Cloud Computing


AMD’s trusted execution environment blown wide open by new BadRAM attack

Attack bypasses AMD protection promising security, even when a server is compromised.

One of the oldest maxims in hacking is that once an attacker has physical access to a device, it’s game over for its security. The basis is sound. It doesn’t matter how locked down a phone, computer, or other machine is; if someone intent on hacking it gains the ability to physically manipulate it, the chances of success are all but guaranteed.

In the age of cloud computing, this widely accepted principle is no longer universally true. Some of the world’s most sensitive information—health records, financial account information, sealed legal documents, and the like—now often resides on servers that receive day-to-day maintenance from unknown administrators working in cloud centers thousands of miles from the companies responsible for safeguarding it.

Bad (RAM) to the bone

In response, chipmakers have begun baking protections into their silicon to provide assurances that even if a server has been physically tampered with or infected with malware, sensitive data funneled through virtual machines can’t be accessed without an encryption key that’s known only to the VM administrator. Under this scenario, admins inside the cloud provider, law enforcement agencies with a court warrant, and hackers who manage to compromise the server are out of luck.

On Tuesday, an international team of researchers unveiled BadRAM, a proof-of-concept attack that completely undermines security assurances that chipmaker AMD makes to users of one of its most expensive and well-fortified microprocessor product lines. Starting with the AMD Epyc 7003 processor, a feature known as SEV-SNP—short for Secure Encrypted Virtualization and Secure Nested Paging—has provided the cryptographic means for certifying that a VM hasn’t been compromised by any sort of backdoor installed by someone with access to the physical machine running it.

If a VM has been backdoored, the cryptographic attestation will fail and immediately alert the VM admin of the compromise. Or at least that’s how SEV-SNP is designed to work. BadRAM is an attack that a server admin can carry out in minutes, using either about $10 of hardware, or in some cases, software only, to cause DDR4 or DDR5 memory modules to misreport during bootup the amount of memory capacity they have. From then on, SEV-SNP will be permanently made to suppress the cryptographic hash attesting its integrity even when the VM has been badly compromised.

“BadRAM completely undermines trust in AMD’s latest Secure Encrypted Virtualization (SEV-SNP) technology, which is widely deployed by major cloud providers, including Amazon AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure,” members of the research team wrote in an email. “BadRAM for the first time studies the security risks of bad RAM—rogue memory modules that deliberately provide false information to the processor during startup. We show how BadRAM attackers can fake critical remote attestation reports and insert undetectable backdoors into _any_ SEV-protected VM.”

Compromising the AMD SEV ecosystem

On a website providing more information about the attack, the researchers wrote:

Modern computers increasingly use encryption to protect sensitive data in DRAM, especially in shared cloud environments with pervasive data breaches and insider threats. AMD’s Secure Encrypted Virtualization (SEV) is a cutting-edge technology that protects privacy and trust in cloud computing by encrypting a virtual machine’s (VM’s) memory and isolating it from advanced attackers, even those compromising critical infrastructure like the virtual machine manager or firmware.

We found that tampering with the embedded SPD chip on commercial DRAM modules allows attackers to bypass SEV protections—including AMD’s latest SEV-SNP version. For less than $10 in off-the-shelf equipment, we can trick the processor into allowing access to encrypted memory. We build on this BadRAM attack primitive to completely compromise the AMD SEV ecosystem, faking remote attestation reports and inserting backdoors into any SEV-protected VM.

In response to a vulnerability report filed by the researchers, AMD has already shipped patches to affected customers, a company spokesperson said. The researchers say there are no performance penalties, other than the possibility of additional time required during boot up. The BadRAM vulnerability is tracked in the industry as CVE-2024-21944 and AMD-SB-3015 by the chipmaker.

A stroll down memory lane

Modern dynamic random access memory for servers typically comes in the form of DIMMs, short for Dual In-Line Memory Modules. The basic building block of these rectangular sticks are capacitors, which, when charged, represent a binary 1 and, when discharged, represent a 0. The capacitors are organized into cells, which are organized into arrays of rows and columns, which are further arranged into ranks and banks. The more capacitors that are stuffed into a DIMM, the more capacity it has to store data. Servers usually have multiple DIMMs that are organized into channels that can be processed in parallel.

