

Teaching a drone to fly without a vertical rudder

We can get a drone to fly like a pigeon, but we needed to use feathers to do it.

Pigeons manage to get vertical without using a vertical tail. Credit: HamidEbrahimi

Most airplanes in the world have vertical tails or rudders to prevent Dutch roll instabilities, a combination of yawing and sideways motions with rolling that looks a bit like the movements of a skater. Unfortunately, a vertical tail adds weight and generates drag, which reduces fuel efficiency in passenger airliners. It also increases the radar signature, which is something you want to keep as low as possible in a military aircraft.

In the B-2 stealth bomber, one of the very few rudderless airplanes, Dutch roll instabilities are dealt with using drag flaps positioned at the tips of its wings, which can split and open to make one wing generate more drag than the other and thus laterally stabilize the machine. “But it is not really an efficient way to solve this problem,” says David Lentink, an aerospace engineer and a biologist at the University of Groningen, Netherlands. “The efficient way is solving it by generating lift instead of drag. This is something birds do.”

Lentink led the study aimed at better understanding birds’ rudderless flight mechanics.

Automatic airplanes

Birds flight involves near-constant turbulence—“When they fly around buildings, near trees, near rocks, near cliffs,” Lentink says. The leading hypothesis on how they manage this in a seemingly graceful, effortless manner was suggested by a German scientist named Franz Groebbels. He argued that birds’ ability relied on their reflexes. When he held a bird in his hands, he noticed that its tail would flip down when the bird was pitched up and down, and when the bird was moved left and right, its wings also responded to movement by extending left and right asymmetrically. “Another reason to think reflexes matter is comparing this to our own human locomotion—when we stumble, it is a reflex that saves us from falling,” Lentink claims.

Groebbels’ intuition about birds’ reflexes being responsible for flight stabilization was later backed by neuroscience. The movements of birds’ wings and muscles were recorded and found to be proportional to the extent that the bird was pitched or rolled. The hypothesis, however, was extremely difficult to test with a flying bird—all the experiments aimed at confirming it have been done on birds that were held in place. Another challenge was determining if those wing and tail movements were reflexive or voluntary.

“I think one pretty cool thing is that Groebbels wrote his paper back in 1929, long before autopilot systems or autonomous flight were invented, and yet he said that birds flew like automatic airplanes,” Lentink says. To figure out if he was right, Lentink and his colleagues started with the Groebbels’s analogy but worked their way backward—they started building autonomous airplanes designed to look and fly like birds.

Reverse-engineering pigeons

The first flying robot Lentink’s team built was called the Tailbot. It had fixed wings and a very sophisticated tail that could move with five actuated degrees of freedom. “It could spread—furl and unfurl—move up and down, move sideways, even asymmetrically if necessary, and tilt. It could do everything a bird’s tail can,” Lentink explains. The team put this robot in a wind tunnel that simulated turbulent flight and fine-tuned a controller that adjusted the tail’s position in response to changes in the robot’s body position, mimicking reflexes observed in real pigeons.

“We found that this reflexes controller that managed the tail’s movement worked and stabilized the robot in the wind tunnel. But when we took it outdoors, results were disappointing. It actually ended up crashing,” Lentink says. Given that relying on a morphing tail alone was not enough, the team built another robot called PigeonBot II, which added pigeon-like morphing wings.

Each wing could be independently tucked or extended. Combined with the morphing tail and nine servomotors—two per wing and five in the tail—the robot weighed around 300 grams, which is around the weight of a real pigeon. Reflexes were managed by the same controller that was modified to manage wing motions as well.

To enable autonomous flight, the team fitted the robot with two propellers and an off-the-shelf drone autopilot called Pixracer. The problem with the autopilot, though, was that it was designed for conventional controls you use in quadcopter drones. “We put an Arduino between the autopilot and the robot that translated autopilot commands to the morphing tail and wings’ motions of the robot,” Lentink says.

The Pigeon II passed the outdoor flying test. It could take off, land, and fly entirely on its own or with an operator issuing high-level commands like go up, go down, turn left, or turn right. Flight stabilization relied entirely on bird-like reflexes and worked well. But there was one thing electronics could not re-create: their robots used real pigeon feathers. “We used them because with current technology it is impossible to create structures that are as lightweight, as stiff, and as complex at the same time,” Lentink says.

