augmented reality


“PRIVACY LOST”: New Short Film Shows Metaverse Concerns

Experts have been warning that, as exciting as AI and the metaverse are, these emerging technologies may have negative effects if used improperly. However, it seems like the promise of these technologies may be easier to convey than some of the concerns. A new short film, titled PRIVACY LOST, is a theatrical exploration of some of those concerns.

To learn more, ARPost talked with the writer of PRIVACY LOST – CEO and Chief Scientist of Unanimous AI and a long-time emerging technology engineer and commentator, Dr. Louis Rosenberg.


Parents and their son sit in a restaurant. The parents are wearing slim AR glasses while the child plays on a tablet.

As the parents argue with one another, their glasses display readouts of the other’s emotional state. The husband is made aware when his wife is getting angry and the wife is made aware when her husband is lying.

privacy lost movie emotions

A waiter appears and the child puts down the tablet and puts on a pair of AR glasses. The actual waiter never appears on screen but appears to the husband as a pleasant-looking tropical server, to the wife as a fit surf-bro, and to the child as an animated stuffed bear.

privacy lost movie sales

Just as the husband and wife used emotional information about one another to try to navigate their argument, the waiter uses emotional information to try to most effectively sell menu items – aided through 3D visual samples. The waiter takes drink orders and leaves. The couple resumes arguing.

privacy lost movie purchase probability

PRIVACY LOST presents what could be a fairly typical scene in the near future. But, should it be?

“It’s short and clean and simple, which is exactly what we aimed for – a quick way to take the complex concept of AI-powered manipulation and make it easily digestible by anyone,” Rosenberg says of PRIVACY LOST.

Creating the Film

“I’ve been developing VR, AR, and AI for over 30 years because I am convinced they will make computing more natural and human,” said Rosenberg. “I’m also keenly aware that these technologies can be abused in very dangerous ways.”

For as long as Rosenberg has been developing these technologies, he has been warning about their potential societal ramifications. However, for much of that career, people have viewed his concerns as largely theoretical. As first the metaverse and now AI have developed and attained their moments in the media, Rosenberg’s concerns take on a new urgency.

“ChatGPT happened and suddenly these risks no longer seemed theoretical,” said Rosenberg. “Almost immediately, I got flooded by interest from policymakers and regulators who wanted to better understand the potential for AI-powered manipulation in the metaverse.”

Rosenberg reached out to the Responsible Metaverse Alliance. With support from them, the XR Guild, and XRSI, Rosenberg wrote a script for PRIVACY LOST, which was produced with help from Minderoo Pictures and HeadQ Production & Post.

“The goal of the video, first and foremost, is to educate and motivate policymakers and regulators about the manipulative dangers that will emerge as AI technologies are unleashed in immersive environments,” said Rosenberg. “At the same time, the video aims to get the public thinking about these issues because it’s the public that motivates policymakers.”

Finding Middle Ground

While Rosenberg is far from the only person calling for regulation in emerging tech, that concept is still one that many see as problematic.

“Some people think regulation is a dirty word that will hurt the industry. I see it the opposite way,” said Rosenberg. “The one thing that would hurt the industry most of all is if the public loses trust. If regulation makes people feel safe in virtual and augmented worlds, the industry will grow.”

The idea behind PRIVACY LOST isn’t to prevent the development of any of the technologies shown in the video – most of which already exist, even though they don’t work together or to the exact ends displayed in the cautionary vignette. These technologies, like any technology, have the capacity to be useful but could also be used and abused for profit, or worse.

For example, sensors that could be used to determine emotion are already used in fitness apps to allow for more expressive avatars. If this data is communicated to other devices, it could enable the kinds of manipulative behavior shown in PRIVACY LOST. If it is stored and studied over time, it could be used at even greater scales and potentially for more dangerous uses.

“We need to allow for real-time emotional tracking, to make the metaverse more human, but ban the storage and profiling of emotional data, to protect against powerful forms of manipulation,” said Rosenberg. “It’s about finding a smart middle ground and it’s totally doable.”

The Pace of Regulation

Governments around the world respond to emerging technologies in different ways and at different paces, according to Rosenberg. However, across the board, policymakers tend to be “receptive but realistic, which generally means slow.” That’s not for lack of interest or effort – after all, the production of PRIVACY LOST was prompted by policymaker interest in these technologies.

“I’ve been impressed with the momentum in the EU and Australia to push regulation forward, and I am seeing genuine efforts in the US as well,” said Rosenberg. “I believe governments are finally taking these issues very seriously.”

The Fear of (Un)Regulated Tech

Depending on how you view the government, regulation can seem scary. In the case of technology, however, it seems to never be as scary as no regulation. PRIVACY LOST isn’t an exploration of a world where a controlling government prevents technological progress, it’s a view of a world where people are controlled by technology gone bad. And it doesn’t have to be that way.

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Scandit Launches AR-Powered Smart Data Capture for Assisted Search

Swiss tech company Scandit recently announced its newest addition to its smart data capture product line – the MatrixScan Find. Using AR overlays, MatrixScan Find enables users to efficiently search for products or packages they need among multiple items. This new feature is the latest solution in Scandit’s MatrixScan line which also includes MatrixScan Count and MatrixScan Augmented Reality.

Available on iOS and select Android devices, the Find feature is designed to scan multiple items simultaneously and identify the target item for faster selection. Smart data capture can help improve the accuracy and efficiency of businesses, particularly those that handle multiple products and packages, such as retail, and transport and logistics (T&L).

It also has the potential to significantly increase productivity while reducing errors. It ensures that the right packages are sent to the right locations, allowing frontline workers to spend less time searching for the correct items in warehouses.

Transforming Industries With Smart Data Capture

According to Scandit co-founder and CTO Christian Floerkemeier, AR can provide both businesses and consumers with innovation that enhances the user experience. Scandit’s smart data capture technology aims to revolutionize the workflow and reduce human error.

They believe that manual processes stifle productivity and waste valuable time. Through smart data capture, businesses can be more flexible and adaptable, get actionable insights in real time, and be more cost-efficient.

MatrixScan Find AR-powered

“Scandit has a deep understanding of the business processes, user experience, and computer vision technology necessary to successfully implement augmented reality into enterprise applications,” said Floerkemeier in a press release shared with ARPost. “With MatrixScan Find we are introducing another out-of-the-box offering to help companies without the necessary technology expertise in-house provide exceptional offerings to support workers and delight customers.”

Smart Data Capture Leads to Improved Workflows

One of the goals of MatrixScan Find is to transform the retail and T&L industries. It aims to make them more efficient and productive by reducing avoidable human errors. Smart data capture, which uses precise data to select the correct item every time, helps minimize mistakes. Simultaneous scanning also cuts down on the time it takes to look for these items.

Frontline workers can appreciate the ease with which they can find customers’ packages, particularly in large staging areas that store identical-looking boxes. In turn, customers will experience shorter wait times and have greater confidence that they are receiving the correct package. This can lead to high customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.

