

Virtual Reality Enhances Ketamine Therapy Sessions With Immersive Experiences

Recently, TRIPP PsyAssist completed its Phase 1 Feasibility Study to demonstrate its use as a pretreatment tool for patients undergoing ketamine therapy. This VR solution is an example of emerging technologies that facilitate the development of more accessible and transformative mental health care solutions.

Globally, more than 500 million people have anxiety and depression. That’s more than half of the total estimate of people living with some form of mental illness. However, only a third receive adequate mental health care. Solutions like TRIPP PsyAssist help mental health clinics provide the care their patients need.

Treating Mental Health Disorders With Ketamine Therapy

Many methods are available to treat depression, anxiety, and similar mental health conditions. Using psychedelics, like ketamine, is gaining ground as a fast-acting, non-invasive treatment option. Low doses of ketamine, a dissociative psychedelic drug, are administered intravenously in a clinical setting to patients for several minutes while the patient is observed. Patients typically go through several rounds of these treatments.

While ketamine therapy has numerous clinical studies proving its effectiveness, there remains a need to manage pre-treatment settings. Patients experience the same anxiety before their ketamine therapy sessions, and alleviating their distress will help usher in a more relaxed onboarding and treatment session. There’s also a need to integrate their experiences after the ketamine therapy treatment, both at the clinic and at home.

Using VR to Improve Ketamine Therapy Pre-Treatment Experience

TRIPP is a California-based company pioneering XR wellness technologies for consumers, enterprises, and clinics. Their research-based platform is available across VR, AR, and mobile to help facilitate a deeper self-connection and create collective well-being.

TRIPP PsyAssist for ketamine therapy 2

TRIPP is best known for its award-winning consumer platform that creates beautiful meditative VR spaces where users can spend time calming their minds and centering their being. Staying true to its mission of using technology to transform the mind, the company introduced TRIPP PsyAssist, its clinical offering aimed at helping medical institutions use XR to improve their practices.

At TRIPP, we are dedicated to empowering individuals on their path to healing,” said TRIPP’s CEO and founder Nanea Reeves. They believe that virtual reality has the power to enhance therapeutic interventions, and their research encourages them to explore new frontiers in mental health treatment.

The main objective of Phase 1 of the TRIPP PsyAssist study was to assess whether guided, meditative imagery, which was provided through VR using the Pico Neo 3 Pro Eye headset, could be successfully implemented as a pre-treatment program in an actual clinical setting. The study also aimed to evaluate the level of acceptance of this approach.

The study participants were undergoing ketamine therapy for anxiety or depression at Kadima Neuropsychiatry Institute in San Diego. Kadima’s President, David Feifel, MD, PhD, was excited to partner with TRIPP and have this important feasibility study conducted among its patients.

VR technology has great potential to enhance mental wellness, and TRIPP PsyAssist is at the forefront of translating that potential into reality,” Feifel said. “This study represents an important step in that direction.

Improving Patient Experience with TRIPP PsyAssist

The results of the feasibility study were very promising. Eighty percent of the users wanted to use the system frequently, while all of them found the different functions well-integrated. Likewise, 100% of the users felt very confident in using the system.

TRIPP’s Clinical Director of Operations, Sunny Strasburg, LMFT, was delighted with the success of the preliminary results of the feasibility study.

TRIPP PsyAssist for ketamine therapy

These findings inspire us to forge ahead in uncovering new frontiers within clinical settings where technology and psychedelic medicine converge,” she said. Strasburg and her team look forward to expanding their study to explore various TRIPP PsyAssist applications in clinical settings.

With Phase 1 of the study completed, TRIPP PsyAssist is set to discover new ways of integrating innovative VR technology into mainstream clinical practices.

Reeves and Strasburg are also attending the MAPS Psychedelic Science Conference, which is taking place this week, where they are showcasing their research and discussing the impact of emerging technologies on mental health treatment. A Kadima booth will also be present to give attendees a demonstration of the transformative potential of the TRIPP platform.

Final Thoughts

Significant advances in research have elevated our knowledge about mental health. However, it remains a critical global health concern as the number of disorders escalates, but the available resources remain sparse.

