Author name: Rejus Almole

3 of the Best Hoverboards Money Can Buy

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If you’re thinking about buying a hoverboard for the first time or if you are new to these personal transports and are unsure what to buy, don’t worry, Gadget Review has done the research for you. It can be hard sorting through all of the specs and features, but we have boiled it down to the top 3 models to buy.

#1 hoverboard for 2018 – Swagtron T1
The SWAGTRON T1 is a great hoverboard, delivering the best value of all the models on the market today.


Charges in just 1 hour
The maximum range is 7-12 miles
Top speed of 8 MPH

Lack of both Bluetooth and GPS
No accompanying mobile app
Body scratches easily
The Swagtron T1 just gives you the features you want at a great price. The 1 hour charging, and 8 MPH top speed will please just about everyone. It has a good range of 7-12 miles with a 3-hour battery life as well. Other features include a SentriShield battery pack that prevents overheating and 2 learning modes. This model just nails all of the basics very well.

#2 hoverboard for 2018 – Epikgo Self-Balancing Hoverboard
EPIKGO Self Balancing Scooter Hoverboard
The EPIKGO Self Balancing hoverboard is an all around excellent option, thanks to rugged wheels, lights and more.


Handles all-terrain
Battery charge time is under 2 hours
Maximum speed of 10 MPH

Geared toward more experienced riders
Price is higher but worth it
The Epikgo Self-Balancing Hoverboard will go where others can’t since it is an All-Terrain hoverboard. The battery delivers a charge time of under 2 hours and the 400W dual hub motors deliver some serious power. Other features include 1P56 certification, large 8.5 inch tires and a maximum speed of 10 MPH. These are all very respectable features in a durable body that handles both on and off-road with ease.

# 3 hoverboard for 2018 – Halo RoveR
Halo Rover
A very versatile hoverboard with a powerful set of motors. The downside is the weight of the board itself.


The 800W motor is a powerhouse
Bluetooth speakers
Weight capacity of 265 lbs

On the heavy side at 32 lbs
Expensive compared to others
The Halo Rover has a lot of cool features, which is why it’s a bit pricey compared to other hoverboards. However, it’s worth it. We were impressed by the durable build and the powerful 800W motor. It has 8.5″ tires for all-terrain, LED headlights, the ability to climb grades up to 20 degrees, water resistance, a mobile app and more. It’s on the heavy side though.

Yes, Hoverboards are Safe
A few years ago hoverboards got a bad rap for catching on fire, but you should know that these top 3 hoverboard picks all feature UL 2272 certification. This means that the device has passed electrical and fire-safety testing. Today’s hoverboards are completely safe.

Wear Protective Gear When Riding
Safety should be your priority when riding a hoverboard. You should always wear a helmet. Many people choose to wear knee and elbow pads as well. As long as you wear your safety gear and pay attention to the road ahead at all times, you will be fine.


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Convert Your Bicycle To Electric In 30 Seconds With The Electron Wheel

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You might’ve thought about getting an electric bicycle a couple times, but were discouraged by the high prices. Or maybe you wanted to convert your bike to electric assist, but were deterred by the complexity of the installation. Well, unlike other similar offerings, the Electron Wheel goes on the front wheel, making it possible to get setup in as little as 30 seconds. It’s a fully self-contained 250W propulsion system that can power your bike up to 20mph speeds, with a max range of 30 miles. After connecting to your smartphone, you can set it to kick in when the pedal sensor detects you’re putting in more effort (in a hill, for example), gradually assisting you so that you can climb with ease, only when you need it. There’s even a quick charging option that’ll get you up to your 30 mile range in as little as 2 hours.

It’s $799, and the optional quick charger is an extra $85.

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What Are Some Good Sources of Calcium for My Dog?

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Why is Calcium Important for Dogs?
Calcium is an essential mineral for dogs and humans alike. It’s responsible for conducting electrical impulses, sending signals, contracting muscles (especially the heart), not to mention keeping those teeth and bones strong.

When dog’s don’t get enough calcium they can suffer the same consequences as us – they need ultimate pet nutrition. Notably the condition rickets (where bones become soft and fragile), muscle twitching, restlessness, stiffness, lethargy, convulsions, and osteoporosis.1

Now, regular canned dog food should contain adequate amounts of calcium. However, like all processed foods, ingredients can also lose their nutritional goodness through processing.