MatrixScan Find - Scandit AR-Powered Smart Data Capture Assisted Search

In retail, the AR smart data capture feature enables employees to quickly search for products that customers request. Using MatrixScan barcode scanning technology, MatrixScan Find can differentiate the same product in a different color or style. This helps employees fulfill customer orders faster, driving work productivity. Moreover, MatrixScan Find ensures that workers do not overlook available products, making inventory management more efficient.

Retail stores, like groceries, can also provide unique and innovative product search experiences for their customers. Companies can also integrate the feature into their own apps, and customers can use their smartphones or other devices to discover more about the products through an engaging and intuitive AR interface.

Customizable Interfaces for Different Needs

Part of the Scandit Smart Data Capture platform, MatrixScan Find has a built-in UI that supports different types of workforces. Customization options, such as color overlays, pause functionality, item carousel, and notification alerts, are available. Users can also integrate this feature into Scandit’s barcode scanner product, SparkScan, for a complete scanning solution.

Smart data capture technology is set to transform the way industries operate. With the introduction of AR-powered features like MatrixScan Find, businesses can streamline their workflows and reduce human error, paving the way for greater efficiency and productivity.

As technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more exciting innovations emerge, transforming the workplace and customer experience as we know it.

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Unveiling the Spacetop AR Laptop: AWE 2023 First Impressions

This year’s AWE 2023 was a remarkable testament to the accelerating pace of innovation in the field of augmented reality, hosting an unprecedented 6,000 guests and 300 exhibitors.

Amidst the sea of booths, one exhibit captured sustained attention—the Spacetop laptop by Sightful. Throughout the day, from early morning until the closing hours, its stand was constantly buzzing with activity.

Unveiling the Spacetop AR Laptop - AWE 2023 First Impressions
Long lines to try Sightful’s Spacetop AR; Source: AWE

Face-To-Face With The Spacetop

Spacetop’s uniqueness stems from its design—it shuns the traditional physical screen and employs a pair of AR glasses as the display medium. The glasses are not proprietary but are a product of Sightful’s collaboration with XREAL (formerly Nreal), who provided an existing AR solution tailored specifically for Spacetop.

Spacetop AR laptop
Source: Sightful – Spacetop press kit

Field of View

With its sleek and futuristic design, the laptop certainly looks promising at a glance. However, a set of issues quickly surfaced during my hands-on experience. The most significant one is the limited field of view that’s insufficient to accommodate the entire screen.

The glasses’ restricted field of view necessitates constant head tilting which undermines the entire purpose of having large virtual monitors and results in what is known as “windowing”—a term used in spatial computing when virtual objects fail to fully overlay and appear cut off.

Attempted solutions like moving the virtual monitor further away were not effective due to the glasses’ 1080p (1920×1080) resolution. Push the screen too far back and the text becomes difficult to read. Therefore, users are forced to deal with near-placed screens that, while clear and readable, outsize Spacetop’s field of view.

Input Solutions and Design

The laptop also lacks hand tracking, a disappointing omission considering the advancements in the field. Users are left with a trackpad, navigating a vast spatial spectrum with a traditional cursor, a process that can feel slow and inadequate. Monica Chin from The Verge has reported instances of losing the cursor among the screens, then struggling to locate it – a problem no doubt amplified by the limited FOV.

Low-precision tasks such as moving tabs or resizing that could be done in fractions of a second with either touchscreen or hand tracking, here took exponentially longer. It made the whole experience of using Spacetop feel frustrating.

There are also other less obvious quibbles. For example, no screen means the webcam must be positioned down on the keyboard. This suboptimal positioning creates an unflattering, spycam-like angle.

Although users can lower their virtual screen to align with the webcam, mitigating gaze-switching between the screen and camera, ultimately the very design of the Spacetop laptop necessitates certain compromises.

Sightful in It for the Long Haul

I asked a Sightful representative about the low field of view and was informed that the company is aware of these display limitations. They assured me that they are prepared to iterate in tandem with the industry.

It seems Sightful is conscious not to portray Spacetop as a purely AR device. More than anything else, Spacetop is a screen-less laptop with a proprietary operating system, Spacetop OS (based on Android), and a unique set of AR-specific features.

In the future, the team may design the laptop to work with any glasses they deem suitable for their purpose. This is their first product and instead of playing catch-up, Sightful is eager to start early and keep perfecting the experience as better, newer glasses come into the market.

However, as things stand today, it’s hard to avoid the obvious question: Why would one choose to splash $2,000 on a Spacetop when one could simply spend $379 on the XREAL glasses (or $488 bundled with the XREAL Beam) and use them to stream from any device? The Spacetop team attempts to answer this by emphasizing their AR-first design and focus.

For instance, executing a three-finger swipe on the touchpad moves screens spatially between closer and further planes. There is also a Reality Mode button that turns the AR off allowing for full pass-through, and a range of shortcuts that enable you to snap screens in place, re-center them, and more. While these improvements and enhancements are handy, they don’t quite seem to justify the substantial premium.

Mat at AWE using Spacetop
Author believers that Spacetop’s form factor makes it socially acceptable.

Potential Is There

Initially, I had planned to log into my Twitter account from within the Spacetop, take a screenshot with its webcam, and do a live tweet, heralding the dawn of a new era in spatial laptop computing.

However, the realization that the Spacetop still has some distance to cover before it can be deemed fully user-friendly made it challenging to compose a strictly positive and genuine tweet (time constraints and burdensome trackpad navigation played a role as well).

The potential is undoubtedly there. Large field-of-view, high-resolution AR displays, along with some ultralight tracking solutions, were already being showcased at this year’s AWE and might be integrated into the next generation of glasses.

During my brief encounter with the Spacetop, I could easily envision it becoming a preferred work tool for many, not just for those working from home, but also in cafes or co-working spaces. Moreover, there’s an inherent benefit of privacy. For stock traders, artists, or anyone who values personal workspace, the ability to work on non-public screens adds a lot of appeal.

Its form factor is among the most socially acceptable options available – there’s something about having AR glasses paired with a clearly visible laptop or tablet that makes the entire setup immediately understandable to onlookers. It doesn’t seem to invite confusion or ridicule; if anything, it might invite desirability.

Spacetop screens
The author thinks that promotional materials feel misleading; Source: Spacetop press kit

For now, however, Spacetop’s primary promise of being a superior alternative to traditional laptops falls short. Its promotional materials, which depict users encircled by screen panels, feel misleading.

The current iteration is hampered by a lack of hand-tracking, a limited field of view, and clunky user interface solutions. Moreover, the price point does not seem to correspond with the value provided. However, with improvements and upgrades coming, it’s worth keeping an eye on Sightful.

Guest Post

About the Guest Author(s)

Mat Pawluczuk

Mat Pawluczuk

Mat Pawluczuk is an XR / VR writer and content creator.

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ROSE Partners With Premier League for AR Experience Celebrating Summer Series

Whether you’re an American fan of British football, or a citizen of the British Commonwealth spending time in the States, the Premier League Summer Series might be just what the doctor ordered.

