Science communication


An ultra-athlete goes head-to-head with the world’s most formidable sharks

Mano a sharko —

Ross Edgley faces a challenge like no other in NatGeo’s Shark vs. Ross Edgley.

Man in scuba gear on ocean floor standing next to giant hammerhead shark

Enlarge / Extreme sportsman Ross Edgley comes face to face with a great hammerhead shark in the waters of Bimini in the Bahamas.

National Geographic/Nathalie Miles

Ultra-athlete Ross Edgley is no stranger to pushing his body to extremes. He once ran a marathon while pulling a one-ton car; ran a triathlon while carrying a 100-pound tree; and climbed a 65-foot rope over and over again until he’d climbed the equivalent of Mt. Everest—all for charity. In 2016, he set the world record for the world’s longest staged sea swim around the coastline of Great Britain: 1780 miles over 157 days.

At one point during that swim, a basking shark appeared and swam alongside Edgley for a day and a half. That experience ignited his curiosity about sharks and eventually led to his new National Geographic documentary, Shark vs. Ross Edgleypart of four full weeks of 2024 SHARKFEST programming. Edgley matches his athletic prowess against four different species of shark. He tries to jump out of the water (polaris) like a great white shark; withstand the G forces produced by a hammerhead shark‘s fast, rapid turns; mimic the extreme fasting and feasting regimen of a migrating tiger shark; and match the swimming speed of a mako shark.

“I love this idea of having a goal and then reverse engineering and deconstructing it,” Edgley told Ars. “[Sharks are] the ultimate ocean athletes. We just had this idea: what if you’re crazy enough to try and follow in the footsteps of four amazing sharks? It’s an impossible task. You’re going to fail, you’re going to be humbled. But in the process, we could use it as a sports/shark science experiment, almost like a Trojan horse to bring science and ocean conservation to a new audience.”

And who better than Edgley to take on that impossible challenge? “The enthusiasm he brings to everything is really infectious,” marine biologist and shark expert Mike Heithaus of Florida International University told Ars. “He’s game to try anything. He’d never been in the water with sharks and we’re throwing him straight in with big tiger sharks and hammerheads. He’s loving the whole thing and just devoured all the information.”

That Edgley physique doesn’t maintain itself, so the athlete was up at 4 AM swimming laps and working out every morning before the rest of the crew had their coffee. “I’m doing bicep curls with my coffee cup and he’s doing bicep curls with the 60-pound underwater camera,” Heithaus recalled. “For the record, I got one rep in and I’m very proud of that.” Score one for the shark expert.

(Spoilers below for the various shark challenges.)

Ross vs. the great white shark

  • Ross Edgley gets some tips on how to power (polaris) his body out of the water like a white shark from synchronized swimmer Samantha Wilson

    National Geographic/Nathalie Miles

  • The Aquabatix synchronized swim team demonstrates the human equivalent to a white shark’s polaris.

    National Geographic/Nathalie Miles

  • Edgley tries out a mono fin to improve his polaris performance.

    National Geographic/Nathalie Miles

  • Edgley propelling 3/4 of his body out of the pool to mimic a white shark’s polaris movement

    National Geographic/Bobby Cross

For the first challenge, Edgley took on the great white shark, a creature he describes as a “submarine with teeth.” These sharks are ambush hunters, capable of propelling their massive bodies fully out of the water in an arching leap. That maneuver is called a polaris, and it’s essential to the great white shark’s survival. It helps that the shark has 65 percent muscle mass, particularly concentrated in the tail, as well as a light skeleton and a large liver that serves as buoyancy device.

Edgley, by comparison, is roughly 45 percent muscle mass—much higher than the average human but falling short of the great white shark. To help him try to match the great white’s powerful polaris maneuver, Edgley sought tips on biomechanics from the Aquabatix synchronized swim team, since synchronized swimmers must frequently launch their bodies fully out of the water during routines. They typically get a boost from their teammates to do so.