Feathery marvels

Birds’ feathers appear simple, but they really are extremely advanced pieces of aerospace hardware. Their complexity starts with nanoscale features. “Feathers have 10-micron 3D hooks on their surface that prevent them from going too far apart. It is the only one-sided Velcro system in the world. This is something that has never been engineered, and there is nothing like this elsewhere in nature,” Lentink says. Those nanoscale hooks, when locked in, can bear loads reaching up to 20 grams.

Then there are macroscale properties. Feathers are not like aluminum structures that have one bending stiffness, one torque stiffness, and that’s it. “They are very stiff in one direction and very soft in another direction, but not soft in a weak way—they can bear significant loads,” Lentink says.

His team attempted to make artificial feathers with carbon fiber, but they couldn’t create anything as lightweight as a real feather.  “I don’t know of any 3D printer that could start with 10-micron nanoscale features and work all the way up to macro-scale structures that can be 20 centimeters long,” Lentink says. His team also discovered that pigeon’s feathers could filter out a lot of turbulence perturbations on their own. “It wasn’t just the form of the wing,” Lentink claims.

Lentink estimates that a research program aimed at developing aerospace materials even remotely comparable to feathers could take up to 20 years. But does this mean his whole concept of using reflex-based controllers to solve rudderless flight hangs solely on successfully reverse-engineering a pigeon’s feather? Not really.

Pigeon bombers?

The team thinks it could be possible to build airplanes that emulate the way birds stabilize rudderless flight using readily available materials. “Based on our experiments, we know what wing and tail shapes are needed and how to control them. And we can see if we can create the same effect in a more conventional way with the same types of forces and moments,” Lentink says. He suspects that developing entirely new materials with feather-like properties would only become necessary if the conventional approach bumps into some insurmountable roadblocks and fails.

“In aerospace engineering, you’ve got to try things out. But now we know it is worth doing,” Lentink claims. And he says military aviation ought to be the first to attempt it because the risk is more tolerable there. “New technologies are often first tried in the military, and we want to be transparent about it,” he says. Implementing bird-like rudderless flight stabilization in passenger airliners, which are usually designed in a very conservative fashion, would take a lot more research, “It may take easily take 15 years or more before this technology is ready to such level that we’d have passengers fly with it,” Lentink claims.

Still, he says there is still much we can learn from studying birds. “We know less about bird’s flight than most people think we know. There is a gap between what airplanes can do and what birds can do. I am trying to bridge this gap by better understanding how birds fly,” Lentink adds.

Science Robotics, 2024. DOI: 10.1126/scirobotics.ado4535

Photo of Jacek Krywko

Jacek Krywko is a freelance science and technology writer who covers space exploration, artificial intelligence research, computer science, and all sorts of engineering wizardry.

Teaching a drone to fly without a vertical rudder Read More »


How London’s Crystal Palace was built so quickly

London’s Great Exhibition of 1851 attracted some 6 million people eager to experience more than 14,000 exhibitors showcasing 19th-century marvels of technology and engineering. The event took place in the Crystal Palace, a 990,000-square-foot building of cast iron and plate glass originally located in Hyde Park. And it was built in an incredible 190 days. According to a recent paper published in the International Journal for the History of Engineering and Technology, one of the secrets was the use of a standardized screw thread, first proposed 10 years before its construction, although the thread did not officially become the British standard until 1905.

“During the Victorian era there was incredible innovation from workshops right across Britain that was helping to change the world,” said co-author John Gardner of Anglia Ruskin University (ARU). “In fact, progress was happening at such a rate that certain breakthroughs were perhaps never properly realized at the time, as was the case here with the Crystal Palace. Standardization in engineering is essential and commonplace in the 21st century, but its role in the construction of the Crystal Palace was a major development.”

The design competition for what would become the Crystal Palace was launched in March 1850, with a deadline four weeks later, and the actual, fully constructed building opened on May 1, 1851. The winning design, by Joseph Patterson, wasn’t chosen until quite late in the game after numerous designs had been rejected—most because they were simply too far above the £100,000 budget.

Joseph Paxton's first sketch for the Great Exhibition Building, c. 1850, using pen and ink on blotting paper

Joseph Paxton’s first sketch for the Great Exhibition Building, c. 1850, using pen and ink on blotting paper.

Joseph Paxton’s first sketch for the Great Exhibition Building, c. 1850, using pen and ink on blotting paper. Credit: Victoria and Albert Museum/CC BY-SA 3.0

Patterson’s design called for what was essentially a giant conservatory consisting of a multi-dimensional grid of 24-foot modules. The design elements included 3,300 supporting columns with four flange faces, drilled so they could be bolted to connecting and base pieces. (The hollow columns did double duty as drainage pipes for rainwater.) The design also called for diagonal bracing (aka cross bracing) for additional stability.

