

Celebrating the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup on Snapchat

The 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup is on – and celebrations aren’t limited to the physical world. A number of innovative activations on Snapchat ensure that fans everywhere can feel like a part of the action.

Snap’s 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup Lenses

While AR activations can be fun, they don’t often add much real value for people actually following the sport. Snap’s USWNT (the US Women’s National Team) Team Tracker Lens uses brand new tech and classic Snapchat style to display real-time team and player information. Another lens can be used to preview Stories augmented with content from the U.S. Soccer App.

2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup Team Tracker

Curious about other teams to follow? A lens created with FIFA’s “Fancestry” quiz helps fans follow new teams based on a brief personality survey – with a unique digital jersey representing your “Fancestry.”

FIFA Fancestry lens -  2023 fifa women's world cup

Whatever team (or teams) you choose to support during 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup, you can show your colors with the Across the Globe Lens with a different selfie lens for every team.

Global country fan lenses Snap - 2023 fifa women's world cup

Or, show your support for women’s sports in general with the TOGETHXR Lens. And, of course, all of the teams have their own stickers and bitmoji fashions to further customize your communications.

Togethxr Lens - 2023 fifa women's world cup

“Snapchat is honored to be a part of the 2023 World Cup,”  Snap’s Strategic Partnerships Sports Lead Emma Wakely said in a release. “Through immersive content coverage, creator collaborations, and new, innovative AR experiences, Snapchatters will have an unparalleled opportunity to express their football fandom like never before.”

Snapchat’s Playbook

Snap’s strategy for the package is an interesting play. For the most part, the engagements are more stylized than those employed last year for the (Mens) World Cup Snapchat celebrations. However, these interactions are more … interactive. Though, Snap’s Live Garment Transfer Technology does make a comeback for an AR jersey activation similar to the one we saw last year.

Perhaps the most in-depth lens in terms of interactivity is the USWNT Team Lens. This activation is most like a multi-player partnership through which Snap augmented the Superbowl last year – but that app was only for fans physically at the Superbowl. And what is AR for if not for expanding experiences to people who can’t be at one given physical location?

Don’t forget, the Snap team isn’t the only one making lenses. To find all lenses, including those made through partnerships or by independent creators, tap the explore tab on the Snapchat camera screen and search “Women’s World Cup” or “2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup.”

Celebrate the Big Games

This has just been a look at Snapchat’s AR integrations around the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup. There are also special Stories, Cameo content, Spotlight Challenges, Snap Map features, and more. So pick your team and go crazy.

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Ray Tracing Comes to Snap Lens Studio

One of the most powerful recent breakthroughs in graphics and rendering is coming to mobile AR thanks to a recent update to Snap’s Lens Studio. We’re talking about ray tracing.

What Is Ray Tracing?

Ray tracing is a rendering technique that helps to bring digital assets to life in the environment around them – whether that environment is digital or viewed in augmented reality. Recent examples in gaming include convincingly reflective surfaces like water, believable dynamic shadows, and improved light effects.

The technique can be fairly computing-heavy, which can be a problem depending on the program and how it is accessed. For example, when some existing games are updated to use ray tracing, users accessing that game on an older or less fully-featured computer or console may have to turn the feature off to avoid problematic latency.

Fortunately, ray tracing is being developed at the same time as new computing and connectivity methods like cloud and edge computing. These advancements allow the heavy lifting of advanced computing techniques to take place off of the device, allowing older or less fully-featured devices to run more high-level experiences smoothly.

While Snap releases detailing the update didn’t mention Lens Cloud, it’s likely that that feature is behind the update. Announced at the 2022 Snap Partner Summit, which also announced ray tracing for the first time, Lens Cloud provides improved off-device storage and compute, among other advancements.

The Road to Lens Studio

If you closely follow Snap, you’ve known for almost a year that this was coming. Snap also discussed ray tracing at the fifth annual Lens Fest in December. There we learned that the update has been in the hands of select developers for a while now, and they’ve been working with Snap partners to create experiences pioneering the software.

The news announced yesterday is that the feature is now in Lens Studio, meaning that any Lens creator can use it. We also have a new demonstration of the technology: a Lens created with Snap partner Tiffany & Co.

Snap ray tracing - Tiffany & Co

The company has likely been so involved in the development and showcasing of Snap’s ray tracing at least in part because the jewelry that the company is known for provides both a great challenge for and an excellent demonstration of the technology. However, Snap is already looking forward to the feature finding other use cases.

“Now, Lenses that feature AR diamond jewelry, clothing and so much more can reach ultra-realistic quality,” Snap said in the announcement.

The principal use case presented by Snap in the announcement is virtual try-on for clothing retail, like the Tiffany & Co. Lens. However, it is likely only a matter of time before the new feature finds its way into other kinds of AR experiences as well.

What’s Next?