But there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. Initiatives like TRIPP PsyAssist prove that emerging technology can play a significant role in alleviating mental health problems. This gives us the confidence that the future is bright and that our challenges have a solution at hand.

Virtual Reality Enhances Ketamine Therapy Sessions With Immersive Experiences Read More »


A Guided Demo of Nanome Came With a Free Chemistry Lesson From Founders

Before my life as a technology journalist, I worked in a university’s biomedical engineering research lab. Every now and then, in my current career, I encounter something that I wish had been around 10 years ago. Nanome, an app for spatially visualizing molecules in MR and VR, is exactly such an experience.

Meet Nanome

Nanome is a visualization and collaboration platform available on all major VR headsets. It’s partially funded by Meta, but founders got in with Oculus co-founder Michael Antonov long before Facebook bought the company (and subsequently changed the name of both companies to “Meta”).

“Because we were part of Oculus for Business as an ISV [Independent Software Vendor], our relationship has deepened and we have co-authored multiple case studies together, including for Nimbus and Novartis,” Nanome co-founder and CEO Steve McCloskey told ARPost.

Nanome VR app Set of plugins

Nanome was a launch title on the Quest Pro, but it is also available on Viveport and Steam. The platform runs in VR on most headsets, but also makes full use of the full-color passthrough on the Quest Pro. The company is looking at the emerging AR glasses hardware market, but still needs controllers for the time being.

“Current hand tracking technology does not meet the needs that 6DoF controllers can provide, which consumer AR glasses don’t,” said McCloskey. “Additionally, the limited FOV makes it challenging to get a closer view of molecules in the context of a protein binding pocket which is essential for many of our users.”

If you don’t know what a “protein binding pocket” is, don’t feel like Nanome is too advanced for you. Just like chemistry in general, you can start wherever you are and go from there. You can also watch educational videos on chemistry’s big ideas directly within Nanome.

“Every user has unique needs and workflows, and we aim to provide a tool that can adapt to those needs, rather than forcing users to adapt their workflows to our tool,” said McCloskey. “This is why we continually work to improve and expand our features, to provide an ever-more intuitive, collaborative, and integrative experience for our users.”

Subscription Options

Nanome comes in a free version for personal use, as well as academic, research, and enterprise subscription tiers. Virtually all of the platform’s major functionalities work in the free version, though the academic subscription allows meeting in private rooms and saving workspaces. The benefits of the remaining tiers come largely from hosting and server options.

Insights From the In-App Demo

I met with McCloskey and fellow co-founder Sam Hessenauer within a free trial of the platform’s academic version. Creating an account is fast and easy, and automatically uses your Meta avatar, though you can join with a number of default avatars if you’re using a borrowed or communal headset.

Start Building Molecules – Even Impossible Ones

The virtual space is initially empty, inviting users to start building their own molecules from scratch, using common building blocks already in the app, or bringing in completed structures. The app supports a number of commonly used visualization tools, so work started on conventional software can be brought directly into VR.

Nanome VR app - periodic table

Molecules have specific shapes – something about the constituent atoms attracting and repelling each other – I’m pretty sure that my university chemistry textbook has a whole section on figuring out bond angles based on valence electrons. The point is, the app does that for you. And, when you create a molecule that couldn’t possibly exist, the app lets you know.

So, if you want to play comic book super genius and create fantastic chemical structures, you can! And the app will let you know which parts of the molecule break the laws of physics, and which laws they break. You can also view the models in several color-coded visualization methods.

“Because we’re on the VR app store and the basic version of the software can replace Intro-to-Chem ball and stick models, we’re very popular among universities and libraries as the go-to chemistry app in XR,” said McCloskey. “You never run out of chemistry kit parts in XR!”

Building new chemical structures in the app is huge. While you certainly can use Nanome to practice and learn chemistry within its established boundaries, there are people using the platform to design new chemicals, like groundbreaking prescription medications. In fact, early feedback from Novartis went into the first widely available iteration of the platform.

“For other major biopharma companies, we meet scientists and IT folks at various industry conferences,” said McCloskey. “We have landed some deals from scientists who bought a Quest for the holidays and wanted to use Nanome at their workplace.”