The team did manage to boost Edgley out of the water, but sharks don’t need a boost. Edgley opted to work with a monofin, frequently used in underwater sports like free diving or finswimming, to see what he could achieve on his own power. After a bit of practice, he succeeded in launching 75 percent of his body (compared to the shark’s 100 percent) out of the water. Verdict: Edgley is 75 percent great white shark.

Ross vs. the hammerhead shark

  • Edgley vs. a hammerhead shark. He will try to match the animal’s remarkable agility underwater.

    National Geographic/Nathalie Miles

  • A camera team films a hammerhead shark making sharp extreme turns

    National Geographic/Nathalie Miles

  • Edgley prepares to go airborne in a stunt plane to try and mimic the agility of a hammerhead shark in the water.

    National Geographic/Nathalie Miles

  • A standard roll produces 2 g’s, while pulling up is 3 g’s

    YouTube/National Geographic

  • Edgley is feeling a bit queasy.

    YouTube/National Geographic

Next up: Edgley pitted himself against the remarkable underwater agility of a hammerhead shark. Hammerheads are known for being able to swim fast and turn on a dime, thanks to a flexible skeleton that enables them to bend and contort their bodies nearly in half. They’re able to withstand some impressive G forces (up to 3 G’s) in the process. According to Heithaus, these sharks feed on other rays and other sharks, so they need to be built for speed and agility—hence their ability to accelerate and turn rapidly.

The NatGeo crew captured impressive underwater footage of the hammerheads in action, including Edgley meeting a 14.7 hammerhead named “Queenie”—one of the largest great hammerheads that visits Bimini in the Bahamas during the winter. That footage also includes shots of divers feeding fish to some of the hammerheads by hand. “They know every shark by name and the sharks know the feeders,” said Heithaus. “So you can safely get close to these big amazing creatures.”

For years, scientists had wondered about the purpose of the distinctive hammer-shaped head. It may help them scan a larger area of the ocean floor while hunting. Like all sharks, hammerheads have sensory pores called ampullae of Lorenzini that allow them to detect electrical signals and hence possible prey. The hammer-shaped head distributes those pores over a wider span.

But according to Heithaus, the hammer shape also operates a bit like the big broad flap of an airplane wing, resulting in excellent hydrodynamics. Moving at high speeds, “You can just tilt the head a tiny bit and bank a huge degree,” he said. “So if a ray turns 180 degrees to escape, the hammerhead can track with it. Other species would take a wider turn and fall behind.”

The airplane wing analogy gave Edgley an idea for how he could mimic the tight turns and high G forces of a hammerhead shark: take a flight in a small stunt plane. The catch: Edgley is not a fan of flying. And as he’d feared, he became horribly airsick during the challenge, even puking into a little airbag at one point. “It looks so cool in the clip,” he said. “But at the time, I was in a world of trouble.” Pilot Mark Greenfield finally cut the experiment short when he determined that Edgley was too sick to continue. Verdict: Edgley is 0 percent hammerhead shark.

Ross vs. the tiger shark

  • Shark expert Mike Heithaus holds a gelatin shark “lolliop” while Edgley flexes.

    National Geographic/Nathalie Miles

  • Edgley and Heithaus underwater with a tiger shark, tempting it with a gelatin lollipop.

    National Geographic/Nathalie Miles

  • Success! A tiger shark takes a nice big bite.

    National Geographic/Nathalie Miles

  • Edgley flexes with the giant gelatin lollipop with a large bite taken out of it by a tiger shark

    National Geographic/Nathalie Miles

  • Edgley gets his weight and body volume measured in the “Bodpod” before his tiger shark challenge.

    National Geographic/Bobby Cross

  • Edgley fasted and exercised for 24 hours to mimic a tiger shark on a migration route. He dropped 14 pounds.

    National Geographic/Nathalie Miles

  • After all that fasting and exercise, Edgley then gorged himself for 24 hours to put the weight back on. He gained 22 pounds.