Ray tracing is likely to be a topic yet again at the upcoming Snap Partner Summit in April, and ARPost will be there to hear about it. The online event doesn’t have the same energy as Lens Fest but as we saw here, the Partner Summit is often the first look at Snap’s developing software offerings. We always look forward to seeing what they’ll roll out next.

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New Chipotle AR Experience Motivates Fans to Keep New Year’s Health Resolutions

Aside from serving great food made from fresh ingredients, restaurant chain Chipotle Mexican Grill  strives to promote health and wellness by making healthy food more accessible and creating engaging experiences. This January, it kicks off the year with a Chipotle AR experience that motivates fans to keep their New Year’s health resolutions.

Chipotle AR Experience: No Quitting on Quitter’s Day

Chipotle fans are no quitters. And Chipotle is all set to prove this as it launches its new Snapchat Lens this Friday, January 13. The first Friday the 13th of this year also happens to be Quitter’s Day, the day when people are most likely to give up on their New Year’s resolutions. For Chipotle, this is the perfect day to give fans the drive to push forward and not quit their journey to good health.

“We’re making New Year’s resolutions fun by gamifying the experience and offering balanced meals made with real ingredients that you feel good eating,” said Chipotle CMO, Chris Brandt, in a press release shared with ARPost.

To help motivate people to keep their health resolutions this year, the Chipotle AR experience will encourage fans to move and meditate using AR Lens. Chipotle-inspired exercises and meditation prompts will guide users as they move their bodies and calm their minds for holistic well-being.

Chipotle AR experience - Snapchat Lens Quitter's Day

Moreover, 100,000 participants who complete the prompts will be rewarded with promo codes (10,000 codes will be awarded per day from January 13 through January 23, 2023) for free guacamole—an irresistible healthy treat that tastes great with almost everything.

New Lifestyle Bowls Inspired by New Wellness Trends

Aside from the Chipotle AR experience, the company is also launching a new Lifestyle Bowl menu to further inspire consumers to maintain their healthy resolutions. Lifestyle Bowls are digital exclusive menu items available in the United States and in Canada.

The new lineup of bowls is inspired by wellness trends popular among the Gen Z and Millennial crowd. It features seven new Lifestyle Bowls that reflect the individualized, holistic interpretations of wellness of the younger generations.

Chipotle Lifestyle Bowls

The 2023 Lifestyle Bowl menu includes the Wholesome Bowl, Grain Freedom Bowl, Plant-Powered Bowl, Full Veggie Bowl, Go Half Veggie Bowl, High Protein Bowl, and Balanced Macros Bowl. The new Lifestyle Bowls were designed to make healthy habits easy to sustain and incorporate into daily routines.

Chipotle AR Experiences to Live Your Best Lifestyle

With its new wellness-inspired AR experience, Chipotle has positioned itself as the first restaurant brand to create a Snapchat Lens that promotes fitness and health.

As it strives to meet the needs and demands of modern consumers, the global food giant is likely to create more Chipotle AR experiences that encourage consumers to maintain healthy habits. By leveraging immersive technologies to enhance customer experiences, Chipotle helps fans live their best lifestyle.

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Snap Celebrates the Fifth Annual Lens Fest


Snap Lens Fest took place on December 6 and 7. The annual event is a celebration of the Snap Lens creator community, as well as an opportunity for the company to announce initiatives and software offerings. The event is also home to the Lens Fest Awards.

If you’re a Snapchat user, Lens Fest gives you an insight into what’s happening behind the lens and what’s coming next. If you aren’t a Snapchat user, you should still pay attention as Snap’s design tools are used by other organizations to develop their AR tools and games as well.

Welcome Back!

Four Snap leads used the keynote to set the stage for the rest of Lens Fest (as well as make the first major announcements). First, Snap Chief Technology Officer, Bobby Murphy, presented Lens Studio – Snap’s developer suite – as being an organic collaboration between the company and the users of the platform.

Lens Studio - Snap Lens Fest 2022

“We’re excited to be here to celebrate you, the global Lens developer community,” said Murphy. “We’re excited to continue developing Lens Studio along with you … There is so much opportunity ahead of us.”

To Murphy, this two-way development of Lens Studio is a major part of the development of AR as a whole. This draws on Snap’s longstanding position that AR is the future of immersive tech. It would come to be an ongoing theme for later presentations as well.

“The best and most engaging AR filters add to the world rather than replace it,” said Murphy. “Over time, we see the potential for wearable technology, like our Spectacles, to make it even more accessible.”

Updates and Opportunities

Following Murphy, Software Engineering Senior Manager, Trevor Stephenson, discussed some of the big updates to Lens Studio in the past year, including Ray Tracing. The feature, which was announced at Snap’s Partner Summit in April, is already in the hands of select partners but is coming to the platform more publicly next year.

Next, Joe Darko, Global Head of AR Developer Relations, spoke about learning and development opportunities culminating in a new “Lensathon.” The remote opportunity opened on the first day of Lens Fest and continues through the end of January. Following the event, a total of $200,000 will be awarded, including $40,000 to the top project.

