Earlier this year, a Maltese magistrate concluded a four-year investigation into the matter and recommended that Ernst and de la Torre be charged with money laundering, criminal association, and corruption of public officials, including the nation’s former prime minister, Joseph Muscat, the Globe reports.
Meanwhile, new allegations of domestic dealings continue to come to light. In a separate investigative story Monday, the Globe reported that Steward executives used Steward-owned malpractice insurer TRACO “like a piggy bank.” The Panama-based TRACO was supposed to work like an independent insurer for the hospital chain; Steward would pay TRACO malpractice insurance premiums on behalf of its doctors and the pooled money would be used to litigate and pay out claims. But, instead of paying premiums, Steward gave TRACO IOUs. By the end of 2023, TRACO’s accounting records showed $99 million in outstanding loans, most owed by Steward, and $176 million in “accounts receivable,” also mostly owed by Steward.
With Steward now in bankruptcy, insurance coverage for health care providers is now in question, as are payouts to patients who were harmed by Steward’s care. The Globe noted the case of Yasmany Sosa, whose 35-year-old wife, Yanisey Rodriguez, died a preventable death after giving birth at Steward North Shore Medical Center in Florida in September 2022. Steward agreed to a $4 million settlement with Sosa in March, but the money hasn’t appeared, leaving Sosa in limbo and struggling.
“They killed my wife, that’s for starters. Second of all, they destroyed my family,” Sosa told the Globe through a translator. “This has all become a bunch of loopholes, legal strategies. This really is very difficult for me… I’ve already lost everything.”
Enlarge/ The empty chair of Steward Health Care System Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Ralph de la Torre who did not show up during the US Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, & Pensions Examining the Bankruptcy of Steward Health Care: How Management Decisions Have Impacted Patient Care.
In a federal lawsuit filed Monday, Steward CEO Ralph de la Torre claimed the senators “bulldozed over [his] constitutional rights” as they tried to “pillory and crucify him as a loathsome criminal” in a “televised circus.”
The Senate committee—the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP), led by Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)—issued a rare subpoena to de la Torre in July, compelling him to testify before the lawmakers. They sought to question the CEO on the deterioration of his hospital system, which previously included more than 30 hospitals across eight states. Steward filed for bankruptcy in May.
Imperiled patients
The committee alleges that de la Torre and Steward executives reaped millions in personal profits by hollowing out the health care facilities, even selling the land out from under them. The mismanagement left them so financially burdened that one doctor in a Steward-owned hospital in Louisiana said they were forced to perform “third-world medicine.” A lawmaker in that state who investigated the conditions at the hospital described Steward executives as “health care terrorists.”
Further, the financial strain on the hospitals is alleged to have led to the preventable deaths of 15 patients and put more than 2,000 other patients in “immediate peril.” As hospitals cut services, closed wards, or shuttered entirely, hundreds of health care workers were laid off, and communities were left without access to care. Nurses who remained in faltering facilities testified of harrowing conditions, including running out of basic supplies like beds. In one Massachusetts hospital, nurses were forced to place the remains of newborns in cardboard shipping boxes because Steward failed to pay a vendor for bereavement boxes.
Meanwhile, records indicate de la Torre and his companies were paid at least $250 million in recent years and he bought a 190-foot yacht for $40 million. Steward also owned two private jets collectively worth $95 million.
While de la Torre initially agreed to testify before the committee at the September 12 hearing, the wealthy CEO backed out the week beforehand. He claimed that a federal court order linked to the bankruptcy case prevented him from speaking on the matter; additionally, he invoked his Fifth Amendment right to avoid self-incrimination.
The HELP committee rejected de la Torre’s arguments, saying there were still relevant topics he could safely discuss without violating the order and that his Fifth Amendment rights did not permit him to refuse to appear before Congress when summoned by a subpoena. Still, the CEO was a no-show, and the Senate moved forward with the contempt charges.
“Not the way this works”
In the lawsuit filed today, de la Torre argues that the senators are attempting to punish him for invoking his Constitutional rights and that the hearing “was simply a device for the Committee to attack [him] and try to publicly humiliate and condemn him.”
The suit describes de la Torre as having a “distinguished career, bedecked by numerous accomplishments,” while accusing the senators of painting him as “a villain and scapegoat[ing] him for the company’s problems, even those caused by systemic deficiencies in Massachusetts’ health care system.” If he had appeared at the Congressional hearing, he would not have been able to defend himself from the personal attacks without being forced to abandon his Constitutional rights, the suit argues.
“Indeed, the Committee made it abundantly clear that they would put Dr. de la Torre’s invocation [of the Fifth Amendment] itself at the heart of their televised circus and paint him as guilty for the sin of remaining silent in the face of these assaults on his character and integrity,” the suit reads.
De la Torre seeks to have the federal court quash the Senate committee’s subpoena, enjoin both contempt charges, and declare that the Senate committee violated his Fifth Amendment rights.
Outside lawyers are skeptical that will occur. The lawsuit is a “Hail Mary play,” according to Stan M. Brand, an attorney who represented former Trump White House official Peter Navarro in a contempt of Congress case. De la Torre’s case “has very little chance of succeeding—I would say no chance of succeeding,” Brand told the Boston Globe.