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Watch sand defy gravity and flow uphill thanks to “negative friction”

On the second day of Christmas —

Applying magnetic forces to single iron oxide-coated particles spurs strange collective motion.

There’s rarely time to write about every cool science-y story that comes our way. So this year, we’re once again running a special Twelve Days of Christmas series of posts, highlighting one science story that fell through the cracks in 2023, each day from December 25 through January 5. Today: how applying magnetic forces to individual “micro-roller” particles spurs collective motion, producing some pretty counter-intuitive results.

Engineering researchers at Lehigh University have discovered that sometimes sand can actually flow uphill.

Enlarge / Engineering researchers at Lehigh University have discovered that sometimes sand can actually flow uphill.

Lehigh University

We intuitively understand that the sand pouring through an hourglass, for example, forms a neat roughly pyramid-shaped pile at the bottom, in which the grains near the surface flow over an underlying base of stationary particles. Avalanches and sand dunes exhibit similar dynamics. But scientists at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania have discovered that applying a magnetic torque can actually cause sand-like particles to collectively flow uphill in seeming defiance of gravity, according to a September paper published in the journal Nature Communications.

Sand is pretty fascinating stuff from a physics standpoint. It’s an example of a granular material, since it acts both like a liquid and a solid. Dry sand collected in a bucket pours like a fluid, yet it can support the weight of a rock placed on top of it, like a solid, even though the rock is technically denser than the sand. So sand defies all those tidy equations describing various phases of matter, and the transition from flowing “liquid” to a rigid “solid” happens quite rapidly. It’s as if the grains act as individuals in the fluid form, but are capable of suddenly banding together when solidarity is needed, achieving a weird kind of “strength in numbers” effect.

Nor can physicists precisely predict an avalanche. That’s partly because of the sheer number of grains of sand in even a small pile, each of which will interact with several of its immediate neighboring grains simultaneously—and those neighbors shift from one moment to the next. Not even a supercomputer can track the movements of individual grains over time, so the physics of flow in granular media remains a vital area of research.

But grains of sand that collectively flow uphill? That is simply bizarre behavior. Lehigh University engineer James Gilchrist manages the Laboratory for Particle Mixing and Self-Organization and stumbled upon this odd phenomenon while experimenting with “micro-rollers”: polymer particles coated in iron oxide (a process called micro-encapsulation). He was rotating a magnet under a vial of micro-rollers one day and noticed they started to pile uphill. Naturally he and his colleagues had to investigate further.

For their experiments, Gilchrist et al. attached neodymium magnets to a motorized wheel at 90-degree intervals, alternating the outward facing poles. The apparatus also included a sample holder and a USB microscope in a fixed position. The micro-rollers were prepared by suspending them in a glass vial containing ethanol and using a magnet to separate them from dust or any uncoated particles. Once the micro-rollers were clean, they were dried, suspended in fresh ethanol, and loaded onto the sample holder. A vibrating motor agitated the samples to produce flattened granular beds, and the motorized wheel was set in motion to apply magnetic torque. A gaussmeter measured the magnetic field strength relative to orientation.

Uphill granular flow of microrobotic microrollers. Credit: Lehigh University.

The results: each micro-roller began to rotate in response to the magnetic torque, creating pairs that briefly formed and then split, and increasing the magnetic force increased the particle cohesion. This in turn gave the micro-rollers more traction and enabled them to move more quickly, working in concert to counterintuitively flow uphill. In the absence of that magnetic torque, the miro-rollers flowed downhill normally. The torque-induced action was so unexpected that the researchers coined a new term to describe it: a “negative angle of repose” caused by a negative coefficient of friction.

“Up until now, no one would have used these terms,” said Gilchrist. “They didn’t exist. But to understand how these grains are flowing uphill, we calculated what the stresses are that cause them to move in that direction. If you have a negative angle of repose, then you must have cohesion to give a negative coefficient of friction. These granular flow equations were never derived to consider these things, but after calculating it, what came out is an apparent coefficient of friction that is negative.”

It’s an intriguing proof of principle that could one day lead to new ways to control how substances mix or separate, as well as potential swarming microrobotics applications. The scientists have already started building tiny staircases with laser cutters and videotaping the micro-rollers climbing up and down the other. One micro-roller can’t overcome the height of each step, but many working collectively can do so, per Gilchrist.

DOI: Nature Communications, 2023. 10.1038/s41467-023-41327-1  (About DOIs).

Listing image by Lehigh University

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