

Radioactive drugs strike cancer with precision

Pharma interest and investment in radiotherapy drugs is heating up.

Enlarge / Pharma interest and investment in radiotherapy drugs is heating up.

Knowable Magazine

On a Wednesday morning in late January 1896 at a small light bulb factory in Chicago, a middle-aged woman named Rose Lee found herself at the heart of a groundbreaking medical endeavor. With an X-ray tube positioned above the tumor in her left breast, Lee was treated with a torrent of high-energy particles that penetrated into the malignant mass.

“And so,” as her treating clinician later wrote, “without the blaring of trumpets or the beating of drums, X-ray therapy was born.”

Radiation therapy has come a long way since those early beginnings. The discovery of radium and other radioactive metals opened the doors to administering higher doses of radiation to target cancers located deeper within the body. The introduction of proton therapy later made it possible to precisely guide radiation beams to tumors, thus reducing damage to surrounding healthy tissues—a degree of accuracy that was further refined through improvements in medical physics, computer technologies and state-of-the-art imaging techniques.

But it wasn’t until the new millennium, with the arrival of targeted radiopharmaceuticals, that the field achieved a new level of molecular precision. These agents, akin to heat-seeking missiles programmed to hunt down cancer, journey through the bloodstream to deliver their radioactive warheads directly at the tumor site.

Use of radiation to kill cancer cells has a long history. In this 1915 photo, a woman receives “roentgenotherapy”—treatment with X-rays—directed at an epithelial-cell cancer on her face.

Use of radiation to kill cancer cells has a long history. In this 1915 photo, a woman receives “roentgenotherapy”—treatment with X-rays—directed at an epithelial-cell cancer on her face.

Wikimedia Commons

Today, only a handful of these therapies are commercially available for patients—specifically, for forms of prostate cancer and for tumors originating within hormone-producing cells of the pancreas and gastrointestinal tract. But this number is poised to grow as major players in the biopharmaceutical industry begin to invest heavily in the technology.

AstraZeneca became the latest heavyweight to join the field when, on June 4, the company completed its purchase of Fusion Pharmaceuticals, maker of next-generation radiopharmaceuticals, in a deal worth up to $2.4 billion. The move follows similar billion-dollar-plus transactions made in recent months by Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS) and Eli Lilly, along with earlier takeovers of innovative radiopharmaceutical firms by Novartis, which continued its acquisition streak—begun in 2018—with another planned $1 billion upfront payment for a radiopharma startup, as revealed in May.

“It’s incredible how, suddenly, it’s all the rage,” says George Sgouros, a radiological physicist at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore and the founder of Rapid, a Baltimore-based company that provides software and imaging services to support radiopharmaceutical drug development. This surge in interest, he points out, underscores a wider recognition that radiopharmaceuticals offer “a fundamentally different way of treating cancer.”

Treating cancer differently, however, means navigating a minefield of unique challenges, particularly in the manufacturing and meticulously timed distribution of these new therapies, before the radioactivity decays. Expanding the reach of the therapy to treat a broader array of cancers will also require harnessing new kinds of tumor-killing particles and finding additional suitable targets.

“There’s a lot of potential here,” says David Nierengarten, an analyst who covers the radiopharmaceutical space for Wedbush Securities in San Francisco. But, he adds, “There’s still a lot of room for improvement.”

Atomic advances

For decades, a radioactive form of iodine stood as the sole radiopharmaceutical available on the market. Once ingested, this iodine gets taken up by the thyroid, where it helps to destroy cancerous cells of that butterfly-shaped gland in the neck—a treatment technique established in the 1940s that remains in common use today.

But the targeted nature of this strategy is not widely applicable to other tumor types.

The thyroid is naturally inclined to absorb iodine from the bloodstream since this mineral, which is found in its nonradioactive form in many foods, is required for the synthesis of certain hormones made by the gland.

Other cancers don’t have a comparable affinity for radioactive elements. So instead of hijacking natural physiological pathways, researchers have had to design drugs that are capable of recognizing and latching onto specific proteins made by tumor cells. These drugs are then further engineered to act as targeted carriers, delivering radioactive isotopes—unstable atoms that emit nuclear energy—straight to the malignant site.

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It could soon be illegal to publicly wear a mask for health reasons in NC

Freedumb —

Senators skeptical of legal trouble for harmless masking after moving to make it illegal.

It could soon be illegal to publicly wear a mask for health reasons in NC

The North Carolina State Senate on Wednesday voted 30–15, along party lines, in favor of a Republican bill that would make it illegal for people in the state to wear a mask in public for health reasons. The bill is now moving to the House, where it could potentially see changes.

The proposed ban on health-based masking is part of a larger bill otherwise aimed at increasing penalties for people wearing masks to conceal their identity while committing a crime or impeding traffic. The bill was largely spurred by recent protests on university and college campuses across the country, including North Carolina-based schools, against the war in Gaza. In recent months, there have been demonstrations in Raleigh and Durham that have blocked roadways, as well as clashes on the nearby campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Some demonstrators were seen wearing masks in those events.

But the bill, House Bill 237, goes a step further by making it illegal to wear a mask in public for health and safety reasons, either to protect the wearer, those around them, or both. Specifically, the bill repeals a 2020 legal exemption enacted amid the COVID-19 pandemic, which allowed for public health-based masking for the first time in decades.