The first-ever Premier League Summer Series will see six football clubs face off in five US cities from July 22 to July 30. Even if you can’t watch the matches live and in person, you can find trophies thanks to an AR experience from ROSE.

“The Hunt Is On.” – Celebrating the Summer Series in AR

Over the years, digital experience company ROSE has worked with industry giants including Mastercard, KHAITE, Patrón, adidas, Bloomingdales, and others. A current partnership with the Premier League and UK strategic consultancy and creative studio Doppelgänger might be their biggest partnership yet – and there are no tickets required.

“Doppelgänger created the idea of an augmented reality-powered trophy hunt experience for fans and in looking for an expert partner in the space, enlisted ROSE to advise on how the experience could be executed and ultimately design and build the experience,” ROSE Associate Creative Director Nicole Riemer told ARPost.

According to Managing Director at Doppelgänger, Max Proctor, “AR and broader metaverse activations are helping the world’s biggest brands to build loyalty and engagement with their audiences by connecting with them in new and exciting ways.”

The Summer Series is a major sporting event and is bringing in even more people into the experience than into the stadiums. Organizers turned to ROSE and WebXR authoring and hosting company 8th Walla duo that has worked together on multiple large-scale applications.

“Having been a long-time partner with 8th Wall, we are always looking for new ways to use their technology and use cases that push the way augmented can be used as well as made more accessible for brands,” said Riemer. “In this case study we utilized a number of 8th Wall’s newer features including face segmentation and sky segmentation.”

Experiencing the Summer Series

There are different ways to interact with the activation depending on whether you’re in or around any of the cities. That’s right, you can still join in on the fun, even if you aren’t in any of the cities hosting the Summer Series.

The five cities hosting the Summer Series are:

  • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
  • Atlanta, Georgia,
  • Orlando, Florida,
  • Harrison, New Jersey, and
  • Landover, Maryland.

Premier League Trophy Hunt AR experience

“Since the Summer Series is only in five cities, not every fan will have the opportunity to come to a game, but that doesn’t mean that they support their favorite teams any less,” said Riemer. “We created the at-home experience as a way for fans anywhere in the United States to show their support for their team and experience the Premier League trophy.”

Exploring Host Cities

If you’re in one or more of those cities between now and July 19, you can use the Premier League Trophy Hunt mobile AR experience to look for 20 augmented reality trophies (that’s one for each club in the Premier League). Naturally, you need to enter your location to hunt for the AR trophies.

Premier League Trophy Hunt experience in the cities

For each trophy that fans find, they get one entry into sweepstakes for tickets to the games. Fans who find all of the trophies get one entry into another drawing for a signed Premier League jersey.

Supporting Teams From Home

If you’re a fan of the Premier League but won’t be in one of the host cities, you can still engage in the web experience, if differently. Fans anywhere can view the Premier League Trophy in augmented reality, use face filters, and post the results to social media.

Premier League Trophy Hunt AR experience at home

Further, you don’t have to allow your location to use the experience from home. Just pick your favorite team – or join in as a “General Premier League Fan.” You can still have all of the fun of viewing and collecting all of the trophies.

There are also special entries that you can join in without finding hidden trophies in the host cities. Or, don’t join the entries and just have fun with the filters. The at-home experience is live until July 31.

Supporting Your Team With ROSE

The Premier League is coming stateside. That’s exciting whether it’s coming to a town near you or not. 

“We are honored to have such a passionate Premier League fanbase in the USA, and are very excited to be giving them the chance to experience the Premier League Summer Series on home soil for the very first time,” said Alexandra Willis, Director of Digital Media and Audience Development at the Premier League.

Thanks to ROSE and their partners, fans anywhere can interact with their favorite football clubs in new and amusing ways.

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MagiScan App Lets Users Create 3D Models With Their Smartphone

As if our smartphones weren’t already incredible enough, startup company AR-Generation is using them to bridge the gap between the real and virtual worlds. With their new cutting-edge app, you can create 3D models with only your smartphone and use them for any AR or metaverse application.

Introducing MagiScan

Meet MagiScan, an AI-powered 3D scanner app that produces high-quality 3D models for any AR or metaverse application. Developed by AR-Generation, a member of the NVIDIA Inception program, MagiScan is the first and only 3D scanner in NVIDIA Omniverse, a real-time 3D graphics collaboration platform.

The MagiScan app, available on both iOS and Android devices, allows users to capture an image of any object using their smartphone camera and quickly generate its detailed 3D model. AR-Feneration co-founder and CEO, Kiryl Sidarchuk, estimates that this process is up to 100 times less expensive and 10 times faster than manual 3D modeling, making it an accessible and user-friendly option for creators. With MagiScan, creators can easily refine their work and increase accessibility to AR technology.

3D scanning objects with MagiScan

While 3D scanning with smartphones is not new technology, it has significantly improved over the years. In 2015, researchers at Carnegie Mellon University developed a tool for measuring real objects in 3D space using “average” cellphone cameras. They developed their technology to perform accurate measurements so it could be helpful in self-driving cars and virtual shopping for eyeglass frames.

A similar technology was also created in 2021, called the PhotoCatch app, which uses the then-new Apple Object Capture photogrammetry technology.

How MagiScan Works

MagiScan is incredibly easy to use. Simply open the app, scan an object from all angles, and wait for a few seconds for the app to generate a 3D model. Once done, you can export your 3D model in various formats, including STL which allows you to print your model.

In addition to personal use, brands can also use MagiScan for their online platforms. Just enable “Connect MagiScan for Business,” then scan your products and add their 3D models to your website.

Exporting 3D Models Directly to Omniverse

AR-Generation also created an extension allowing MagiScan users to export their 3D models directly to the NVIDIA Omniverse. “We customized our app to allow export of 3D models based on real-world objects directly to Omniverse, enabling users to showcase the models in AR and integrate them into any metaverse or game,” Sidarchuk said.

Magiscan to Omniverse

This extension is made possible by OpenUSD or Universal Scene Description, an open-source software originally developed by Pixar Animation Studios for simulating, describing, composing, and collaborating in the 3D realm. The OpenUSD compatibility is Sidarchuk’s favorite Ominverse feature, and he believes that OpenUSD is the “format of the future.”

The company chose to build an extension for Omniverse because the platform, according to Sidarchuk,  “provides a convenient environment that integrates all the tools for working with 3D and generative AI.”

MagiScan and Augmented Reality’s Impact on E-Commerce

The impact of 3D models and AR is not limited to the gaming and metaverse realms. E-commerce businesses can also benefit from the rapid advancements in this technology.

About 60% of online shoppers consider high-quality images a critical factor in their purchasing decisions. To keep up with the competition, brands must provide more than just photos with a white background. They can also display 3D models of their products on their websites or online marketplaces to provide a more immersive browsing experience.

Through MagiScan, AR-Generation believes that conversion rates can increase up to 94%, while returns can drop up to 58%. Crisp and accurate 3D models allow consumers to visualize a product in real life, helping them make more informed purchasing decisions. This may be the same reason why Carnegie Mellon University researchers developed their 3D scanner to aid people in buying eyeglass frames online.