For a server to store or access a particular piece of data, it first must locate where the bits representing it are stored in this vast configuration of transistors. Locations are tracked through addresses that map the channel, rank, bank row, and column. For performance reasons, the task of translating these physical addresses to DRAM address bits—a job assigned to the memory controller—isn’t a one-to-one mapping. Rather, consecutive addresses are spread across different channels, ranks, and banks.

Before the server can map these locations, it must first know how many DIMMs are connected and the total capacity of memory they provide. This information is provided each time the server boots, when the BIOS queries the SPD—short for Serial Presence Detect—chip found on the surface of the DIMM. This chip is responsible for providing the BIOS basic information about available memory. BadRAM causes the SPD chip to report that its capacity is twice what it actually is. It does this by adding an extra addressing bit.

To do this, a server admin need only briefly connect a specially programmed Raspberry Pi to the SPD chip just once.

The researchers’ Raspberry Pi connected to the SPD chip of a DIMM. Credit: De Meulemeester et al.

Hacking by numbers, 1, 2, 3

In some cases, with certain DIMM models that don’t adequately lock down the chip, the modification can likely be done through software. In either case, the modification need only occur once. From then on, the SPD chip will falsify the memory capacity available.

Next, the server admin configures the operating system to ignore the newly created “ghost memory,” meaning the top half of the capacity reported by the compromised SPD chip, but continue to map to the lower half of the real memory. On Linux, this configuration can be done with the `memmap` kernel command-line parameter. The researchers’ paper, titled BadRAM: Practical Memory Aliasing Attacks on Trusted Execution Environments, provides many more details about the attack.

Next, a script developed as part of BadRAM allows the attacker to quickly find the memory locations of ghost memory bits. These aliases give the attacker access to memory regions that SEV-SNP is supposed to make inaccessible. This allows the attacker to read and write to these protected memory regions.

Access to this normally fortified region of memory allows the attacker to copy the cryptographic hash SEV-SNP creates to attest to the integrity of the VM. The access also permits the attacker to boot an SEV-compliant VM that has been backdoored. Normally, this malicious VM would trigger a warning in the form of a cryptographic hash. BadRAM allows the attacker to replace this attestation failure hash with the attestation success hash collected earlier.

The primary steps involved in BadRAM attacks are:

  1. Compromise the memory module to lie about its size and thus trick the CPU into accessing the nonexistent ghost addresses that have been silently mapped to existing memory regions.
  2. Find aliases. These addresses map to the same DRAM location.
  3. Bypass CPU Access Control. The aliases allow the attacker to bypass memory protections that are supposed to prevent the reading of and writing to regions storing sensitive data.

Beware of the ghost bit

For those looking for more technical details, Jesse De Meulemeester, who along with Luca Wilke was lead co-author of the paper, provided the following, which more casual readers can skip:

In our attack, there are two addresses that go to the same DRAM location; one is the original address, the other one is what we call the alias.

When we modify the SPD, we double its size. At a low level, this means all memory addresses now appear to have one extra bit. This extra bit is what we call the “ghost” bit, it is the address bit that is used by the CPU, but is not used (thus ignored) by the DIMM. The addresses for which this “ghost” bit is 0 are the original addresses, and the addresses for which this bit is 1 is the “ghost” memory.

This explains how we can access protected data like the launch digest. The launch digest is stored at an address with the ghost bit set to 0, and this address is protected; any attempt to access it is blocked by the CPU. However, if we try to access the same address with the ghost bit set to 1, the CPU treats it as a completely new address and allows access. On the DIMM side, the ghost bit is ignored, so both addresses (with ghost bit 0 or 1) point to the same physical memory location.

A small example to illustrate this:

Original SPD: 4 bit addresses:

CPU: address 1101 -> DIMM: address 1101

Modified SPD: Reports 5 bits even though it only has 4:

CPU: address 01101 -> DIMM: address 1101

CPU: address 11101 -> DIMM: address 1101

In this case 01101 is the protected address, 11101 is the alias. Even though to the CPU they seem like two different addresses, they go to the same DRAM location.

As noted earlier, some DIMM models don’t lock down the SPD chip, a failure that likely makes software-only modifications possible. Specifically, the researchers found that two DDR4 models made by Corsair contained this flaw.