    National Geographic/Nathalie Miles

The third challenge was trying to match the fortitude of a migrating tiger shark as it makes its way over thousands of miles without food, only feasting at journey’s end.  “I was trying to understand the psychology of a tiger shark because there’s just nothing for them to eat [on the journey],” said Ross. And once they arrive at their destination, “they can chow down on entire whale carcasses and eat just about anything. That idea of feast and famine is something we humans used to do all the time. We live quite comfortably now so we’ve lost touch with that.”

The first step was to figure out just how many calories a migrating tiger shark can consume in a single bite. Heithaus has been part of SHARKFEST for several years now and recalled one throwback show, Sharks vs. Dolphins, in which he tried to determine which species of of shark were attacking dolphins, and just how big those sharks might be. He hit upon the idea of making a dolphin shape out of gelatin—essentially the same stuff FIU’s forensic department uses for ballistic tests—and asked his forensic colleagues to make one for him, since the material has the same weight and density of dolphin blubber.

For the Edgley documentary, they made a large gelatin lollipop the same density as whale blubber, and he and Edgley dove down and managed to get an 11-foot tiger shark to take a big 6.2-pound bite out of it. We know how many calories are in whale blubber so Heithaus was able to deduce from that how many calories per bite a tiger shark consumed (6.2 pounds of whale meet is equivalent to about 25,000 calories).

Such field work also lets him gather ever mire specimens of shark bites from a range of species for his research. “The great thing about SHARKFEST is that you’re seeing new, cutting-edge science that may or may not work,” said Heithaus. “But that’s what science is about: trying things and advancing our knowledge even if it doesn’t work al the time, and then sharing that information and excitement with the public.”

Then it was time for Edgley to make like a migrating shark and embark on a carefully designed famine-and-feast regime. First, his weight and body volume were measured in a “Bodpod”: 190.8 pounds and 140.8 pints. Then Edgley fasted and exercised almost continuously for 24 hours with a mix of weight training, running, swimming, sitting in the sauna, and climate chamber cycling. (He did sleep for a few hours.)  He dropped 14 pounds and lost twelve pints, ending up at a weight of 177 pounds and a volume of 128.7 pints. Instead of food, what he craved most at the end was water. “When you are in a completely deprived state, you find out what your body actually needs, not what it wants,” said Edgley.

After slaking his thirst, it was time to gorge. Over the next 24 hours, Edgley consumed an eye-popping 35,103 calories in carefully controlled servings. It’s quite the menu: Haribo mix, six liters of Lucozade, a Hulk smoothie, pizza, five slices of lemon blueberry cheesecake, five slices of chocolate mint cheesecake, fish and chips, burgers and fries, two cinnamon loaves, four tubs of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, two full English breakfasts, five liters of custard, four mars bars, and four mass gainer shakes.

When his weight and volume were measured one last time in the Bodpod, Edgley had regained a whopping 22 pounds for a final weight of 199 pounds. “I wish I had Ross’s ability to eat that much and remain at 0 percent body fat,” said Heithaus. Verdict: Edgley is 28 percent tiger shark.

Ross vs. the mako shark

  • In 2018, Edgely set the world record for longest assisted sea swim.

    National Geographic/Nathalie Miles

  • Edgley tries to match the speed of a mako shark in the waters of the Menai Strait in Wales.

    National Geographic/Nathalie Miles

Finally, Edgley pitted himself against the mighty mako shark. Mako sharks are the speediest sharks in the ocean, capable of swimming at speeds up to 43 MPH. Edgley is a long-distance swimmer, not a sprinter, so he threw himself into training at Loughborough University with British Olympians coaching him. He fell far short of a mako shark’s top speed. The shape of the human body is simply much less hydrodynamic than that of a shark. He realized that despite his best efforts, “I was making up hundredths of a second, which is huge in sprinting,” he said. “That could be the difference between a gold medal at the Paris Olympics and not. But I needed to make up many kilometers per hour.”