The Growing Significance of AR in Daily Life

Sidarchuk believes that AR will become an integral part of everyday life. And it’s not hard to see why. AR has grown in popularity over the years and is now widely used in various industries, from gaming to shopping to employee training. With AR, individuals and corporations can experience immersive virtual environments in a safe and secure way.

Thanks to advancements in technology, high-quality 3D experiences are now possible on smartphones. This means that AR and the Omniverse have the potential to impact even the most mundane activities of our daily lives. With this in mind, it’s clear that AR technology is here to stay.

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Transforming the E-Commerce Industry With AR

Over the years, the e-commerce sector has experienced enormous expansion, allowing customers to buy from the comfort of their homes. However, the option for shoppers to physically engage with things before purchasing is one feature that Internet shopping needs to include. This is where augmented reality enters the picture and completely changes online shopping.

AR provides an immersive and engaging purchasing experience connecting both the online and offline worlds by superimposing virtual features onto the real world. According to Threekit, there will be 1.4 billion AR device users by the end of 2023.

Due to its potential to increase customer engagement and satisfaction, augmented reality has experienced substantial growth in the online retail sector. Online merchants may give customers a more realistic and engaging buying experience using AR technology, empowering them to make more educated purchasing decisions.

Benefits of AR in E-Commerce

For e-commerce, augmented reality has several important advantages, such as improved brand experiences, higher conversion rates, higher user engagement, and improved customer happiness. Let’s dive in to understand the benefits of AR in e-commerce:

1. Increased Customer Engagement

Customers are more engaged with products thanks to augmented reality than they would be with regular online purchasing. Customers may rotate, examine, and perceive objects in 3D, enhancing the purchasing experience’s immersiveness and enjoyment.

2. Improved Customer Satisfaction

By enabling virtual try-ons for clothing and cosmetics, AR lets consumers get around the drawbacks of online purchasing. Customers can buy more confidently by observing how things seem on them or in their surroundings, which lowers the possibility of returns and raises general satisfaction.

3. Increased Conversion Rates

It has been demonstrated that augmented reality increases conversion rates. AR lowers ambiguity and increases trust in purchase decisions by giving buyers a more accurate picture of products. Customers are more likely to convert when they have a clear idea of how things will look or fit into their life.

benefits of AR in e-commerce

4. Reduced Product Returns

Product returns are a major worry for brands participating in the e-commerce revolution. By enabling customers to picture things in their homes before purchasing, augmented reality can help to solve this problem. Customers can, for instance, use an AR app to preview how furniture or other design items will look in their locations, which lowers the possibility of expectations being off.

5. Enhanced Brand Experience

Augmented reality allows e-commerce companies to stand out and develop a distinctive brand experience. Brands can make a lasting impact on customers by providing interactive product demonstrations or gamifying the shopping experience, encouraging advocacy and loyalty.

Examples of AR in E-commerce

Numerous e-commerce platforms have successfully incorporated augmented reality technology to give clients engaging and distinctive buying experiences. Here are five examples of augmented reality for e-commerce:

1. IKEA Place

Customers may visually place IKEA furniture in their houses using the augmented reality app IKEA Place. Customers can preview how various furniture items will appear and fit in their living environments using their smartphones or tablets, which enables them to make better-educated purchasing decisions.

2. L’Oréal Paris Makeup Genius

The AR app L’Oréal Paris Makeup Genius is revolutionizing the cosmetics sector. Customers can use the app to experiment with several L’Oréal Paris products virtually. The virtual try-on tool precisely applies cosmetics to the user’s face using facial recognition technology, enabling them to try out several looks before purchasing.

3. Amazon View

The Amazon app includes an augmented reality feature called Amazon AR View. Before purchasing, buyers can use their smartphones or tablets to picture how things would look in their homes. Customers may virtually place furniture, home décor, or appliances in their chosen space, ensuring they make the best option.

4. Walmart’s AR Shopping

With Walmart’s AR Shopping, customers may view products in 3D and get additional information about them, both at home and in stores. This feature gives customers thorough information, such as product details and user reviews, which helps them comprehend and feel more confident about their purchasing choices.

examples of AR in e-commerce

5. Sephora Virtual Artist

Sephora, a multinational retailer of personal care and beauty products, provides the augmented reality tool Sephora Virtual Artist. Customers can virtually try on various cosmetics, including lipsticks, eyeshadows, and other items. Customers can find the ideal products more easily by experimenting with different colors and styles on smartphones or tablets.

Future Trends and Possibilities

1. Potential Advancements in AR Technology

We may anticipate major advancements in AR capabilities as technology develops. The precision and realism of virtual objects in AR experiences will be improved through developments in computer vision, object recognition, and rendering techniques. This might entail greater tracking of actual places, enhanced tracking of virtual things in the real world, and improved interactivity with virtual aspects.

2. Exploring the Intersection of AR and Other Emerging Technologies

Experiences that are even more transformative and immersive could be produced by combining AR with other cutting-edge technologies. By examining user preferences and behavior, AI and machine learning algorithms can provide tailored recommendations and targeted advertising, improving AR experiences.

3. Opportunities for Small and Medium-Sized E-commerce Businesses

Due to the technology’s increased availability and affordability, small and medium-sized e-commerce businesses now have the opportunity to include AR technology in their platforms.

Smaller businesses have two options for utilizing augmented reality: they can use pre-existing AR solutions or collaborate with augmented reality development platforms to create specialized AR experiences targeted to their products and target market.


By offering a more engaging and immersive purchasing experience, augmented reality has the potential to alter the e-commerce sector completely. By implementing AR technology, retailers may improve consumer engagement, contentment, and conversion rates.

AR and other cutting-edge technologies are anticipated to advance and produce fascinating discoveries. Online retailers can now connect the virtual and real worlds thanks to augmented reality, giving customers a more seamless and engaging buying experience.

Guest Post

About the Guest Author(s)

Pratik Rupareliya

Pratik Rupareliya

Pratik is a techno-commercial leader heading Intuz as Director of Growth with over 14+ years of experience in the field of information technology. His experience and expertise will entice developers and business entrepreneurs with rich content on the latest technology stack.

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Niantic and 8th Wall Explore New Monetization Strategies

Historically, Niantic has made much of its money through in-app purchases on its free-to-play games like Pokémon Go. However, recent announcements from the company suggest that it’s exploring new monetization strategies, including through web-based experiences powered by 8th Wall.

Niantic Pioneers AR Ads In-App

The Cannes Lions Festival recently took place in the South of France (and in Virbela, if you got a golden ticket from PwC). Niantic took the opportunity to announce a new ad format coming to its AR games.

“Rewarded AR ads is a revolutionary new ad product from Niantic, which uses the smartphone camera to immerse players within branded content in the real world around them,” said a release shared with ARPost. “Players engage with interactive experiences within these ad units while they move around in the real world to unlock rewards within the game.”

This might sound like it disrupts the game, or poses an undue bother to players. However, this might not be the case. If done thoughtfully, this ad format could be a way to introduce players to branded immersive content that they might be otherwise interested in anyway.