Everyone Gather Around the Giant Protein

Visualizing chemicals isn’t only important when designing new ones. One giant model that McCloskey, Hessenauer, and I viewed within the space was a large protein. At that massive scale, something that was just an idea before suddenly seemed tangible and understandable –  a solid thing with its own charitable topography waiting to be explored.

Jon Nanome VR app demo

Prion proteins in the brain can fold incorrectly, leading to neurological disorders like dementia. I remember my middle school science teacher trying to communicate that by scribbling on the chalkboard, but how exactly a protein could be foldable never really made sense to me. Seeing that giant protein in VR, that fifteen-year-old lesson came back and clicked instantly.

McCloskey and Hessenauer were able to point out caves in the giant protein where part of another chemical – like a medication designed by one of the companies using the app – could fit into the protein and bind to it. I usually do demos like this to learn about XR, but this time I felt like I got a lesson in chemistry with XR in the margins – which is how it’s supposed to feel.

“As a design tool, we aim for Nanome to be as intuitive as possible. This is where XR and the user interface come into play,” said McCloskey. “We want our users to focus more on their scientific explorations and less on learning how to use the tool.”

Nanome VR app

Suppose I want to go back and watch our demo again. I can. But, not just a flat recording. Nanome allows spatial recordings that viewers can walk through later. If someone pointed at a point on the model and I missed it live, I can go back and watch it in VR standing right in their shoes as I relive the moment from their viewing angle.

At Least Take a Look

If you ever even think about chemistry, there’s literally no reason not to check out the free version of the app. If you’re a student, learning institution, or researcher, the platform can grow with you. The sheer number of things that Nanome can do are honestly overwhelming at first, but helpful explainer videos and easy-to-pick-up controls make it second nature in minutes.

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The Expansion of Immersive Therapeutics in Healthcare

With better accessibility and affordability, immersive therapeutics is now transforming how patients receive optimal care. Particularly in mental health and physical therapy, it has been instrumental in optimizing treatment outcomes, and helping patients overcome anxiety, discomfort, and other challenges to their recovery.

For several years now, we’ve seen virtual reality at work in healthcare. VR is now widely used in virtual sessions for psychological therapy, training simulations for medical professionals, gamification of exercises for physical therapy, and healthcare marketing.

Today, developments in immersive technologies are widening the applications of immersive treatment options for various healthcare issues. One of these is immersive therapeutics for the treatment of intractable health conditions.

But what exactly is immersive therapeutics and how does it truly impact healthcare? Here, we dissect what this emerging treatment approach is and share feedback from tech experts and users alike.

What Is Immersive Therapeutics?

Immersive therapeutics is an evolving field of medicine that delivers treatment using advanced technologies such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence. It alleviates patient suffering and enhances treatment by placing patients in highly immersive and sensory-rich environments.

Through immersive therapeutics, patients connect with virtual environments at a deep emotional level that can alter the brain’s perception of pain and divert their attention.

According to Gita Barry, President of Immersive Healthcare at Penumbra Inc., “By captivating the patients in a virtual environment, patients can engage with serene beachscapes or play cognition games to cope with the craving feeling and safeguard their path to recovery.”

Being highly effective in distracting patients from pain and cravings, immersive therapeutics has great potential for use in physical rehabilitation and addiction treatment.

“The more immersive an experience is, the more it can be engaging, positively distracting, entertaining, and effective from a therapeutic and clinical standpoint,” says Joel Breton, game designer and president of Immersive Healthcare Studios at REAL System by Penumbra. This is what makes immersive therapeutics effective in addressing challenges in therapeutic treatments.

Advancing Immersive Therapeutics for Better Healthcare

As immersive therapeutics continues to evolve, more companies are looking to increase the accessibility of these therapies, broadening their applications in new treatment options for various healthcare issues.

Some of the most promising clinical uses include treating stress, anxiety, fears, disorders, and phobias. Its applications for pain management, rehabilitation, wellness, and healthcare optimization are also expanding fast.