So Edgley decided to “think like a shark” and employ a shark-like strategy of riding the ocean currents to increase his speed. He ditched the pool and headed to the Menai Strait in Wales for some open water swimming. Ultimately he was able to hit 10.24 MPH—double what an Olympic swimmer could manage in a pool, but just 25 percent of a mako shark’s top speed. And he managed with the help or a team of 20-30 people dropping him into the fastest tide possible. “A mako shark would’ve just gone, ‘This is a Monday morning, this isn’t an event for me, I’m off,'” said Edgley. Verdict: Edgley is 24 percent mako shark

When the results of all four challenges were combined, Edgley came out at 32 percent overall, or nearly one-third shark. While Edgley confessed to being humbled by his limitations, “I don’t think there’s anyone else out there who could do so as well across the board in comparison,” said Heithaus.

The ultimate goal of Shark vs. Ross Edgley—and indeed all of the SHARKFEST programming—is to help shift public perceptions of sharks. “The great Sir David Attenborough said that the problems facing us in terms of conservation is as much a communication issue as a scientific one,” Edgley said. “The only way we can combat that is by educating people.”

Shark populations have declined sharply by 70 percent or more over the last 50 years. “It’s really critical that we protect and restore these populations,” Heithaus said. Tiger sharks, for instance, eat big grazers like turtles and sea cows, and thus protect the sea grass. (Among other benefits, the sea grass sequesters carbon dioxide.) Sharks are also quite sophisticated in their behavior. “Some have social connections with other sharks, although not to the same extent as dolphins,” said Heithaus. “They’re more than just loners, and they may have personalities. We see some sharks that are more bold, and others that are more shy. There’s a lot more to sharks than we would have thought.”

People who hear about Edgley’s basking shark encounter invariably assume he’d been in danger. However, “We were friends. I’m not on its menu,” Edgley said. “There are so many different species.” He likened it to being chased by a dog. People might assume it was a rottweiler giving chase, when in fact the basking shark is the equivalent of a poodle. “Hopefully what people take away from this is moving from a fear and misunderstanding of sharks to respect and admiration,” Edgley said. “That’ll make the RAF fighter pilot plane worth it.”

And he’s game to take on even more shark challenges in the future. There are a lot more shark species out there, after all, just waiting to go head-to-head with a human ultra-athlete.

Shark vs. Ross Edgley premieres on Sunday, June 30, 2024, on Disney+.

trailer for Shark vs. Ross Edgley.

An ultra-athlete goes head-to-head with the world’s most formidable sharks Read More »


Using vague language about scientific facts misleads readers

Using vague language about scientific facts misleads readers

Anyone can do a simple experiment. Navigate to a search engine that offers suggested completions for what you type, and start typing “scientists believe.” When I did it, I got suggestions about the origin of whales, the evolution of animals, the root cause of narcolepsy, and more. The search results contained a long list of topics, like “How scientists believe the loss of Arctic sea ice will impact US weather patterns” or “Scientists believe Moon is 40 million years older than first thought.”

What do these all have in common? They’re misleading, at least in terms of how most people understand the word “believe.” In all these examples, scientists have become convinced via compelling evidence; these are more than just hunches or emotional compulsions. Given that difference, using “believe” isn’t really an accurate description. Yet all these examples come from searching Google News, and so are likely to come from journalistic outlets that care about accuracy.

Does the difference matter? A recent study suggests that it does. People who were shown headlines that used subjective verbs like “believe” tended to view the issue being described as a matter of opinion—even if that issue was solidly grounded in fact.

Fact vs. opinion

The new work was done by three researchers at Stanford University: Aaron Chueya, Yiwei Luob, and Ellen Markman. “Media consumption is central to how we form, maintain, and spread beliefs in the modern world,” they write. “Moreover, how content is presented may be as important as the content itself.” The presentation they’re interested in involves what they term “epistemic verbs,” or those that convey information about our certainty regarding information. To put that in concrete terms, “’Know’ presents [a statement] as a fact by presup­posing that it is true, ‘believe’ does not,” they argue.

