
‘War Thunder’ Studio Announces PSVR 2 Combat Flight Sim ‘Aces of Thunder’, Trailer Here

Gaijin Entertainment, the studio behind combat simulator War Thunder, announced a new flight sim coming to PSVR 2 called Aces of Thunder.

The online game is said to focus on World War II planes, such as the American fighter P-51 Mustang and British Spitfire, however future add-ons are planned to bring combat aircraft from other eras, Gaijin says.

It’s said to feature competitive online battles including modes like team versus team, single duels, and modes with custom settings.

The game is also set to include “[p]hysically accurate flight and damage models, derived from the leading War Thunder military action simulation game, [to] further enhance the believability of Aces of Thunder,” the studio says in a press statement.

Quite unlike the free-to-play War Thunder, the studio’s upcoming VR aerial dogfighter is set be distributed on a paid model.

“All aircraft that would be a part of this game or its future add-ons will be available immediately upon purchase, and the players will be able to apply cosmetic items to customize their planes,” the studio says in a press statement.

The VR game is said to be made “specifically with capabilities of PlayStation VR2 in mind.” While Gaijin hasn’t mentioned other platforms, it’s only advertising PSVR 2 support on the game’s website.

Gaijin is developing Aces of Thunder with a new in-house team whose members have experience working on War Thunder, the studio says.

There’s no release date yet, so we’ll be keeping our eyes peeled on the game’s website and social in the meantime.

‘War Thunder’ Studio Announces PSVR 2 Combat Flight Sim ‘Aces of Thunder’, Trailer Here Read More »