In a statement, AMD officials wrote:

AMD believes exploiting the disclosed vulnerability requires an attacker either having physical access to the system, operating system kernel access on a system with unlocked memory modules, or installing a customized, malicious BIOS. AMD recommends utilizing memory modules that lock Serial Presence Detect (SPD), as well as following physical system security best practices. AMD has also released firmware updates to customers to mitigate the vulnerability.

Members of the research team are from KU Leuven, the University of Lübeck, and the University of Birmingham. Specifically, they are:

The researchers tested BadRAM against the Intel SGX, a competing microprocessor sold by AMD’s much bigger rival promising integrity assurances comparable to SEV-SNP. The classic, now-discontinued version of the SGX did allow reading of protected regions, but not writing to them. The current Intel Scalable SGX and Intel TDX processors, however, allowed no reading or writing. Since a comparable Arm processor wasn’t available for testing, it’s unknown if it’s vulnerable.

Despite the lack of universality, the researchers warned that the design flaws underpinning the BadRAM vulnerability may creep into other systems and should always use the mitigations AMD has now put in place.

“Since our BadRAM primitive is generic, we argue that such countermeasures should be considered when designing a system against untrusted DRAM,” the researchers wrote in their paper. “While advanced hardware-level attacks could potentially circumvent the currently used countermeasures, further research is required to judge whether they can be carried out in an impactful attacker model.”

Photo of Dan Goodin

Dan Goodin is Senior Security Editor at Ars Technica, where he oversees coverage of malware, computer espionage, botnets, hardware hacking, encryption, and passwords. In his spare time, he enjoys gardening, cooking, and following the independent music scene. Dan is based in San Francisco. Follow him at here on Mastodon and here on Bluesky. Contact him on Signal at DanArs.82.

AMD’s trusted execution environment blown wide open by new BadRAM attack Read More »


Google accused of shadow campaigns redirecting antitrust scrutiny to Microsoft

On Monday, Microsoft came out guns blazing, posting a blog accusing Google of “dishonestly” funding groups conducting allegedly biased studies to discredit Microsoft and mislead antitrust enforcers and the public.

In the blog, Microsoft lawyer Rima Alaily alleged that an astroturf group called the Open Cloud Coalition will launch this week and will appear to be led by “a handful of European cloud providers.” In actuality, however, those smaller companies were secretly recruited by Google, which allegedly pays them “to serve as the public face” and “obfuscate” Google’s involvement, Microsoft’s blog said. In return, Google likely offered the cloud providers cash or discounts to join, Alaily alleged.

The Open Cloud Coalition is just one part of a “pattern of shadowy campaigns” that Google has funded, both “directly and indirectly,” to muddy the antitrust waters, Alaily alleged. The only other named example that Alaily gives while documenting this supposed pattern is the US-based Coalition for Fair Software Licensing (CFSL), which Alaily said has attacked Microsoft’s cloud computing business in the US, the United Kingdom, and the European Union.

That group is led by Ryan Triplette, who Alaily said is “a well-known lobbyist for Google in Washington, DC, but Google’s affiliation isn’t disclosed publicly by the organization.” An online search confirms Triplette was formerly a lobbyist for Franklin Square Group, which Politico reported represented Google during her time there.

Ars could not immediately reach the CFSL for comment. Google’s spokesperson told Ars that the company has “been a public supporter of CFSL for more than two years” and has “no idea what evidence Microsoft cites that we are the main funder of CFSL.” If Triplette was previously a lobbyist for Google, the spokesperson said, “that’s a weird criticism to make” since it’s likely “everybody in law, policy, etc.,” has “worked for Google, Microsoft, or Amazon at some point, in some capacity.”

Google accused of shadow campaigns redirecting antitrust scrutiny to Microsoft Read More »


Alleged cryptojacking scheme consumed $3.5M of stolen computing to make just $1M


Indictment says man tricked cloud providers into giving him services he never paid for.

Alleged cryptojacking scheme consumed $3.5M of stolen computing to make just $1M

Getty Images

Federal prosecutors indicted a Nebraska man on charges he perpetrated a cryptojacking scheme that defrauded two cloud providers—one based in Seattle and the other in Redmond, Washington—out of $3.5 million.

The indictment, filed in US District Court for the Eastern District of New York and unsealed on Monday, charges Charles O. Parks III—45 of Omaha, Nebraska—with wire fraud, money laundering, and engaging in unlawful monetary transactions in connection with the scheme. Parks has yet to enter a plea and is scheduled to make an initial appearance in federal court in Omaha on Tuesday. Parks was arrested last Friday.