So, while it’s accurate to say, “Scientists know the Earth is warming, and that warming is driven by human activity,” replacing “know” with “believe” presents an inaccurate picture of the state of our knowledge. Yet, as noted above, “scientists believe” is heavily used in the popular press. Chueya, Luob, and Markman decided to see whether this makes a difference.

They were interested in two related questions. One is whether the use of verbs like believe and think influences how readers view whether the concepts they’re associated with are subjective issues rather than objective, factual ones. The second is whether using that phrasing undercuts the readers’ willingness to accept something as a fact.

To answer those questions, the researchers used a subject-recruiting service called Prolific to recruit over 2,700 participants who took part in a number of individual experiments focused on these issues. In each experiment, participants were given a series of headlines and asked about what inferences they drew about the information presented in them.

Using vague language about scientific facts misleads readers Read More »


Science lives here: take a virtual tour of the Royal Institution in London

a special kind of place —

No less than 14 Nobel laureates have conducted ground-breaking research at the Institution.

The exterior of the Royal Institution

Enlarge / The Royal Institution was founded in 1799 and is still located in the same historic building at 21 Albermarle Street in London.

If you’re a fan of science, and especially science history, no trip to London is complete without visiting the Royal Institution, browsing the extensive collection of artifacts housed in the Faraday Museum and perhaps taking in an evening lecture by one of the many esteemed scientists routinely featured—including the hugely popular annual Christmas lectures. (The lecture theater may have been overhauled to meet the needs of the 21st century but walking inside still feels a bit like stepping back through time.) So what better time than the Christmas season to offer a virtual tour of some of the highlights contained within the historic walls of 21 Albemarle Street?

The Royal Institution was founded in 1799 by a group of leading British scientists. This is where Thomas Young explored the wave theory of light (at a time when the question of whether light was a particle or wave was hotly debated); John Tyndall conducted experiments in radiant heat; Lord Rayleigh discovered argon; James Dewar liquified hydrogen and invented the forerunner of the thermos; and father-and-son duo William Henry and William Lawrence Bragg invented x-ray crystallography.

No less than 14 Nobel laureates have conducted ground-breaking research at the Institution over the ensuing centuries, but the 19th century physicist Michael Faraday is a major focus. In fact, there is a full-sized replica of Faraday’s magnetic laboratory—where he made so many of his seminal discoveries—in the original basement room where he worked, complete with an old dumbwaiter from when the room was used as a servant’s hall. Its arrangement is based on an 1850s painting by one of Faraday’s friends and the room is filled with objects used by Faraday over the course of his scientific career.

The son of an English blacksmith, Faraday was apprenticed to a bookbinder at 14, a choice of profession that enabled him to read voraciously, particularly about the natural sciences. In 1813, a friend gave Faraday a ticket to hear the eminent scientist Humphry Davy lecture on electrochemistry at the Royal Institution. He was so taken by the presentation that he asked Davy to hire him. Davy initially declined, but shortly afterwards sacked his assistant for brawling, and hired Faraday to replace him. Faraday helped discover two new compounds of chlorine and carbon in those early days, learned how to make his own glass, and also invented an early version of the Bunsen burner, among other accomplishments.

  • Painting of the Royal Institution circa 1838, by Thomas Hosmer Shepherd.

    Public domain

  • Michael Faraday giving one of his famous Christmas lectures.