The good news is that this essential mineral is found in so many natural foods. If you’re feeding your pup a raw diet it’s particularly crucial to know what those foods are.

A Note About Phosphorus
Your dog requires more calcium than phosphorus to maintain optimal health and ultimate pet nutrition. But popular foods like boneless meats (especially organ meats) are much higher in phosphorus than calcium.

Traditionally, wild dogs would eat an entire animal which would provide plenty of calcium from the bones of the creature. But today, dog’s aren’t necessarily getting enough bone.

So if you’re feeding your dog a raw diet, adding some bone meal or crushed eggshells can be of help to level up that calcium. 2 But we shall delve into that a little more below.

Calcium-Rich Foods That Dogs Can Eat
1. Eggs
Eggs are rich in protein, fatty acids, and of course calcium and they’re rather handy as a snack or a treat. Just make sure they’re cooked as raw eggs can carry salmonella as well as lead to a biotin deficiency in dogs. 3

Eggs are slightly higher in phosphorus however, so don’t go overboard. Betters yet, egg shells have shown to contain even greater amounts of calcium.

What you’ll need to do is crush the eggshells and then sprinkle a little (about half a teaspoon) onto their food. Some people prefer to boil the shells first (for the same salmonella reasoning) and then crush them using a mortar and pestle or food processor. 4

2. Cheese
While some dogs may have issues with lactose-intolerance, cheese is a pretty good choice of human food for dogs. In moderation.

Cheese contains plenty of calcium, protein, vitamin A, B vitamins, and fatty acids. But it’s high in fat, and some cheeses can be very salty. Low-fat cheese like mozzarella or cottage cheese are your best choices. And, look for versions that are low in salt. 5

Cheese is also a great tool for hiding pills when your dog is required to take medication.

3. Yogurt
Yogurt is wonderful source of calcium for dogs because it can be easily mixed in with their meal. It’s especially helpful for softening very dry food.

Do be picky with your choice of yogurt and steer clear clear of those that are high in sugar (like flavored yogurts), especially if your dog is overweight.

Yogurt also contains plenty of beneficial bacteria that can help to balance your pup’s intestinal flora, much as it does your own.

4. Fish
The best fish for boosting calcium include salmon, tuna, sardines, and trout. Always cook your dog’s fish – raw fish isn’t great on their stomach and it may carry bacteria.6 You should remove all the fish bones, or to play it safe, grind the fish up.

Fish contains plenty of omega-3 fatty acids which are wonderful for promoting healthy skin and coat. They can also decrease cholesterol levels in the blood, and combat inflammatory conditions like allergies and arthritis.7

5. Bones
Which brings us to bones. An age-old dog food that’s become a contentious topic in today’s society – are they safe for your dog to eat or not? One thing’s for sure – they’re a huge source of calcium.

Yes, certain dog bones can be dangerous but rather than avoiding them altogether, it’s about being informed.

Chicken, turkey or pork bones – or any kind of cooked bone – are absolutely off-limits. They can easily splinter into shards that pose a dangerous choking hazard and can injure your pup’s mouth, throat or digestive system. Instead, seek out raw meat bones with plenty of muscle meat still attached to them. Never give your dog a bone when it’s hungry. It’s best to watch the clock and it back off them after 15-20 minutes. You can refrigerate it for a few days and reuse it. 8

But don’t assume that very large bones are a safer option. They can break a dog’s teeth.

Bottom line: Eating bones is not without risk, but there are definitely benefits – like calcium – that are great assets.

If you want to play it safe, crush up bones using a grinder or food processor and then add to your pet’s meal. You can also purchase prepackaged bone meal. Just don’t cook bones beforehand as this can cause a loss of nutrients.

A Most Essential Mineral
Calcium is essential to your canine’s health and wellbeing and these 5 foods show just a few simple ways to help support that intake. You may also like to look into some high-calcium vegetables and legumes such as broccoli, spinach, and beans.

Of course, any concerns that you may have surrounding whether your dog needs more calcium, or how to best feed it to them, should be discussed with your vet.



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Fellow Stagg X Pour-Over Coffee Set

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Consistently brew a delicious cup of coffee with the Fellow Stagg X Pour-Over Coffee Set. Designed for all levels of coffee makers, the pour-over set makes it easy to brew single cups of coffee. The set comes with the Stagg X Dripper, Stagg Tasting Glass, and Stagg Paper Filters. The ratio aid guarantees the ideal amount of coffee every time.

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