Niantic Rewarded AR ads

“Ad” might have a bad taste to it – like a commercial that interrupts the video you’re watching. But tastefully executed branded immersive experiences often feel less like ads and more like opportunities for consumers to participate in brands that they care about. Companies like Coca-Cola create branded immersive experiences that are actively sought after by fans.

“AR offers an exciting new way to engage people powered by fresh innovation in spatial computing,” Niantic VP of Sales and Global Operations, Erin Schaefer, said in the release. “Audiences can engage with Rewarded AR ads to have immersive and enjoyable brand experiences, discover new products, or engage with interactive features.”

What about immersion? AR is built on the user’s physical surroundings. Artistically done location-based advertising might play into the blending of real and imagined worlds, rather than interrupt it. So far, there have only been limited pilot programs so we have yet to see for ourselves.

Get Out Your Virtual Wallet

Tested ads in AR apps directed players towards a physical point-of-sale from within their game – and lured players with the promise of in-game rewards. But WebAR is where most branded immersive experiences currently take place and Niantic has a big stake in that world since purchasing 8th Wall last year.

In addition to being a larger established ad market, WebAR is less limited to actions and interactions within a given application. It’s easier to do things like conduct e-commerce through the web than through an app, and rewards for customers aren’t confined to a given application.

That’s increasingly true given the advent of Web3 – an era of the internet in which users access online experiences not through individual profiles and accounts, but through one “wallet” that maintains a digital identity across experiences. SmartMedia Technologies, a “Web3 engagement and loyalty platform,” announced such a wallet integrated into 8th Wall.

“By combining our expertise in Web3-enabled mobile wallets with Niantic’s AR technology, we aim to create innovative experiences that enhance user engagement and drive brand loyalty,” SmartMedia Technologies CEO, Tyler Moebius, said in a release shared with ARPost.

As with AR ads, branded experiences through WebAR linked with a user’s wallet have proved a promising proposition to users who might already seek out branded experiences. These experiences now have the potential to exist in other areas of the users’ online life.

“This opens up a new frontier of creativity for brands and the opportunity to redefine how they engage with their target audiences,” Niantic Director of Product Management, Tom Emrich, said in the release. “Our collaboration with SmartMedia Technologies adds a new dimension to WebAR experiences for brands by giving consumers ways to build and activate their digital collections.”

A World of Augmented Ads?

The film Ready Player One gave us an instant classic scene as executives try to decide exactly how much of a player’s field of view can safely be taken up by advertising. It doesn’t have to be that way, as AR ads can blend into the virtual world just as they so often blend into the physical world. Niantic isn’t a bad group to be leading the charge.

Niantic and 8th Wall Explore New Monetization Strategies Read More »


“Netflix for AR Content”: ARVision’s ARiddle, an AR Gaming Platform With Multiplayer Feature

(A)Riddle me this, what do you get when you create a gaming platform that facilitates the distribution of AR content and improves the multiplayer gaming experience? The start of a new era of interactive entertainment.

ARVision Games, an innovator in AR gaming, takes interactive and collaborative gaming experiences to the next level with the recent launch of its newest multiplayer gaming platform, ARiddle. Unveiled at the recent VivaTech Conference 2023, this cutting-edge platform is set to enable full AR immersion of gameplay.

ARVision’s ARiddle: The Netflix for AR Games

The new platform developed by ARVision Games is set to transform how we access and use AR content. Instead of downloading dozens of apps for individual games, users need to download only one app—ARiddle—to access a vast library of AR games.

ARVision Games ARiddle

“What we are trying to do is like Netflix for AR content. So today, there are platforms to play movies, to play videos, but there is no platform to play AR content,” said Christian Ruiz, CCO of ARVision Games, in a recent interview at VivaTech.

So, the team decided to develop the ARiddle platform, where users will be able to find dozens of AR games, both developed by the company itself and by other developers. “We are going to open the platform to other studios, for them to be able to create games and then put them on our platform,” Ruiz said. 

Another innovative aspect of the AR platform ARiddle is the multiplayer feature. As Ruiz explains, “We are really innovating with the multiplayer feature, because making multiplayer in VR, or any kind of game, is quite usual, but in AR is more complicated.”

ARiddle will also be home to AR escape games developed by ARVision Games. Captivating players with their immersive narratives and intricate puzzles, escape rooms have gained immense popularity in recent years.

The Montreal-based company takes this concept to new heights by bringing escape rooms into the realm of augmented reality. Through its ARiddle platform, players can now experience the thrill of escape rooms wherever they are. All they need is a mobile device to project the virtual environment into their physical surroundings.

In the ARiddle AR escape games, players are challenged to analyze their environment, search for clues, and solve a myriad of enigmas and riddles to complete the mission. With the exhilarating blend of AR technology and engaging gameplay, the ARiddle app guarantees an unforgettable adventure that will challenge your intellect and immerse you in a world of mystery.

Save the Cup: AR Escape Game That Lets Children Virtually Escape From the Hospital Bed

To create more meaningful AR experiences, ARVision Games has collaborated with 1 Maillot Pour La Vie, a charitable organization that strives to fulfill the dreams of children facing adversity. It coordinates with top athletes, famous personalities, and sports clubs to give children opportunities to experience something different from their daily hospital life.

Save the Cup, ARVision Games AR escape game

Together, ARVision Games and 1 Maillot Pour La Vie have embarked on a mission to create augmented reality multiplayer escape rooms that provide unique and engaging experiences for children. This collaboration aims to transport children into a world of imagination and wonder, where the challenges and obstacles of their reality are momentarily set aside.

“This is a great project that we have with 1 Maillot Pour La Vie. This association takes care of kids who have been in the hospital for a long time,” said Ruiz. “So we had the idea to make a special escape game for them to be able to play from their bed and transport them, thanks to augmented reality, to a chocolate factory, to an Egyptian pyramid…”

The first AR game developed through this collaboration is the Save the Cup series. This immersive AR experience combines captivating storytelling, challenging puzzles, and collaborative gameplay for children of all ages.

The game comprises a series of three episodes, each with unique challenges that bring players closer to finding the lost World Cup. Through AR, children are able to momentarily escape from their sick beds, go on amazing adventures, and achieve a sense of accomplishment as they complete the game’s mission.

Continued AR Innovation for Creating Meaningful Experiences

The Save the Cup series shows us how AR can empower and inspire users. By enabling children in hospitals and confined spaces to enjoy the same exciting escape room adventures as those in physical locations, the AR application becomes much more than a game. Innovations like these take AR beyond gaming and entertainment.

ARVision Games, Save the Cup, AR game
ARVision Games at VivaTech Paris in June 2023

Knowing this, ARVision Games is constantly innovating and is continuously iterating its platforms to provide more AR use cases that create meaningful experiences for users. It is driven to grow ARiddle into a centralized hub for AR content. By embracing the transformative potential of AR, ARVision Games is shaping the future of immersive content. With the fusion of technology and compassion at the heart of its mission, it will undoubtedly continue to inspire and bring joy to gamers around the world.