“Every time that someone has tried to sue the House or Senate directly to challenge a congressional subpoena, the courts have said, ‘That that’s not the way this works,’” Brand said.
Enlarge/ Ralph de la Torre, founder and chief executive officer of Steward Health Care System LLC, speaks during a summit in New York on Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2016.
A Senate committee on Thursday voted overwhelmingly to hold the wealthy CEO of a failed hospital chain in civil and criminal contempt for rejecting a rare subpoena from the lawmakers.
In July, the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) subpoenaed Steward Health Care CEO Ralph de la Torre to testify before the lawmakers on the deterioration and eventual bankruptcy of the system, which included more than 30 hospitals across eight states. The resulting dire conditions in the hospitals, described as providing “third-world medicine,” allegedly led to the deaths of at least 15 patients and imperiled more than 2,000 others.
The committee, chaired by Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), highlighted that amid the system’s collapse, de la Torre was paid at least $250 million, bought a $40 million yacht, and owned a $15 million luxury fishing boat. Meanwhile, Steward executives jetted around on two private jets collectively worth $95 million.
De la Torre initially agreed to appear at the September 12 hearing but backed out the week beforehand. He claimed, through his lawyers, that a federal order stemming from Steward’s bankruptcy case prohibited him from discussing the hospital system’s situation amid reorganization and settlement efforts. The HELP committee rejected that explanation, but de la Torre was nevertheless a no-show at the hearing.
In a 20–0 bipartisan vote Thursday, the HELP committee held de la Torre in civil and criminal contempt, with only Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) abstaining. It is the first time in modern history the committee has issued civil and criminal contempt resolutions. The charges will now go before the full Senate for a vote.
If upheld by the full Senate, the civil enforcement will direct the Senate’s legal counsel to bring a federal civil suit against de la Torre in order to force him to comply with the subpoena and testify before the HELP Committee. The criminal contempt charge would refer the case to the US Attorney for the District of Columbia to criminally prosecute de la Torre for failing to comply with the subpoena. If the trial proceeds and de la Torre is convicted, the tarnished CEO could face a fine of up to $100,000 and a prison sentence of up to 12 months.
On Wednesday, the day before the committee voted on the contempt charges, a lawyer for de la Torre blasted the senators and claimed that testifying at the hearing would have violated his Fifth Amendment rights, according to the Boston Globe.
In a statement Thursday, Sanders slammed de la Torre, saying that his wealth and expensive lawyers did not make him above the law. “If you defy a Congressional subpoena, you will be held accountable no matter who you are or how well-connected you may be,” he said.
Enlarge/ The name placard for Dr. Ralph de la Torre, founder and chief executive officer of Steward Health Care System, in front of an empty seat during a Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee hearing in Washington, DC, on Thursday, September 12, 2024.
Lawyers for Ralph de la Torre—the Harvard University-trained cardiac surgeon who took over the Steward Health Care System in 2020—told senators in a letter last week that he was unable to testify at the hearing. Despite previously agreeing to the hearing, de la Torre and his lawyers argued that a federal court order stemming from Steward’s bankruptcy case, filed in May, prevented him from discussing anything amid reorganization and settlement efforts.
But that argument was found to be without merit by the Senate committee that issued the subpoena in July—the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP), chaired by Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). In comments to the Associated Press Wednesday, Sanders said there were plenty of topics he could have safely discussed.
“Tell me about your yacht”
“He has decided not to show up because he doesn’t want to explain to the American people how horrific his greed has become,” Sanders said. “Tell me about your yacht. Tell me about your fishing boat. I want to hear your justification for that. Tell that to the community where staff was laid off while you made $250 million.”
On Thursday, lawmakers prepared a seat for de la Torre at the hearing, but it stayed empty.
In a statement to ABC News Thursday, Steward defended de la Torre’s absence. “The Committee continues to ignore the fact that there is an ongoing settlement effort underway with all interested parties that paves the way to keep all of Steward’s remaining hospitals open and preserve jobs,” the statement said. “Dr. de la Torre will not do anything that could jeopardize this effort.”
Lawmakers, meanwhile, have moved forward with plans to pursue civil and criminal contempt of Congress charges. “A witness cannot disregard and evade a duly authorized subpoena,” ranking member Bill Cassidy (R-La.) said at today’s hearing. “Therefore, today, the chair and I will be asking the committee to report a resolution to authorize civil enforcement and criminal contempt proceedings against Dr. de la Torre requiring compliance with the subpoena.” The committee has scheduled a session on Thursday, September 19, to adopt the two resolutions.
While the star witness was AWOL, the hearing moved on, offering stunning and horrifying testimony from two Massachusetts nurses and Louisiana state leaders who experienced the conditions at Steward’s hospitals, which number over 30 across eight states. The most heart-wrenching testimony came from Ellen MacInnis, a nurse at St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center in Boston, which was taken over by Steward.
Enlarge/ Hospital staff and community members held a protest in front of Carney Hospital in Boston on August 5 as Steward has announced it will close the hospital. “Ralph” refers to Steward’s CEO, Ralph de la Torre, who owns a yacht.
