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Google as Darth Vader: Why iA Writer quit the Android app market

“Picture a massive football stadium filled with fans month after month,” Reichenstein wrote to Ars. In that stadium, he writes:

  • 5 percent (max) have a two-week trial ticket
  • 2 percent have a yearly ticket
  • 0.5 percent have a monthly ticket
  • 0.5 percent are buying “all-time” tickets

But even if every lifetime ticket buyer showed up at once, that’s 10 percent of the stadium, Reichenstein said. Even without full visibility of every APK—”and what is happening in China at all,” he wrote—iA can assume 90 percent of users are “climbing over the fence.”

“Long story short, that’s how you can end up with 50,000 users and only 1,000 paying you,” Reichenstein wrote in the blog post.

Piracy doesn’t just mean lost revenue, Reichenstein wrote, but also increased demands for support, feature requests, and chances for bad ratings from people who never pay. And it builds over time. “You sell less apps through the [Play Store], but pirated users keep coming in because pirate sites don’t have such reviews. Reviews don’t matter much if the app is free.”

The iA numbers on macOS hint at a roughly 10 percent piracy rate. On iOS, it’s “not 0%,” but it’s “very, very hard to say what the numbers are”; there is also no “reset trick” or trials offered there.

A possible future unfreezing

Reichenstein wrote in the post and to Ars that sharing these kinds of numbers can invite critique from other app developers, both armchair and experienced. He’s seen that happening on Mastodon, Hacker News, and X (formerly Twitter). But “critical people are useful,” he noted, and he’s OK with people working backward to figure out how much iA might have made. (Google did not offer comment on aspects of iA’s post outside discussing Drive access policy.)

iA suggests that it might bring back Writer on Android, perhaps in a business-to-business scenario with direct payments. For now, it’s a slab of history, albeit far less valuable to the metaphorical Darth Vader that froze it.

Google as Darth Vader: Why iA Writer quit the Android app market Read More »


Real, actual Markdown support is arriving in Google Docs, not a moment too soon

### _Finally!_ —

It’s a big day for typing in plain-text fashion, for the good of syntax.

Illustration of a factory machine, with a conveyer belt moving markup characters like and ## into a machine with the Google Docs logo.

Enlarge / In goes the sensible characters, out goes a document for which you almost always have to adjust the sharing permissions.

Aurich Lawson | Getty Images

The best time to truly implement the Markdown markup language into Google Docs was in the early 2010s, but yesterday was a pretty good time, too.

Google Docs was born from the conjoined features of a series of software company acquisitions (Writely, DocVerse, and QuickOffice), plus the remains of Google Wave, smooshed together into Drive by 2012. By that point, Markdown, a project of web writer John Gruber with input from data activist Aaron Swartz, had been solidified and gathering steam for about eight years. Then, for another decade or so, writing in Markdown and writing in Google Docs were two different things, joined together only through browser extensions or onerous import/export tools. An uncountable number of cloud-syncing, collaboration-friendly but Markdown-focused writing tools flourished in that chasm.

In early 2022, the first connecting plank was placed: Docs could “Automatically detect Markdown,” if you enabled it. This expanded the cursory support for numbered and unordered lists and checkboxes to the big items, like headlines, italics, bold, strikethrough, and links. You could write in Markdown in Docs, but you could not paste, nor could you import or export between Docs and Markdown styling.

Now, or at some point in the next 14 days, real, actual Markdown work can be done in Google Docs. Docs can convert Markdown text to its equivalent Docs formatting on paste or when imported as a file, and it can export to Markdown from the copy menu or as a file. Google’s blog post notes that this is “particularly useful for technical content writers as they can now convert Docs content to/from Markdown,” so as to use Google’s always-on syncing and collaboration in the interim stages.

As someone who doesn’t work as a technical content writer (at least in proper job title fashion), but does write a lot, allow me to say that this is also particularly useful for people who adopted Markdown as a kind of One True Style. It is hard to avoid being invited to collaborate on Google Docs, even if you primarily work elsewhere. It is even harder to remember all the different shortcuts for headlines, bullet points, and other text elements across various apps, web apps, content management systems, IDEs, and other writing platforms.

There’s no indication of which flavor of Markdown Google’s import and export functions will hew to, and Ars was unable to test the new function as of July 17. Markdown is intentionally not fully standardized by its author, leading to some kerfuffles and, eventually, an understanding that each version, like GitHub Flavored Markdown, has its own additions and changes.

By allowing for import/export, but even better, “Copy as Markdown” and “Paste from Markdown,” Docs is now a place where I can be a Markdown grouch and still play reasonably nice with others. You should see “Enable Markdown” show up in your Docs’ Tools > Preferences menu within the next two weeks.

Real, actual Markdown support is arriving in Google Docs, not a moment too soon Read More »