Prior to 2020, laws dating back to 1953 largely prohibited public masking. The prohibition was part of a crackdown on “secret societies” at the time, or more specifically, an attempt to curtail the activities of the Ku Klux Clan in the state. Exemptions only existed for things like holiday costumes, theater productions, gas masks, and members of public parades or ceremonies that had obtained permits.

On Wednesday, North Carolina residents with compromised immune systems spoke—while masked—during a public comment section. Simone Hetherington told lawmakers that masking was the only way to protect herself in public from illness and feared passage of the bill would prevent her from doing so, according to reporting by the Associated Press.

But, according to The News & Observer, Republicans were dismissive of that possibility, arguing that in the decades prior to the pandemic, when public masking was largely illegal, they couldn’t recall anyone being prosecuted for wearing a mask for health reasons.

Raleigh-based news outlet WRAL quoted Sen. Sydney Batch, a Democrat from Wake, who criticized the bill along with fellow Democratic colleagues. Batch, a cancer survivor, spoke of how her husband and children wore masks to protect her while she underwent cancer treatments that weakened her immune system. “This bill criminalizes their behavior and mine,” she said. “We talk a lot about freedoms in this chamber. I hear it all the time. I should have the freedom—my children and my husband should have the freedom—to wear masks in order to protect and save my life, without fear of being arrested and charged.”

It could soon be illegal to publicly wear a mask for health reasons in NC Read More »


Proteins let cells remember how well their last division went

Well, that went badly —

Scientists find a “mitotic stopwatch” that lets individual cells remember something.

Image of a stopwatch against a blue-grey background.

When we talk about memories in biology, we tend to focus on the brain and the storage of information in neurons. But there are lots of other memories that persist within our cells. Cells remember their developmental history, whether they’ve been exposed to pathogens, and so on. And that raises a question that has been challenging to answer: How does something as fundamental as a cell hold on to information across multiple divisions?

There’s no one answer, and the details are really difficult to work out in many cases. But scientists have now worked out one memory system in detail. Cells are able to remember when their parent had a difficult time dividing—a problem that’s often associated with DNA damage and cancer. And, if the problems are substantial enough, the two cells that result from a division will stop dividing themselves.

Setting a timer

In multicellular organisms, cell division is very carefully regulated. Uncontrolled division is the hallmark of cancers. But problems with the individual segments of division—things like copying DNA, repairing any damage, making sure each daughter cell gets the right number of chromosomes—can lead to mutations. So, the cell division process includes lots of checkpoints where the cell makes sure everything has worked properly.

But if a cell makes it through all the checkpoints, it’s presumably all good, right? Not entirely, as it turns out.

Mitosis is the portion of cell division where the duplicated chromosomes get separated out to each of the daughter cells. Spending a lot of time in mitosis can mean that the chromosomes have picked up damage, which may cause problems in the future. And prior research found that some cells derived from the retina will register when mitosis takes too long, and the daughter cells will stop dividing.

The new work, done by a team of researchers in Okinawa, Japan, and San Diego, started by showing that this behavior wasn’t limited to retinal cells—it seems to be a general response to a slow mitosis. Careful timing experiments showed that the longer cells spent trying to undergo mitosis, the more likely the daughter cells would be to stop dividing. The researchers term this system a “mitotic stopwatch.”

So, how does a cell operate a stopwatch? It’s not like it can ask Siri to set a timer—it’s largely stuck working with nucleic acids and proteins.

It turns out that, like many things relayed to cell division, the answer comes down to a protein named p53. It’s a protein that’s key to many pathways that detect damage to cells and stop them from dividing if there are problems. (You may recall it from our recent coverage of the development of elephant stem cells.)

A stopwatch made of proteins

The researchers found that, while mitosis was going on, p53 started showing up in a complex with two other proteins (ubiquitin-specific protease 28 and the creatively named p53-binding protein 1). If you made mutations in one of the proteins that blocked this complex from forming, the mitotic stopwatch stopped ticking. This three-protein complex only started building up to significant levels if mitosis took longer than usual, and it remained stable once it formed so that it would get passed on to the daughter cells once cell division was completed.

So, why does this complex form only when mitosis takes longer than usual? The key turned out to be a protein called a kinase, which attaches a phosphate to other proteins. The researchers screened chemicals that inhibit specific kinases that are active during mitosis and DNA repair, and found a specific one that was needed for the mitotic stopwatch. In the absence of this kinase (PLK1, for the curious), the three-protein complex doesn’t form.

So, the researchers think that the stopwatch looks like this: during mitosis, the kinase slowly attaches a phosphate to one of the proteins, allowing it to form the three-protein complex. If mitosis gets done quickly enough, the levels of this complex don’t get very high, and it has no effect on the cell. But if mitosis goes more quickly, then the complex starts building up, and it’s stable enough that it’s still around in both daughter cells. The existence of the complex helps stabilize the p53 protein, allowing it to stop future cell divisions once it’s present at high enough levels.

Consistent with this idea, all three of the proteins in the complex are tumor suppressors, meaning that mutations in them make tumor formation more likely. The researchers confirmed that the mitotic stopwatch was frequently defective in tumor samples.

So, that’s how individual cells manage to store one of their memories—the memory of problems with cell division. The mitotic stopwatch, however, is just one of the memory storage systems, with completely separate systems handling different memories. And, at the same time this is happening, a large number of other pathways also feed into the activity of p53. So, while the mitotic stopwatch may efficiently handle one specific type of problem, it’s integrated into a lot of additional, complex systems operating in the cell.

Science, 2024. DOI: 10.1126/science.add9528  (About DOIs).

Proteins let cells remember how well their last division went Read More »