The Future of Creator Monetization?

Finally, Director of AR Platform Partnerships and Ecosystems, Sophia Dominguez, took the virtual stage. She teased early experiments with creators to create AR items and assets available to Snap users in exchange for tokens – but didn’t suggest a release date. The coming feature, which was promoted as a creator monetization option, tied back into Murphy’s opening themes.

“We believe that as more developers like you establish businesses, we move closer to our wearable future,” said Dominguez. “We’re committed to pushing the AR industry forward alongside you.”

More on the Economic Future of AR

For the Lens Fest next session, a non-Snapchatter took the stage – Mike Boland of ARtillery Intelligence. He discussed the trajectory of AR as a market, specifically for advertising.

Boland likened AR to the early internet, saying that it will meet and even exceed all of our expectations provided that we remember that that kind of development will take time. Boland also said that, historically, emerging technologies had done well in market economic slowdowns as they cut their legacy ad spending while continuing to find the next big thing.

According to Boland, we’re already seeing signs of AR maturing as a market, such as the shift from the selfie cam to the world-facing cam. While Boland said that AR glasses are “years away,” he also pointed out that AR glasses only have world-facing cameras. He also pointed to the shift to more productive and informative AR lenses as a further sign of maturity.

“In addition to fun and whimsical lenses, we see an increase in practical lenses,” said Boland. “We’ll still see lots of fun and games in AR just like we do on the web today.”

“What’s New in Lens Studio”

The next Lens Fest session took a closer look at the more near-term future. Lens Studio Product Marketing Manager Leigh Brown and Product Manager Charmain Lee presented updates to Snap Lens Cloud and collision mesh software.

Lens Cloud was announced at the Partner Summit and allows lens creators to store assets remotely so that running a lens is less of a technical task for the device. An impending update to Lens Cloud will allow users to edit the live version of their lens by changing which assets are in the Lens Cloud version of the project.

Another coming update to Lens Studio can automatically make a collision mesh of both virtual objects and the physical world. There will also be new filters for finding a mesh that will provide just the right collision.

The Lens Fest Awards

This is the Fifth annual Lens Fest, but only the second annual Lens Fest Awards. The event recognized 50 finalists across five categories with one winner in each. Hosting the Awards was Snap’s European AR Developer Relations Lead, Oscar Falmer. Once again, judges came from across Snap, though the categories were different this year.

“We’re thrilled to be here today to celebrate the year’s most creative lenses and the developers who build them,” said Falmer. “All great AR begins with the creativity of Lens developers and creators.”


The first category recognized lenses “that use gaming or entertainment to enhance how we experience the world” and the award went to Table Trenches: Operation Living Room by DB Creations. The multi-player game uses scans of a player’s environment to create a reactive map for a tower-defense-style strategy game.

The Lens Fest Awards - Table Trenches

“Thanks so much to everyone who helped us make this game a reality,” said DB Creations co-founder Dustin Kochensparger. “I can’t wait to show you what we’re working on next.”


The Fashion category recognized lenses that “revolutionize the world of personal style.” The award went to Vishal Yadav’s Flux Fashion, a lens that allows users to customize a virtual garment using colors sourced from their physical environments.

The Lens Fest Awards - Vishal Yadav’s Flux Fashion

Yadav, also a nominee in the Wellness category, expressed gratitude at recognition of his lens saying, “It means a lot to me.”


The Education category “celebrates lenses that raise awareness for important causes or foster knowledge through AR.” The award went to Inna Horobchuk for Sky Map. Sky Map is an interactive annotated map of stars and constellations – something that took a whole dedicated app when this XR journalist started writing.

“I’m super excited that people from all around the globe can engage with my lens and learn about stars and constellations in AR,” said Horobchuk, who was also a nominee for the Wellness category.


The Wellness category celebrated “lenses that contribute to physical and mental well-being” and was awarded to Soft Drink Info by Wasim Ghole.

The lens displays nutrition information for a number of popular sodas and energy drinks. Ghole thanked Snap for recognizing the lens, and for providing the tools to create and distribute it.


The final Lens Fest Award category “highlights creators who have seen the limitless potential of AR and have challenged themselves to do something that has never been done before.” The award went to Dennis Rossiev’s Imaginary Friends, which allows users to turn scans of objects in their environment into cartoon companions.

The Lens Fest Awards - Dennis Rossiev Imaginary Friends

“With machine learning, I was able to build a lens that I’ve been dreaming about for so long,” said Rossiev. In addition to having been a nominee in two other categories this year, Rossiev also won in an “originality” category at last year’s Lens Fest Awards.

The Camera That Keeps on Giving

For the outfit that still calls itself a “camera company,” Snap is leaning more into AR than ever before. Dedicated specifically to Lenses, Lens Fest is a necessarily AR-focused event. If the company stays consistent, the next Partner Summit should be in a few months to key us into other elements of the company’s strategy.

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