Prosecutors allege that Parks defrauded “two well-known providers of cloud computing services” of more than $3.5 million in computing resources to mine cryptocurrency. The indictment says the activity was in furtherance of a cryptojacking scheme, a term for crimes that generate digital coin through the acquisition of computing resources and electricity of others through fraud, hacking, or other illegal means.

Details laid out in the indictment underscore the failed economics involved in the mining of most cryptocurrencies. The $3.5 million of computing resources yielded roughly $1 million worth of cryptocurrency. In the process, massive amounts of energy were consumed.

Parks’ scheme allegedly used a variety of personal and business identities to register “numerous accounts” with the two cloud providers and in the process acquiring vast amounts of computing processing power and storage that he never paid for. Prosecutors said he tricked the providers into allotting him elevated levels of services and deferred billing accommodations and deflected the providers’ inquiries regarding questionable data usage in unpaid bills. He allegedly then used those resources to mine Ether, Litecoin, and Monero digital currencies.

The defendant then allegedly laundered the proceeds through cryptocurrency exchanges, an NFT marketplace, an online payment provider, and traditional bank accounts in an attempt to disguise the illegal scheme. Once proceeds had been converted to dollars, Parks allegedly bought a Mercedes-Benz, jewelry, first-class hotel and travel accommodations, and other luxury goods and services.

From January to August 2021, prosecutors allege, Parks created five accounts with the Seattle-based “on-demand cloud computing platform” using different names, email addresses, and corporate affiliations. He then allegedly “tricked and defrauded” employees of the platform into providing elevated levels of service, deferring billing payments, and failing to discover the activity.

During this time, Parks repeatedly requested that the provider “provide him access to powerful and expensive instances that included graphics processing units used for cryptocurrency mining and launched tens of thousands of these instances to mine cryptocurrency, employing mining software applications to facilitate the mining of tokens including ETH, LTC and XMR in various mining pools, and employing tools that allowed him to maximize cloud computing power and monitor which instances were actively mining on each mining pool,” prosecutors wrote in the indictment.

Within a day of having one account suspended for nonpayment and fraudulent activity, Parks allegedly used a new account with the provider. In all, Parks allegedly consumed more than $2.5 million of the Seattle-based provider’s services.

The prosecutors went on to allege that Parks used similar tactics to defraud the Redmond provider of more than $969,000 in cloud computing and related services.

Prosecutors didn’t say precisely how Parks was able to trick the providers into giving him elevated services, deferring unpaid payments, or failing to discover the allegedly fraudulent behavior. They also didn’t identify either of the cloud providers by name. Based on the details, however, they are almost certainly Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure. Representatives from both providers didn’t immediately return emails seeking confirmation.

If convicted on all charges, Parks faces as much as 30 years in prison.

Alleged cryptojacking scheme consumed $3.5M of stolen computing to make just $1M Read More »


Microsoft Releases Initial Azure Cloud Rendering Support for Quest 2 & Quest Pro

Microsoft announced it’s released a public preview of Azure Remote Rendering support for Meta Quest 2 and Quest Pro, something that promises to allow devs to render complex 3D content in the cloud and stream it to those VR headsets in real-time.

Azure Remote Rendering, which already supports desktop and the company’s AR headset HoloLens 2, notably uses a hybrid rendering approach to combine remotely rendered content with locally rendered content.

Now supporting Quest 2 and Quest Pro, developers are able to integrate Microsoft’s Azure cloud rendering capabilities to do things like view large and complex models on Quest.

Microsoft says in a developer blog post that one such developer Fracture Reality has already integrated Azure Remote Rendering into its JoinXR platform, enhancing its CAD review and workflows for engineering clients.

Image courtesy Microsoft, Fracture Reality

The JoinXR model above was said to take 3.5 minutes to upload and contains 12.6 million polygons and 8K images.

While streaming XR content from the cloud isn’t a new phenomenon—Nvidia initially released its own CloudXR integration for AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud in 2021—Microsoft offering direct integration is a hopeful sign that the company hasn’t given up on VR, and is actively looking to bring enterprise deeper into the fold.

If you’re looking to integrate Azure’s cloud rendering tech into your project, check out Microsoft’s step-by-step guide here.

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