libel law


Elon Musk’s Grok keeps making up fake news based on X users’ jokes

It’s all jokes until it isn’t —

X likely hopes to avoid liability with disclaimer that Grok “can make mistakes.”

Elon Musk’s Grok keeps making up fake news based on X users’ jokes

X’s chatbot Grok is supposed to be an AI engine crunching the platform’s posts to surface and summarize breaking news, but this week, Grok’s flaws were once again exposed when the chatbot got confused and falsely accused an NBA star of criminal vandalism.

“Klay Thompson Accused in Bizarre Brick-Vandalism Spree,” Grok’s headline read in an AI-powered trending-tab post that has remained on X (formerly Twitter) for days. Beneath the headline, Grok went into even more detail to support its fake reporting:

In a bizarre turn of events, NBA star Klay Thompson has been accused of vandalizing multiple houses with bricks in Sacramento. Authorities are investigating the claims after several individuals reported their houses being damaged, with windows shattered by bricks. Klay Thompson has not yet issued a statement regarding the accusations. The incidents have left the community shaken, but no injuries were reported. The motive behind the alleged vandalism remains unclear.

Grok appears to be confusing a common basketball term, where players are said to be throwing “bricks” when they take an airball shot that doesn’t hit the rim. According to SF Gate, which was one of the first outlets to report the Grok error, Thompson had an “all-time rough shooting” night, hitting none of his shots on what was his emotional last game with the Golden State Warriors before becoming an unrestricted free agent.

In small type under Grok’s report, X includes a disclaimer saying, “Grok is an early feature and can make mistakes. Verify its outputs.”

But instead of verifying Grok’s outputs, it appeared that X users—in the service’s famously joke-y spirit—decided to fuel Grok’s misinformation. Under the post, X users, some NBA fans, commented with fake victim reports, using the same joke format to seemingly convince Grok that “several individuals reported their houses being damaged.” Some of these joking comments were viewed by millions.

First off… I am ok.

My house was vandalized by bricks 🧱

After my hands stopped shaking, I managed to call the Sheriff…They were quick to respond🚨

My window was gone and the police asked if I knew who did it👮‍♂️

I said yes, it was Klay Thompson

— LakeShowYo (@LakeShowYo) April 17, 2024

First off…I am ok.

My house was vandalized by bricks in Sacramento.

After my hands stopped shaking, I managed to call the Sheriff, they were quick to respond.

My window is gone, the police asked me if I knew who did it.

I said yes, it was Klay Thompson.

— KeeganMuse (@KeegMuse) April 17, 2024

First off… I am ok.

My house was vandalized by bricks 🧱

After my hands stopped shaking, I managed to call the Sheriff…They were quick to respond🚨

My window was gone and the police asked if I knew who did it👮‍♂️

I said yes, it was Klay Thompson

— JJJ Muse (@JarenJJMuse) April 17, 2024

X did not immediately respond to Ars’ request for comment or confirm if the post will be corrected or taken down.

In the past, both Microsoft and chatbot maker OpenAI have faced defamation lawsuits over similar fabrications in which ChatGPT falsely accused a politician and a radio host of completely made-up criminal histories. Microsoft was also sued by an aerospace professor who Bing Chat falsely labeled a terrorist.

Experts told Ars that it remains unclear if disclaimers like X’s will spare companies from liability should more people decide to sue over fake AI outputs. Defamation claims might depend on proving that platforms “knowingly” publish false statements, which disclaimers suggest they do. Last July, the Federal Trade Commission launched an investigation into OpenAI, demanding that the company address the FTC’s fears of “false, misleading, or disparaging” AI outputs.

Because the FTC doesn’t comment on its investigations, it’s impossible to know if its probe will impact how OpenAI conducts business.

For people suing AI companies, the urgency of protecting against false outputs seems obvious. Last year, the radio host suing OpenAI, Mark Walters, accused the company of “sticking its head in the sand” and “recklessly disregarding whether the statements were false under circumstances when they knew that ChatGPT’s hallucinations were pervasive and severe.”

X just released Grok to all premium users this month, TechCrunch reported, right around the time that X began giving away premium access to the platform’s top users. During that wider rollout, X touted Grok’s new ability to summarize all trending news and topics, perhaps stoking interest in this feature and peaking Grok usage just before Grok spat out the potentially defamatory post about the NBA star.

Thompson has not issued any statements on Grok’s fake reporting.

Grok’s false post about Thompson may be the first widely publicized example of potential defamation from Grok, but it wasn’t the first time that Grok promoted fake news in response to X users joking around on the platform. During the solar eclipse, a Grok-generated headline read, “Sun’s Odd Behavior: Experts Baffled,” Gizmodo reported.

While it’s amusing to some X users to manipulate Grok, the pattern suggests that Grok may also be vulnerable to being manipulated by bad actors into summarizing and spreading more serious misinformation or propaganda. That’s apparently already happening, too. In early April, Grok made up a headline about Iran attacking Israel with heavy missiles, Mashable reported.