One company that is at the forefront of advancing the use of immersive therapeutics is Penumbra. Technologies like Penumbra’s REAL System are already showing real impact in the field of immersive therapeutics.

With platforms like the REAL i-Series for VR/mental health and the REAL y-series for VR/physical therapy, patients can access VR-based treatments and self-manage their conditions from the comfort of their own homes.

Penumbra REAL y-Series immersive therapeutics
Penumbra REAL y-Series

Of the 40 million US adults with substance abuse disorders, about 40 to 60% relapse at some point in their lives. While contact with drugs is the most obvious cause for relapse, stress cues linked to substance abuse are also common triggers.

This is where immersive therapeutics becomes most helpful. By helping counteract disruptive effects on the brain and behavior, immersive experiences help those in recovery regain control of their lives.

Real Impact of the REAL System

Barry believes that immersive experiences have the potential to impact millions of patients across a range of conditions. Developed using clinical evidence, Penumbra’s REAL System effectively supports the physical rehabilitation, cognitive, and wellness needs of patients in recovery.

The REAL i-Series, for instance, is currently in use at the Chemical Dependency unit of Hoag Health. The VR-based solution has been incorporated into group therapy sessions to create positive shared experiences and boost communal engagement.

Penumbra REAL i-Series immersive therapeutics
Penumbra REAL i-Series

The use of the system helps patients feel at ease and more open to participating in group therapy. Seeing the benefits of the i-Series, Hoag Health is now also using it to support staff well-being and retention.

As REAL System President, Breton explains that REAL’s VR experiences are designed to address physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech-language rehab as well as general mental wellness. According to Breton, the sense of immersion VR provides distracts patients from pain and fatigue. By keeping them engaged and entertained, the patients are more likely to adhere to their treatment programs.

Transforming the Future of Health

Immersive therapeutics is undoubtedly transforming the future of healthcare by providing patients with a higher level and quality of care.

“With greater awareness of the benefits VR-based tools can provide in addiction treatment and broader healthcare, we anticipate that clinicians will identify both new applications and also new patient populations who can benefit from the immersive experience VR provides,” says Barry.

The goal of immersive therapeutics is to widen access to transformative care. Whether patients are in health facilities or at home, immersive solutions can help them overcome health challenges and ensure optimal recovery. Through the continued collaboration of tech experts and health practitioners, immersive therapeutics has the potential to transform the entire healthcare industry.

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XRHealth Merges With Amelia Virtual Care

XRHealth is an enterprising company that combines telehealth with VR gaming for remote physical and occupational therapy solutions. Amelia Virtual Care also pioneers VR telehealth, but prioritizes a different kind of therapy by focusing on mental wellness.

The two companies recently announced a merger. The resulting company will offer both physical and mental therapy through the combined teams, skills, and software of both companies. Eran Orr, current CEO of XRHealth (which will be the name of the new combined company) will remain CEO.

What Amelia Virtual Care Brings to the Table

“We’re thrilled to join forces with XRHealth at a time when clinicians are adopting virtual reality as a mainstream tool for delivering high-quality care and engaging patient experiences,” Xavier Palomer said in a release shared with ARPost.

XRHealth Laptop and external control

Palomer is the founder and current Executive Chairman of Amelia Virtual Care but will pivot to Chief Growth Officer of the new combined company. “While VR is still novel to many patients, it’s a well-proven solution grounded in more than 30 years of research and experience,” said Palomer.

ARPost hadn’t crossed paths with Amelia Virtual Care prior to the merger, but we’re looking forward to seeing all that they bring to the new combined company. Of particular interest, Amelia’s solution incorporated a finger-worn electrodermal response sensor for recording the participant’s galvanic skin response.

Joining Forces With XRHealth

“We’re ready to introduce the XR platform that any hospital and clinic can use,” Orr said in the release. “The merger enables us to offer a one-stop shop to diverse players and streamline the technology in a way that will see XR devices adopted for a variety of treatments, with XRHealth leading the way for the entire industry.”

Eran Orr XRHealth with VR headset
Eran Orr

Orr’s company has already achieved a number of significant accomplishments in both the technology and adoption and infrastructure. The Medicare-covered platform runs on a number of devices including Pico headsets and the VIVE Flow. Both headsets offer adoption venues for users as well as different hardware and software capabilities.

