lina khan


Apple wouldn’t let Jon Stewart interview FTC Chair Lina Khan, TV host claims

The Problem with Jon Stewart —

Tech company also didn’t want a segment on Stewart’s show criticizing AI.

The Daily Show host Jon Stewart’s interview with FTC Chair Lina Khan. The conversation about Apple begins around 16: 30 in the video.

Before the cancellation of The Problem with Jon Stewart on Apple TV+, Apple forbade the inclusion of Federal Trade Commission Chair Lina Khan as a guest and steered the show away from confronting issues related to artificial intelligence, according to Jon Stewart.

This isn’t the first we’ve heard of this rift between Apple and Stewart. When the Apple TV+ show was canceled last October, reports circulated that he told his staff that creative differences over guests and topics were a factor in the decision.

The New York Times reported that both China and AI were sticking points between Apple and Stewart. Stewart confirmed the broad strokes of that narrative in a CBS Morning Show interview after it was announced that he would return to The Daily Show.

“They decided that they felt that they didn’t want me to say things that might get me into trouble,” he explained.

Stewart’s comments during his interview with Khan yesterday were the first time he’s gotten more specific publicly.

“I’ve got to tell you, I wanted to have you on a podcast, and Apple asked us not to do it—to have you. They literally said, ‘Please don’t talk to her,'” Stewart said while interviewing Khan on the April 1, 2024, episode of The Daily Show.

Khan appeared on the show to explain and evangelize the FTC’s efforts to battle corporate monopolies both in and outside the tech industry in the US and to explain the challenges the organization faces.

She became the FTC chair in 2021 and has since garnered a reputation for an aggressive and critical stance against monopolistic tendencies or practices among Big Tech companies like Amazon and Meta.

Stewart also confirmed previous reports that AI was a sensitive topic for Apple. “They wouldn’t let us do that dumb thing we did in the first act on AI,” he said, referring to the desk monologue segment that preceded the Khan interview in the episode.

The segment on AI in the first act of the episode mocked various tech executives for their utopian framing of AI and interspersed those claims with acknowledgments from many of the same leaders that AI would replace many people’s jobs. (It did not mention Apple or its leadership, though.)

Stewart and The Daily Show‘s staff also included clips of current tech leaders suggesting that workers be retrained to work with or on AI when their current roles are disrupted by it. That was followed by a montage of US political leaders promising to retrain workers after various technological and economic disruptions over the years, with the implication that those retraining efforts were rarely as successful as promised.

The segment effectively lampooned some of the doublespeak about AI, though Stewart stopped short of venturing any solutions or alternatives to the current path, so it mostly just prompted outrage and laughs.

The Daily Show host Jon Stewart’s segment criticizing tech and political leaders on the topic of AI.

Apple currently uses AI-related technologies in its software, services, and devices, but so far it has not launched anything tapping into generative AI, which is the new frontier in AI that has attracted worry, optimism, and criticism from various parties.

However, the company is expected to roll out its first generative AI features as part of iOS 18, a new operating system update for iPhones. iOS 18 will likely be detailed during Apple’s annual developer conference in June and will reach users’ devices sometime in the fall.

Listing image by Paramount

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Data broker allegedly selling de-anonymized info to face FTC lawsuit after all

Data broker allegedly selling de-anonymized info to face FTC lawsuit after all

The Federal Trade Commission has succeeded in keeping alive its first federal court case against a geolocation data broker that’s allegedly unfairly selling large quantities of data in violation of the FTC Act.

On Saturday, US District Judge Lynn Winmill denied Kochava’s motion to dismiss an amended FTC complaint, which he said plausibly argued that “Kochava’s data sales invade consumers’ privacy and expose them to risks of secondary harms by third parties.”

Winmill’s ruling reversed a dismissal of the FTC’s initial complaint, which the court previously said failed to adequately allege that Kochava’s data sales cause or are likely to cause a “substantial” injury to consumers.

The FTC has accused Kochava of selling “a substantial amount of data obtained from millions of mobile devices across the world”—allegedly combining precise geolocation data with a “staggering amount of sensitive and identifying information” without users’ knowledge or informed consent. This data, the FTC alleged, “is not anonymized and is linked or easily linkable to individual consumers” without mining “other sources of data.”

Kochava’s data sales allegedly allow its customers—whom the FTC noted often pay tens of thousands of dollars monthly—to target specific individuals by combining Kochava data sets. Using just Kochava data, marketers can create “highly granular” portraits of ad targets such as “a woman who visits a particular building, the woman’s name, email address, and home address, and whether the woman is African-American, a parent (and if so, how many children), or has an app identifying symptoms of cancer on her phone.” Just one of Kochava’s databases “contains ‘comprehensive profiles of individual consumers,’ with up to ‘300 data points’ for ‘over 300 million unique individuals,'” the FTC reported.

This harms consumers, the FTC alleged, in “two distinct ways”—by invading their privacy and by causing “an increased risk of suffering secondary harms, such as stigma, discrimination, physical violence, and emotional distress.”

In its amended complaint, the FTC overcame deficiencies in its initial complaint by citing specific examples of consumers already known to have been harmed by brokers sharing sensitive data without their consent. That included a Catholic priest who resigned after he was outed by a group using precise mobile geolocation data to track his personal use of Grindr and his movements to “LGBTQ+-associated locations.” The FTC also pointed to invasive practices by journalists using precise mobile geolocation data to identify and track military and law enforcement officers over time, as well as data brokers tracking “abortion-minded women” who visited reproductive health clinics to target them with ads about abortion and alternatives to abortion.

“Kochava’s practices intrude into the most private areas of consumers’ lives and cause or are likely to cause substantial injury to consumers,” the FTC’s amended complaint said.

The FTC is seeking a permanent injunction to stop Kochava from allegedly selling sensitive data without user consent.

Kochava considers the examples of consumer harms in the FTC’s amended complaint as “anecdotes” disconnected from its own activities. The data broker was seemingly so confident that Winmill would agree to dismiss the FTC’s amended complaint that the company sought sanctions against the FTC for what it construed as a “baseless” filing. According to Kochava, many of the FTC’s allegations were “knowingly false.”

Ultimately, the court found no evidence that the FTC’s complaints were baseless. Instead of dismissing the case and ordering the FTC to pay sanctions, Winmill wrote in his order that Kochava’s motion to dismiss “misses the point” of the FTC’s filing, which was to allege that Kochava’s data sales are “likely” to cause alleged harms. Because the FTC had “significantly” expanded factual allegations, the agency “easily” satisfied the plausibility standard to allege substantial harms were likely, Winmill said.

Kochava CEO and founder Charles Manning said in a statement provided to Ars that Kochava “expected” Winmill’s ruling and is “confident” that Kochava “will prevail on the merits.”

“This case is really about the FTC attempting to make an end-run around Congress to create data privacy law,” Manning said. “The FTC’s salacious hypotheticals in its amended complaint are mere scare tactics. Kochava has always operated consistently and proactively in compliance with all rules and laws, including those specific to privacy.”

In a press release announcing the FTC lawsuit in 2022, the director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection, Samuel Levine, said that the FTC was determined to halt Kochava’s allegedly harmful data sales.

“Where consumers seek out health care, receive counseling, or celebrate their faith is private information that shouldn’t be sold to the highest bidder,” Levine said. “The FTC is taking Kochava to court to protect people’s privacy and halt the sale of their sensitive geolocation information.”

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