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Inspirit Launches Affordable XR STEM Education Platform for Middle and High School Students

XR STEM education has taken a leap forward with the official launch of Inspirit’s Innovative Learning Hub. The digital platform provides educators with affordable access to a premium library of virtual reality and augmented reality experiences designed specifically for middle and high school students. Focusing on enhancing learning outcomes and increasing engagement, Inspirit is revolutionizing the way STEM subjects are taught worldwide.

Breaking Down Barriers With Immersive Learning

Inspirit is a research-driven EdTech startup that pioneers immersive XR experiences for STEM education. The company’s Innovative Learning Hub stands as the premier choice for immersive XR STEM education, encompassing diverse subjects such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, and vocational training.

Through XR experiences, Inspirit’s platform provides students with experiential learning opportunities. By engaging in simulations and exploring 3D models, students gain a deeper understanding of complex STEM concepts.

The advantages of VR education have long been embraced by both teachers and students, who have found immense value in its experiential approach. But with Inspirit’s XR expertise and easy-to-use technology, the platform bridges the gap between theoretical concepts and real-world applications, providing students with a deeper understanding and fostering engagement.

Renowned for its commitment to rigorous research, Inspirit collaborates with Stanford University researchers to unlock the full potential of XR learning. The result is a unified platform that seamlessly integrates into schools, improving learning outcomes and providing teachers with an intuitive system to embed into their curriculum.

Experts in the field, like Jeremy Bailenson, founding director of the Stanford Virtual Human Interaction Lab and professor of education, recognize the impact of Inspirit’s approach, emphasizing the importance of teacher professional development and curriculum alignment for successful integration and long-term usage in the classroom.

Inspirit XR STEM Education Platform

“Inspirit is unique in that it is led by a VR pioneer who puts ‘education first’, with a huge amount of experience in the world of STEM,” said Bailenson, in a press release shared with ARPost.

Unparalleled Access to Immersive XR Content

The Innovative Learning Hub boasts a comprehensive library of age-appropriate XR experiences that align with educational standards. From engaging simulations to interactive lessons, students have the opportunity to explore and study complex concepts, making learning tangible and enjoyable. This cutting-edge content ensures that students receive the highest-quality educational experiences.

Cross-Platform Compatibility for Seamless Learning

Flexibility is a key advantage of Inspirit’s Innovative Learning Hub. Students can access the library of XR content from various devices, including laptops, Chromebooks, and most VR headsets designed for educational use.

XR STEM Education Platform by Inspirit

This compatibility maximizes schools’ existing hardware investments while expanding learning capabilities. By eliminating the need for costly subscriptions and one-off purchases, Inspirit promotes inclusivity and accessibility, allowing all students to benefit from a comprehensive STEM curriculum.

XR STEM Education: Inspiring Students and Shaping Futures

As a firm believer in the transformative power of immersive technology, Aditya Vishwanath, co-founder and CEO of Inspirit, actively champions its potential for revolutionizing XR STEM education.

The Innovative Learning Hub serves as a platform that grants middle and high school students the opportunity to engage with exceptional XR content. “Our research-based methodology ensures all middle and high school students have an opportunity to access top-notch XR content that enhances their learning experience, prepares them for the future, and inspires them to pursue their dreams,” said Vishwanath.

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Unleash Your Creativity With Subway Studio: Subway Surfers Introduces In-Game AR Feature

SYBO, the game studio responsible for the popular mobile game Subway Surfers, has pushed the boundaries of gaming with its first in-game augmented reality feature known as Subway Studio.

The landmark expansion contributes to the growing appeal of AR gaming. Subway’s AR feature lets players bring the exciting Subway Surfers world into their own lives, giving them a way to use their imagination and creativity.

Subway Studio Subway Surfers AR feature

Subway Studio gives players the ability to connect, share stories, and make their creations using their beloved Subway Surfers characters in their real-life surroundings. “Subway Studio puts the power of creativity and virality in our players’ hands, allowing them to interact, tell stories, and create content with their favorite characters in their homes, backyards, workplaces, you name it,” said Mathias Gredal Nørvig, CEO of SYBO, in a press release shared with ARPost.

Unveiling the Augmented Reality Marvel of Subway Studio

Subway Studio represents a technical marvel, incorporating cutting-edge mobile augmented reality and camera tracking technologies to create a realistic and immersive experience. This advanced feature enables players to interact with Subway Surfers characters in real life, regardless of their device’s AR capabilities.

SYBO’s Technical Director Murari Vasudevan praised the team for their remarkable accomplishment in creating a highly advanced feature that offers endless creative and artistic opportunities. Through the use of innovative technologies, Subway Studio guarantees that players experience an authentic connection with their favorite characters as if they were right there with them in the real world.

“We’re constantly looking to give our players new ways to engage with the game, and this new technology does just that,” Murari said.

Subway Studio launches as part of the Subway Surfers Fantasy Fest update, available until July 16. Players have a selection of 40 existing Subway Surfers characters to interact with. They can create viral content that seamlessly merges with their in-game experiences, amplifying their impact within the gaming community. Additionally, SYBO plans to introduce more characters through future updates, ensuring a continuous stream of fresh content and experiences for players.

Where Buzz and Creativity Converge

Recognizing the incredible creative potential within their community, SYBO took notice of the hashtag #SubwaySurfers on TikTok, which has garnered an astonishing 34 billion views, mainly from user-generated videos.

Subway Surfers AR feature Subway Studio

Motivated by this, SYBO has launched a special TikTok filter that enables players to further engage with the game by interacting with one of the iconic characters, Jake, within the TikTok platform, thus expanding the reach of Subway Surfers AR experience.

Prepare to unlock your creative potential and embark on an exceptional augmented reality journey as Subway Surfers marks its 11th anniversary this year. With this milestone, it is evident that SYBO is committed to upholding its reputation as an innovative force within the gaming industry. Subway Studio exemplifies its commitment to ingenuity and providing creative ways for players to engage with the game.

Dive into a realm where imagination and reality merge, bringing your beloved characters to life in your chosen settings. Subway Surfers has taken the gaming experience to unprecedented levels, and as SYBO continues to push boundaries, the future of mobile gaming holds immense promise.

The Team Behind Subway Surfers and Subway Studio

Based in Copenhagen, SYBO is a prominent game development company renowned for its remarkable accomplishments in bringing Subway Surfers to life. This widely celebrated and immensely popular running game, recognized as the top downloaded game in 2022, has garnered an impressive four billion downloads thus far.

Unleash Your Creativity With Subway Studio: Subway Surfers Introduces In-Game AR Feature Read More »


How Cities Are Taking Advantage of AR Tech and How Apple’s Vision Pro Could Fuel Innovation

Apple unveiled its first mixed reality headset, the Vision Pro, at this year’s Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) on June 5, 2023. The company’s “first spatial computer” will enable users to interact with digital content like never before by leveraging a new 3D interface to deliver immersive spatial experiences.