XRHealth with HTC Flow headset
XRHealth with HTC Flow headset

“With our merger, we now have an end-to-end product that addresses privacy and security, multiple use cases with a variety of content, compliance and regulation, and operational tools to support scale,” XRHealth co-founder and CTO Miki Levy said in the release. “We have a growing number of content partners today and expect this to increase dramatically after this merger.”

Miki Levy XRHealth
Miki Levy

Better Together

Amelia Virtual Care brings its own experts, a different branch of medicine, and some hardware innovations. XRHealth brings greater hardware accessibility, greater patient accessibility, and its own branch of medicine. Between the two, this merger seems like a win for the growing number of individuals pursuing healthcare through VR appointments and practices.

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Expanding the Applications of VR Training for Mental Health Awareness and Wellness at Work

The use of VR training for mental health awareness is not a new concept. This technology has become a powerful tool that enhances the professional development and overall well-being of employees in the workplace.

With Mental Health Awareness Month serving as a crucial reminder of the importance of addressing mental health concerns, we once again go through the role immersive technologies play in promoting mental health awareness and providing support.

The Prevalence of Mental Health Issues 

In the United States alone, approximately 50 million adults are experiencing a mental illness. But what’s more alarming is that over 55% of them receive no treatment. That’s 28 million individuals struggling with mental health issues on their own.

In the workplace, employees experiencing poor mental health are more likely to face absenteeism, lower job satisfaction, and burnout. The impact of these issues extends beyond individual employees, affecting overall productivity, morale, and employee retention within organizations. Fortunately, business leaders are now realizing the need to address mental health concerns in the workplace.

Harnessing Immersive Technologies for Mental Health Support

XR technologies, including VR training, have emerged as powerful tools for addressing mental health concerns and fostering a supportive workplace environment. Companies like Moth+Flame have been at the forefront, developing immersive training solutions that promote mental health in the workplace.

Moth+Flame Mental Wellness library

This month, they launched a Mental Wellness library to facilitate open conversations on mental health concerns. Through this library, individuals can engage in realistic scenarios, practice meaningful conversations, and acquire the necessary skills to provide appropriate support.

According to Kevin Cornish, founder and CEO of Moth+Flame, developing the library was a big commitment they made in support of mental health awareness. Their goal is to get more people comfortable with talking about mental health at work so that, ultimately, people know how to ask for help and how to offer help. “We believe that the more people who are trained on how to handle these conversations, the more people will ultimately get help,” says Cornish. “If one person gets the support they need by using this conversation and being prepared for a tough conversation, then we have succeeded.”

Collaborative Efforts in VR Training for Mental Health Awareness

Moth+Flame is not alone in recognizing the potential of XR technologies for mental health training. Several companies and organizations are utilizing VR to improve mental health awareness and support in the workplace.

PsyTechVR is also empowering organizations by giving them access to VR apps with guided meditations and art therapies that enhance mental wellness. The company, which launches new therapy content every two weeks, offers both self-guiding VR courses as well as courses with a specialist, where the doctor has access to user’s training in real-time and guides them through all the training.

Penumbra’s REAL Vision VR Wellness offers over 100 immersive experiences designed specifically for improving employee mental wellness. The company’s REAL i-Series is designed to offer VR-enabled tools for cognitive activation, distraction therapy, reminiscence therapy, mindfulness therapy, and relaxation therapy.

Collaborations among tech, health, and business sectors are paving the way for better VR experiences tailored to mental health. The National Institute of Mental Health for one has been funding research on virtual reality exposure therapy and other immersive applications.

The Impact of VR-Based Mental Health Training Programs

Although specific case studies on VR-based mental health training programs are still emerging, the potential impact is significant. Moth+Flame, for instance, partnered with the US Air Force to provide VR training specifically for suicide prevention, demonstrating the efficacy of immersive experiences in sensitive topics.

They have seen firsthand the transformative effect of VR in military suicide prevention training. By expanding access to these training programs and empowering more individuals to handle difficult conversations, the hope is that more people will feel comfortable seeking help and offering support.