Elon Musk’s Grok keeps making up fake news based on X users’ jokes Read More »


OpenAI must defend ChatGPT fabrications after failing to defeat libel suit

One false move —

ChatGPT users may soon learn whether false outputs will be allowed to ruin lives.

OpenAI must defend ChatGPT fabrications after failing to defeat libel suit

OpenAI may finally have to answer for ChatGPT’s “hallucinations” in court after a Georgia judge recently ruled against the tech company’s motion to dismiss a radio host’s defamation suit.

OpenAI had argued that ChatGPT’s output cannot be considered libel, partly because the chatbot output cannot be considered a “publication,” which is a key element of a defamation claim. In its motion to dismiss, OpenAI also argued that Georgia radio host Mark Walters could not prove that the company acted with actual malice or that anyone believed the allegedly libelous statements were true or that he was harmed by the alleged publication.

It’s too early to say whether Judge Tracie Cason found OpenAI’s arguments persuasive. In her order denying OpenAI’s motion to dismiss, which MediaPost shared here, Cason did not specify how she arrived at her decision, saying only that she had “carefully” considered arguments and applicable laws.

There may be some clues as to how Cason reached her decision in a court filing from John Monroe, attorney for Walters, when opposing the motion to dismiss last year.

Monroe had argued that OpenAI improperly moved to dismiss the lawsuit by arguing facts that have yet to be proven in court. If OpenAI intended the court to rule on those arguments, Monroe suggested that a motion for summary judgment would have been the proper step at this stage in the proceedings, not a motion to dismiss.

Had OpenAI gone that route, though, Walters would have had an opportunity to present additional evidence. To survive a motion to dismiss, all Walters had to do was show that his complaint was reasonably supported by facts, Monroe argued.

Failing to convince the court that Walters had no case, OpenAI’s legal theories regarding its liability for ChatGPT’s “hallucinations” will now likely face their first test in court.

“We are pleased the court denied the motion to dismiss so that the parties will have an opportunity to explore, and obtain a decision on, the merits of the case,” Monroe told Ars.

What’s the libel case against OpenAI?

Walters sued OpenAI after a journalist, Fred Riehl, warned him that in response to a query, ChatGPT had fabricated an entire lawsuit. Generating an entire complaint with an erroneous case number, ChatGPT falsely claimed that Walters had been accused of defrauding and embezzling funds from the Second Amendment Foundation.

Walters is the host of Armed America Radio and has a reputation as the “Loudest Voice in America Fighting For Gun Rights.” He claimed that OpenAI “recklessly” disregarded whether ChatGPT’s outputs were false, alleging that OpenAI knew that “ChatGPT’s hallucinations were pervasive and severe” and did not work to prevent allegedly libelous outputs. As Walters saw it, the false statements were serious enough to be potentially career-damaging, “tending to injure Walter’s reputation and exposing him to public hatred, contempt, or ridicule.”

Monroe argued that Walters had “adequately stated a claim” of libel, per se, as a private citizen, “for which relief may be granted under Georgia law” where “malice is inferred” in “all actions for defamation” but “may be rebutted” by OpenAI.

Pushing back, OpenAI argued that Walters was a public figure who must prove that OpenAI acted with “actual malice” when allowing ChatGPT to produce allegedly harmful outputs. But Monroe told the court that OpenAI “has not shown sufficient facts to establish that Walters is a general public figure.”

Whether or not Walters is a public figure could be another key question leading Cason to rule against OpenAI’s motion to dismiss.

Perhaps also frustrating the court, OpenAI introduced “a large amount of material” in its motion to dismiss that fell outside the scope of the complaint, Monroe argued. That included pointing to a disclaimer in ChatGPT’s terms of use that warns users that ChatGPT’s responses may not be accurate and should be verified before publishing. According to OpenAI, this disclaimer makes Riehl the “owner” of any libelous ChatGPT responses to his queries.

“A disclaimer does not make an otherwise libelous statement non-libelous,” Monroe argued. And even if the disclaimer made Riehl liable for publishing the ChatGPT output—an argument that may give some ChatGPT users pause before querying—”that responsibility does not have the effect of negating the responsibility of the original publisher of the material,” Monroe argued.

Additionally, OpenAI referenced a conversation between Walters and OpenAI, even though Monroe said that the complaint “does not allege that Walters ever had a chat” with OpenAI. And OpenAI also somewhat oddly argued that ChatGPT outputs could be considered “intra-corporate communications” rather than publications, suggesting that ChatGPT users could be considered private contractors when querying the chatbot.

With the lawsuit moving forward, curious chatbot users everywhere may finally get the answer to a question that has been unclear since ChatGPT quickly became the fastest-growing consumer application of all time after its launch in November 2022: Will ChatGPT’s hallucinations be allowed to ruin lives?

In the meantime, the FTC is seemingly still investigating potential harms caused by ChatGPT’s “false, misleading, or disparaging” generations.

An FTC spokesperson previously told Ars that the FTC does not generally comment on nonpublic investigations.

OpenAI did not immediately respond to Ars’ request to comment.

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