The Vision Pro marks a new era for immersive technologies, and it can potentially be used to bolster efforts in using such technologies to improve communities.

How the Vision Pro Headset Can Strengthen Efforts to Transform Orlando

Cities around the world are starting to apply new technologies to help improve their communities. City, University of London, for instance, has launched an initiative that will bring about the UK’s largest AR, VR, and metaverse training center. London has also been mapped in 3D, allowing locals and visitors to have an immersive view of the city.

In 2021, Columbia University started a project called the “Hybrid Twins for Urban Transportation”, which creates a digital twin of New York’s key intersections to help optimize traffic flows.

Using New Technologies to Enhance Orlando’s Digital Twin Initiative

With Orlando, Florida, being designated as the metaverse’s MetaCenter, new MR headsets like Apple’s Vision Pro can help create radical changes to bolster the city’s digital twin efforts, which can accelerate Orlando’s metaverse capabilities.

Apple Vision Pro

In an interview with ARPost, Tim Giuliani, the President and CEO of the Orlando Economic Partnership (OEP), shared that emerging technologies like the digital twin enables them to showcase the region to executives who are planning to relocate their companies to Orlando.

Moreover, the digital twin helps local leaders ensure that the city has a robust infrastructure to support its residents, thus positively impacting the city’s economy and prosperity.

The digital twin’s physical display is currently housed at the OEP’s headquarters in downtown Orlando. However, Giuliani shared that AR headsets can make it more accessible.

We can use the headset’s technology to take our digital twin to trade shows or whenever it goes out to market to companies,” said Giuliani. According to Giuliani, utility companies and city planners can use the 3D model to access a holographic display when mapping out proposed infrastructure improvements. Stakeholders can also use it to create 3D models using their own data for simulations like climate change and infrastructure planning.

He added that equipment like the Vision Pro can help make VR, AR, and 3D simulation more widespread. According to Giuliani, while the Vision Pro is the first one to come out, other new devices will come out in the coming years and the competition will make these devices a consumer device.

Apple’s announcement cements the importance of the MetaCenter. The Orlando region has been leading in VR and AR and 3D simulation for over a decade now. So, all the things that we have been saying of why we are the MetaCenter, this hardware better positions us to continue leading in this territory,” he told us.

Leveraging the Vision Pro and MR to Usher in New Innovations

Innovate Orlando CEO and OEP Chief Information Officer David Adelson noted that aside from companies, ordinary individuals who aren’t keenly interested in immersive tech for development or work can also use devices like the Vision Pro to help Orlando with its effort to become the MetaCenter.

These new devices are one of the hardware solutions that this industry has been seeking. Through these hardware devices, the software platforms, and simulation market that has been building for decades, will now be enabled on a consumer and a business interface,” said Adelson.

Adelson also shared that Orlando has been leading in the spatial computing landscape and that the emergence of a spatial computing headset like the Vision Pro brings this particular sector into the spotlight.

How can businesses leverage the new Vision Pro headset and other MR technologies to usher in new developments?

According to Giuliani, businesses can use these technologies to provide a range of services, such as consulting services, as well as help increase customer engagement, cut costs, and make informed decisions faster.

AR can be a powerful tool to provide remote expertise and remote assistance with AR helps move projects forward and provide services that would otherwise require multiple site visits. This is what we are taking advantage of with the digital twin,” said Giuliani.

Giuliani also noted that such technologies can be a way for companies to empower both employees and customers by enhancing productivity, improving services, and fostering better communication.

Potential Drawbacks of Emerging Technologies

Given that these are still relatively new pieces of technology, it’s possible that they’ll have some drawbacks. However, according to Adelson, these can be seen as a positive movement that can potentially change the Web3 landscape. Giuliani echoes this sentiment.

We like to focus on the things that can unite us and help us move forward to advance broad-based prosperity and this means working with the new advancements created and finding ways to make them work and facilitate the work we all do,” he told us.

How Cities Are Taking Advantage of AR Tech and How Apple’s Vision Pro Could Fuel Innovation Read More »


The Intersections of Artificial Intelligence and Extended Reality

It seems like just yesterday it was the AR this, VR that, metaverse, metaverse, metaverse. Now all anyone can talk about is artificial intelligence. Is that a bad sign for XR? Some people seem to think so. However, people in the XR industry understand that it’s not a competition.

In fact, artificial intelligence has a huge role to play in building and experiencing XR content – and it’s been part of high-level metaverse discussions for a very long time. I’ve never claimed to be a metaverse expert and I’m not about to claim to be an AI expert, so I’ve been talking to the people building these technologies to learn more about how they help each other.

The Types of Artificial Intelligence in Extended Realities

For the sake of this article, there are three main different branches of artificial intelligence: computer vision, generative AI, and large language models. AI is more complicated than this, but this helps to get us started talking about how it relates to XR.

Computer Vision

In XR, computer vision helps apps recognize and understand elements in the environment. This places virtual elements in the environment and sometimes lets them react to that environment. Computer vision is also increasingly being used to streamline the creation of digital twins of physical items or locations.

Niantic is one of XR’s big world-builders using computer vision and scene understanding to realistically augment the world. 8th Wall, an acquisition that does its own projects but also serves as Niantic’s WebXR division, also uses some AI but is also compatible with other AI tools, as teams showcased in a recent Innovation Lab hackathon.

“During the sky effects challenge in March, we saw some really interesting integrations of sky effects with generative AI because that was the shiny object at the time,” Caitlin Lacey, Niantic’s Senior Director of Product Marketing told ARPost in a recent interview. “We saw project after project take that spin and we never really saw that coming.”

The winner used generative AI to create the environment that replaced the sky through a recent tool developed by 8th Wall. While some see artificial intelligence (that “shiny object”) as taking the wind out of immersive tech’s sails, Lacey sees this as an evolution rather than a distraction.

“I don’t think it’s one or the other. I think they complement each other,” said Lacey. “I like to call them the peanut butter and jelly of the internet.”

Generative AI

Generative AI takes a prompt and turns it into some form of media, whether an image, a short video, or even a 3D asset. Generative AI is often used in VR experiences to create “skyboxes” – the flat image over the virtual landscape where players have their actual interactions. However, as AI gets stronger, it is increasingly used to create virtual assets and environments themselves.

Artificial Intelligence and Professional Content Creation

Talespin makes immersive XR experiences for training soft skills in the workplace. The company has been using artificial intelligence internally for a while now and recently rolled out a whole AI-powered authoring tool for their clients and customers.

A release shared with ARPost calls the platform “an orchestrator of several AI technologies behind the scenes.” That includes developing generative AI tools for character and world building, but it also includes work with other kinds of artificial intelligence that we’ll explore further in the article, like LLMs.

“One of the problems we’ve all had in the XR community is that there’s a very small contingent of people who have the interest and the know-how and the time to create these experiences, so this massive opportunity is funneled into a very narrow pipeline,” Talespin CEO Kyle Jackson told ARPost. “Internally, we’ve seen a 95-97% reduction in time to create [with AI tools].”

