‘Mobile Suit Gundam’ Interactive Anime VR Experience Coming to Quest
Meta Quest is getting an official Gundam VR experience, which its creators describe as a feature-length “immersive anime.”
Revealed at Anime NYC by Bandai Namco Filmwork and XR studio Atlas V (Gloom Eyes, BATTLESCAR), Mobile Suit Gundam: Silver Phantom is set to be much more than an interactive narrative experience, it seems.
“This is not a game, nor is it just a narrative experience—it’s an immersive adventure
that leverages the best of both worlds. The future of interactive anime in VR is coming,” said co-founder of Atlas V Pierre Zandrowicz.
“We’re taking a unique approach creating an interactive anime that brings the Gundam
universe to life in an unparalleled way. It’s a narrative journey, inviting you to step inside the story like never before,” said Kiichiro Inoue, Deputy General Manager at Bandai Namco Filmwork.
We’re still waiting for a full reveal—the trailer really only shows off the name and the fact that it’s coming to Quest at some point. There’s also no release window on the books.
The studios say we should however get a “special unveiling” of Mobile Suit Gundam: Silver Phantom at the Gundam Fan e-Festival starting November 23rd.
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