    Royal Institution

  • A Friday Evening Discourse at the Royal Institution; Sir James Dewar on Liquid Hydrogen, by Henry Jamyn Brooks, 1904

    Public domain

  • The Lecture Theatre as it looks today

  • Faraday’s magnetic laboratory in the basement of the Royal Institution

    Royal Institution

  • A page from one of Faraday’s notebooks

    Royal Institution

Faraday was particularly interested in the new science of electromagnetism, first discovered in 1820 by Hans Christian Ørsted. In 1821, Faraday discovered electromagnetic rotation—which converts electricity into mechanical motion via a magnet—and used that underlying principle to build the first electric motor. The Royal Institution’s collection includes the only surviving electric motor that Faraday built: a wire hanging down into a glass vessel with a bar magnet at the bottom. Faraday would fill the glass with mercury (an excellent conductor), then connect his apparatus to a battery, which sent electricity through the wire in turn. This created a magnetic field around the wire, and that field’s interaction with the magnet at the bottom of the glass vessel would cause the wire to rotate in a clockwise direction.

Ten years later, Faraday succeeded in showing that a jiggling magnet could induce an electrical current in a wire. Known as the principle of the dynamo, or electromagnetic induction, it became the basis of electric generators, which convert the energy of a changing magnetic field into an electrical current. One of Faraday’s induction rings is on display, comprised of coils of wire wound on opposites sides of the ring, insulated with cotton. Passing electricity through one would briefly induce a current in the other. Also on display is one of Faraday’s generators: a bar magnet and a simple cotton-insulated tube wound with a coil of wire.

In yet another experiment, Faraday placed a piece of heavy leaded glass on a magnet’s poles to see how light would be affected by a magnet. He passed light through the glass and when he turned on the electromagnet, he found that the polarization of the light had rotated slightly. This is called the magneto-optical effect (or Faraday effect), demonstrating that magnetism is related not just to electricity, but also to light. The Royal Institution has a Faraday magneto-optical apparatus with which he “at last succeeded in… magnetizing a ray of light.” In 1845, Faraday discovered diamagnetism, a property of certain materials that give them a weak repulsion from a magnetic field.

  • Equipment used by Faraday to make glass

  • Drawing of Faraday’s electromagnetic rotation experiment.

    Public domain

  • Faraday motor (electric magnetic rotation apparatus), 1822

    Royal Institution

  • Faraday’s dynamo (generator), October 1831

    Royal Institution

  • Faraday’s induction ring

    Royal Institution

  • Faraday’s magneto-optical apparatus

    Royal Institution

  • One of Faraday’s iron filings (1851) showing magnetic lines of force

    Royal Institution

  • Faraday’s original gold colloids are still active well over a century later

  • Shining a laser light through a gold colloid mixture produces the Faraday-Tyndall Effect.

    Royal Institution

Faraday concluded from all those experiments that magnetism was the center of an elaborate system of invisible curved tentacles (electric lines of force) that spread throughout space like the roots of trees branching through the earth. He was able to demonstrate these lines of force by coating sheets of paper with wax and placing them on top of bar magnets. When he sprinkled powdery iron filings on the surface, those iron filings were attracted to the magnets, revealing the lines of force. And by gently heating the waxed paper, he found that the iron filings would set on the page, preserving them.

In the 1850s, Faraday’s interests turned to the properties of light and matter. He made his own gold slides and shone light through them to observe the interactions. But commercial gold leaf, typically made by hammering the metal into thin sheets, was still much too thick for his purposes. So Faraday had to make his own via chemical means, which involved washing gold films. The resulting faint red fluid intrigued Faraday and he kept samples in bottles, shining light though the fluids and noting an intriguing “cone effect” (now known as the Faraday-Tyndall Effect)—the result of particles of gold suspended in the fluid that were much too small to see.

One might consider Faraday an early nanoscientist, since these are now known as metallic nanoparticles. The Institution’s current state-of-the-art nanotechnology lab is appropriately located right across from Faraday’s laboratory in the basement. And even though Faraday’s gold colloids are well over a century old, they remain optically active. There’s no way to figure out why this might be the case without opening the bottles but the bottles are too valuable as artifacts to justify doing that.

