far back as November of 2022. Since then, months of off-and-on work have gone into rounding out the conversion code and getting a recompiled version of The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask ready for public consumption.

Trust the process

At its most basic level, the N64 recompilation tool takes a raw game binary (provided by the user) and reprocesses every single instruction directly and literally into corresponding C code. The N64’s MIPS instruction set has been pretty well-documented over years of emulation work, so figuring out how to translate each individual opcode to its C equivalent isn’t too much of a hassle.

Wave Race 64.” height=”360″ src=”×360.png” width=”640″>

Enlarge / An early beta of the RT64 renderer shows how ray-tracing shadows and reflections might look in a port of Wave Race 64.

The main difficulty, Mr-Wiseguy said, can be figuring out where to point the tool. “The contents of the [N64] ROM can be laid out however the developer chose to do so, which means you have to find where code is in the ROM before you can even start the static recompilation process,” he explained. And while N64 emulators automatically handle games that load and unload code throughout memory at runtime, handling those cases in a pre-compiled binary can add extra layers of complexity.

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Hackers discover how to reprogram NES Tetris from within the game

Building a better Tetris —

New method could help high-score chasers trying to avoid game-ending crashes.

I can see the code that controls the Tetri-verse!

Enlarge / I can see the code that controls the Tetri-verse!

Aurich Lawson

Earlier this year, we shared the story of how a classic NES Tetris player hit the game’s “kill screen” for the first time, activating a crash after an incredible 40-minute, 1,511-line performance. Now, some players are using that kill screen—and some complicated memory manipulation it enables—to code new behaviors into versions of Tetris running on unmodified hardware and cartridges.

We’ve covered similar “arbitrary code execution” glitches in games like Super Mario World, Paper Mario, and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time in the past. And the basic method for introducing outside code into NES Tetris has been publicly theorized since at least 2021 when players were investigating the game’s decompiled code (HydrantDude, who has gone deep on Tetris crashes in the past, also says the community has long had a privately known method for how to take full control of Tetris‘ RAM).

Displaced Gamers explains how to reprogram NES Tetris within the game.

But a recent video from Displaced Gamers takes the idea from private theory to public execution, going into painstaking detail on how to get NES Tetris to start reading the game’s high score tables as machine code instructions.

Fun with controller ports

Taking over a copy of NES Tetris is possible mostly due to the specific way the game crashes. Without going into too much detail, a crash in NES Tetris happens when the game’s score handler takes too long to calculate a new score between frames, which can happen after level 155. When this delay occurs, a portion of the control code gets interrupted by the new frame-writing routine, causing it to jump to an unintended portion of the game’s RAM to look for the next instruction.

Usually, this unexpected interrupt leads the code to jump to address the very beginning of RAM, where garbage data gets read as code and often leads to a quick crash. But players can manipulate this jump thanks to a little-known vagary in how Tetris handles potential inputs when running on the Japanese version of the console, the Famicom.

The Famicom expansion port that is key to making this hack work.

Enlarge / The Famicom expansion port that is key to making this hack work.

Unlike the American Nintendo Entertainment System, the Japanese Famicom featured two controllers hard-wired to the unit. Players who wanted to use third-party controllers could plug them in through an expansion port on the front of the system. The Tetris game code reads the inputs from this “extra” controller port, which can include two additional standard NES controllers through the use of an adapter (this is true even though the Famicom got a completely different version of Tetris from Bullet-Proof Software).

As it happens, the area of RAM that Tetris uses to process this extra controller input is also used for the memory location of that jump routine we discussed earlier. Thus, when that jump routine gets interrupted by a crash, that RAM will be holding data representing the buttons being pushed on those controllers. This gives players a potential way to control precisely where the game code goes after the crash is triggered.

Coding in the high-score table

For Displaced Gamers’ jump-control method, the player has to hold down “up” on the third controller and right, left, and down on the fourth controller (that latter combination requires some controller fiddling to allow for simultaneous left and right directional input). Doing so sends the jump code to an area of RAM that holds the names and scores for the game’s high score listing, giving an even larger surface of RAM that can be manipulated directly by the player.

By putting “(G” in the targeted portion of the B-Type high score table, we can force the game to jump to another area of the high score table, where it will start reading the names and scores sequentially as what Displaced Gamers calls “bare metal” code, with the letters and numbers representing opcodes for the NES CPU.

This very specific name and score combination is actually read as code in Displaced Gamers' proof of concept.

Enlarge / This very specific name and score combination is actually read as code in Displaced Gamers’ proof of concept.

Unfortunately, there are only 43 possible symbols that can be used in the name entry area and 10 different digits that can be part of a high score. That means only a small portion of the NES’s available opcode instructions can be “coded” into the high score table using the available attack surface.

Despite these restrictions, Displaced Gamers was able to code a short proof-of-concept code snippet that can be translated into high-score table data (A name of '))"-P)', and a second-place score of 8,575 in the A-Type game factors prominently, in case you’re wondering). This simple routine puts two zeroes in the top digits of the game’s score, lowering the score processing time that would otherwise cause a crash (though the score will eventually reach the “danger zone” for a crash again, with continued play).

Of course, the lack of a battery-backed save system means hackers need to achieve these high scores manually (and enter these complicated names) every time they power up Tetris on a stock NES. The limited space in the high score table also doesn’t leave much room for direct coding of complex programs on top of Tetris‘ actual code. But there are ways around this limitation; HydrantDude writes of a specific set of high-score names and numbers that “build[s] another bootstrapper which builds another bootstrapper that grants full control over all of RAM.”

With that kind of full control, a top-level player could theoretically recode NES Tetris to patch out the crash bugs altogether. That could be extremely helpful for players who are struggling to make it past level 255, where the game actually loops back to the tranquility of Level 0. In the meantime, I guess you could always just follow the lead of Super Mario World speedrunners and transform Tetris into Flappy Bird.

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