Talespin isn’t introducing these tools to put themselves out of business. On the contrary, Jackson said that his team is able to be even more involved in helping companies workshop their experiences because his team is spending less time building the experiences themselves. Jackson further said this is only one example of a shift happening to more and more jobs.

“What should we be doing to make ourselves more valuable as these things shift? … It’s really about metacognition,” said Jackson. “Our place flipped from needing to know the answer to needing to know the question.”

Artificial Intelligence and Individual Creators

DEVAR launched MyWebAR in 2021 as a no-code authoring tool for WebAR experiences. In the spring of 2023, that platform became more powerful with a neural network for AR object creation.

In creating a 3D asset from a prompt, the network determines the necessary polygon count and replicates the texture. The resulting 3D asset can exist in AR experiences and serve as a marker itself for second-layer experiences.

“A designer today is someone who can not just draw, but describe. Today, it’s the same in XR,” DEVAR founder and CEO Anna Belova told ARPost. “Our goal is to make this available to everyone … you just need to open your imagination.”

Blurring the Lines

“From strictly the making a world aspect, AI takes on a lot of the work,” Mirrorscape CEO Grant Anderson told ARPost. “Making all of these models and environments takes a lot of time and money, so AI is a magic bullet.”

Mirroscape is looking to “bring your tabletop game to life with immersive 3D augmented reality.” Of course, much of the beauty of tabletop games come from the fact that players are creating their own worlds and characters as they go along. While the roleplaying element has been reproduced by other platforms, Mirrorscape is bringing in the individual creativity through AI.

“We’re all about user-created content, and I think in the end AI is really going to revolutionize that,” said Grant. “It’s going to blur the lines around what a game publisher is.”

Even for those who are professional builders but who might be independent or just starting out, artificial intelligence, whether to create assets or just for ideation, can help level the playing field. That was a theme of a recent Zapworks workshop “Can AI Unlock Your Creating Potential? Augmenting Reality With AI Tools.”

“AI is now giving individuals like me and all of you sort of superpowers to compete with collectives,” Zappar executive creative director Andre Assalino said during the workshop. “If I was a one-man band, if I was starting off with my own little design firm or whatever, if it’s just me freelancing, I now will be able to do so much more than I could five years ago.”


Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) weren’t included in the introduction because they can be seen as a combination of generative AI and computer vision. It starts out with a special kind of neural network called a multilayer perceptron (MLP). A “neural network” is any artificial intelligence that’s based off of the human brain, and an MLP is … well, look at it this way:

If you’ve ever taken an engineering course, or even a highschool shop class, you’ve been introduced to drafting. Technical drawings represent a 3D structure as a series of 2D images, each showing different angles of the 3D structure. Over time, you can get pretty good at visualizing the complete structure from these flat images. An MLP can do the same thing.

The difference is the output. When a human does this, the output is a thought – a spatial understanding of the object in your mind’s eye. When an MLP does this, the output is a NeRF – a 3D rendering generated from the 2D images.

Early on, this meant feeding countless images into the MLP. However, in the summer of 2022, Apple and the University of British Columbia developed a way to do it with one video. Their approach was specifically interested in generating 3D models of people from video clips for use in AR applications.

Whether a NeRF recreates a human or an object, it’s quickly becoming the fastest and easiest way to make digital twins. Of course, the only downside is that NeRF can only create digital models of things that already exist in the physical world.

Digital Twins and Simulation

Digital twins can be built with or without artificial intelligence. However, some use cases of digital twins are powered by AI. These include simulations like optimization and disaster readiness. For example, a digital twin of a real campus can be created, but then modified on a computer to maximize production or minimize risk in different simulated scenarios.

“You can do things like scan in areas of a refinery, but then create optimized versions of that refinery … and have different simulations of things happening,” MeetKai co-founder and executive chairwoman Weili Dai told ARPost in a recent interview.

A recent suite of authoring tools launched by the company (which started in AI before branching into XR solutions) includes AI-powered tools for creating virtual environments from the virtual world. These can be left as exact digital twins, or they can be edited to streamline the production of more fantastic virtual worlds by providing a foundation built in reality.

Large Language Models

Large Language Models take in language prompts and return language responses. This is on the list of AI interactions that runs largely under the hood so that, ideally, users don’t realize that they’re interacting with AI. For example, large language models could be the future of NPC interactions and “non-human agents” that help us navigate vast virtual worlds.

“In these virtual world environments, people are often more comfortable talking to virtual agents,” Inworld AI CEO Ilya Gelfenbeyn told ARPost in a recent interview. “In many cases, they are acting in some service roles and they are preferable [to human agents].”

Inworld AI makes brains that can animate Ready Player Me avatars in virtual worlds. Creators get to decide what the artificial intelligence knows – or what information it can access from the web – and what its personality is like as it walks and talks its way through the virtual landscape.

“You basically are teaching an actor how it is supposed to behave,” Inworld CPO Kylan Gibbs told ARPost.

Large language models are also used by developers to speed up back-end processes like generating code.

How XR Gives Back

So far, we’ve talked about ways in which artificial intelligence makes XR experiences better. However, the opposite is also true, with XR helping to strengthen AI for other uses and applications.

Evolving AI

We’ve already seen that some approaches to artificial intelligence are modeled after the human brain. We know that the human brain developed essentially through trial and error as it rose to meet the needs of our early ancestors. So, what if virtual brains had the same opportunity?

Martine Rothblatt PhD reports that very opportunity in the excellent book “Virtually Human: The Promise – and the Peril – of Digital Immortality”:

“[Academics] have even programmed elements of autonomy and empathy into computers. They even create artificial software worlds in which they attempt to mimic natural selection. In these artificial worlds, software structures compete for resources, undergo mutations, and evolve. Experimenters are hopeful that consciousness will evolve in their software as it did in biology, with vastly greater speed.”

Feeding AI

Like any emerging technology, people’s expectations of artificial intelligence can grow faster than AI’s actual capabilities. AI learns by having data entered into it. Lots of data.

For some applications, there is a lot of extant data for artificial intelligence to learn from. But, sometimes, the answers that people want from AI don’t exist yet as data from the physical world.

“One sort of major issue of training AI is the lack of data,” Treble Technologies CEO Finnur Pind told ARPost in a recent interview.

Treble Technologies works with creating realistic sound in virtual environments. To train an artificial intelligence to work with sound, it needs audio files. Historically, these were painstakingly sampled with different things causing different sounds in different environments.

Usually, during the early design phases, an architect or automotive designer will approach Treble to predict what audio will sound like in a future space. However, Treble can also use its software to generate specific sounds in specific environments to train artificial intelligence without all of the time and labor-intensive sampling. Pinur calls this “synthetic data generation.”

The AI-XR Relationship Is “and” Not “or”

Holding up artificial intelligence as the new technology on the block that somehow takes away from XR is an interesting narrative. However, experts are in agreement that these two emerging technologies reinforce each other – they don’t compete. XR helps AI grow in new and fantastic ways, while AI makes XR tools more powerful and more accessible. There’s room for both.

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