Calling all Ars readers! Your feedback is needed.

Many of you know that most of our staff is spread out all over these United States, but what you might not know is that it has been more than five years since many of us saw each other in meatspace. Travel budgets and the pandemic conspired to keep us apart, but we are finally gathering Team Ars in New York City later this week. We’d love for you to be there, too, in spirit. 

As we gear up for our big fall meeting, we want to hear from you! We’ve set up a special email address, [email protected], just for reader feedback. We won’t harvest your email for spam or some nonsense—we just want to hear from you. 

What would we like to hear about? We’re eager to know your thoughts on what we’re doing right, where we could improve, and what you’d like to see more (or less) of. What topics do you think we should be covering that we aren’t? Are we hitting the right balance in our reporting? Is there too much doom and gloom, or not enough? Feel free to be as specific and loquacious as you wish. 

This is your chance to speak directly to us and influence our future direction. While we welcome comments on this post, emailing your feedback to [email protected] will help us better organize and address your thoughts during our meeting.

Thanks in advance for helping us make Ars even better!