chrome incognito


Google agrees to delete Incognito data despite prior claim that’s “impossible”

Deleting files —

What a lawyer calls “a historic step,” Google considers not that “significant.”

Google agrees to delete Incognito data despite prior claim that’s “impossible”

To settle a class-action dispute over Chrome’s “Incognito” mode, Google has agreed to delete billions of data records reflecting users’ private browsing activities.

In a statement provided to Ars, users’ lawyer, David Boies, described the settlement as “a historic step in requiring honesty and accountability from dominant technology companies.” Based on Google’s insights, users’ lawyers valued the settlement between $4.75 billion and $7.8 billion, the Monday court filing said.

Under the settlement, Google agreed to delete class-action members’ private browsing data collected in the past, as well as to “maintain a change to Incognito mode that enables Incognito users to block third-party cookies by default.” This, plaintiffs’ lawyers noted, “ensures additional privacy for Incognito users going forward, while limiting the amount of data Google collects from them” over the next five years. Plaintiffs’ lawyers said that this means that “Google will collect less data from users’ private browsing sessions” and “Google will make less money from the data.”

“The settlement stops Google from surreptitiously collecting user data worth, by Google’s own estimates, billions of dollars,” Boies said. “Moreover, the settlement requires Google to delete and remediate, in unprecedented scope and scale, the data it improperly collected in the past.”

Google had already updated disclosures to users, changing the splash screen displayed “at the beginning of every Incognito session” to inform users that Google was still collecting private browsing data. Under the settlement, those disclosures to all users must be completed by March 31, after which the disclosures must remain. Google also agreed to “no longer track people’s choice to browse privately,” and the court filing said that “Google cannot roll back any of these important changes.”

Notably, the settlement does not award monetary damages to class members. Instead, Google agreed that class members retain “rights to sue Google individually for damages” through arbitration, which, users’ lawyers wrote, “is important given the significant statutory damages available under the federal and state wiretap statutes.”

“These claims remain available for every single class member, and a very large number of class members recently filed and are continuing to file complaints in California state court individually asserting those damages claims in their individual capacities,” the court filing said.

While “Google supports final approval of the settlement,” the company “disagrees with the legal and factual characterizations contained in the motion,” the court filing said. Google spokesperson José Castañeda told Ars that the tech giant thinks that the “data being deleted isn’t as significant” as Boies represents, confirming that Google was “pleased to settle this lawsuit, which we always believed was meritless.”

“The plaintiffs originally wanted $5 billion and are receiving zero,” Castañeda said. “We never associate data with users when they use Incognito mode. We are happy to delete old technical data that was never associated with an individual and was never used for any form of personalization.”

While Castañeda said that Google was happy to delete the data, a footnote in the court filing noted that initially, “Google claimed in the litigation that it was impossible to identify (and therefore delete) private browsing data because of how it stored data.” Now, under the settlement, however, Google has agreed “to remediate 100 percent of the data set at issue.”

Mitigation efforts include deleting fields Google used to detect users in Incognito mode, “partially redacting IP addresses,” and deleting “detailed URLs, which will prevent Google from knowing the specific pages on a website a user visited when in private browsing mode.” Keeping “only the domain-level portion of the URL (i.e., only the name of the website) will vastly improve user privacy by preventing Google (or anyone who gets their hands on the data) from knowing precisely what users were browsing,” the court filing said.

Because Google did not oppose the motion for final approval, US District Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers is expected to issue an order approving the settlement on July 30.

Google agrees to delete Incognito data despite prior claim that’s “impossible” Read More »


Chrome updates Incognito warning to admit Google tracks users in “private” mode

A bunch of Google logos are displayed on a computer screen. A magnifying glass shows a closeup of some of the logos which include the icon for Google Chrome's Incognito browsing mode.

Getty Images | Anadolu

Google is updating the warning on Chrome’s Incognito mode to make it clear that Google and websites run by other companies can still collect your data in the web browser’s semi-private mode.

The change is being made as Google prepares to settle a class-action lawsuit that accuses the firm of privacy violations related to Chrome’s Incognito mode. The expanded warning was recently added to Chrome Canary, a nightly build for developers. The warning appears to directly address one of the lawsuit’s complaints, that the Incognito mode’s warning doesn’t make it clear that Google collects data from users of the private mode.

Many tech-savvy people already know that while private modes in web browsers prevent some data from being stored on your device, they don’t prevent tracking by websites or Internet service providers. But many other people may not understand exactly what Incognito mode does, so the more specific warning could help educate users.

The new warning seen in Chrome Canary when you open an incognito window says: “You’ve gone Incognito. Others who use this device won’t see your activity, so you can browse more privately. This won’t change how data is collected by websites you visit and the services they use, including Google.” The wording could be interpreted to refer to Google websites and third-party websites, including third-party websites that rely on Google ad services.

The new warning was not yet in the developer, beta, and stable branches of Chrome as of today. It also wasn’t in Chromium. The change to Canary was previously reported by MSPowerUser.

“Now you can browse privately”

Incognito mode in the stable version of Chrome still says: “You’ve gone Incognito. Now you can browse privately, and other people who use this device won’t see your activity.” Among other changes, the Canary warning replaces “browse privately” with “browse more privately.”

The stable and Canary warnings both say that your browsing activity might still be visible to “websites you visit,” “your employer or school,” or “your Internet service provider.” But only the Canary warning currently includes the caveat that Incognito mode “won’t change how data is collected by websites you visit and the services they use, including Google.”

The old and new warnings both say that Incognito mode prevents Chrome from saving your browsing history, cookies and site data, and information entered in forms, but that “downloads, bookmarks and reading list items will be saved.” Both warnings link to this page, which provides more detail on Incognito mode.

We asked Google when the warning will be added to Chrome’s stable channel and whether the change is mandated by or related to the pending settlement of the privacy class-action suit. Google didn’t provide specific answers but offered this statement: “We’re pleased to resolve this case which we’ve long disputed, and provide even more information to users about Incognito mode. Incognito mode in Chrome will continue to give people the choice to browse the Internet without their activity being saved to their browser or device.”

The litigation in US District Court for the Northern District of California began in June 2020. On December 26, 2023, Google and the plaintiffs announced that they reached a settlement that they planned to present to the court for approval within 60 days. A jury trial was previously scheduled to begin on February 5.

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