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What Is An API?
The concept of SaaS applications Is no longer new or novel, and it dominates the marketplace. The explosion of SaaS applications has had impacts on the business world and has sparked the growth of other software innovation that goes along with these applications.
One area of focus is on APIs. APIs dictate the quality of the internet experience, and it has significant importance and relevance for many businesses right now.
API stands for application program interface. An API allows developers to access another party’s application or platform.
There are different types of APIs. These include public APIs which can be used by developers to build on their platforms, as well as private APIs. These are used internally by businesses. If a company has several software products, the purpose of an API is to allow that software to communicate with one another.
Social media networks are among the most well-known and high-profile users of APIs. Social media APIs can access particular elements of these social sites without actually duplicating their functionalities.
So what does all this mean for businesses? What do businesses need to know about the value of APIs?
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