Looking Ahead: Empowering a Supportive Work Environment

VR training for mental health awareness has the potential to revolutionize workplace well-being. As more organizations recognize the significance of addressing mental health concerns, the demand for immersive XR experiences will continue to grow.

As Mental Health Awareness Month highlights the importance of open dialogue, companies across various industries are embracing VR training as part of their mental health initiatives. By incorporating XR technologies into their employee development programs, organizations demonstrate a commitment to fostering a supportive work environment that prioritizes mental well-being.

It’s not just Moth+Flame, PsyTechVR, and Penumbra leading the way in utilizing XR technologies for mental health support. Other companies have also recognized the value of immersive experiences in promoting mental health awareness. From mindfulness apps to virtual therapy sessions, the potential applications of XR in mental health care are vast. Collaborative initiatives between industry leaders and mental health professionals further amplify the impact of XR in promoting mental health awareness.

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Mental Health and VR: The Role of Emerging Technologies in Transforming Mental Health Care

With one out of eight people in the world living with a mental disorder, mental health has become a critical concern of global importance. However, many people are still not receiving the care they need and deserve. Fortunately, emerging technologies are becoming more affordable and accessible, offering new possibilities to transform mental health care. One such solution is mental health services in VR.

To explore the key role emerging technologies play in revolutionizing the field of mental health, we delve into the current challenges the industry faces and how new technologies can potentially address them. Terrance Williams, the founder of Meta Wellness, shares his insights on how digital and immersive technologies can augment the delivery of mental health care services.

Major Gaps in Mental Health Systems

Mental health systems worldwide are marked by significant gaps in information and research, governance, resources, and services. For instance, around half of the world’s population live in countries where the ratio of psychiatrists to people is 1 for every 200,000. In the United States alone, almost one out of four adults with mental illness reported that they were not able to receive the treatment they needed.

Virtual reality offers an accessible and affordable way to provide high-quality and timely mental health care.

The Role of VR in Mental Health Care

VR and similar technologies have the potential to provide more immersive and engaging interventions that can significantly enhance the quality and accessibility of mental health care. Terrance Williams believes that VR is the next stage toward the future of mental health. He explains that instead of telehealth services relying on zoom or a computer to host their sessions, they can now do their sessions in VR in the metaverse.

According to Williams, the effectiveness of VR has been seen in a number of ways including the treatment of acrophobia, panic disorders, schizophrenia, agoraphobia, social phobia, claustrophobia, and eating disorders.

VR simulations have also shown great promise as an effective element in therapy sessions for PTSD as they allow a person to face their trauma in a relaxed and controlled setting. Indeed, the possibilities are endless. Even in the realm of rehabilitation, VR has been seen as useful in cognitive rehabilitation in adults and children with autism spectrum disorder.

Challenges in VR Mental Health

The development and use of VR in mental health care must be carefully monitored and regulated to ensure that it benefits patients and does not create new risks or challenges. Asked about the challenges that mental health professionals face when incorporating VR into their practices, Williams says that one of the biggest things he often gets asked about is HIPAA compliance. Although he explains that this does not pose a threat as long as certain measures are in place and certain steps are taken to maintain compliance.

Another issue often raised when it comes to mental health in VR is the accessibility of equipment. Headset devices are needed to conduct sessions in VR. Since the technology is still fairly new, VR headsets are not as common as phones, tablets, or laptops. While they can now be easily bought at electronic stores, they are not yet standard items in the common household. This limits access to mental health VR services, especially in low-income families.

XR Talks with ARPost

Incorporating VR Into Mental Health Care

For mental health professionals looking to incorporate VR into their practices, it is important to start with learning the basics of virtual reality technology and how it can be used for mental health purposes. Collaborating with companies that specialize in building VR platforms for mental health professionals, like Meta Wellness, can also help navigate the technology.

Through Meta Wellness, Williams has been helping mental health professionals, therapists, life coaches, nonprofits, and many others in the virtual reality space. The company specializes in building VR platforms for mental health professionals for telehealth purposes. Clients anywhere in the world can buy or rent virtual reality spaces to host telehealth or private group sessions. As one of the pioneers in the space, they are committed to educating, growing, and exploring the possibilities of what virtual reality can bring.