As the more than 30 hospitals in the Steward Health Care System scrounged for cash to cover supplies, shuttered pediatric and neonatal units, closed maternity wards, laid off hundreds of health care workers, and put patients in danger, the system paid out at least $250 million to its CEO and his companies, according to a report by The Wall Street Journal.
The newly revealed financial details bring yet more scrutiny to Steward CEO Ralph de la Torre, a Harvard University-trained cardiac surgeon who, in 2020, took over majority ownership of Steward from the private equity firm Cerberus. De la Torre and his companies were reportedly paid at least $250 million since that takeover. In May, Steward, which has hospitals in eight states, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
Critics—including members of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP)—allege that de la Torre and stripped the system’s hospitals of assets, siphoned payments from them, and loaded them with debt, all while reaping huge payouts that made him obscenely wealthy.
Alleged greed
For instance, de la Torre sold the land under the system’s hospitals to a large hospital landlord, Medical Properties Trust, leaving Steward hospitals on the hook for large rent payments. Under de la Torre’s leadership, Steward also paid a management consulting firm $30 million a year to “provide executive oversight and overall strategic directive.” But, de la Torre was the majority owner of the consulting firm, which also employed other Steward executives. As the WSJ put it, Steward “effectively paid its CEO’s firm, which employed Steward executives, for executive- management services for Steward.”
In 2021, while the COVID-19 pandemic strained hospitals, Steward distributed $111 million to shareholders. With de la Torre owning 73 percent of the company at the time, his share would have been around $81 million, the WSJ reported. That year, de la Torre bought a 190-foot yacht for $40 million. He also owns a $15 million custom-made luxury fishing boat called Jaruco. The Senate Help Committee, meanwhile, notes that a Steward affiliate owned two jets, one valued at $62 million and a second “backup” jet valued at $33 million.
In 2022, de la Torre got married in an elaborate wedding on Italy’s Amalfi Coast and bought a 500-acre Texas ranch for at least $7.2 million. His new wife, Nicole Acosta, 29, is a competitive equestrian who trains at a facility near the ranch. She competes on a horse that was sold in 2014 for $3.5 million, though it’s unclear how much the couple paid for it. Besides the ranch, de la Torre, 58, owns an 11,108-square-foot mansion in Dallas valued at $7.2 million, the WSJ reported.
While de la Torre was living a lavish lifestyle, Steward hospitals faced dire situations—as they had been for years. An investigation by the Senate HELP committee noted that Steward had shut down several hospitals in Massachusetts, Ohio, Arizona, and Texas between 2014 and this year, laying off thousands of health care workers and leaving communities in the lurch. It closed several pediatric wards in Massachusetts and Texas; in Florida, it closed neonatal units and eliminated maternity services. In Louisiana, Steward patients faced “immediate jeopardy.”
“Third-world medicine”
In a July hearing, Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA), ranking member of the HELP Committee, spoke of the conditions at Glenwood Regional Medical Center in West Monroe, Louisiana, which Steward allegedly mismanaged. “According to a report from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, a physician at Glenwood told a Louisiana state inspector that the hospital was performing ‘third-world medicine,'” Cassidy said.
Further, “one patient died while waiting for a transfer to another hospital because Glenwood did not have the resources to treat them,” the Senator said. “Unfortunately, Glenwood is not unique,” he went on. “At a Steward-owned Massachusetts hospital, a woman died after giving birth when doctors realized mid-surgery that the supplies needed to treat her were previously repossessed due to Steward’s financial troubles.” The hospital reportedly owed the supplier $2.5 million in unpaid bills.
Additionally, the WSJ investigation dug up records that showed that a pest control company discovered 3,000 bats living in one of Steward’s Florida hospitals. In Arizona, a Phoenix-area hospital was without air conditioning during scorching temperatures, and its kitchen was closed for health-code violations. The state ordered it to shut down last week.
“Dr. de la Torre and his executive teams’ poor financial decisions and gross mismanagement of its hospitals is shocking,” Cassidy said. “Patients’ lives are at risk. The American people deserve answers.”
Senate HELP Committee chair Bernie Sanders (I-VT) went further, saying that the US health care system “is designed not to make patients well, but to make health care executives and stockholders extraordinarily wealthy. … Perhaps more than anyone else in America, Ralph de la Torre, the CEO of Steward Health Care, epitomizes the type of outrageous corporate greed that is permeating throughout our for-profit health care system.”
Sanders lamented how de la Torre’s payouts could have instead benefited patients and communities, asking: “How many of Steward’s hospitals could have been prevented from closing down, how many lives could have been saved, how many health care workers would still have their jobs if Dr. de la Torre spent $150 million on high-quality health care instead of a yacht, two private jets and a luxury fishing boat?”
On July 25, the committee voted 16–4 to subpoena de la Torre so they could ask him such questions in person. To date, de la Torre has refused to voluntarily appear before the committee and declined to comment on the WSJ report. The committee’s vote marks the first time since 1981 that it has issued a subpoena.
Separately, Steward and de la Torre are under investigation by the Department of Justice over allegations of fraud and corruption in a deal to run hospitals in Malta.