Plenty of other scientific luminaries have their work commemorated in the Royal Institution’s collection, including that of Faraday’s mentor, Humphry Davy, who discovered the chemical elements barium, strontium, sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium. Early in the 19th century, there were several explosions in northern England’s coal mines caused by the lamps used by the miners accidentally igniting pockets of flammable gas. Davy was asked to come up with a safer lighting alternative.

  • Schematic for the Davy lamp

    Public domain

  • Humphry Davy’s miner’s lamp (left) displayed alongside his rival George Stephenson’s lamps

    Royal Institution

  • Schematic for John Tyndall’s radiant heat apparatus

    Royal Institution

  • Tyndall’s radiant heat tube

    Royal Institution

  • Tyndall’s blue sky tube, 1869

    Royal Institution

  • Title page of Tyndall’s Heat: A Mode of Motion

    Paul Wilkinson/Royal Institution

After experimenting with several prototypes, Davy finally settled on a simple design in 1815 consisting of a “chimney” made of wire gauze to enclose the flame. The gauze absorbed heat to prevent igniting flammable gas but still let through sufficient light. The invention significantly reduced fatalities among coal miners. Davy had a rival, however in a mining engineer named George Stephenson who independently developed his own design that was remarkably similar to Davy’s. Samples of both are displayed in the Institution’s lower ground floor “Light Corridor.” Davy’s lamp would ultimately triumph, while Stephenson later invented the first steam-powered railroad locomotive.

Atmospheric physicist John Tyndall was a good friend of Faraday and shared the latter’s gift for public lecture demonstrations. His experiments on radiation and the heat-absorptive power of gases were undertaken with an eye toward developing a better understanding of the physics of molecules.  Among the Tyndall artifacts housed in the Royal Institution is his radiant heat tube, part of an elaborate experimental apparatus he used to measure the extent to which infrared radiation was absorbed and emitted by various gases filling its central tube. By this means he concluded that water vapor absorbs more radiant heat than atmospheric gases, and hence that vapor is crucial for moderating Earth’s climate via a natural “greenhouse effect.”

The collection also includes Tyndall’s “blue sky apparatus,” which the scientist used to explain why the sky is blue during the day and takes on red hues at sunset—namely, particles in the Earth’s atmosphere scatter sunlight and blue light is scattered more strongly than red light. (It’s the same Faraday-Tyndall effect observed when shining light through Faraday’s gold colloids.)

  • James Dewar in the Royal Institution, circa 1900

    Public domain

  • A Dewar flask

    Royal Institution

  • The x-ray spectrometer developed by William Henry Bragg.

    Royal Institution

  • Bragg’s rock salt model

On Christmas Day, 1892, James Dewar exhibited his newly invented Dewar flask at the Royal Institution for the first time, which he used for his cryogenic experiments on liquefying gases. Back in 1872, Dewar and Peter Tait had built a vacuum-insulated vessel to keep things warm, and Dewar adapted that design for his flask, designed to keep things cold—specifically cold enough to maintain the extremely low temperatures at which gases transitioned into liquid form. Dewar failed to patent his invention, however; the patent eventually went to the Thermos company in 1904, which rebranded the product to keep liquids hot as well as cold.

As for William Henry Bragg, he studied alpha, beta, and gamma rays early in his career and hypothesized that both gamma rays and x-rays had particle-like properties. This was bolstered by Max Von Laue‘s Nobel Prize-winning discovery that crystals could diffract x-rays. Bragg and his son, William Lawrence—then a student at Trinity College Cambridge—began conducting their own experiments. Bragg pere invented a special “ionization spectrometer,” in which a crystal could be rotated to precise angles so that the different scattering patterns of x-rays could be measured. The pair used the instrument to determine the structure of crystals and molecules, winning the 1915 Nobel Prize in Physics for their efforts. That spectrometer, the prototype of today’s x-ray diffractometers, is still housed in the Royal Institution, as well as their model of the atomic structure of rock salt.

Science lives here: take a virtual tour of the Royal Institution in London Read More »