Stronger Mental Health Care With Mental Health VR

Williams believes that in the future, 90% of all mental health telehealth sessions will eventually take place in the metaverse through virtual reality. He believes that mental health VR is the next phase in this sector. As the technology grows, so will the capabilities and accessibility.

Indeed, virtual reality and other immersive technologies can play a key role in addressing the indisputable and urgent need for wide-ranging transformation toward mental health for all. They can bridge the vast gap and reduce inequities in mental health systems.

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GigXR Continues Content Rollouts and Partnerships


GigXR creates and hosts some of the most mind-blowing educational experiences in what spokespeople call “the mediverse.” Through partnerships with some of the world’s best educational institutions and the world’s most innovative technology companies, the company is helping to bring medical education into the 21st century.

Catching Up With GigXR

GigXR was founded three years ago specifically to take on XR projects from textbook publisher Pearson. By partnering with other creators to host a variety of content, the platform is still like a publishing house of sorts, but a bit more interesting. No offense, Pearson.

The last time ARPost caught up with GigXR was back in May when the company announced a partnership with ANIMA RES, a 3D medical animation company. The partnership added the Insight Series by ANIMA RES content to their library, which already hosted content from Pearson, Microsoft, and medical universities like Cambridge and the University of Michigan.

Insight works kind of like a product configurator, but instead of changing the color of a virtual car, you’re increasing the stroke volume of a holographic heart, or decreasing the respiratory rate of a holographic lung. Don’t worry, there’s a fresh update from the ANIMA RES series too, we’ll get to that. But first, let’s step back to a developing story from this summer.

The HoloScenarios Mixed Reality App

This June, GigXR released a mixed reality app HoloScenarios. For the first module, called HoloScenarios: Respiratory module, the company partnered with the University of Cambridge and Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. This module sees trainees (from med students to veteran care providers) gathered around a virtual patient undergoing very real conditions like asthma, pneumonia, or a pulmonary embolism.

GigXR - HoloScenarios module Basic Life Support

“Empowering instructors with 360-degree preparation for clinical practice represents a milestone for GigXR that allows us to provide our customers with a library of applications that offers solutions for students from their first courses to continuing education,” company founder, David King Lassman, said in a release shared with ARPost.

The trainees must then not only diagnose the condition, but interact with holographic medical tools to stabilize their virtual patient.

“With HoloScenarios, we’re helping to evolve education from a mentorship-based model to one where students around the world can have equal access to top-flight expertise for mastering invention-based clinical skills,” Cambridge University Health Partnership Director of Postgraduate Education, Arun Gupta, said in the release.

Since then, an additional HoloScenarios module, simulating basic life support, has been released in collaboration with a subsidiary of Northwest Permanente P.C., Morlen Health. In partnership with the same institution, GigXR will, early next year, release HoloScenarios: Advanced Cardiac Life Support module, as well as HoloScenarios: Neurology module, created in collaboration with Michigan Medicine.

Further, as this article was being written, HoloScenarios was named one of the 200 best inventions of 2022 by TIME.

Insight Series Globally Available

In November, GigXR announced a massive availability expansion for the Insight Series, accessible through mixed reality headsets or Android or iOS mobile phones or tablets. The modules are now available to “medical schools, nursing schools, healthcare providers, and government and defense agencies worldwide,” according to a release shared with ARPost.

GigXR and ANIMA RES - Insight Kidney module

“Partnering with GigXR gives us the springboard to expand our geographic reach to match GigXR’s global footprint and get our market-leading content into the hands of educators and learners worldwide,” ANIMA RES CEO, Pablo Olmos, said in the release. “Together, we aim to give learners the best tools for success throughout training and clinical practice.”

Anatomy and Physiology Inside and Out

These announcements are both exciting, but become even more interesting discussed together. The ANIMA RES Insight Series help to get up-close and personal with the interior bodily conditions that can cause the external symptoms that trainees encounter and solve in the HoloScenarios. GigXR offers these and other modules in a tidy package.


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